[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12338

dart at ucar.edu dart at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 16 14:03:56 MST 2018

nancy at ucar.edu
2018-01-16 14:03:54 -0700 (Tue, 16 Jan 2018)
these are older and not needed anymore.

Deleted: DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/work/input_1.nml
--- DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/work/input_1.nml	2018-01-16 20:53:52 UTC (rev 12337)
+++ DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/work/input_1.nml	2018-01-16 21:03:54 UTC (rev 12338)
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-   write_binary_restart_files = .true.
-   netcdf_large_file_support  = .true.
-  /
-   filter_kind                     = 1
-   cutoff                          = 0.20
-   sort_obs_inc                    = .false.
-   spread_restoration              = .false.
-   sampling_error_correction       = .true.
-   print_every_nth_obs             = 3000
-   adaptive_localization_threshold = -1
-   /
-   cam_to_dart_input_file  = 'caminput.nc'
-   cam_to_dart_output_file = 'dart_ics'
-   /
-   select_localization = 1
-   /
-   dart_to_cam_input_file  = 'dart_restart'
-   dart_to_cam_output_file = 'caminput.nc'
-   advance_time_present    = .false.
-   /
-   single_restart_file_in  = .true.
-   single_restart_file_out = .false.
-   perturbation_amplitude  = 0.0
-   layout                  = 1
-   tasks_per_node          = 1 
-   /
-   async                       = 0
-   tasks_per_model_advance     = 1
-   adv_ens_command             = "no_model_advance"
-   ens_size                    = 80
-   start_from_restart          = .false.
-   output_restart              = .true.
-   obs_sequence_in_name        = "obs_seq.out"
-   obs_sequence_out_name       = "obs_seq.final"
-   restart_in_file_name        = "filter_ic_old.0001"
-   restart_out_file_name       = "filter_ic_new"
-   init_time_days              = -1
-   init_time_seconds           = -1
-   first_obs_days              = -1
-   first_obs_seconds           = -1
-   last_obs_days               = -1
-   last_obs_seconds            = -1
-   num_output_state_members    = 80
-   num_output_obs_members      = 0
-   output_interval             = 1
-   num_groups                  = 1
-   input_qc_threshold          = 4.0
-   outlier_threshold           = 3.0
-   output_inflation            = .false.
-   output_timestamps           = .true.
-   output_forward_op_errors    = .false.
-   trace_execution             = .false.
-   silence                     = .false.
-   inf_flavor                  = 0,                       0
-   inf_initial_from_restart    = .false.,                 .false.
-   inf_sd_initial_from_restart = .false.,                 .false.
-   inf_output_restart          = .true.,                  .true.
-   inf_deterministic           = .true.,                  .true.
-   inf_in_file_name            = 'prior_inf_ic_old',      'post_inf_ic_old'
-   inf_out_file_name           = 'prior_inf_ic_new',      'post_inf_ic_new'
-   inf_diag_file_name          = 'prior_inf_diag',        'post_inf_diag'
-   inf_initial                 = 1.0,                     1.0
-   inf_sd_initial              = 0.1,                     0.1
-   inf_damping                 = 1.0,                     1.0
-   inf_lower_bound             = 1.0,                     1.0
-   inf_upper_bound             = 1000.0,                  1000.0
-   inf_sd_lower_bound          = 0.1,                     0.0
-   /
-   horiz_dist_only             = .false.
-   vert_normalization_pressure = 100000.0
-   vert_normalization_height   = 10000.0
-   vert_normalization_level    = 26.0
-   approximate_distance        = .true.
-   nlon                        = 141

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