[Dart-dev] [9580] DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/two_experiments_overview.m: This function creates a trellis-like plot of the vertical summary statistics
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Jan 21 17:26:48 MST 2016
Revision: 9580
Author: thoar
Date: 2016-01-21 17:26:48 -0700 (Thu, 21 Jan 2016)
Log Message:
This function creates a trellis-like plot of the vertical summary statistics
for two obs_diag_output.nc files.
At present, it uses a hardwired number of rows and columns for the trellis,
this should be user input.
At present, ALL candidate observation types are plotted.
One figure has the change in RMSE.
One figure has the change in abs(BIAS).
One figure has the change in number of observations used.
One figure has the PERCENT of observations used for both experiments
and the X axis has the maximum number of observations for that region.
This is the tricky one ... the first X ticklabel is the maximum observation
count for region 1, the second label is for region 2, etc. The way the
scaling takes place, the first ticklabel appears to be the
baseline for the SECOND region. This is NOT the case!
There's a lot more work that could have been done on this, you won't hurt
my feelings suggesting improvements.
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Added: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/two_experiments_overview.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/two_experiments_overview.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/two_experiments_overview.m 2016-01-22 00:26:48 UTC (rev 9580)
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+function two_experiments_overview(varargin)
+% two_experiments_overview create a trellis-plot-like view of all variables.
+% With no arguments, two_experiments_overview will create 4 figures that attempt
+% to provide an overview of two experiments. Each experiment must have been
+% summarized by obs_diag() and have its own 'obs_diag_output.nc' file.
+% The 'old' (or first) experiment has a default name of 'old_obs_diag_output.nc'
+% The 'new' (or second) experiment has a default name of 'new_obs_diag_output.nc'
+% EXAMPLE using defaults:
+% two_experiments_overview
+% EXAMPLE specifying filenames:
+% file1 = '/glade/scratch/raeder/POP_force/POP15/Diags_2010.08.15-31_0-500m/obs_diag_output.nc';
+% file2 = '/glade/scratch/raeder/ATM_spinup2/Diags_2010.08.15-31_Fixed_0-500m/obs_diag_output.nc';
+% two_experiments_overview('oldfile',file1,'newfile',file2)
+% EXAMPLE specifying filenames and a 'flag level' to indicate 'weak' areas:
+% two_experiments_overview('oldfile',file1,'newfile',file2,'flaglevel',0.10)
+%% DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2016 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% DART $Id$
+%% handle the user input - somehow.
+p = inputParser;
+p.FunctionName = 'input parser :: no required arguments, optional input is flaglevel (percentage)';
+% set defaults for optional parameters
+defaultFileOne = 'old_obs_diag_output.nc';
+defaultFileTwo = 'new_obs_diag_output.nc';
+defaultflaglevel = 0.00; % ten percent would be 0.10
+addParameter(p, 'flaglevel', defaultflaglevel, @isnumeric);
+addParameter(p, 'FileOne', defaultFileOne, @ischar);
+addParameter(p, 'FileTwo', defaultFileTwo, @ischar);
+p.parse(varargin{:}) % parse inputs
+% collect the results of parsing (makes code easier to read)
+flaglevel = p.Results.flaglevel;
+oldfile = p.Results.FileOne;
+newfile = p.Results.FileTwo;
+%% Create the list of vertical profile prior observation types in both files.
+verticalobs = parse_DART_vars(oldfile, newfile);
+%% plot some reference plot just to make sure we're not upside down or ...
+if (1 == 2)
+ close all
+ files = {oldfile, newfile};
+ titles = {'old','new'};
+ obsnames = {verticalobs{15}};
+ copy = 'bias';
+ prpo = 'forecast';
+ % fires up N figure windows ... for each region
+ two_experiments_profile(files, titles, obsnames, copy, prpo)
+ figure
+%% plot the new stuff
+nvariables = length(verticalobs);
+oldncid = netcdf.open(oldfile,'NOWRITE');
+newncid = netcdf.open(newfile,'NOWRITE');
+dimid = netcdf.inqDimID(oldncid,'region');
+[~, nregions] = netcdf.inqDim(oldncid,dimid);
+varid = netcdf.inqVarID(oldncid,'region_names');
+full_region_names = netcdf.getVar(oldncid,varid)';
+region_name = cell(1,nregions);
+for iregion=1:nregions
+ region_name{iregion} = deblank(full_region_names(iregion,:));
+pressure_dimid = netcdf.inqDimID(oldncid,'plevel');
+plevels = getvar(oldncid,'plevel');
+hlevels = getvar(oldncid,'hlevel');
+biasindex = get_copy_index(oldfile,'bias');
+rmseindex = get_copy_index(oldfile,'rmse');
+nusedindx = get_copy_index(oldfile,'Nused');
+f1 = gcf; clf(f1); orient landscape
+f2 = figure; clf(f2); orient landscape
+f3 = figure; clf(f3); orient landscape
+f4 = figure; clf(f4); orient landscape
+for ivar = 1:nvariables
+ varname = sprintf('%s_VPguess',verticalobs{ivar});
+ olddata = getvar(oldncid, varname);
+ newdata = getvar(newncid, varname);
+ fprintf('Working on %s\n',varname)
+ diffs = olddata - newdata;
+ rmsemat = squeeze(diffs(:,:,rmseindex))';
+ nummat = squeeze(diffs(:,:,nusedindx))';
+ biasmat = squeeze(abs(olddata(:,:,biasindex)) - abs(newdata(:,:,biasindex)))';
+ % ignore the levels where there are no 'old' observations.
+ oldmask = (olddata(:,:,nusedindx) < 1)';
+ rmsemat(oldmask) = 0.0;
+ biasmat(oldmask) = 0.0;
+ varid = netcdf.inqVarID(oldncid,varname);
+ [~, ~, dimids, ~] = netcdf.inqVar(oldncid,varid);
+ if (any(dimids == pressure_dimid))
+ % fprintf('Pressure vertical coords for %s\n',varname)
+ levels = plevels;
+ else
+ % fprintf('Height vertical coords for %s\n',varname)
+ levels = hlevels;
+ end
+ % Plot the number of observations used and create the mask of which
+ % cells are weakest.
+ figure(f3);
+ subplot(5,4,ivar)
+ [hall, legendstr, weak] = obsplot(olddata(:,:,nusedindx)', newdata(:,:,nusedindx)', ...
+ verticalobs{ivar}, levels, region_name, '% observations used', flaglevel);
+ if(ivar == nvariables)
+ legend(hall,legendstr)
+ xlabel('max observations per region')
+ end
+ % Plot the rmse
+ figure(f1);
+ subplot(5,4,ivar)
+ myplot(rmsemat, verticalobs{ivar}, levels, region_name, 'rmse(old) - rmse(new)', weak)
+ % Plot the bias
+ figure(f2);
+ subplot(5,4,ivar)
+ myplot(biasmat, verticalobs{ivar}, levels, region_name, 'abs(bias(old)) - abs(bias(new))', weak)
+ % Plot the difference of the number of observations used
+ % also spew these to the command line for context ...
+ figure(f4);
+ subplot(5,4,ivar)
+ plot(nummat, 1:length(levels), 'LineWidth',3.0);
+ axis([-Inf Inf 0 length(levels)])
+ set(gca,'YTick',1:length(levels))
+ h = title({verticalobs{ivar},'obs used; old - new'});
+ set(h,'interpreter','none');
+ grid on
+ if(ivar == nvariables)
+ legend(region_name)
+ end
+ disp('old observation counts')
+ olddata(:,:,nusedindx)'
+ disp('new observation counts, then (old-new)')
+ [newdata(:,:,nusedindx)' diffs(:,:,nusedindx)']
+bob = flipud(redblue(64));
+figure(f1); colormap(bob)
+figure(f2); colormap(bob)
+function vars = parse_DART_vars(file1, file2)
+% rips off the _guess _analy _VPguess _VPanaly, finds the unique ones,
+% and sorts them more-or-less alphabetically.
+obstype = get_DARTvars(file1);
+replace = '';
+expression = '_guess'; obstype = regexprep(obstype,expression,replace);
+expression = '_analy'; obstype = regexprep(obstype,expression,replace);
+expression = '_VPguess'; obstype = regexprep(obstype,expression,replace);
+expression = '_VPanaly'; obstype = regexprep(obstype,expression,replace);
+% see if the _VPguess version of the variable exists in both files.
+info1 = ncinfo(file1);
+info2 = ncinfo(file2);
+mask = false(1,length(obstype));
+for ivar = 1:length(obstype)
+ varname = sprintf('%s_VPguess',obstype{ivar});
+ in1 = 0;
+ for icandidate = 1:length(info1.Variables)
+ in1 = in1 + strcmp(varname,info1.Variables(icandidate).Name);
+ end
+ in2 = 0;
+ for icandidate = 1:length(info2.Variables)
+ in2 = in2 + strcmp(varname,info2.Variables(icandidate).Name);
+ end
+ if (in1 > 0) && (in2 > 0)
+ mask(ivar) = true;
+ end
+vars = sort(unique(obstype(mask)));
+function myplot(datmat, varname, levels, regions, titlestring, weak)
+[ny, nx] = size(datmat);
+xticks = 1:nx;
+yticks = 1:ny;
+% make a symmetric colormap ...
+datmax = max(abs(datmat(:)));
+% xticklabel = {'North','Tropics','South'};
+xticklabel = cell(1,length(regions));
+for i=1:length(regions)
+ bob = strsplit(regions{i});
+ xticklabel{i} = bob{1};
+yticklabel = cell(1,length(levels));
+for i=1:length(levels)
+ yticklabel{i} = sprintf('%d',round(levels(i)));
+set(gca,'YDir','normal', ...
+ 'XTick',xticks,'XTickLabel',xticklabel, ...
+ 'YTick',yticks,'YTickLabel',yticklabel, ...
+ 'CLim',[-datmax datmax]);
+h = title({varname, titlestring});
+h = colorbar;
+set(h.Label,'String','positive means new is better');
+% plot a symbol at each of the weak region/levels
+[i,j] = find(weak > 0);
+function [hall, legendstr, weak] = obsplot(old, new, varname, levels, ...
+ regions, titlestring, flaglevel)
+% first step is to identify the maximum value of each column/region
+% since the known minimum is 0 (no observations).
+nregions = length(regions);
+nlevels = length(levels);
+maxs = max([old; new]);
+% scale each column to have equal dynamic range
+xticklabel = cell(1,nregions);
+xticklabel{1} = ' ';
+for iregion = 1:nregions
+ old(:,iregion) = old(:,iregion) / maxs(iregion);
+ new(:,iregion) = new(:,iregion) / maxs(iregion);
+ xticklabel{iregion+1} = sprintf('%d',maxs(iregion));
+% create a mask for the 'weak, sparsely-observed' cells
+weak = (old < flaglevel) | (new < flaglevel);
+% then offset from one another
+shift = ones(nlevels,1) * [0:nregions-1];
+old = old + shift;
+new = new + shift;
+h1 = plot(old, 1:nlevels, '*-','LineWidth',1.0);
+h2 = line(new, 1:nlevels, 'LineWidth',1.0, 'Marker','o');
+axis([-Inf Inf 0 nlevels])
+h = title({varname,titlestring});
+grid on
+hall = [h1; h2];
+legendstr = cell(1,nregions*2);
+for iregion = 1:nregions
+ legendstr{ iregion} = sprintf('old %s',regions{iregion});
+ legendstr{nregions+iregion} = sprintf('new %s',regions{iregion});
+function var = getvar(ncid, varname)
+varid = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid,varname);
+var = netcdf.getVar(ncid,varid);
+function colors = rwb()
+% Creates a red-to-white-to-blue colormap without yellows.
+% Example:
+% bob = rwb;
+% rgbplot(bob);
+% -or, more simply-
+% rgbplot(rwb)
+num_points = 96;
+mymean= 1.0;
+mystd = 1.0;
+x_min = mymean - 3*mystd;
+x_max = mymean + 3*mystd;
+x = linspace(x_min, x_max, num_points);
+e = exp(1);
+basen = (1.0 / (mystd * sqrt(2*pi)));
+expon = -0.5 * (((x-mymean) / mystd).^2 );
+y = basen * (e .^ expon);
+green = y./max(y);
+red = [1.0-green(1:2:end) ones(1,48)];
+blue = fliplr(red);
+bob = [red' green' blue'];
+colors = bob(17:80,:);
+% subplot(2,1,1)
+% rgbplot(bob)
+% subplot(2,1,2)
+% rgbplot(colors)
+function c = redblue(m)
+n = fix(m/2);
+x = n~=(m/2);
+r = [(0:1:n-1)/n,ones(1,n+x)];
+g = [(0:1:n-1)/n,ones(1,x),(n-1:-1:0)/n];
+b = [ones(1,n+x),(n-1:-1:0)/n];
+c = [r(:),g(:),b(:)];
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
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