[Dart-dev] [10241] DART/trunk/observations/gps/shell_scripts: edit comments to try to be more helpful about what

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Tue May 3 11:41:49 MDT 2016

Revision: 10241
Author:   nancy
Date:     2016-05-03 11:41:49 -0600 (Tue, 03 May 2016)
Log Message:
edit comments to try to be more helpful about what
to set and where.  no code changes.

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/observations/gps/shell_scripts/do_convert.csh
--- DART/trunk/observations/gps/shell_scripts/do_convert.csh	2016-05-02 22:40:54 UTC (rev 10240)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/gps/shell_scripts/do_convert.csh	2016-05-03 17:41:49 UTC (rev 10241)
@@ -9,12 +9,26 @@
 # this script loops over days, calling the GPS convert script
 # once per day.  it can roll over month and year boundaries.
+# it can download data on demand from the CDAAC web site,
+# convert it, and delete it, or any combination of these
+# three functions, depending on need.  e.g. if the data is
+# already downloaded, it can just convert.  it can download
+# and convert and not delete until the results are checked
+# and then in a second pass just delete, etc, etc.
 # this script requires the executable 'advance_time' to be
 # built and exist in the current directory, and advance_time
-# requires a minimal input.nml namelist file (empty utilities_nml only).
+# requires a minimal input.nml namelist file (empty &utilities_nml only).
+# this script constructs the arguments needed for the script that
+# is doing all the "real" work:  gpsro_to_obsseq.csh
+# see that script for details of what is involved in doing
+# the actual conversion.
 # -------------------
+# start of things you should have to set in this script
 # set the first and last days.  can roll over month and year boundaries.
 set start_year=2010
 set start_month=1
@@ -25,54 +39,65 @@
 set end_day=7
-# for each day: download the data or not, convert to daily obs_seq files 
-# or not, and delete the data files after conversion or not.
+# for each day: 
+#  download the data from the web site or not, 
+#  convert to daily obs_seq files or not, and 
+#  delete the data files after conversion or not.
 set do_download = 'yes'
 set do_convert  = 'yes'
-set do_delete   = 'no'
+set do_delete   = 'yes'
 # set the list of satellite data to convert.
-# - in the comments below, 'now*' is the current date minus 3-4 months 
-#   since the reprocessed datasets lag the realtime data.  'realtime' 
-#   is data from up to today's date but with less quality control.
-# - dates below are YYYY.DDD  where DDD is day number in the year.
+# - in the comments below, 'realtime' is usually data up to the
+#   current date with less quality control.
+# - 'reprocessed' generally has the highest quality
+# - dates are YYYY.DDD  where DDD is day number in the year.
 # - only select one of reprocessed or realtime for a particular
-#   satellite or you will get duplicate observations.
-# WARNING: this table is almost certainly out of date.  check the CDAAC web 
-# site for the currently available days.
+#   satellite or you will get duplicate observations if they
+#   have overlapping time periods.
-# champ2014:  latest reprocessing of original champ data : 2001.138 - 2008.279
-# cnofs:     Air Force C/NOFS : 2010.060 - 2011.365
-# cnofsrt:   C/NOFS realtime : 2012.001 - 2015.193
-# cosmic2013: COSMIC reprocessed : 2006.112 - 2014.120
-# cosmic:    COSMIC : 2014.121 - 2015.150
-# cosmicrt:  COSMIC realtime : 2014.181 - now* (2015.237)
-# gpsmet:    ? : 1995.111 - 1997.047
-# gpsmetas:  ? : 1995.237 - 1997.016
-# champ:     CHAMP : unavailable now
-# grace:     Grace-A : 2007.059 - now* (2015.089)
-# metopa2016:  Metop-A/GRAS reprocessed in 2016 : 2007.273 - 2011.364
-# metopa:    Metop-A/GRAS : 2012.001 - 2015.059
-# metopb:    Metop-B/GRAS : 2013.032 - 2015.059
-# sacc:      Argentinan SAC-C : 2006.068 - 2011.215
-# saccrt:    SAC-C realtime : 2011.329 - 2013.226
-# tsx:       German TerraSAR-X : 2008.041 - now* (2015.058)
+# WARNING: the available obs are updated frequently as the
+# data is reprocessed and new obs arrive.
+# check the CDAAC web site for the currently available days.  
+# these dates were current as of May 2016:
+# name_to_use    date range           what instrument?
+# -----------    ----------           ---------------
+# champ2014    2001.138 - 2008.279    CHAMP
+# cnofs        2010.060 - 2011.365    Air Force C/NOFS
+# cnofsrt      2012.001 - 2015.193      "    (realtime)
+# cosmic2013   2006.112 - 2014.120    COSMIC, reprocessed
+# cosmic       2014.121 - 2015.364      "    (not reprocessed yet)
+# cosmicrt     2014.181 - 2016.123      "    (realtime)
+# gpsmet       1995.111 - 1997.047    ?
+# gpsmetas     1995.237 - 1997.016    ?
+# grace        2007.059 - 2015.364    Grace-A
+# kompsat5rt   2015.305 - 2016.123    ?
+# metopa2016   2007.274 - 2015.365    Metop-A/GRAS, reprocessed 2016
+# metopb       2013.032 - 2015.059    Metop-B/GRAS 
+# sacc         2006.068 - 2011.215    Argentinan SAC-C
+# saccrt       2011.329 - 2013.226      "    (realtime)
+# tsx          2008.041 - 2015.333    German TerraSAR-X
 # which satellites to include:
 rm -fr satlist
-echo cnofs       >>! satlist  # new Air Force C/NOFS : 2010.335 - now*
-echo cosmic2013  >>! satlist  # all 6 COSMIC : 2006.194 - now*, reprocessed 2013
-echo grace       >>! satlist  # Grace-A : 2007.059 - now*
-echo metopa2016  >>! satlist  # Metop-A/GRAS : 2008.061 - now*, reprocessed 2016
-echo sacc        >>! satlist  # Argentinan SAC-C : 2006.068 - now*
-echo tsx         >>! satlist  # German TerraSAR-X : 2008.041 - now*
+echo cnofs       >> satlist
+echo cosmic2013  >> satlist
+echo grace       >> satlist
+echo metopa2016  >> satlist
+echo sacc        >> satlist
+echo tsx         >> satlist
 # where to download the data and do the conversions, relative to
 # this shell_scripts directory.  the script below will add YYYYMM
 # to the end of this string.
 set datadir = /glade/p/image/Observations/GPS/staged
 # end of things you should have to set in this script

Modified: DART/trunk/observations/gps/shell_scripts/gpsro_to_obsseq.csh
--- DART/trunk/observations/gps/shell_scripts/gpsro_to_obsseq.csh	2016-05-02 22:40:54 UTC (rev 10240)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/gps/shell_scripts/gpsro_to_obsseq.csh	2016-05-03 17:41:49 UTC (rev 10241)
@@ -29,81 +29,79 @@
 # edit the input.nml in the work directory to select any options;
 # it will be copied to the various places it is needed.
-# the processing directory name is relative to the 'work' directory.
+# if the processing directory name is a relative path, it should
+# be relative to the gps converter 'work' directory.
 # CHECK these against the cdaac web site for latest info.  as an
-# example, a snapshot of available data as of aug 2015 is:
+# example, a snapshot of available data as of May 2016 is:
-#    champ2014:  latest reprocessing of original champ data : 2001.138 - 2008.279
-#    champ:     CHAMP : superceeded by reprocessed data
-#    cnofs:     Air Force C/NOFS : 2010.060 - 2011.365
-#    cnofsrt:   C/NOFS realtime : 2012.001 - 2015.193
-#    cosmic2013: COSMIC reprocessed : 2006.112 - 2014.120
-#    cosmic:    COSMIC : 2014.121 - 2015.150
-#    cosmicrt:  COSMIC realtime : 2014.181 - now* (2015.237)
-#    gpsmet:    ? : 1995.111 - 1997.047
-#    gpsmetas:  ? : 1995.237 - 1997.016
-#    grace:     Grace-A : 2007.059 - now* (2015.089)
-#    metopa2016:  Metop-A/GRAS reprocessed : 2007.274 - 2015.365
-#    metopa:    Metop-A/GRAS : 2012.001 - 2015.059
-#    metopb:    Metop-B/GRAS : 2013.032 - 2015.059
-#    sacc:      Argentinan SAC-C : 2006.068 - 2011.215
-#    saccrt:    SAC-C realtime : 2011.329 - 2013.226
-#    tsx:       German TerraSAR-X : 2008.041 - now* (2015.058)
+# champ2014  2001.138 - 2008.279 
+# cnofs      2010.060 - 2011.365
+# cnofsrt    2012.001 - 2015.193
+# cosmic2013 2006.112 - 2014.120
+# cosmic     2014.121 - 2015.364
+# cosmicrt   2014.181 - 2016.123
+# gpsmet     1995.111 - 1997.047
+# gpsmetas   1995.237 - 1997.016
+# grace      2007.059 - 2015.364
+# kompsat5rt 2015.305 - 2016.123
+# metopa2016 2007.274 - 2015.365
+# metopb     2013.032 - 2015.059
+# sacc       2006.068 - 2011.215
+# saccrt     2011.329 - 2013.226
+# tsx        2008.041 - 2015.333
-#  - dates are YYYY.DDD where DDD is day number in year
-#  - now* means current date minus 3-4 months.  reprocessed data
-#    lags that much behind.  realtime means up to today's date,
-#    with less quality control.
-#  - only select one of reprocessed or realtime for a satellite 
-#    or you will get duplicated observations.
 #     created June 2008, Ryan Torn NCAR/MMM
 #     updated Nov  2008, nancy collins ncar/cisl
 #     updated Aug  2009, nancy collins ncar/cisl
 #     updated Oct  2010, Ryan and nancy
 #     updated Jul  2011, nancy (added support for other satellites)
+#     revised May  2016, nancy (full support for daily tar files)
-# ------- 
-# This script uses the CDAAC web site with 'wget' to download
-# the files needed to do this process.  They are available as
-# a single tar file per satellite per day which contains all
-# available profiles for that day.  For example:
+# This script uses the 'wget' command to download data from the CDAAC
+# web site.  Data is available as a single tar file per satellite per day.  
+# The profiles are stored one per file after untarring the archive.  
+# The current filename scheme includes the satellite and YYYY.DOY, e.g.:
-#    http://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/rest/tarservice/data/cosmic/atmPrf/2012.304
+# wget http://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/rest/tarservice/data/cosmic/atmPrf/2012.304
 #        -O cosmic_atmPrf_2012.304.tar 
+# If this changes (again) this script will need to be updated.
+# start of user-settable section - should only need to set these once
-# should only have to set the DART_DIR, and if downloading, set the
-# web site user name and password for access.  expects to use the 'wget'
-# utility to download files from the web page.  
+# top level DART directory
+setenv DART_DIR    /glade/p/work/$USER/subversion/newtrunk
-# top level directory (root where observations/gps dir is found)
-setenv DART_DIR    /glade/p/home/$USER/DART/trunk
+# your CDAAC web site user name and password
 set cdaac_user    = nscollins
-set cdaac_pw      = xxxxxxxx
+set cdaac_pw      = xxxxxxx
-# CDAAC web site path:
-set gps_repository_path = 'http://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/rest/tarservice/data'
+# end of user-settable section
 setenv DART_WORK_DIR  ${DART_DIR}/observations/gps/work
 setenv CONV_PROG      convert_cosmic_gps_cdf
 setenv DATE_PROG      advance_time
+# CDAAC web site path:
+set gps_repository_path = 'http://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/rest/tarservice/data'
 # wget seems to print a lot of output showing progress.
-# this flag tries to print less often but i haven't found
-# the way to turn it off completely.
+# this flag tries to print less often but i haven't found a way to turn 
+# it off completely.  --progress:none was discussed in a wget forum 
+# but i see no indication it was implemented
 set wget_cmd            = 'wget --progress=dot:mega '
-# this helps with debugging
+# this helps with debugging and isn't really that verbose
 set chatty=yes
+# start of executable stuff
 if ($# != 6) then
    echo usage: $0 date workdir downld convert cleanup satlist
    exit -1

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