[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 11052

dart at ucar.edu dart at ucar.edu
Wed Feb 8 15:18:08 MST 2017

nancy at ucar.edu
2017-02-08 15:18:08 -0700 (Wed, 08 Feb 2017)
make up-to-date with code.

Modified: DART/branches/rma_single_file/perfect_model_obs/perfect_model_obs.nml
--- DART/branches/rma_single_file/perfect_model_obs/perfect_model_obs.nml	2017-02-08 22:13:49 UTC (rev 11051)
+++ DART/branches/rma_single_file/perfect_model_obs/perfect_model_obs.nml	2017-02-08 22:18:08 UTC (rev 11052)
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
-   start_from_restart       = .false.,
-   output_restart           = .false.,
-   async                    = 0,
-   tasks_per_model_advance  = 1,
-   init_time_days           = 0,
-   init_time_seconds        = 0,
-   first_obs_days           = -1,
-   first_obs_seconds        = -1,
-   last_obs_days            = -1,
-   last_obs_seconds         = -1,
-   obs_window_days          = -1,
-   obs_window_seconds       = -1,
-   output_timestamps        = .false.,
-   trace_execution          = .false.,
-   output_forward_op_errors = .false.,
-   print_every_nth_obs      = -1,
-   silence                  = .false.,
-   output_interval          = 1,
-   restart_in_file_name     = "perfect_ics",
-   restart_out_file_name    = "perfect_restart",
-   obs_seq_in_file_name     = "obs_seq.in",
-   obs_seq_out_file_name    = "obs_seq.out",
-   adv_ens_command          = "./advance_model.csh"  /
+   read_input_state_from_file = .false.,
+   single_file_in             = .false.
+   input_state_files          = ""
+   write_output_state_to_file = .false.,
+   single_file_out            = .false.
+   output_state_files         = ""
+   output_interval            = 1,
+   has_cycling                = .false.
+   async                      = 0,
+   adv_ens_command            = "./advance_model.csh",
+   obs_seq_in_file_name       = "obs_seq.in",
+   obs_seq_out_file_name      = "obs_seq.out",
+   init_time_days             = 0,
+   init_time_seconds          = 0,
+   first_obs_days             = -1,
+   first_obs_seconds          = -1,
+   last_obs_days              = -1,
+   last_obs_seconds           = -1,
+   trace_execution            = .false.,
+   output_timestamps          = .false.,
+   print_every_nth_obs        = 0,
+   output_forward_op_errors   = .false.,
+   silence                    = .false.,
+   /

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