[Dart-dev] [9468] DART/trunk/models/ROMS/model_mod.f90: Simply reordered the routines based on the DART style guide.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Jan 7 16:31:39 MST 2016
Revision: 9468
Author: thoar
Date: 2016-01-07 16:31:38 -0700 (Thu, 07 Jan 2016)
Log Message:
Simply reordered the routines based on the DART style guide.
Required interfaces first, (public) optional interfaces next, all other
interfaces in any order.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/models/ROMS/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/ROMS/model_mod.f90 2016-01-07 23:25:26 UTC (rev 9467)
+++ DART/trunk/models/ROMS/model_mod.f90 2016-01-07 23:31:38 UTC (rev 9468)
@@ -215,11 +215,309 @@
+! All the REQUIRED interfaces come first - by convention.
+!> Returns the size of the DART state vector (i.e. model) as an integer.
+!> Required for all applications.
+function get_model_size()
+integer :: get_model_size
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+get_model_size = model_size
+end function get_model_size
+!> Does a single timestep advance of the model in a subroutine call.
+!> This interface is only called if the namelist parameter
+!> async is set to 0 in perfect_model_obs of filter or if the
+!> program integrate_model is to be used to advance the model
+!> state as a separate executable. If one of these options
+!> is not going to be used (the model will only be advanced as
+!> a separate model-specific executable), this can be a
+!> NOTE: not supported for ROMS. Will intentionally generate a fatal error.
+!> @param x the model state before and after the model advance.
+!> @param time the desired time at the end of the model advance.
+subroutine adv_1step(x, time)
+real(r8), intent(inout) :: x(:)
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+write(string1,*)'Cannot advance ROMS with a subroutine call; async cannot equal 0'
+write(string2,*)'Unsupported method for ROMS.'
+call error_handler(E_ERR, 'adv_1step:', string1, &
+ source, revision, revdate, text2=string2)
+end subroutine adv_1step
+!> Given an integer index into the state vector structure, returns the
+!> associated location. A second intent(out) optional argument kind
+!> can be returned if the model has more than one type of field (for
+!> instance temperature and zonal wind component). This interface is
+!> required for all filter applications as it is required for computing
+!> the distance between observations and state variables.
+!> @param index_in the index into the DART state vector
+!> @param location the location at that index
+!> @param var_type the DART KIND at that index
+subroutine get_state_meta_data(index_in, location, var_type)
+integer, intent(in) :: index_in
+type(location_type), intent(out) :: location
+integer, optional, intent(out) :: var_type
+! Local variables
+integer :: nxp, nzp, iloc, vloc, nf, n,nyp,jloc
+integer :: myindx
+integer :: ivar
+real(r8) :: depth
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+myindx = -1
+nf = -1
+! Determine the right variable
+FindIndex : do n = 1,nfields
+ if( (progvar(n)%index1 <= index_in) .and. (index_in <= progvar(n)%indexN) ) THEN
+ nf = n
+ myindx = index_in - progvar(n)%index1 + 1
+ exit FindIndex
+ endif
+enddo FindIndex
+if (present(var_type)) then
+ var_type = progvar(nf)%dart_kind
+if( myindx == -1 ) then
+ write(string1,*) 'Problem, cannot find base_offset, index_in is: ', index_in
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_state_meta_data:',string1,source,revision,revdate)
+! Now that we know the variable, find the cell or edge
+if ( progvar(nf)%numxi /= MISSING_I .AND. progvar(nf)%numeta /= MISSING_I ) then
+ nyp = progvar(nf)%numxi
+ nxp = progvar(nf)%numeta
+ write(string1,*) 'ERROR, ',trim(progvar(nf)%varname),' is not defined on xi or eta'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_state_meta_data:',string1,source,revision,revdate)
+call get_state_indices(myindx, iloc, jloc, vloc, progvar(nf)%dart_kind)
+nzp = progvar(nf)%numvertical
+if(nzp==1) then
+ depth=0.0
+ depth= ZC(iloc,jloc,vloc)
+ivar = get_progvar_index_from_kind(progvar(nf)%dart_kind)
+if (progvar(ivar)%kind_string=='KIND_SEA_SURFACE_HEIGHT') then
+ location = set_location(TLON(iloc,jloc),TLAT(iloc,jloc), depth, VERTISSURFACE)
+elseif (progvar(ivar)%kind_string=='KIND_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT') then
+ location = set_location(ULON(iloc,jloc),ULAT(iloc,jloc), depth, VERTISHEIGHT)
+elseif (progvar(ivar)%kind_string=='KIND_V_CURRENT_COMPONENT') then
+ location = set_location(VLON(iloc,jloc),VLAT(iloc,jloc), depth, VERTISHEIGHT)
+ location = set_location(TLON(iloc,jloc),TLAT(iloc,jloc), depth, VERTISHEIGHT)
+end subroutine get_state_meta_data
+!> Model interpolate will interpolate any DART state variable
+!> (i.e. S, T, U, V, Eta) to the given location given a state vector.
+!> The type of the variable being interpolated is obs_type since
+!> normally this is used to find the expected value of an observation
+!> at some location. The interpolated value is returned in interp_val
+!> and istatus is 0 for success. NOTE: This is a workhorse routine and is
+!> the basis for all the forward observation operator code.
+!> @param x the DART state vector
+!> @param location the location of interest
+!> @param obs_type the DART KIND of interest
+!> @param interp_val the estimated value of the DART state at the location
+!> of interest (the interpolated value).
+!> @param istatus interpolation status ... 0 == success, /=0 is a failure
+!> @todo FIXME use some unique error code if the location is technically
+!> outside the domain, i.e. an extrapolation. At some point it will be
+!> useful to know if the interpolation failed because of some illegal
+!> state as opposed to simply being outside the domain.
+subroutine model_interpolate(x, location, obs_type, interp_val, istatus)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: x(:)
+type(location_type), intent(in) :: location
+integer, intent(in) :: obs_type
+real(r8), intent(out) :: interp_val
+integer, intent(out) :: istatus
+! Local storage
+real(r8) :: loc_array(3), llon, llat, lheight
+integer :: base_offset, top_offset
+real(r8) :: tp_val
+integer :: ivar,obs_kind
+integer :: x_ind, y_ind,lat_bot, lat_top, lon_bot, lon_top
+real(r8) :: x_corners(4), y_corners(4),p(4)
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+! Successful istatus is 0
+interp_val = 0.0_r8
+istatus = 0
+! Get the individual locations values
+loc_array = get_location(location)
+llon = loc_array(1)
+llat = loc_array(2)
+lheight = loc_array(3)
+if( vert_is_height(location) ) then
+ ! Nothing to do
+elseif ( vert_is_surface(location) ) then
+ ! Nothing to do
+elseif (vert_is_level(location)) then
+ ! convert the level index to an actual depth
+ !ind = nint(loc_array(3))
+ !if ( (ind < 1) .or. (ind > size(zc)) ) then
+ ! lheight = zc(ind)
+ !else
+ ! istatus = 1
+ ! return
+ !endif
+else ! if pressure or undefined, we don't know what to do
+ istatus = 7
+ return
+obs_kind = obs_type
+ivar = get_progvar_index_from_kind(obs_kind)
+! Do horizontal interpolations for the appropriate levels
+! Find the basic offset of this field
+base_offset = progvar(ivar)%index1
+top_offset = progvar(ivar)%indexN
+!print *, 'base offset now for ',trim(progvar(ivar)%varname),base_offset,top_offset
+! For Sea Surface Height or Pressure don't need the vertical coordinate
+if( vert_is_surface(location) ) then
+ call lon_lat_interpolate(x(base_offset:top_offset), llon, llat, &
+ obs_type, 1, interp_val,istatus)
+ return
+!for 3D interpolation,
+!1. find four corners
+!2. do vertical interpolation at four corners
+!3. do a spatial interpolation
+ if(progvar(ivar)%kind_string == 'KIND_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT') then
+ call get_reg_box_indices(llon, llat, ULON, ULAT, x_ind, y_ind)
+ ! Getting corners for accurate interpolation
+ call get_quad_corners(ULON, x_ind, y_ind, x_corners)
+ call get_quad_corners(ULAT, x_ind, y_ind, y_corners)
+ elseif (progvar(ivar)%kind_string == 'KIND_V_CURRENT_COMPONENT') then
+ call get_reg_box_indices(llon, llat, VLON, VLAT, x_ind, y_ind)
+ ! Getting corners for accurate interpolation
+ call get_quad_corners(VLON, x_ind, y_ind, x_corners)
+ call get_quad_corners(VLAT, x_ind, y_ind, y_corners)
+ else
+ call get_reg_box_indices(llon, llat, TLON, TLAT, x_ind, y_ind)
+ ! Getting corners for accurate interpolation
+ call get_quad_corners(TLON, x_ind, y_ind, x_corners)
+ call get_quad_corners(TLAT, x_ind, y_ind, y_corners)
+ endif
+! Find the indices to get the values for interpolating
+lat_top = lat_bot + 1
+if(lat_top > progvar(ivar)%numeta) then
+ istatus = 2
+ return
+lon_top = lon_bot + 1
+if(lon_top > progvar(ivar)%numxi) then
+ istatus = 2
+ return
+!write(*,*)'model_mod: obs loc vs. model loc ', llon, llat, TLON(x_ind,y_ind),TLAT(x_ind,y_ind)
+call vert_interpolate(x(base_offset:top_offset),lon_bot,lat_bot,obs_kind,lheight,tp_val)
+call vert_interpolate(x(base_offset:top_offset),lon_top,lat_bot,obs_kind,lheight,tp_val)
+call vert_interpolate(x(base_offset:top_offset),lon_top,lat_top,obs_kind,lheight,tp_val)
+call vert_interpolate(x(base_offset:top_offset),lon_bot,lat_top,obs_kind,lheight,tp_val)
+call quad_bilinear_interp(llon, llat, x_corners, y_corners, p, interp_val)
+!write(*,*) 'Ending model interpolate ...'
+end subroutine model_interpolate
+!> Returns the the time step of the model; the smallest increment in
+!> time that the model is capable of advancing the ROMS state.
+function get_model_time_step()
+type(time_type) :: get_model_time_step
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+get_model_time_step = model_timestep
+end function get_model_time_step
!> Called to do one time initialization of the model.
!> In this case, it reads in the grid information, the namelist
!> containing the variables of interest, where to get them, their size,
@@ -438,31 +736,1215 @@
+!> Does any shutdown and clean-up needed for model.
-!> Set the desired minimum model advance time. This is generally NOT the
-!> dynamical timestep of the model, but rather the shortest forecast length
-!> you are willing to make. This impacts how frequently the observations
-!> may be assimilated.
+subroutine end_model()
+! good style ... perhaps you could deallocate stuff (from static_init_model?).
+! deallocate(state_loc)
+if (allocated(ULAT)) deallocate(ULAT)
+if (allocated(ULON)) deallocate(ULON)
+if (allocated(TLAT)) deallocate(TLAT)
+if (allocated(TLON)) deallocate(TLON)
+if (allocated(VLAT)) deallocate(VLAT)
+if (allocated(VLON)) deallocate(VLON)
+if (allocated(HT)) deallocate(HT)
+if (allocated(PM)) deallocate(PM)
+if (allocated(PN)) deallocate(PN)
+if (allocated(ANGL)) deallocate(ANGL)
+if (allocated(ZC)) deallocate(ZC)
+end subroutine end_model
+!> Companion interface to init_conditions. Returns a time that is somehow
+!> appropriate for starting up a long integration of the model.
+!> At present, this is only used if the namelist parameter
+!> start_from_restart is set to .false. in the program perfect_model_obs.
+!> If this option is not to be used in perfect_model_obs, or if no
+!> synthetic data experiments using perfect_model_obs are planned,
+!> this can be a NULL INTERFACE.
+!> NOTE: Since ROMS cannot start in this manner,
+!> DART will intentionally generate a fatal error.
+!> @param time the time to associate with the initial state
-function set_model_time_step()
+subroutine init_time(time)
-type(time_type) :: set_model_time_step
+type(time_type), intent(out) :: time
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-! assimilation_period_seconds, assimilation_period_days are from the namelist
+time = set_time(0,0)
-!> @todo FIXME make sure set_model_time_step is an integer multiple of
-!> the dynamical timestep or whatever strategy ROMS employs.
+write(string1,*) 'Cannot initialize ROMS time via subroutine call; start_from_restart cannot be F'
+write(string2,*)'Unsupported method for ROMS.'
+call error_handler(E_ERR, 'init_time:', string1, &
+ source, revision, revdate, text2=string2)
-set_model_time_step = set_time(assimilation_period_seconds, assimilation_period_days)
+end subroutine init_time
-end function set_model_time_step
+!> Returns a model state vector, x, that is some sort of appropriate
+!> initial condition for starting up a long integration of the model.
+!> At present, this is only used if the namelist parameter
+!> start_from_restart is set to .false. in the program perfect_model_obs.
+!> If this option is not to be used in perfect_model_obs, or if no
+!> synthetic data experiments using perfect_model_obs are planned,
+!> this can be a NULL INTERFACE.
+!> NOTE: This is not supported for ROMS and will generate a FATAL ERROR.
+!> However, this is a required interface - so it must be present.
+!> @param x the ROMS initial conditions
+subroutine init_conditions(x)
+real(r8), intent(out) :: x(:)
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+write(string1,*)'Cannot initialize ROMS state via subroutine call.'
+write(string2,*)'namelist "start_from_restart" cannot be F'
+call error_handler(E_ERR, 'init_conditions:', string1, &
+ source, revision, revdate, text2=string2)
+end subroutine init_conditions
+!> Writes the model-specific attributes to a DART 'diagnostic' netCDF file.
+!> This includes coordinate variables and some metadata, but NOT the
+!> actual DART state. That may be done multiple times in nc_write_model_vars()
+!> @param ncFileID the netCDF handle of the DART diagnostic file opened by
+!> assim_model_mod:init_diag_output
+!> @param ierr status ... 0 == all went well, /= 0 failure
+function nc_write_model_atts( ncFileID ) result (ierr)
+! assim_model_mod:init_diag_output uses information from the location_mod
+! to define the location dimension and variable ID. All we need to do
+! is query, verify, and fill ...
+! Typical sequence for adding new dimensions,variables,attributes:
+! NF90_OPEN ! open existing netCDF dataset
+! NF90_redef ! put into define mode
+! NF90_def_dim ! define additional dimensions (if any)
+! NF90_def_var ! define variables: from name, type, and dims
+! NF90_put_att ! assign attribute values
+! NF90_ENDDEF ! end definitions: leave define mode
+! NF90_put_var ! provide values for variable
+! NF90_CLOSE ! close: save updated netCDF dataset
+integer, intent(in) :: ncFileID ! netCDF file identifier
+integer :: ierr ! return value of function
+integer :: nDimensions, nVariables, nAttributes, unlimitedDimID
+! variables if we just blast out one long state vector
+integer :: StateVarDimID ! netCDF pointer to state variable dimension (model size)
+integer :: MemberDimID ! netCDF pointer to dimension of ensemble (ens_size)
+integer :: TimeDimID ! netCDF pointer to time dimension (unlimited)
+integer :: StateVarID ! netCDF pointer to 3D [state,copy,time] array
+! variables if we parse the state vector into prognostic variables.
+! for the dimensions and coordinate variables
+integer :: nxirhoDimID,nxiuDimID,nxivDimID
+integer :: netarhoDimID,netauDimID,netavDimID
+integer :: nsrhoDimID,nswDimID
+! for the prognostic variables
+integer :: ivar, VarID
+! local variables
+! we are going to need these to record the creation date in the netCDF file.
+! This is entirely optional, but nice.
+character(len=8) :: crdate ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
+character(len=10) :: crtime ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
+character(len=5) :: crzone ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
+integer, dimension(8) :: values ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
+character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: str1
+character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: varname
+integer, dimension(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) :: mydimids
+integer :: myndims
+character(len=256) :: filename
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+ierr = -1 ! assume things go poorly
+! we only have a netcdf handle here so we do not know the filename
+! or the fortran unit number. but construct a string with at least
+! the netcdf handle, so in case of error we can trace back to see
+! which netcdf file is involved.
+write(filename,*) 'ncFileID', ncFileID
+! make sure ncFileID refers to an open netCDF file,
+! and then put into define mode.
+call nc_check(nf90_Inquire(ncFileID,nDimensions,nVariables,nAttributes,unlimitedDimID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'inquire '//trim(filename))
+call nc_check(nf90_Redef(ncFileID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'redef '//trim(filename))
+! We need the dimension ID for the number of copies/ensemble members, and
+! we might as well check to make sure that Time is the Unlimited dimension.
+! Our job is create the 'model size' dimension.
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncFileID, name='copy', dimid=MemberDimID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'copy dimid '//trim(filename))
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncFileID, name='time', dimid= TimeDimID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'time dimid '//trim(filename))
+if ( TimeDimID /= unlimitedDimId ) then
+ write(string1,*)'Time Dimension ID ',TimeDimID, &
+ ' should equal Unlimited Dimension ID',unlimitedDimID
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'nc_write_model_atts:', string1, source, revision, revdate)
+! Define the model size / state variable dimension / whatever ...
+call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='StateVariable', len=model_size, &
+ dimid = StateVarDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'state def_dim '//trim(filename))
+! Write Global Attributes
+call DATE_AND_TIME(crdate,crtime,crzone,values)
+write(str1,'(''YYYY MM DD HH MM SS = '',i4,5(1x,i2.2))') &
+ values(1), values(2), values(3), values(5), values(6), values(7)
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, 'creation_date' ,str1 ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'creation put '//trim(filename))
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, 'model_source' ,source ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'source put '//trim(filename))
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, 'model_revision',revision), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'revision put '//trim(filename))
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, 'model_revdate' ,revdate ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'revdate put '//trim(filename))
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, 'model', 'ROMS' ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'model put '//trim(filename))
+! Here is the extensible part. The simplest scenario is to output the state vector,
+! parsing the state vector into model-specific parts is complicated, and you need
+! to know the geometry, the output variables (PS,U,V,T,Q,...) etc. We're skipping
+! complicated part.
+if ( output_state_vector ) then
+ ! Create a variable for the state vector
+ ! Define the actual (3D) state vector, which gets filled as time goes on ...
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncFileID, name='state', xtype=nf90_real, &
+ dimids=(/StateVarDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=StateVarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts','state def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID,StateVarID,'long_name','model state or fcopy'),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'state long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncFileID),'nc_write_model_atts','state enddef '//trim(filename))
+ ! We need to output the prognostic variables.
+ ! Define the new dimensions IDs
+ !> @todo FIXME we have the actual original dimensions ... why are we not using them here
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='xi_rho', len = Nx, &
+ dimid = nxirhoDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'xi_rho def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='eta_rho', len = Ny,&
+ dimid = netarhoDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'eta_rho def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='s_rho', len = Nz,&
+ dimid = nsrhoDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 's_rho def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='s_w', len = Nz+1,&
+ dimid = nswDimID),'nc_write_model_atts','s_w def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='xi_u', len = Nx-1,&
+ dimid = nxiuDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'xi_u def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='xi_v', len = Nx,&
+ dimid = nxivDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'xi_v def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='eta_u', len = Ny,&
+ dimid = netauDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'eta_u def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name='eta_v', len = Ny-1,&
+ dimid = netavDimID),'nc_write_model_atts', 'eta_v def_dim '//trim(filename))
+ ! Create the (empty) Coordinate Variables and the Attributes
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name='lon_rho', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ nxirhoDimID, netarhoDimID /), varid=VarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_rho def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', 'rho longitudes'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_rho long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', 'degrees_east'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_rho units '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name='lat_rho', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ nxirhoDimID, netarhoDimID /), varid=VarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_rho def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', 'rho latitudes'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_rho long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', 'degrees_north'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_rho units '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name='lon_u', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ nxiuDimID, netauDimID /), varid=VarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_u def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', 'u longitudes'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_u long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', 'degrees_east'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_u units '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name='lat_u', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ nxiuDimID, netauDimID /), varid=VarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_u def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', 'u latitudes'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_u long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', 'degrees_north'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_u units '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name='lon_v', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ nxivDimID, netavDimID /), varid=VarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_v def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', 'v longitudes'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_v long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', 'degrees_east'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_v units '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name='lat_v', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ nxivDimID, netavDimID /), varid=VarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_v def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', 'v latitudes'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_v long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', 'degrees_north'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_v units '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name='z_c', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ nxirhoDimID, netarhoDimID, nsrhoDimID /), varid=VarID),&
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'z_c def_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', 'z at rho'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'z_c long_name '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', 'm'), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'z_c units '//trim(filename))
+ ! Create the (empty) Prognostic Variables and the Attributes
+ do ivar=1, nfields
+ varname = trim(progvar(ivar)%varname)
+ string1 = trim(filename)//' '//trim(varname)
+ ! match shape of the variable to the dimension IDs
+ call define_var_dims(ncFileID, ivar, MemberDimID, unlimitedDimID, myndims, mydimids)
+ ! define the variable and set the attributes
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncFileID, name=trim(varname), &
+ xtype = progvar(ivar)%xtype, dimids = mydimids(1:myndims), varid=VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', trim(string1)//' def_var' )
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'long_name', &
+ trim(progvar(ivar)%long_name)), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', trim(string1)//' put_att long_name' )
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'DART_kind', &
+ trim(progvar(ivar)%kind_string)), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', trim(string1)//' put_att dart_kind' )
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VarID, 'units', &
+ trim(progvar(ivar)%units)), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', trim(string1)//' put_att units' )
+ enddo
+ ! Finished with dimension/variable definitions, must end 'define' mode to fill.
+ call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncFileID), 'prognostic enddef '//trim(filename))
+ ! Fill the coordinate variables that DART needs and has locally
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'lon_rho', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_rho inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, TLON ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_rho put_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'lat_rho', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_rho inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, TLAT ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_rho put_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'lon_u', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_u inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, ULON ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_u put_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'lat_u', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_u inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, ULAT ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_u put_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'lon_v', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_v inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, VLON ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lon_v put_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'lat_v', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_v inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, VLAT ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'lat_v put_var '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'z_c', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'z_c inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, ZC ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'z_c put_var '//trim(filename))
+ endif
+! Flush the buffer and leave netCDF file open
+call nc_check(nf90_sync(ncFileID), 'nc_write_model_atts', 'atts sync')
+ierr = 0 ! If we got here, things went well.
+end function nc_write_model_atts
+!> With each assimilation cycle, the DART prior and posterior files get
+!> inserted into the DART diagnostic files. This routine appends the new
+!> states into the unlimited dimension slot.
+!> @param ncFileID the netCDF file ID of the DART diagnostic file in question
+!> @param state_vec the DART state to insert into the diagnostic file
+!> @param copyindex the 'copy' index ... ensemble mean, member 23, etc.
+!> @param timeindex the index into the unlimited (time) dimension
+!> @param ierr error code. All errors are fatal. 0 == success.
+function nc_write_model_vars( ncFileID, state_vec, copyindex, timeindex ) result (ierr)
+! TJH 29 Aug 2011 -- all errors are fatal, so the
+! return code is always '0 == normal', since the fatal errors stop execution.
+! assim_model_mod:init_diag_output uses information from the location_mod
+! to define the location dimension and variable ID. All we need to do
+! is query, verify, and fill ...
+! Typical sequence for adding new dimensions,variables,attributes:
+! NF90_OPEN ! open existing netCDF dataset
+! NF90_redef ! put into define mode
+! NF90_def_dim ! define additional dimensions (if any)
+! NF90_def_var ! define variables: from name, type, and dims
+! NF90_put_att ! assign attribute values
+! NF90_ENDDEF ! end definitions: leave define mode
+! NF90_put_var ! provide values for variable
+! NF90_CLOSE ! close: save updated netCDF dataset
+integer, intent(in) :: ncFileID
+real(r8), intent(in) :: state_vec(:)
+integer, intent(in) :: copyindex
+integer, intent(in) :: timeindex
+integer :: ierr
+integer, dimension(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) :: dimIDs, mystart, mycount
+character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: varname
+integer :: i, ivar, VarID, ncNdims, dimlen
+integer :: TimeDimID, CopyDimID
+real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: data_1d_array
+real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: data_2d_array
+real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: data_3d_array
+character(len=256) :: filename
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+ierr = -1 ! assume things go poorly
+! we only have a netcdf handle here so we do not know the filename
+! or the fortran unit number. but construct a string with at least
+! the netcdf handle, so in case of error we can trace back to see
+! which netcdf file is involved.
+write(filename,*) 'ncFileID', ncFileID
+! make sure ncFileID refers to an open netCDF file,
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncFileID, 'copy', dimid=CopyDimID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'inq_dimid copy '//trim(filename))
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncFileID, 'time', dimid=TimeDimID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'inq_dimid time '//trim(filename))
+if ( output_state_vector ) then
+ call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, 'state', VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'state inq_varid '//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(NF90_put_var(ncFileID,VarID,state_vec,start=(/1,copyindex,timeindex/)),&
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'state put_var '//trim(filename))
+ ! We need to process the prognostic variables.
+ do ivar = 1,nfields
+ varname = trim(progvar(ivar)%varname)
+ string2 = trim(filename)//' '//trim(varname)
+ ! Ensure netCDF variable is conformable with progvar quantity.
+ ! The TIME and Copy dimensions are intentionally not queried
+ ! by looping over the dimensions stored in the progvar type.
+ call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncFileID, varname, VarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'inq_varid '//trim(string2))
+ call nc_check(nf90_inquire_variable(ncFileID,VarID,dimids=dimIDs,ndims=ncNdims), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'inquire '//trim(string2))
+ mystart = 1 ! These are arrays, actually
+ mycount = 1
+ DimCheck : do i = 1,progvar(ivar)%numdims
+ write(string1,'(a,i2,A)') 'inquire dimension ',i,trim(string2)
+ call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncFileID, dimIDs(i), len=dimlen), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', trim(string1))
+ if ( dimlen /= progvar(ivar)%dimlens(i) ) then
+ write(string1,*) trim(string2),' dim/dimlen ',i,dimlen,' not ',progvar(ivar)%dimlens(i)
+ write(string2,*)' but it should be.'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'nc_write_model_vars:', trim(string1), &
+ source, revision, revdate, text2=trim(string2))
+ endif
+ mycount(i) = dimlen
+ enddo DimCheck
+ ! FIXME - wouldn't hurt to make sure each of these match something.
+ ! could then eliminate the if ncndims /= xxx checks below.
+ where(dimIDs == CopyDimID) mystart = copyindex
+ where(dimIDs == CopyDimID) mycount = 1
+ where(dimIDs == TimeDimID) mystart = timeindex
+ where(dimIDs == TimeDimID) mycount = 1
+ if ( progvar(ivar)%numdims == 1 ) then
+ if ( ncNdims /= 3 ) then
+ write(string1,*)trim(varname),' no room for copy,time dimensions.'
+ write(string2,*)'netcdf file should have 3 dimensions, has ',ncNdims
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'nc_write_model_vars:', string1, &
+ source, revision, revdate, text2=string2)
+ endif
+ allocate(data_1d_array( progvar(ivar)%dimlens(1) ) )
+ call vector_to_prog_var(state_vec, ivar, data_1d_array)
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, data_1d_array, &
+ start = mystart(1:ncNdims), count=mycount(1:ncNdims)), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'put_var '//trim(string2))
+ deallocate(data_1d_array)
+ elseif ( progvar(ivar)%numdims == 2 ) then
+ if ( ncNdims /= 4 ) then
+ write(string1,*)trim(varname),' no room for copy,time dimensions.'
+ write(string2,*)'netcdf file should have 4 dimensions, has ',ncNdims
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'nc_write_model_vars:', string1, &
+ source, revision, revdate, text2=string2)
+ endif
+ allocate(data_2d_array( progvar(ivar)%dimlens(1), &
+ progvar(ivar)%dimlens(2) ))
+ call vector_to_prog_var(state_vec, ivar, data_2d_array)
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, data_2d_array, &
+ start = mystart(1:ncNdims), count=mycount(1:ncNdims)), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'put_var '//trim(string2))
+ deallocate(data_2d_array)
+ elseif ( progvar(ivar)%numdims == 3) then
+ if ( ncNdims /= 5 ) then
+ write(string1,*)trim(varname),' no room for copy,time dimensions.'
+ write(string2,*)'netcdf file should have 5 dimensions, has ',ncNdims
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'nc_write_model_vars:', string1, &
+ source, revision, revdate, text2=string2)
+ endif
+ allocate(data_3d_array( progvar(ivar)%dimlens(1), &
+ progvar(ivar)%dimlens(2), &
+ progvar(ivar)%dimlens(3)))
+ call vector_to_prog_var(state_vec, ivar, data_3d_array)
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, VarID, data_3d_array, &
+ start = mystart(1:ncNdims), count=mycount(1:ncNdims)), &
+ 'nc_write_model_vars', 'put_var '//trim(string2))
+ deallocate(data_3d_array)
+ else
+ write(string1,*)'no support (yet) for 4d fields'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'nc_write_model_vars:', string1, &
+ source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
+ enddo
+! Flush the buffer and leave netCDF file open
+call nc_check(nf90_sync(ncFileID), 'nc_write_model_vars', 'sync '//trim(filename))
+ierr = 0 ! If we got here, things went well.
+end function nc_write_model_vars
+!> Perturbs a model state for generating initial ensembles.
+!> The perturbed state is returned in pert_state.
+!> A model may choose to provide a NULL INTERFACE by returning
+!> .false. for the interf_provided argument. This indicates to
+!> the filter that if it needs to generate perturbed states, it
+!> may do so by adding a perturbation to each model state
+!> variable independently. The interf_provided argument
+!> should be returned as .true. if the model wants to do its own
+!> perturbing of states.
+!> @param state the base DART state vector to perturb
+!> @param pert_state the (new) perturbed DART state vector
+!> @param interf_provided logical flag that indicates that this routine
+!> is unique for ROMS. TRUE means this routine will
+!> somehow create the perturbed state, FALSE means
+!> the default perturb routine will be used.
+!> @todo seems to me the DART state may have 'MISSING' values
+!> which should not be perturbed. Have not tracked if the ROMS
+!> MISSING values or the DART MISSING_R8 value is in use at
+!> this point.
+subroutine pert_model_state(state, pert_state, interf_provided)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: state(:)
+real(r8), intent(out) :: pert_state(:)
+logical, intent(out) :: interf_provided
+real(r8) :: pert_ampl
+real(r8) :: minv, maxv, temp
+type(random_seq_type) :: random_seq
+integer :: i, j, s, e
+integer, save :: counter = 1
+! generally you do not want to perturb a single state
+! to begin an experiment - unless you make minor perturbations
+! and then run the model free for long enough that differences
+! develop which contain actual structure.
+! the subsequent code is a pert routine which
+! can be used to add minor perturbations which can be spun up.
+! if all values in a field are identical (i.e. 0.0) this
+! routine will not change those values since it won't
+! make a new value outside the original min/max of that
+! variable in the state vector. to handle this case you can
+! remove the min/max limit lines below.
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
+write(string1,*)'.. WARNING: pert_model_state() not finished.'
+write(string2,*)'WARNING: Does not respect MISSING values.'
+write(string3,*)'WARNING: Fix before using.'
+call error_handler(E_MSG,'pert_model_state:', string1, text2=string2, text3=string3)
+! start of pert code
+interf_provided = .true.
+! the first time through get the task id (0:N-1)
+! and set a unique seed per task. this won't
+! be consistent between different numbers of mpi
+! tasks, but at least it will reproduce with
+! multiple runs with the same task count.
+! best i can do since this routine doesn't have
+! the ensemble member number as an argument
+! (which i think it needs for consistent seeds).
+! this only executes the first time since counter
+! gets incremented after the first use and the value
+! is saved between calls.
+if (counter == 1) counter = counter + (my_task_id() * 1000)
@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@
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