[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12903
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Fri Oct 12 11:08:16 MDT 2018
raeder at ucar.edu
2018-10-12 11:08:15 -0600 (Fri, 12 Oct 2018)
The first presentable version of a script to start a single instance
forecast from a single member of a multi-instance forecast,
as is generated by assimilation runs.
It can build a 'hybrid' case, which uses the CAM initial file to start,
just like the assimilations, or a 'branch' case, which will do an
exact restart from the CAM restart file.
This will be useful for seeing what effects the initialization
procedure has.
The script has been tested to build both cases,
but the cases have not been run (except for an earlier version of the
script, for a 'branch' case).
It has not been reviewed.
Added: DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/shell_scripts/cesm2_0/setup_single_from_ens
--- DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/shell_scripts/cesm2_0/setup_single_from_ens (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/shell_scripts/cesm2_0/setup_single_from_ens 2018-10-12 17:08:15 UTC (rev 12903)
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+#!/bin/csh -f
+# The job name should be the name of this script(file),
+# or this file may not be archived in $caseroot causing DART_config to fail.
+#PBS -N setup_single_from_ens
+#PBS -A P86850054
+# #PBS -A your_account_there
+# #PBS -q shared_node_queue_for_this_setup_script
+#PBS -q share
+# Resources I want:
+# select=#nodes
+# ncpus=#CPUs/node
+# mpiprocs=#MPI_tasks/node
+#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mpiprocs=2
+#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
+# Send email after a(bort) or e(nd)
+#PBS -m ae
+#PBS -M you at email.org
+# #PBS -M raeder at ucar.edu
+# Send standard output and error to this file.
+# It's helpful to use the $casename here.
+#PBS -o Debug_hybrid.bld1
+#PBS -j oe
+# ---------------------
+# Purpose
+# This script is designed to set up, stage, and build a single-instance run
+# of CESM2 using an Fxxx compset, in which CAM, CLM, and CICE are active
+# and the initial conditions are taken froma single instance of a
+# multi-instance CAM forecast (the "reference case" or "REFCASE").
+# The case described here should have the exact same set of active physics
+# as the REFCASE, so that the restart files have matching lists of variables.
+# ==============================================================================
+# case options:
+# case The value of "case" will be used many ways; directory and file
+# names both locally and on HPSS, and script names; so consider
+# its length and information content.
+# compset Defines the vertical resolution and physics packages to be used.
+# Must be a standard CESM compset; see the CESM documentation.
+# compset_args The local variable passed to create_newcase, which contains $compset
+# and any signal(s) that this compset is non-standard.
+# resolution Defines the horizontal resolution and dynamics; see CESM docs.
+# T85 ... eulerian at ~ 1 degree
+# ne30np4_gx1v6 ... SE core at ~ 1 degree
+# f09_f09 ... FV core at ~ 1 degree
+# BUG 1384 may apply, check if ocean and atm/land must be at same resolution.
+# Notes about the creation of the 0.25x0.25 ocean + 1deg FV resolution are in
+# /glade/work/raeder/Models/CAM_init/SST/README"
+# user_grid Tells create_newcase whether $resolution has any user defined grids,
+# such as the high resolution SST grid, and where to find the definition of that resolution.
+# cesmtag The version of the CESM source code to use when building the code.
+# A directory with this name must exist in your home directory,
+# and have SourceMods in it. See the SourceMods section.
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/pub/DART/CESM/README
+# sourcemods DART no longer requires a SourceMods directory in order to work with CESM.
+# If you have modifications to CESM, they should be provided in a
+# CESM-structured SourceMods directory, which this script expects to be in
+# $user/$cesmtag/SourceMods.
+# ==============================================================================
+setenv case Debug_hybrid
+# setenv compset F2000_DEV
+setenv compset_args "--run-unsupported --compset $compset"
+# A grid long name may need to be in the --res argument,
+# even if an alias is defined for the user's grid.
+# (2018-10-11 create_newcase --help says a long name must be used,
+# but that is incorrect according ot Jim Edwards and experience;
+# an alias must be used.)
+# set resolution = a%0.9x1.25_l%0.9x1.25_oi%d.25x.25_r%r05_m%d.25x.25_g%null_%null
+setenv resolution f09_d025
+# CESM2; set user_grid to '' to use standard SST files
+# or '--user-grid' for hi-res (user-defined)
+set user_grid = '--user-grid'
+if ($user_grid !~ '') then
+ # --gridfile must have the name of a config_grids.xml file
+ # which has the user's grid installed in it.
+ set user_grid = "${user_grid} --gridfile /glade/work/raeder/Models/CAM_init/SST"
+ set user_grid = "${user_grid}/config_grids+fv1+2deg_oi0.25_gland20.xml"
+ # If the glc/CISM resolution is changed, also change GLC_GRID below.
+echo "user_grid is $user_grid"
+setenv cesmtag cesm2_0
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