[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 10908
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 17 15:36:13 MST 2017
hendric at ucar.edu
2017-01-17 15:36:13 -0700 (Tue, 17 Jan 2017)
reading a single file in for lorenz_96. very model
specific but appears to be bitwise with the trunk.
only works with a single task at the moment.
Modified: DART/branches/rma_single_file/io/io_filenames_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/rma_single_file/io/io_filenames_mod.f90 2017-01-17 22:33:50 UTC (rev 10907)
+++ DART/branches/rma_single_file/io/io_filenames_mod.f90 2017-01-17 22:36:13 UTC (rev 10908)
@@ -303,7 +303,8 @@
integer :: nlines, icopy, iunit, ios, idom
integer :: offset
-if (my_copy_start <= 0) return
+if (my_copy_start <= 0) return
+if (file_info%single_file) return
offset = my_copy_start - 1
Modified: DART/branches/rma_single_file/io/state_vector_io_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/rma_single_file/io/state_vector_io_mod.f90 2017-01-17 22:33:50 UTC (rev 10907)
+++ DART/branches/rma_single_file/io/state_vector_io_mod.f90 2017-01-17 22:36:13 UTC (rev 10908)
@@ -186,6 +186,12 @@
logical :: inflation_handles = .false.
+! NetCDF IO variables
+integer :: ncid, varid, ret, icopy, ivar, istart, iend
+integer :: ens_size = 20
+character(len=256) :: fname
+real(r8) :: var_block(40) !>todo remove hard-coded
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call state_vector_io_init() ! to read the namelist
! check whether file_info handle is initialized
@@ -222,8 +228,32 @@
if (get_single_file(file_info)) then
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_state:', &
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'read_state:', &
'Writing single file restarts is in progress')
+ ! call read_single_file(state_ens_handle, file_info, read_time_from_file, time)
+ fname = 'filter_input.nc'
+ ret = nf90_open(fname, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid)
+ call nc_check(ret, 'read_transpose_single_task: nf90_open', fname)
+ ret = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'state', varid)
+ call nc_check(ret, 'read_transpose_single_task: nf90_inq_varid', fname)
+ do icopy = 1, ens_size
+ ret = nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, var_block, start=(/1,icopy,1/))
+ call nc_check(ret, 'read_transpose_single_task: nf90_get_var', fname)
+ istart = 1
+ iend = 40
+ state_ens_handle%copies(icopy, istart:iend) = var_block
+ write(*,*) 'var_block : '
+ do ivar = 1, 40
+ write(*,*) var_block(ivar)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ret = nf90_close(ncid)
+ call nc_check(ret, 'read_transpose_single_task: nf90_close', fname)
+ ! call exit(0)
call read_restart_direct(state_ens_handle, file_info, read_time_from_file, time)
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