[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 10939
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Mon Jan 23 17:43:17 MST 2017
thoar at ucar.edu
2017-01-23 17:43:16 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jan 2017)
Adding the script to convert a True_State.nc and Prior_Diag.nc to the
single-file netCDF input format.
I modified the filter_input.cdl values for the inflation sd to be a more
sensible default of 0.6 instead of their previous 0.0. When you turn inflation
off (as you must to get from the DART-format ascii input files to an identical
filter_input.nc file) the inflation values in the Prior_Diag.nc are 1.0,
and the inflation sd is 0.0
Added: DART/branches/rma_single_file/models/bgrid_solo/shell_scripts/Convert_Diags_to_restarts.csh
--- DART/branches/rma_single_file/models/bgrid_solo/shell_scripts/Convert_Diags_to_restarts.csh (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/rma_single_file/models/bgrid_solo/shell_scripts/Convert_Diags_to_restarts.csh 2017-01-24 00:43:16 UTC (rev 10939)
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+# README: you must denote all observations as 'evaluate only' and turn OFF any/all inflation.
+# To get identical values (to the existing ascii restarts), I had to change the
+# trunk/models/brid_solo/model_mod.f90 to create the diagnostic variables as nf90_double values
+# (they were nf90_real).
+# 1) takes the first timestep from True_State.nc and creates a single netCDF restart file.
+# 2) takes the first timestep from Prior_Diag.nc and creates a (multi-member) single netCDF restart file.
+# There are no posterior inflation values in this case.
+# only the non-obvious NCO tasks are explained here.
+# ncks -O -d time,0 -d copy,82 Prior_Diag.nc bob.nc rip out the right copy/copies
+# ncwa -O -a copy,0 bob.nc prior_inflation.nc removes 'copy' dimension
+# ncks -O -x -v copy,inputnml prior_inflation.nc bob.nc removes copy, inputnml variables
+# Since version control systems cannot store incremental differences, we actually convert
+# the netCDF to it's ASCII representation (a .cdl file). It's tolerable for smallish files.
+# The prior inflation standard deviation had to be hand-edited from 0 to a more meaningful 0.6
+# The prior inflation value was already a useful 1.0
+# This script will generate perfect_input.nc and filter_input.nc
+# To create the matching .cdl files is easy:
+# ncdump perfect_input.nc > perfect_input.cdl
+# ncdump filter_input.nc > filter_input.cdl
+# and to create a netCDF file from a .cdl file is also easy:
+# ncgen -o perfect_input.nc perfect_input.cdl
+# ncgen -o filter_input.nc filter_input.cdl
+# bgrid_solo - True_State.nc -> perfect_input.nc
+ncks -O -d time,0 -d copy,0 True_State.nc perfect_input.nc
+ncrename -O -d copy,member -v copy,member perfect_input.nc temp.$$.nc
+ncks -O -x -v inputnml temp.$$.nc perfect_input.nc
+# remove extraneous history, modifies a couple
+ncatted -O -h \
+ -a assim_model_source,global,d,, \
+ -a assim_model_revision,global,d,, \
+ -a assim_model_revdate,global,d,, \
+ -a netcdf_version,global,d,, \
+ -a creation_date,global,d,, \
+ -a model_source,global,d,, \
+ -a model_revision,global,d,, \
+ -a model_revdate,global,d,, \
+ -a NCO,global,d,, \
+ -a long_name,time,m,c,'valid time of the model state' \
+ -a title,global,m,c,'a spun-up model state' \
+ -a history,global,m,c,'same values as in perfect_ics r1025 (circa Dec 2004)' \
+ perfect_input.nc
+# bgrid_solo - Prior_Diag.nc -> filter_input.nc
+# Like I said, there is no posterior inflation in this test case.
+# The prior inflation mean was 1.0
+# Generate the prior inflation mean netCDF file
+ncks -O -d time,0 -d copy,82 Prior_Diag.nc temp.$$.nc
+ncwa -O -a copy,0 temp.$$.nc prior_inf_mean.$$.nc
+ncks -O -x -v copy,inputnml prior_inf_mean.$$.nc temp.$$.nc
+ncrename -O \
+ -v ps,ps_priorinf_mean \
+ -v t,t_priorinf_mean \
+ -v u,u_priorinf_mean \
+ -v v,v_priorinf_mean \
+ temp.$$.nc prior_inf_mean.$$.nc
+ncatted -O -h \
+ -a units,,d,, \
+ -a cell_methods,,d,, \
+ -a units_long_name,,d,, \
+ -a long_name,ps_priorinf_mean,m,c,'prior inflation value for surface pressure' \
+ -a long_name,t_priorinf_mean,m,c,'prior inflation value for temperature' \
+ -a long_name,u_priorinf_mean,m,c,'prior inflation value for u wind component' \
+ -a long_name,v_priorinf_mean,m,c,'prior inflation value for v wind component' \
+ prior_inf_mean.$$.nc
+# Generate the prior inflation sd netCDF file
+ncks -O -d time,0 -d copy,83 Prior_Diag.nc temp.$$.nc
+ncwa -O -a copy,0 temp.$$.nc prior_inf_sd.$$.nc
+ncks -O -x -v copy,inputnml prior_inf_sd.$$.nc temp.$$.nc
+ncrename -O \
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