[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12836
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 20 10:58:28 MDT 2018
nancy at ucar.edu
2018-09-20 10:58:28 -0600 (Thu, 20 Sep 2018)
temporarily add the example code from the rttov
distribution, and a sample data table that's used
by the code.
Added: DART/branches/radiance/observations/forward_operators/radiance_fwd_example.F90
--- DART/branches/radiance/observations/forward_operators/radiance_fwd_example.F90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/radiance/observations/forward_operators/radiance_fwd_example.F90 2018-09-20 16:58:28 UTC (rev 12836)
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+! example call to the forward operator for radiances.
+! needs rttov libs, include files.
+! needs to be preprocessed.
+! Description:
+!> @file
+!! Example calling direct model clear-sky simulation.
+!> @brief
+!! Example calling direct model clear-sky simulation.
+!! @details
+!! This example is most easily run using the run_example_fwd.sh
+!! script (see the user guide).
+!! This program requires the following files:
+!! the file containing input profiles (e.g. prof.dat)
+!! the RTTOV optical depth coefficient file
+!! The output is written to a file called example_fwd_output.dat
+!! This program demonstrates the most simple kind of RTTOV simulation.
+!! You may wish to base your own code on this example in which case you
+!! should edit in particular the sections of code marked as follows:
+!! !================================
+!! !======Read =====start===========
+!! code to be modified
+!! !======Read ===== end ===========
+!! !================================
+! Copyright:
+! This software was developed within the context of
+! the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
+! Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the
+! Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between
+! EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners
+! within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are
+! the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and MeteoFrance.
+! Copyright 2017, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved.
+PROGRAM example_fwd
+ ! rttov_const contains useful RTTOV constants
+ USE rttov_const, ONLY : &
+ errorstatus_success, &
+ errorstatus_fatal, &
+ platform_name, &
+ inst_name
+ ! rttov_types contains definitions of all RTTOV data types
+ USE rttov_types, ONLY : &
+ rttov_options, &
+ rttov_coefs, &
+ rttov_profile, &
+ rttov_transmission, &
+ rttov_radiance, &
+ rttov_chanprof, &
+ rttov_emissivity, &
+ rttov_reflectance
+ ! jpim, jprb and jplm are the RTTOV integer, real and logical KINDs
+ USE parkind1, ONLY : jpim, jprb, jplm
+ USE rttov_unix_env, ONLY : rttov_exit
+#include "rttov_direct.interface"
+#include "rttov_parallel_direct.interface"
+#include "rttov_read_coefs.interface"
+#include "rttov_dealloc_coefs.interface"
+#include "rttov_alloc_direct.interface"
+#include "rttov_user_options_checkinput.interface"
+#include "rttov_print_opts.interface"
+#include "rttov_print_profile.interface"
+#include "rttov_skipcommentline.interface"
+ !--------------------------
+ !
+ INTEGER(KIND=jpim), PARAMETER :: iup = 20 ! unit for input profile file
+ INTEGER(KIND=jpim), PARAMETER :: ioout = 21 ! unit for output
+ ! RTTOV variables/structures
+ !====================
+ TYPE(rttov_options) :: opts ! Options structure
+ TYPE(rttov_coefs) :: coefs ! Coefficients structure
+ TYPE(rttov_chanprof), POINTER :: chanprof(:) => NULL() ! Input channel/profile list
+ LOGICAL(KIND=jplm), POINTER :: calcemis(:) => NULL() ! Flag to indicate calculation of emissivity within RTTOV
+ TYPE(rttov_emissivity), POINTER :: emissivity(:) => NULL() ! Input/output surface emissivity
+ LOGICAL(KIND=jplm), POINTER :: calcrefl(:) => NULL() ! Flag to indicate calculation of BRDF within RTTOV
+ TYPE(rttov_reflectance), POINTER :: reflectance(:) => NULL() ! Input/output surface BRDF
+ TYPE(rttov_profile), POINTER :: profiles(:) => NULL() ! Input profiles
+ TYPE(rttov_transmission) :: transmission ! Output transmittances
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