[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12656
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 12 13:10:29 MDT 2018
hendric at ucar.edu
2018-06-12 13:10:29 -0600 (Tue, 12 Jun 2018)
updating html page and general code cleanup.
Modified: DART/branches/rma_fill_inf/assimilation_code/programs/fill_inflation_restart/fill_inflation_restart.f90
--- DART/branches/rma_fill_inf/assimilation_code/programs/fill_inflation_restart/fill_inflation_restart.f90 2018-06-12 16:52:48 UTC (rev 12655)
+++ DART/branches/rma_fill_inf/assimilation_code/programs/fill_inflation_restart/fill_inflation_restart.f90 2018-06-12 19:10:29 UTC (rev 12656)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
get_calendar_type, NO_CALENDAR
use ensemble_manager_mod, only : init_ensemble_manager, ensemble_type, get_copy, &
- map_pe_to_task, map_task_to_pe
+ map_pe_to_task, map_task_to_pe, end_ensemble_manager
use state_vector_io_mod, only : state_vector_io_init, read_state, write_state
use state_structure_mod, only : state_structure_info, get_model_variable_indices, &
@@ -74,55 +74,54 @@
! all filenames for ensemble members for domain 2, etc
integer, parameter :: MAX_FILES = 1000
+integer, parameter :: ss_inflate_index = 1
+integer, parameter :: ss_inflate_sd_index = 2
! The namelist variables
-logical :: single_file = .false.
-integer :: num_ens = 2 !#! {prior,posterior}_inf_{mean,sd}
-character(len=256) :: input_state_files(MAX_FILES) = 'null'
-character(len=256) :: output_state_files(MAX_FILES) = 'null'
-logical :: write_prior_inf, write_post_inf = .false.
-logical :: verbose = .FALSE.
+logical :: single_file = .false.
+integer :: nens = 2 !{prior,posterior}_inf_{mean,sd}
+character(len=256) :: input_state_files(MAX_FILES) = ''
+logical :: write_prior_inf = .FALSE.
+real(r8) :: prior_inf_mean = MISSING_R8
+real(r8) :: prior_inf_sd = MISSING_R8
+logical :: write_post_inf = .FALSE.
+real(r8) :: post_inf_mean = MISSING_R8
+real(r8) :: post_inf_sd = MISSING_R8
+logical :: verbose = .FALSE.
-real(r8) :: prior_inf_mean = MISSING_R8
-real(r8) :: prior_inf_sd = MISSING_R8
-real(r8) :: post_inf_mean = MISSING_R8
-real(r8) :: post_inf_sd = MISSING_R8
-integer :: ss_inflate_index = 1
-integer :: ss_inflate_sd_index = 2
+namelist /fill_inflation_restart_nml/ &
+ prior_inf_mean, prior_inf_sd, &
+ post_inf_mean, post_inf_sd, verbose, &
+ write_prior_inf, write_post_inf, &
+ input_state_files, &
+ single_file
-!>@todo FIXME
-! output_state_files shouldn't be in the namelist, right? we hardcode this now.
-! in the multi-file case we have fixed names. in the single-file case we can
-! update whatever they give us as input.
-namelist /fill_inflation_restart_nml/ prior_inf_mean, prior_inf_sd, &
- post_inf_mean, post_inf_sd, verbose, &
- write_prior_inf, write_post_inf, &
- input_state_files, output_state_files, single_file
! io variables
integer :: iunit, io
-integer, allocatable :: ios_out(:)
-type(file_info_type) :: file_info_input, file_info_output
-type(stage_metadata_type) :: input_restart_files, output_restart_files
-logical :: read_time_from_file = .true.
+type(file_info_type) :: file_info_input
+type(file_info_type) :: file_info_output
+type(stage_metadata_type) :: input_restart_files
+type(stage_metadata_type) :: output_restart_files
! model state variables
type(ensemble_type) :: ens_handle
type(time_type) :: model_time
integer(i8) :: model_size
-real(r8), allocatable :: interp_vals(:)
+logical :: read_time_from_file = .true.
-! misc. variables
-integer :: idom, imem, num_domains, idomain
+! counter variables
+integer :: idom, imem, ndomains
! message strings
character(len=512) :: my_base, my_desc, my_stage
character(len=512) :: string1, string2, string3
-character(len=256), allocatable :: file_array_input(:,:), file_array_output(:,:)
+character(len=256), allocatable :: file_array_input(:,:)
+character(len=256), allocatable :: file_array_output(:,:)
! start of executable code
@@ -152,19 +151,24 @@
! Set up the ensemble storage and read in the restart file
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