[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 11488
dart at ucar.edu
dart at ucar.edu
Fri Apr 14 10:10:53 MDT 2017
nancy at ucar.edu
2017-04-14 10:10:53 -0600 (Fri, 14 Apr 2017)
rework the clamping code so it outputs only a single line
per variable, and add (currently commented out) cases for
when we need to clamp CLM variables which potentially could
have missing values. it's computationally expensive to
do masked operations if they can't happen so we need access
to the 'allow_missing_in_clm' in this module before we
enable that code.
Modified: DART/branches/rma_trunk/assimilation_code/modules/io/direct_netcdf_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/rma_trunk/assimilation_code/modules/io/direct_netcdf_mod.f90 2017-04-14 16:07:20 UTC (rev 11487)
+++ DART/branches/rma_trunk/assimilation_code/modules/io/direct_netcdf_mod.f90 2017-04-14 16:10:53 UTC (rev 11488)
@@ -718,43 +718,65 @@
real(r8), intent(inout) :: variable(:) ! variable
real(r8) :: minclamp, maxclamp
-character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: varname ! for debugging only
+character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: varname ! for informational log messages
+real(r8) :: my_minmax(2)
-! is lower bound set
+! if neither bound is set, return early
minclamp = get_io_clamping_minval(dom_id, var_index)
-if ( minclamp /= missing_r8 ) then
- !>@todo Calculating both minval, and max might be expensive for
- !> large variables. Should we handle this in a different way?
- !> do we want to have a message if the variable is being clamped?
- if ( minval(variable) < minclamp ) then
+maxclamp = get_io_clamping_maxval(dom_id, var_index)
+if (minclamp == missing_r8 .and. maxclamp == missing_r8) return
+! if we get here, either the min, max or both have a clamping value.
+!>@todo this is what the code needs to be for CLM and any other
+! model that allows missing values in the state. right now that
+! is defined in assim_tools_mod but i don't think we can use it
+! because of circular module dependencies. it should be defined
+! maybe in filter? and set into some low level module (like types
+! or constants or options_mod so anyone can query it).
+! if we allow missing values in the state (which jeff has never
+! liked because it makes the statistics funny), then these next
+! two lines need to be:
+!if (allow_missing_in_clm) then
+! my_minmax(1) = minval(variable, mask=(variable /= missing_r8))
+! my_minmax(2) = maxval(variable, mask=(variable /= missing_r8))
+ ! get the min/max for this variable before we start
+ my_minmax(1) = minval(variable)
+ my_minmax(2) = maxval(variable)
- varname = get_variable_name(dom_id, var_index)
- write(msgstring, *) 'min val = ', minval(variable), &
- ' min bounds = ', minclamp
- !@>todo FIXME : do we want to reduce and print out the absolute max/min
- call error_handler(E_ALLMSG, 'clamp_variable', &
- 'Clamping '//trim(varname)//', values out of bounds.', &
- source,revision,revdate, text2=msgstring)
+varname = get_variable_name(dom_id, var_index)
- !>@todo FIXME : if allow_missing_in_state then we need to be careful
- !> not to clamp missing values
+! is lower bound set?
+if ( minclamp /= missing_r8 ) then
+ if ( my_minmax(1) < minclamp ) then
+ !>@todo again, if we're allowing missing in state, this has to be masked:
+ ! if (allow_missing_in_clm) then
+ ! variable = max(minclamp, variable, mask=(variable /= missing_r8))
variable = max(minclamp, variable)
+ write(msgstring, *) trim(varname)// ' lower bound ', minclamp, ' min value ', my_minmax(1)
+ call error_handler(E_ALLMSG, 'clamp_variable', msgstring, &
+ source,revision,revdate)
endif ! min range set
-! is upper bound set
-maxclamp = get_io_clamping_maxval(dom_id, var_index)
+! is upper bound set?
if ( maxclamp /= missing_r8 ) then
- if ( maxval(variable) > maxclamp ) then
- varname = get_variable_name(dom_id, var_index)
- write(msgstring, *) 'max val = ', maxval(variable), &
- 'max bounds = ', maxclamp
- call error_handler(E_ALLMSG, 'clamp_variable', &
- 'Clamping '//trim(varname)//', values out of bounds.', &
- source,revision,revdate, text2=msgstring)
+ if ( my_minmax(2) > maxclamp ) then
+ !>@todo again, if we're allowing missing in state, this has to be masked:
+ ! if (allow_missing_in_clm) then
+ ! variable = min(maxclamp, variable, mask=(variable /= missing_r8))
+ variable = min(maxclamp, variable)
- variable = min(maxclamp, variable)
+ write(msgstring, *) trim(varname)// ' upper bound ', maxclamp, ' max value ', my_minmax(2)
+ call error_handler(E_ALLMSG, 'clamp_variable', msgstring, &
+ source,revision,revdate)
endif ! max range set
end subroutine clamp_variable
@@ -829,6 +851,15 @@
character(len=256) :: date
integer, allocatable :: dims(:)
+!>@todo reduce output in log file?
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