[Dart-dev] Copied/ Revision: 12202
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 14 14:00:59 MST 2017
thoar at ucar.edu
2017-12-14 14:00:56 -0700 (Thu, 14 Dec 2017)
Basically renaming the EASE-Grid converter to NSIDC, since the National Snow and Ice Data Center is where the data come from.
Added: DART/branches/cesm_clm/observations/obs_converters/NSIDC/EASE_utilities_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/cesm_clm/observations/obs_converters/NSIDC/EASE_utilities_mod.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/cesm_clm/observations/obs_converters/NSIDC/EASE_utilities_mod.f90 2017-12-14 21:00:56 UTC (rev 12202)
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+module EASE_utilities_mod
+implicit none
+public :: ezlh_convert, ezlh_inverse
+public :: get_grid_dims
+public :: deconstruct_filename
+public :: read_ease_Tb
+public :: read_ease_TIM
+public :: EASE_MISSING
+! This routine came from http://nsidc.org/data/ease/tools.html#geo_data_files
+! as ezlconv.f ... and was converted to F90 and put in a module by TJH.
+! DART $Id$
+! RE_km ... radius of the earth (km), authalic sphere based on International datum
+! CELL_km ... nominal cell size in kilometers
+! COS_PHI1 ... scale factor for standard paralles at +/-30.00 degrees
+real, parameter :: RE_km = 6371.228
+real, parameter :: CELL_km = 25.067525
+real, parameter :: COS_PHI1 = 0.866025403
+real, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793
+integer, parameter :: l_nrows = 721
+integer, parameter :: l_ncols = 721
+integer, parameter :: h_nrows = 586
+integer, parameter :: h_ncols = 1383
+integer, parameter :: EASE_MISSING = -32768
+! ezlhconv.for - FORTRAN routines for conversion of azimuthal
+! equal area and equal area cylindrical grid coordinates
+! 30-Jan.-1992 H.Maybee
+! 20-Mar-1992 Ken Knowles 303-492-0644 knowles at kryos.colorado.edu
+! 16-Dec-1993 MJ Brodzik 303-492-8263 brodzik at jokull.colorado.edu
+! Copied from nsmconv.f, changed resolutions from
+! 40-20-10 km to 25-12.5 km
+! 21-Dec-1993 MJ Brodzik 303-492-8263 brodzik at jokull.colorado.edu
+! Fixed sign of Southern latitudes in ease_inverse.
+! 12-Sep-1994 David Hoogstrate 303-492-4116 hoogstra at jokull.colorado.edu
+! Changed grid cell size. Changed "c","f" to "l","h"
+! 25-Oct-1994 David Hoogstrate 303-492-4116 hoogstra at jokull.colorado.edu
+! Changed row size from 587 to 586 for Mercator projection
+! Changed function names to "ezlh-.."
+!$Log: ezlhconv.f,v $
+!Revision 1.3 1994/11/01 23:40:43 brodzik
+!Replaced all references to 'ease' with 'ezlh'
+function ezlh_convert (grid, lat, lon, r, s)
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: grid
+real, intent(in) :: lat, lon
+real, intent(out) :: r, s
+integer :: ezlh_convert
+! convert geographic coordinates (spherical earth) to
+! azimuthal equal area or equal area cylindrical grid coordinates
+! status = ezlh_convert (grid, lat, lon, r, s)
+! input : grid - projection name '[NSM][lh]'
+! where l = "low" = 25km resolution
+! h = "high" = 12.5km resolution
+! lat, lon - geo. coords. (decimal degrees)
+! output: r, s - column, row coordinates
+! result: status = 0 indicates normal successful completion
+! -1 indicates error status (point not on grid)
+integer :: cols, rows, scale
+real :: Rg, phi, lam, rho, r0, s0
+ezlh_convert = -1
+if ((grid(1:1) == 'N') .or. (grid(1:1) == 'S')) then
+ cols = l_ncols
+ rows = l_nrows
+else if (grid(1:1) == 'M') then
+ cols = h_ncols
+ rows = h_nrows
+ print *, 'ezlh_convert: unknown projection: ', grid
+ return
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