[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12208
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Fri Dec 15 16:02:10 MST 2017
hendric at ucar.edu
2017-12-15 16:02:10 -0700 (Fri, 15 Dec 2017)
reverting build_heights which computes the geopotential
height column. Added some comments to try to make things
Modified: DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/model_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/model_mod.f90 2017-12-15 22:15:25 UTC (rev 12207)
+++ DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/model_mod.f90 2017-12-15 23:02:10 UTC (rev 12208)
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@
file_exist, to_upper, E_ERR, E_MSG
use obs_kind_mod, only : QTY_SURFACE_ELEVATION, QTY_PRESSURE, &
get_index_for_quantity, get_num_quantities
use mpi_utilities_mod, only : my_task_id
use random_seq_mod, only : random_seq_type, init_random_seq, random_gaussian
@@ -502,9 +503,10 @@
integer(i8) :: state_indx
integer :: i, j
-real(r8) :: temp_vals(ens_size)
+real(r8) :: temp_vals(ens_size)
logical :: member_done(ens_size)
! as we get the values for each ensemble member, we set the 'done' flag
! and a good return code.
my_status(:) = 16
@@ -528,17 +530,24 @@
+ !print*, 'state_indx ', state_indx
temp_vals(:) = get_state(state_indx, ens_handle) ! all the ensemble members for level (i)
+ ! if (lev_index(1) /= lev_index(2) .and. all(temp_vals > 0.00000001)) then
+ ! endif
! start at i, because my ensemble member is clearly at this level.
! then continue on to see if any other members are also at this level.
do j=i, ens_size
if (member_done(j)) cycle
+ print*, 'lev_index(1) ', i, lev_index(i)
+ print*, 'lev_index(2) ', j, lev_index(j)
+ print*, 'tem_values(:)', temp_vals(j)
if (lev_index(j) == lev_index(i)) then
vals(j) = temp_vals(j)
member_done(j) = .true.
my_status(j) = 0
+ print*, 'tem_values(:)', temp_vals(j)
@@ -721,6 +730,15 @@
!>values for members that could compute them
!>(this is true for all the subsequent returns from this routine)
+ !if (any(four_bot_levs(:, 1) /= four_bot_levs(:, 2))) then
+ ! print*, 'four_bot_levs(:, 1)', four_bot_levs(:, 1)
+ ! print*, 'four_bot_levs(:, 2)', four_bot_levs(:, 2)
+ !endif
+ !
+ !if (any(four_bot_levs(:, 1) /= four_bot_levs(:, 2))) then
+ ! print*, 'four_top_levs(:, 1)', four_top_levs(:, 1)
+ ! print*, 'four_top_levs(:, 2)', four_top_levs(:, 2)
+ !endif
if (any(status_array /= 0)) then
istatus(:) = 4 ! cannot locate enclosing vertical levels !>@todo FIXME use where statements?
@@ -732,9 +750,11 @@
! level 1 is top, so test that the level numbers are *smaller* than the limit.
! (meaning the obs is above the given limit in at least one ensemble member)
+ !print*, 'levs', four_bot_levs(icorner,:), no_assim_above_this_model_level
if (no_assim_above_this_model_level > 0) then
if (any(four_bot_levs(icorner,:) <= no_assim_above_this_model_level)) then
+ print*, 'istatus is 14'
istatus(:) = 14
@@ -760,6 +780,24 @@
+ ! if we are avoiding assimilating obs above a given level, test here and return
+ ! if any of the bottom corners are above the limit (meaning the obs is at least
+ ! in the layer above the given cutoff.)
+ !
+ ! level 1 is top, so test that the level numbers are *smaller* than the limit.
+ ! (meaning the obs is above the given limit in at least one ensemble member)
+ do icorner=1, 4
+ !print*, 'levs', four_bot_levs(icorner,:), no_assim_above_this_model_level
+ if (no_assim_above_this_model_level > 0) then
+ if (any(four_bot_levs(icorner,:) <= no_assim_above_this_model_level)) then
+ print*, 'istatus is 15'
+ istatus(:) = 15
+ return
+ endif
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