[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 11722

dart at ucar.edu dart at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 13 16:40:46 MDT 2017

sergey.frolov at nrlmry.navy.mil
2017-06-13 16:40:45 -0600 (Tue, 13 Jun 2017)
temporaraly share input.nml

Added: DART/branches/coamps/models/coamps_nest/work/input.nml
--- DART/branches/coamps/models/coamps_nest/work/input.nml	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/coamps/models/coamps_nest/work/input.nml	2017-06-13 22:40:45 UTC (rev 11722)
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+   start_from_restart    = .true.,
+   output_restart        = .true.,
+   async                 = 2,
+   init_time_days        = -1,
+   init_time_seconds     = -1,
+   first_obs_days        = -1,
+   first_obs_seconds     = -1,
+   last_obs_days         = -1,
+   last_obs_seconds      = -1,
+   output_interval       = 1,
+   restart_in_file_name  = "perfect_ics",
+   restart_out_file_name = "perfect_restart",
+   obs_seq_in_file_name  = "obs_seq.in",
+   obs_seq_out_file_name = "obs_seq.out",
+   adv_ens_command       = "./perfect_wrapper.csh"  /
+   async                    = 4,
+   adv_ens_command          = "./advance_wrapper.csh",
+   ens_size                 = 16,
+   start_from_restart       = .false.,
+   output_restart           = .true.,
+   obs_sequence_in_name     = "obs_seq.out",
+   obs_sequence_out_name    = "obs_seq.final",
+   restart_in_file_name     = "filter_ics",
+   restart_out_file_name    = "filter_restart",
+   init_time_days           = -1,
+   init_time_seconds        = -1,
+   first_obs_days           = -1,
+   first_obs_seconds        = -1,
+   last_obs_days            = -1,
+   last_obs_seconds         = -1,
+   num_output_state_members = 0,
+   num_output_obs_members   = 0,
+   output_interval          = 1,
+   num_groups               = 1,
+   input_qc_threshold       =  4.0,
+   outlier_threshold        = -1.0,
+   output_forward_op_errors = .false.,
+   output_timestamps        = .false.,
+   output_inflation         = .true.,
+   inf_flavor                  = 0,                       0,
+   inf_initial_from_restart    = .false.,                 .false.,
+   inf_sd_initial_from_restart = .false.,                 .false.,
+   inf_output_restart          = .true.,                  .true.,
+   inf_deterministic           = .true.,                  .true.,
+   inf_in_file_name            = 'prior_inflate_ics',     'post_inflate_ics',
+   inf_out_file_name           = 'prior_inflate_restart', 'post_inflate_restart',
+   inf_diag_file_name          = 'prior_inflate_diag',    'post_inflate_diag',
+   inf_initial                 = 1.02,                    1.00,
+   inf_sd_initial              = 0.1,                     0.0,
+   inf_damping                 = 1.0,                     1.0,
+   inf_lower_bound             = 1.0,                     1.0,
+   inf_upper_bound             = 1000000.0,               1000000.0,
+   inf_sd_lower_bound          = 0.0,                     0.0
+   num_lags              = 0,
+   start_from_restart    = .false.,
+   output_restart        = .false.,
+   restart_in_file_name  = 'smoother_ics',
+   restart_out_file_name = 'smoother_restart'  /
+   filter_kind                     = 1,
+   cutoff                          = 0.0004,
+   sort_obs_inc                    = .false.,
+   spread_restoration              = .false.,
+   sampling_error_correction       = .false.,
+   adaptive_localization_threshold = -1,
+   print_every_nth_obs             = 0  /
+   select_localization = 1  /
+   write_binary_obs_sequence = .false.  /
+    input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../assimilation_code/modules/observations/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90',
+   output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../assimilation_code/modules/observations/obs_kind_mod.f90',
+     input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../observations/forward_operators/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90',
+    output_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../observations/forward_operators/obs_def_mod.f90',
+   input_files              = '../../../observations/forward_operators/obs_def_eval_mod.f90' /
+   assimilate_these_obs_types = 'EVAL_TEMPERATURE' /
+# Notes for obs_def_radar_mod_nml:
+# (1) Reflectivity limit can be applied to observations and/or state (forward operator).
+# (2) Default lowest_reflectivity values DART will use (if apply_reflectivity_limit = .true.)
+#     is missing_r8. If you want to use the default, delete the line of respective
+#     lowest_reflectivity.

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