[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12173
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Mon Dec 4 17:07:08 MST 2017
nancy at ucar.edu
2017-12-04 17:07:06 -0700 (Mon, 04 Dec 2017)
first stab at converting pressures to heights
for interpolating obs with a vertical of height.
Modified: DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/model_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/model_mod.f90 2017-12-04 18:32:21 UTC (rev 12172)
+++ DART/branches/recam/models/cam-fv/model_mod.f90 2017-12-05 00:07:06 UTC (rev 12173)
@@ -1106,8 +1106,8 @@
integer :: k, level_one, imember, status1
real(r8) :: surface_elevation(1)
real(r8) :: temperature(ens_size), specific_humidity(ens_size), surface_pressure(ens_size)
-real(r8) :: phi(ens_size, nlevels)
-real(r8) :: tv(ens_size, nlevels+1) !>@todo FIXME ???? ! Virtual temperature, top to bottom
+real(r8) :: tv(nlevels, ens_size) ! Virtual temperature, top to bottom
+real(r8) :: height_interf(nlevels+1, ens_size)
!>@todo this should come from a model specific constant module.
!> the forward operators and model_mod should use it.
@@ -1115,9 +1115,6 @@
real(r8), parameter :: rv = 461.51_r8 ! wet air gas constant
real(r8), parameter :: rr_factor = (rv/rd) - 1.0_r8
-!>@todo FIXME: these need to be replaced by hyam, hymb, hyai, hybi -- VERY VERY CAREFULLY
-real(r8) ::hybrid_As(nlevels+1,2), hybrid_Bs(nlevels+1,2)
! this is for surface obs
level_one = 1
@@ -1140,24 +1137,22 @@
call get_staggered_values_from_qty(ens_handle, ens_size, QTY_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY, &
lon_index, lat_index, k, qty, specific_humidity, status1)
- !>@todo rename tv to something that means something to users
!>tv == virtual temperature.
- tv(:,k) = temperature(:)*(1.0_r8 + rr_factor*specific_humidity(:))
+ tv(k,:) = temperature(:)*(1.0_r8 + rr_factor*specific_humidity(:))
- print *, 'member 1, level, t, q, tv: ', k, temperature(1), specific_humidity(1), tv(1, k)
+ print *, 'member 1, level, t, q, tv: ', k, temperature(1), specific_humidity(1), tv(k, 1)
-! need to convert to geopotential height
+! compute the height columns for each ensemble member
do imember = 1, ens_size
- !>@todo refactor to just put out geometric height
- call dcz2(nlevels, surface_pressure(imember), surface_elevation(1), tv(imember,:), &
- grid_data%P0%vals(1), hybrid_As, hybrid_Bs, phi(imember,:))
- do k = 1,nlevels
- height_array(k, imember) = gph2gmh(phi(imember,k), grid_data%lat%vals(lat_index))
- enddo
+ call build_heights(nlevels, surface_pressure(imember), surface_elevation(1), tv(:, imember), &
+ height_array(:, imember), height_interf(:, imember)) ! can pass in variable_r
+! convert entire array to geometric height (from potential height)
+call gph2gmh(height_array, grid_data%lat%vals(lat_index))
do k = 1,nlevels
print *, "member 1, level, height: ", k, height_array(k, 1)
@@ -1192,8 +1187,8 @@
-!> Compute columns of pressures at the layer midpoints for the given number
-!> of surface pressures.
+!> Compute column of pressures at the layer midpoints for the given
+!> surface pressure.
!>@todo FIXME unlike some other things - you could pass in an upper and lower
!>level number and compute the pressure only at the levels between those.
@@ -1200,23 +1195,20 @@
!>this isn't a column that has to be built from the surface up or top down.
!>each individual pressure can be computed independently given the surface pressure.
-subroutine cam_p_col_midpts(num_cols, surface_pressure, n_levels, pressure_array)
+subroutine cam_p_col_midpts(surface_pressure, n_levels, pressure_array)
-integer, intent(in) :: num_cols
-real(r8), intent(in) :: surface_pressure(num_cols) ! in pascals
+real(r8), intent(in) :: surface_pressure ! in pascals
integer, intent(in) :: n_levels
-real(r8), intent(out) :: pressure_array(n_levels, num_cols)
+real(r8), intent(out) :: pressure_array(n_levels)
-integer :: j, k
+integer :: k
! Set midpoint pressures. This array mirrors the order of the
! cam model levels: 1 is the model top, N is the bottom.
-do j=1, num_cols
- do k=1, n_levels
- pressure_array(k, j) = grid_data%hyam%vals(k) * grid_data%P0%vals(1) + &
- grid_data%hybm%vals(k) * surface_pressure(j)
- enddo
+do k=1, n_levels
+ pressure_array(k) = grid_data%hyam%vals(k) * grid_data%P0%vals(1) + &
+ grid_data%hybm%vals(k) * surface_pressure
end subroutine cam_p_col_midpts
@@ -1227,23 +1219,20 @@
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