[Dart-dev] [9942] DART: update all branches to make the text_to_obs.f90 program
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Mar 1 16:51:08 MST 2016
Revision: 9942
Author: nancy
Date: 2016-03-01 16:51:08 -0700 (Tue, 01 Mar 2016)
Log Message:
update all branches to make the text_to_obs.f90 program
use the right conventions for converting wind direction
to wind u/v components (direction is from, components are to).
also update the comments to try to be more helpful
for users since this program is mostly intended to
be used as a template for people to convert obs if
they have them in ascii format.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/branches/DWL/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/DWL/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:33:57 UTC (rev 9941)
+++ DART/branches/DWL/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:51:08 UTC (rev 9942)
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
-! text_to_obs - a program that only needs minor customization to read
-! in a text-based dataset - either white-space separated values or
+! text_to_obs - an example program to create DART format observations
+! from a text-based input data file. see below for where to adapt
+! the read routine to match your white-space separated values or
! fixed-width column data.
! created 29 Mar 2010 nancy collins NCAR/IMAGe
+! updated 8 Feb 2016 minor changes to wind conversion, and updated
+! comments to try to be more helpful.
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+type(time_type) :: ref_day0, time_obs, prev_time
! start of executable code
@@ -59,10 +62,13 @@
! time setup
call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-!! some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
-!! date. This is an example of how to support that.
-!! put the reference date into DART format
-!comp_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+!! Some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
+!! date. To support that, set a base/reference time and then add
+!! the number of seconds to it. (time_types support adding two time
+!! types together, or adding a scalar to a time_type.)
+!! Here is an example of setting a reference date, giving the
+!! call: year, month, day, hours, mins, secs
+!ref_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
! open input text file
@@ -116,7 +122,8 @@
! error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
! (see html file for more info)
- ! assume here a line is a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! the code here assumes an input line has: a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! **this is probably where you will need to adapt this code for your input data values**
! read in entire text line into a buffer
read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
@@ -134,9 +141,10 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation type = ', otype
- ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction.
+ ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
+ ! temperature measured at a location and a vertical height,
+ ! and if otype=2, a wind speed and direction in degrees (0-360)
+ ! measured at a location and a vertical pressure.
if (otype == 1) then
read(input_line(3:129), *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
@@ -158,7 +166,8 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
- ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+ ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok. we require
+ ! longitudes to be 0 to 360.
if ( lat > 90.0_r8 .or. lat < -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
if ( lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
@@ -172,15 +181,15 @@
if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
- !! if time is given in seconds since 1/1/1970, here's how to add it.
- !time_obs = comp_day0 + time_obs
+ !! if time is given in seconds since some date, here's how to add it.
+ !time_obs = ref_day0 + time_obs
! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
call get_time(time_obs, osec, oday)
! this example assumes there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction and height is pressure. any kind of observation
+ ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, a wind speed
+ ! and direction with a vertical value in pressure. any observation
! can use any of the vertical types; this is just an example.
if (otype == 1) then
@@ -195,15 +204,20 @@
if (debug) print *, 'added temperature obs to output seq'
- ! DART usually assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components
- ! instead of trying to assimilate a vector of speed and direction.
- ! so convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
+ ! DART assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components. assimilating
+ ! "direction and speed" is difficult because direction is measured in
+ ! cyclic coordinates so you can't do simple statistics to get a mean value.
+ ! convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
! and create 2 obs for it. assume vert is in mb or hectopascals,
- ! convert to pascals. DART does assume all pressures are in pascals.
- uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- uerr = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
- verr = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
+ ! convert to pascals. DART assumes all pressures are in pascals.
+ ! check your data source; usually wind direction is specified as the
+ ! direction the wind is coming from, increasing degrees going in a
+ ! clockwise circle. U and V wind components have the opposite sign.
+ uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ uerr = werr
+ verr = werr
! convert hectopascals to pascals.
vert = vert * 100.0_r8
Modified: DART/branches/cam/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/cam/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:33:57 UTC (rev 9941)
+++ DART/branches/cam/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:51:08 UTC (rev 9942)
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
-! text_to_obs - a program that only needs minor customization to read
-! in a text-based dataset - either white-space separated values or
+! text_to_obs - an example program to create DART format observations
+! from a text-based input data file. see below for where to adapt
+! the read routine to match your white-space separated values or
! fixed-width column data.
! created 29 Mar 2010 nancy collins NCAR/IMAGe
+! updated 8 Feb 2016 minor changes to wind conversion, and updated
+! comments to try to be more helpful.
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+type(time_type) :: ref_day0, time_obs, prev_time
! start of executable code
@@ -59,10 +62,13 @@
! time setup
call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-!! some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
-!! date. This is an example of how to support that.
-!! put the reference date into DART format
-!comp_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+!! Some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
+!! date. To support that, set a base/reference time and then add
+!! the number of seconds to it. (time_types support adding two time
+!! types together, or adding a scalar to a time_type.)
+!! Here is an example of setting a reference date, giving the
+!! call: year, month, day, hours, mins, secs
+!ref_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
! open input text file
@@ -116,7 +122,8 @@
! error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
! (see html file for more info)
- ! assume here a line is a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! the code here assumes an input line has: a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! **this is probably where you will need to adapt this code for your input data values**
! read in entire text line into a buffer
read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
@@ -134,9 +141,10 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation type = ', otype
- ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction.
+ ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
+ ! temperature measured at a location and a vertical height,
+ ! and if otype=2, a wind speed and direction in degrees (0-360)
+ ! measured at a location and a vertical pressure.
if (otype == 1) then
read(input_line(3:129), *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
@@ -158,7 +166,8 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
- ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+ ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok. we require
+ ! longitudes to be 0 to 360.
if ( lat > 90.0_r8 .or. lat < -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
if ( lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
@@ -172,15 +181,15 @@
if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
- !! if time is given in seconds since 1/1/1970, here's how to add it.
- !time_obs = comp_day0 + time_obs
+ !! if time is given in seconds since some date, here's how to add it.
+ !time_obs = ref_day0 + time_obs
! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
call get_time(time_obs, osec, oday)
! this example assumes there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction and height is pressure. any kind of observation
+ ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, a wind speed
+ ! and direction with a vertical value in pressure. any observation
! can use any of the vertical types; this is just an example.
if (otype == 1) then
@@ -195,15 +204,20 @@
if (debug) print *, 'added temperature obs to output seq'
- ! DART usually assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components
- ! instead of trying to assimilate a vector of speed and direction.
- ! so convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
+ ! DART assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components. assimilating
+ ! "direction and speed" is difficult because direction is measured in
+ ! cyclic coordinates so you can't do simple statistics to get a mean value.
+ ! convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
! and create 2 obs for it. assume vert is in mb or hectopascals,
- ! convert to pascals. DART does assume all pressures are in pascals.
- uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- uerr = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
- verr = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
+ ! convert to pascals. DART assumes all pressures are in pascals.
+ ! check your data source; usually wind direction is specified as the
+ ! direction the wind is coming from, increasing degrees going in a
+ ! clockwise circle. U and V wind components have the opposite sign.
+ uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ uerr = werr
+ verr = werr
! convert hectopascals to pascals.
vert = vert * 100.0_r8
Modified: DART/branches/development/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/development/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:33:57 UTC (rev 9941)
+++ DART/branches/development/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:51:08 UTC (rev 9942)
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
-! text_to_obs - a program that only needs minor customization to read
-! in a text-based dataset - either white-space separated values or
+! text_to_obs - an example program to create DART format observations
+! from a text-based input data file. see below for where to adapt
+! the read routine to match your white-space separated values or
! fixed-width column data.
! created 29 Mar 2010 nancy collins NCAR/IMAGe
+! updated 8 Feb 2016 minor changes to wind conversion, and updated
+! comments to try to be more helpful.
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+type(time_type) :: ref_day0, time_obs, prev_time
! start of executable code
@@ -59,10 +62,13 @@
! time setup
call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-!! some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
-!! date. This is an example of how to support that.
-!! put the reference date into DART format
-!comp_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+!! Some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
+!! date. To support that, set a base/reference time and then add
+!! the number of seconds to it. (time_types support adding two time
+!! types together, or adding a scalar to a time_type.)
+!! Here is an example of setting a reference date, giving the
+!! call: year, month, day, hours, mins, secs
+!ref_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
! open input text file
@@ -116,7 +122,8 @@
! error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
! (see html file for more info)
- ! assume here a line is a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! the code here assumes an input line has: a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! **this is probably where you will need to adapt this code for your input data values**
! read in entire text line into a buffer
read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
@@ -134,9 +141,10 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation type = ', otype
- ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction.
+ ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
+ ! temperature measured at a location and a vertical height,
+ ! and if otype=2, a wind speed and direction in degrees (0-360)
+ ! measured at a location and a vertical pressure.
if (otype == 1) then
read(input_line(3:129), *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
@@ -158,7 +166,8 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
- ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+ ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok. we require
+ ! longitudes to be 0 to 360.
if ( lat > 90.0_r8 .or. lat < -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
if ( lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
@@ -172,15 +181,15 @@
if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
- !! if time is given in seconds since 1/1/1970, here's how to add it.
- !time_obs = comp_day0 + time_obs
+ !! if time is given in seconds since some date, here's how to add it.
+ !time_obs = ref_day0 + time_obs
! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
call get_time(time_obs, osec, oday)
! this example assumes there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction and height is pressure. any kind of observation
+ ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, a wind speed
+ ! and direction with a vertical value in pressure. any observation
! can use any of the vertical types; this is just an example.
if (otype == 1) then
@@ -195,15 +204,20 @@
if (debug) print *, 'added temperature obs to output seq'
- ! DART usually assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components
- ! instead of trying to assimilate a vector of speed and direction.
- ! so convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
+ ! DART assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components. assimilating
+ ! "direction and speed" is difficult because direction is measured in
+ ! cyclic coordinates so you can't do simple statistics to get a mean value.
+ ! convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
! and create 2 obs for it. assume vert is in mb or hectopascals,
- ! convert to pascals. DART does assume all pressures are in pascals.
- uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- uerr = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
- verr = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
+ ! convert to pascals. DART assumes all pressures are in pascals.
+ ! check your data source; usually wind direction is specified as the
+ ! direction the wind is coming from, increasing degrees going in a
+ ! clockwise circle. U and V wind components have the opposite sign.
+ uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ uerr = werr
+ verr = werr
! convert hectopascals to pascals.
vert = vert * 100.0_r8
Modified: DART/branches/gpsro/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/gpsro/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:33:57 UTC (rev 9941)
+++ DART/branches/gpsro/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:51:08 UTC (rev 9942)
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
+! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+! $Id$
program text_to_obs
-! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-! $URL$
-! $Id$
-! $Revision$
-! $Date$
-! text_to_obs - a program that only needs minor customization to read
-! in a text-based dataset - either white-space separated values or
+! text_to_obs - an example program to create DART format observations
+! from a text-based input data file. see below for where to adapt
+! the read routine to match your white-space separated values or
! fixed-width column data.
! created 29 Mar 2010 nancy collins NCAR/IMAGe
+! updated 8 Feb 2016 minor changes to wind conversion, and updated
+! comments to try to be more helpful.
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
character (len=129) :: input_line
-integer :: n, i, oday, osec, rcio, iunit, otype
+integer :: oday, osec, rcio, iunit, otype
integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
integer :: num_copies, num_qc, max_obs
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+type(time_type) :: ref_day0, time_obs, prev_time
! start of executable code
@@ -63,10 +62,13 @@
! time setup
call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-!! some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
-!! date. This is an example of how to support that.
-!! put the reference date into DART format
-!comp_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+!! Some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
+!! date. To support that, set a base/reference time and then add
+!! the number of seconds to it. (time_types support adding two time
+!! types together, or adding a scalar to a time_type.)
+!! Here is an example of setting a reference date, giving the
+!! call: year, month, day, hours, mins, secs
+!ref_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
! open input text file
@@ -120,7 +122,8 @@
! error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
! (see html file for more info)
- ! assume here a line is a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! the code here assumes an input line has: a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! **this is probably where you will need to adapt this code for your input data values**
! read in entire text line into a buffer
read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
@@ -138,9 +141,10 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation type = ', otype
- ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction.
+ ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
+ ! temperature measured at a location and a vertical height,
+ ! and if otype=2, a wind speed and direction in degrees (0-360)
+ ! measured at a location and a vertical pressure.
if (otype == 1) then
read(input_line(3:129), *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
@@ -162,7 +166,8 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
- ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+ ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok. we require
+ ! longitudes to be 0 to 360.
if ( lat > 90.0_r8 .or. lat < -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
if ( lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
@@ -176,15 +181,15 @@
if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
- !! if time is given in seconds since 1/1/1970, here's how to add it.
- !time_obs = comp_day0 + time_obs
+ !! if time is given in seconds since some date, here's how to add it.
+ !time_obs = ref_day0 + time_obs
! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
call get_time(time_obs, osec, oday)
! this example assumes there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction and height is pressure. any kind of observation
+ ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, a wind speed
+ ! and direction with a vertical value in pressure. any observation
! can use any of the vertical types; this is just an example.
if (otype == 1) then
@@ -199,15 +204,20 @@
if (debug) print *, 'added temperature obs to output seq'
- ! DART usually assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components
- ! instead of trying to assimilate a vector of speed and direction.
- ! so convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
+ ! DART assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components. assimilating
+ ! "direction and speed" is difficult because direction is measured in
+ ! cyclic coordinates so you can't do simple statistics to get a mean value.
+ ! convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
! and create 2 obs for it. assume vert is in mb or hectopascals,
- ! convert to pascals. DART does assume all pressures are in pascals.
- uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- uerr = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
- verr = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
+ ! convert to pascals. DART assumes all pressures are in pascals.
+ ! check your data source; usually wind direction is specified as the
+ ! direction the wind is coming from, increasing degrees going in a
+ ! clockwise circle. U and V wind components have the opposite sign.
+ uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ uerr = werr
+ verr = werr
! convert hectopascals to pascals.
vert = vert * 100.0_r8
@@ -345,3 +355,9 @@
end subroutine add_obs_to_seq
end program text_to_obs
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$
Modified: DART/branches/nancy_devel/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/nancy_devel/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:33:57 UTC (rev 9941)
+++ DART/branches/nancy_devel/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:51:08 UTC (rev 9942)
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
+! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+! $Id$
program text_to_obs
-! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-! $URL$
-! $Id$
-! $Revision$
-! $Date$
-! text_to_obs - a program that only needs minor customization to read
-! in a text-based dataset - either white-space separated values or
+! text_to_obs - an example program to create DART format observations
+! from a text-based input data file. see below for where to adapt
+! the read routine to match your white-space separated values or
! fixed-width column data.
! created 29 Mar 2010 nancy collins NCAR/IMAGe
+! updated 8 Feb 2016 minor changes to wind conversion, and updated
+! comments to try to be more helpful.
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
character (len=129) :: input_line
-integer :: n, i, oday, osec, rcio, iunit, otype
+integer :: oday, osec, rcio, iunit, otype
integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
integer :: num_copies, num_qc, max_obs
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+type(time_type) :: ref_day0, time_obs, prev_time
! start of executable code
@@ -63,10 +62,13 @@
! time setup
call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-!! some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
-!! date. This is an example of how to support that.
-!! put the reference date into DART format
-!comp_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+!! Some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
+!! date. To support that, set a base/reference time and then add
+!! the number of seconds to it. (time_types support adding two time
+!! types together, or adding a scalar to a time_type.)
+!! Here is an example of setting a reference date, giving the
+!! call: year, month, day, hours, mins, secs
+!ref_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
! open input text file
@@ -120,7 +122,8 @@
! error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
! (see html file for more info)
- ! assume here a line is a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! the code here assumes an input line has: a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! **this is probably where you will need to adapt this code for your input data values**
! read in entire text line into a buffer
read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
@@ -138,9 +141,10 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation type = ', otype
- ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction.
+ ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
+ ! temperature measured at a location and a vertical height,
+ ! and if otype=2, a wind speed and direction in degrees (0-360)
+ ! measured at a location and a vertical pressure.
if (otype == 1) then
read(input_line(3:129), *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
@@ -162,7 +166,8 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
- ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+ ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok. we require
+ ! longitudes to be 0 to 360.
if ( lat > 90.0_r8 .or. lat < -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
if ( lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
@@ -176,15 +181,15 @@
if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
- !! if time is given in seconds since 1/1/1970, here's how to add it.
- !time_obs = comp_day0 + time_obs
+ !! if time is given in seconds since some date, here's how to add it.
+ !time_obs = ref_day0 + time_obs
! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
call get_time(time_obs, osec, oday)
! this example assumes there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction and height is pressure. any kind of observation
+ ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, a wind speed
+ ! and direction with a vertical value in pressure. any observation
! can use any of the vertical types; this is just an example.
if (otype == 1) then
@@ -199,15 +204,20 @@
if (debug) print *, 'added temperature obs to output seq'
- ! DART usually assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components
- ! instead of trying to assimilate a vector of speed and direction.
- ! so convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
+ ! DART assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components. assimilating
+ ! "direction and speed" is difficult because direction is measured in
+ ! cyclic coordinates so you can't do simple statistics to get a mean value.
+ ! convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
! and create 2 obs for it. assume vert is in mb or hectopascals,
- ! convert to pascals. DART does assume all pressures are in pascals.
- uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- uerr = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
- verr = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * werr
+ ! convert to pascals. DART assumes all pressures are in pascals.
+ ! check your data source; usually wind direction is specified as the
+ ! direction the wind is coming from, increasing degrees going in a
+ ! clockwise circle. U and V wind components have the opposite sign.
+ uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ uerr = werr
+ verr = werr
! convert hectopascals to pascals.
vert = vert * 100.0_r8
@@ -345,3 +355,9 @@
end subroutine add_obs_to_seq
end program text_to_obs
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$
Modified: DART/branches/nancy_new/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/nancy_new/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:33:57 UTC (rev 9941)
+++ DART/branches/nancy_new/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:51:08 UTC (rev 9942)
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
-! text_to_obs - a program that only needs minor customization to read
-! in a text-based dataset - either white-space separated values or
+! text_to_obs - an example program to create DART format observations
+! from a text-based input data file. see below for where to adapt
+! the read routine to match your white-space separated values or
! fixed-width column data.
! created 29 Mar 2010 nancy collins NCAR/IMAGe
+! updated 8 Feb 2016 minor changes to wind conversion, and updated
+! comments to try to be more helpful.
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+type(time_type) :: ref_day0, time_obs, prev_time
! start of executable code
@@ -59,10 +62,13 @@
! time setup
call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-!! some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
-!! date. This is an example of how to support that.
-!! put the reference date into DART format
-!comp_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+!! Some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
+!! date. To support that, set a base/reference time and then add
+!! the number of seconds to it. (time_types support adding two time
+!! types together, or adding a scalar to a time_type.)
+!! Here is an example of setting a reference date, giving the
+!! call: year, month, day, hours, mins, secs
+!ref_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
! open input text file
@@ -116,7 +122,8 @@
! error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
! (see html file for more info)
- ! assume here a line is a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! the code here assumes an input line has: a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! **this is probably where you will need to adapt this code for your input data values**
! read in entire text line into a buffer
read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
@@ -134,9 +141,10 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation type = ', otype
- ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction.
+ ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
+ ! temperature measured at a location and a vertical height,
+ ! and if otype=2, a wind speed and direction in degrees (0-360)
+ ! measured at a location and a vertical pressure.
if (otype == 1) then
read(input_line(3:129), *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
@@ -158,7 +166,8 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
- ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+ ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok. we require
+ ! longitudes to be 0 to 360.
if ( lat > 90.0_r8 .or. lat < -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
if ( lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
@@ -172,15 +181,15 @@
if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
- !! if time is given in seconds since 1/1/1970, here's how to add it.
- !time_obs = comp_day0 + time_obs
+ !! if time is given in seconds since some date, here's how to add it.
+ !time_obs = ref_day0 + time_obs
! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
call get_time(time_obs, osec, oday)
! this example assumes there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction and height is pressure. any kind of observation
+ ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, a wind speed
+ ! and direction with a vertical value in pressure. any observation
! can use any of the vertical types; this is just an example.
if (otype == 1) then
@@ -195,16 +204,18 @@
if (debug) print *, 'added temperature obs to output seq'
- ! DART assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components
- ! instead of trying to assimilate a vector of speed and direction.
- ! speed is possible to assimilate, but directions are a problem
- ! when trying to do statistics on numbers that are cyclic (0->360->0)
- ! so convert into U and V components and create 2 obs for it.
- ! direction of 0 means wind comes from north, 90 from east, etc.
- uwnd = -sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
- vwnd = -cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed
+ ! DART assimilates wind as 2 separate U and V components. assimilating
+ ! "direction and speed" is difficult because direction is measured in
+ ! cyclic coordinates so you can't do simple statistics to get a mean value.
- ! assume the wind errors are equally assigned to the U and V components
+ ! convert a wind speed & direction into the U and V components
+ ! and create 2 obs for it. assume vert is in mb or hectopascals,
+ ! convert to pascals. DART assumes all pressures are in pascals.
+ ! check your data source; usually wind direction is specified as the
+ ! direction the wind is coming from, increasing degrees going in a
+ ! clockwise circle. U and V wind components have the opposite sign.
+ uwnd = sin(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
+ vwnd = cos(wdir * DEG2RAD) * wspeed * -1.0_r8
uerr = werr
verr = werr
Modified: DART/branches/quadfilter/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/quadfilter/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:33:57 UTC (rev 9941)
+++ DART/branches/quadfilter/observations/text/text_to_obs.f90 2016-03-01 23:51:08 UTC (rev 9942)
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
-! text_to_obs - a program that only needs minor customization to read
-! in a text-based dataset - either white-space separated values or
+! text_to_obs - an example program to create DART format observations
+! from a text-based input data file. see below for where to adapt
+! the read routine to match your white-space separated values or
! fixed-width column data.
! created 29 Mar 2010 nancy collins NCAR/IMAGe
+! updated 8 Feb 2016 minor changes to wind conversion, and updated
+! comments to try to be more helpful.
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+type(time_type) :: ref_day0, time_obs, prev_time
! start of executable code
@@ -59,10 +62,13 @@
! time setup
call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-!! some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
-!! date. This is an example of how to support that.
-!! put the reference date into DART format
-!comp_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+!! Some times are supplied as number of seconds since some reference
+!! date. To support that, set a base/reference time and then add
+!! the number of seconds to it. (time_types support adding two time
+!! types together, or adding a scalar to a time_type.)
+!! Here is an example of setting a reference date, giving the
+!! call: year, month, day, hours, mins, secs
+!ref_day0 = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
! open input text file
@@ -116,7 +122,8 @@
! error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
! (see html file for more info)
- ! assume here a line is a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! the code here assumes an input line has: a type (1/2), location, time, value, obs error
+ ! **this is probably where you will need to adapt this code for your input data values**
! read in entire text line into a buffer
read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
@@ -134,9 +141,10 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation type = ', otype
- ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
- ! a temperature measured in height, and if otype=2, there's a wind
- ! speed and direction.
+ ! for this example, assume there is an obs type, where otype=1 is
+ ! temperature measured at a location and a vertical height,
+ ! and if otype=2, a wind speed and direction in degrees (0-360)
+ ! measured at a location and a vertical pressure.
if (otype == 1) then
read(input_line(3:129), *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
@@ -158,7 +166,8 @@
if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
- ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+ ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok. we require
+ ! longitudes to be 0 to 360.
if ( lat > 90.0_r8 .or. lat < -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
if ( lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
@@ -172,15 +181,15 @@
if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
- !! if time is given in seconds since 1/1/1970, here's how to add it.
- !time_obs = comp_day0 + time_obs
+ !! if time is given in seconds since some date, here's how to add it.
+ !time_obs = ref_day0 + time_obs
! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@
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