[Dart-dev] [9448] DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP: Adding a version of the GTSPP converter from BJ Choi
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Jan 6 17:01:40 MST 2016
Revision: 9448
Author: thoar
Date: 2016-01-06 17:01:40 -0700 (Wed, 06 Jan 2016)
Log Message:
Adding a version of the GTSPP converter from BJ Choi
during the ROMS commit. This version thins in the vertical.
Noticed an obvious clarification that was useful in the
gtspp_to_obs.f90 - functionality of this one unchanged.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/gtspp_to_obs.f90
--- DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/gtspp_to_obs.f90 2016-01-06 23:27:48 UTC (rev 9447)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/gtspp_to_obs.f90 2016-01-07 00:01:40 UTC (rev 9448)
@@ -53,9 +53,8 @@
integer, parameter :: num_copies = 1, & ! number of copies in sequence
num_qc = 1 ! number of QC entries
-character (len=129) :: next_infile
-character (len=80) :: name
-character (len=6) :: subset
+character (len=256) :: next_infile
+character (len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: dimname
integer :: ncid, varid, ndepths, k, nfiles, num_new_obs, &
oday, osec, &
iday, isec, &
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@
! get the number of depths
call nc_check( nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, "depth", varid), 'inq dimid depth')
- call nc_check( nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, varid, name, ndepths), 'inq dim depth')
+ call nc_check( nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, varid, len=ndepths, name=dimname), 'inq dim depth')
! and read in the depth array
call nc_check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "depth", varid),'inq varid depth')
@@ -240,7 +239,6 @@
call nc_check( nf90_close(ncid) , 'close file')
-! debug
if (debug) then
print *, 'input file: ', trim(next_infile)
print *, 'ndepths: ', ndepths
Added: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/thinned_gtspp_to_obs.f90
--- DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/thinned_gtspp_to_obs.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/thinned_gtspp_to_obs.f90 2016-01-07 00:01:40 UTC (rev 9448)
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+! $Id$
+! bjchoi 2014 May 15
+! Because a GTSPP profile has too many data in vertical direction,
+! we need to reduce the number of data in a single profile.
+! Just select data near the standard (nominal) depths.
+program thinned_gtspp_to_obs
+! thinned_gtspp_to_obs - program that reads a list of NODS GTSPP observation
+! profiles of ocean temperature and salinity in netcdf
+! format and writes a DART observation sequence file.
+! created 02-sept-2009, based on the GPS reader. nsc.
+use types_mod, only : r8, MISSING_R8
+use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_calendar_type, GREGORIAN, set_time, &
+ increment_time, get_time, set_date, operator(-), &
+ print_date, operator(+)
+use utilities_mod, only : initialize_utilities, find_namelist_in_file, &
+ check_namelist_read, nmlfileunit, do_output, &
+ get_next_filename, error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
+ nc_check, find_textfile_dims, finalize_utilities
+use location_mod, only : VERTISHEIGHT, set_location
+use obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_sequence_type, obs_type, read_obs_seq, &
+ static_init_obs_sequence, init_obs, destroy_obs, &
+ write_obs_seq, init_obs_sequence, get_num_obs, &
+ insert_obs_in_seq, destroy_obs_sequence, &
+ set_copy_meta_data, set_qc_meta_data, set_qc, &
+ set_obs_values, set_obs_def, insert_obs_in_seq
+use obs_def_mod, only : obs_def_type, set_obs_def_time, set_obs_def_kind, &
+ set_obs_def_error_variance, set_obs_def_location, &
+ set_obs_def_key
+! FIXME: what actual instrument took these readings? FLOAT_xx is a placeholder
+! for now. must have obs_def_ocean_mod.f90 in the preprocess input list.
+use obs_kind_mod, only : KIND_TEMPERATURE, KIND_SALINITY, &
+use netcdf
+implicit none
+! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
+character(len=256), parameter :: source = &
+ "$URL$"
+character(len=32 ), parameter :: revision = "$Revision$"
+character(len=128), parameter :: revdate = "$Date$"
+integer, parameter :: num_copies = 1, & ! number of copies in sequence
+ num_qc = 1 ! number of QC entries
+character (len=256) :: next_infile
+character (len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: dimname
+integer :: ncid, varid, ndepths, k, nfiles, num_new_obs, &
+ oday, osec, &
+ iday, isec, &
+ obs_num, io, iunit, filenum, dummy, i_qc, nc_rc
+logical :: file_exist, first_obs, did_obs, from_list = .false.
+logical :: have_temp, have_salt
+real(r8) :: terr, serr, &
+ obs_val(1), qc_val(1), &
+ dtime, glat, glon, d_qc(1)
+type(obs_def_type) :: obs_def
+type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
+type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
+type(time_type) :: obs_time, base_time, delta_time
+! initialize some values
+integer, parameter :: nmaxdepths = 5000 ! max number of observation depths
+real(r8) :: obs_depth(nmaxdepths) = -1.0_r8
+real(r8) :: temperature(nmaxdepths) = MISSING_R8
+real(r8) :: salinity(nmaxdepths) = MISSING_R8
+integer :: t_qc(nmaxdepths), s_qc(nmaxdepths)
+! Declare namelist parameters
+character(len=128) :: gtspp_netcdf_file = '1234567.nc'
+character(len=128) :: gtspp_netcdf_filelist = 'gtspp_to_obs_filelist'
+character(len=128) :: gtspp_out_file = 'obs_seq.gtspp'
+integer :: avg_obs_per_file = 500
+logical :: debug = .false.
+namelist /thinned_gtspp_to_obs_nml/ gtspp_netcdf_file, &
+ gtspp_netcdf_filelist, &
+ gtspp_out_file, &
+ avg_obs_per_file, &
+ debug
+!pseudo standard depth for a profile data. 5 lines were added by bjchoi
+integer :: mdepth
+real(r8) :: std_depth(22)
+DATA std_depth(1:22) / 0.0, 15.0, 30.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, &
+ 400.0, 500.0, 750.0, 1000.0, 1500.0, 2000.0, 2500.0, 3000.0, &
+ 4000.0, 5000.0, 6000.0, 8000.0, 12000.0 /
+! start of executable code
+obs_num = 1
+d_qc(1) = 0.0_r8
+! time stored relative to jan 1st, 1900.
+call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
+base_time = set_date(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+! read the necessary parameters from input.nml
+call initialize_utilities()
+call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "thinned_gtspp_to_obs_nml", iunit)
+read(iunit, nml = thinned_gtspp_to_obs_nml, iostat = io)
+! Record the namelist values used for the run
+if (do_output()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=thinned_gtspp_to_obs_nml)
+! any needed namelist checks for sanity:
+! cannot have both a single filename and a list; the namelist must
+! shut one off.
+if (gtspp_netcdf_file /= '' .and. gtspp_netcdf_filelist /= '') then
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'thinned_gtspp_to_obs', &
+ 'One of gtspp_netcdf_file or filelist must be NULL', &
+ source, revision, revdate)
+if (gtspp_netcdf_filelist /= '') from_list = .true.
+! need to know a reasonable max number of obs that could be added here.
+if (from_list) then
+ call find_textfile_dims(gtspp_netcdf_filelist, nfiles, dummy)
+ num_new_obs = avg_obs_per_file * nfiles
+ num_new_obs = avg_obs_per_file
+! FIXME: is this a good idea? to append to an existing file?
+! either read existing obs_seq or create a new one
+call static_init_obs_sequence()
+call init_obs(obs, num_copies, num_qc)
+call init_obs(prev_obs, num_copies, num_qc)
+inquire(file=gtspp_out_file, exist=file_exist)
+! for now, disable this. too easy to make files with duplicate obs in them.
+if ( file_exist ) then
+!if (.false.) then
+print *, "found existing obs_seq file, appending to ", trim(gtspp_out_file)
+ call read_obs_seq(gtspp_out_file, 0, 0, num_new_obs, obs_seq)
+print *, "no existing obs_seq file, creating ", trim(gtspp_out_file)
+print *, "max entries = ", num_new_obs
+ call init_obs_sequence(obs_seq, num_copies, num_qc, num_new_obs)
+ do k = 1, num_copies
+ call set_copy_meta_data(obs_seq, k, 'GTSPP observation')
+ end do
+ do k = 1, num_qc
+ call set_qc_meta_data(obs_seq, k, 'GTSPP QC')
+ end do
+end if
+did_obs = .false.
+! main loop that does either a single file or a list of files
+filenum = 1
+fileloop: do ! until out of files
+ ! get the single name, or the next name from a list
+ if (from_list) then
+ next_infile = get_next_filename(gtspp_netcdf_filelist, filenum)
+ else
+ next_infile = gtspp_netcdf_file
+ if (filenum > 1) next_infile = ''
+ endif
+ if (next_infile == '') exit fileloop
+ have_temp = .false.
+ have_salt = .false.
+ ! open the next profile file
+ call nc_check( nf90_open(next_infile, nf90_nowrite, ncid), 'file open', next_infile)
+ ! time is stored in the file 2 ways: as real(double) days since 1900/1/1,
+ ! and as 4 and 2 digit strings for year/mon/day/hr/min
+ ! both of these are variables, not attributes
+ ! start out with converting the real time.
+ call nc_check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "time", varid) ,'inq varid time')
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, dtime) ,'get var time')
+ ! convert to integer days and seconds, and add on to reference time.
+ iday = int(dtime)
+ isec = int((dtime - iday) * 86400)
+ delta_time = set_time(isec, iday)
+ obs_time = base_time + delta_time
+ call get_time(obs_time, osec, oday)
+ ! get the number of depths
+ call nc_check( nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, "z", varid), 'inq dimid depth')
+ call nc_check( nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, varid, len=ndepths, name=dimname), 'inq dim depth')
+ ! and read in the depth array
+ call nc_check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "z", varid),'inq varid depth')
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, obs_depth, &
+ start=(/1/), count=(/ndepths/)),'get var depth')
+ ! get the single lat/lon values
+ call nc_check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid,"longitude",varid) ,'inq varid longitude')
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, glon), 'get var longitude')
+ call nc_check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid,"latitude",varid) ,'inq varid latitude')
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, glat), 'get var latitude')
+ ! if present, the data values from 'temperature'
+ nc_rc = nf90_inq_varid(ncid,"temperature",varid)
+ if (nc_rc == nf90_noerr) then
+ have_temp = .true.
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, temperature, &
+ start=(/1,1,1,1/), count=(/1,1,ndepths,1/)), 'get var temperature')
+ ! for now, use the data qc from netcdf file 't_qc'
+ call nc_check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid,"temperature_quality_flag",varid) ,'inq varid TEMP_qparam')
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, t_qc, &
+ start=(/1/), count=(/ndepths/)), 'get var TEMP_qparam')
+ endif
+ ! if present, the data values from 'salinity'
+ nc_rc = nf90_inq_varid(ncid,"salinity",varid)
+ if (nc_rc == nf90_noerr) then
+ have_salt = .true.
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, salinity, &
+ start=(/1,1,1,1/), count=(/1,1,ndepths,1/)), 'get var salinity')
+ ! for now, use the data qc from netcdf file 's_qc'
+ call nc_check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid,"salinity_quality_flag",varid) ,'inq varid PSAL_qparam')
+ call nc_check( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, s_qc, &
+ start=(/1/), count=(/ndepths/)), 'get var PSAL_qparam')
+ endif
+ call nc_check( nf90_close(ncid) , 'close file')
+ if (debug) then
+ print *, 'input file: ', trim(next_infile)
+ print *, 'ndepths: ', ndepths
+ print *, 'has temps, salinity: ', have_temp, have_salt
+ call print_date(obs_time, 'obs time')
+ endif
+ ! FIXME: these have no physical basis; selected to get us running
+ ! but need some domain expertise for guidance.
+ terr = 0.5 ! temp error = fixed at 1 degrees C
+ serr = 0.05 ! salinity error = 1 g/kg, which is 0.001 kg/kg
+ first_obs = .true.
+ mdepth = 1
+ obsloop: do k = 1, ndepths
+ ! 5 lines were ADDED by bjchoi 2015.05.15.
+ ! It could be improved better than this.
+ if( obs_depth(k) .GE. std_depth(mdepth) ) then
+ mdepth = mdepth + 1
+ else
+ t_qc(k) = -1
+ s_qc(k) = -1
+ endif
+ ! check qc here. if bad, skip the rest of this block
+ i_qc = t_qc(k)
+ if (have_temp .and. i_qc == 1) then
+ ! set qc to a good dart val
+ d_qc(1) = 0.0 ! for dart, a QC of 0 is good
+ ! set location - incoming obs are -180 to 180 in longitude;
+ ! dart wants 0 to 360.
+ if (glon < 0.0_r8) glon = glon + 360.0_r8
+ call set_obs_def_location(obs_def, &
+ set_location(glon, glat, obs_depth(k),VERTISHEIGHT))
+ call set_obs_def_kind(obs_def, FLOAT_TEMPERATURE)
+ call set_obs_def_time(obs_def, set_time(osec, oday))
+ call set_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def, terr * terr)
+ call set_obs_def_key(obs_def, obs_num)
+ call set_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
+ obs_val(1) = temperature(k)
+ call set_obs_values(obs, obs_val)
+ qc_val(1) = d_qc(1)
+ call set_qc(obs, qc_val)
+ ! first one, insert with no prev. otherwise, since all times are the
+ ! same for this column, insert with the prev obs as the starting point.
+ ! (the first insert with no prev means it will search for the right
+ ! time ordered starting point.)
+ if (first_obs) then
+ call insert_obs_in_seq(obs_seq, obs)
+ first_obs = .false.
+ else
+ call insert_obs_in_seq(obs_seq, obs, prev_obs)
+ endif
+ obs_num = obs_num+1
+ prev_obs = obs
+ if (.not. did_obs) did_obs = .true.
+ endif
+ ! check qc here. if bad, skip the rest of this block
+ i_qc = s_qc(k)
+ if (have_salt .and. i_qc == 1) then
+ ! set qc to good dart val
+ d_qc(1) = 0.0 ! but for dart, a QC of 0 is good
+ ! set location - incoming obs are -180 to 180 in longitude;
+ ! dart wants 0 to 360.
+ if (glon < 0.0_r8) glon = glon + 360.0_r8
+ call set_obs_def_location(obs_def, &
+ set_location(glon, glat, obs_depth(k),VERTISHEIGHT))
+ call set_obs_def_kind(obs_def, FLOAT_SALINITY)
+ call set_obs_def_time(obs_def, set_time(osec, oday))
+ call set_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def, serr * serr)
+ call set_obs_def_key(obs_def, obs_num)
+ call set_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
+ ! incoming obs are g/kg (practical salinity units - psu)
+ ! model works in kg/kg (model salinity units - msu) so convert here.
+ ! obs_val(1) = salinity(k) / 1000.0_r8
+ obs_val(1) = salinity(k) ! ROMS use psu
+ call set_obs_values(obs, obs_val)
+ qc_val(1) = d_qc(1)
+ call set_qc(obs, qc_val)
+ ! first one, insert with no prev. otherwise, since all times are the
+ ! same for this column, insert with the prev obs as the starting point.
+ ! (the first insert with no prev means it will search for the right
+ ! time ordered starting point.)
+ if (first_obs) then
+ call insert_obs_in_seq(obs_seq, obs)
+ first_obs = .false.
+ else
+ call insert_obs_in_seq(obs_seq, obs, prev_obs)
+ endif
+ obs_num = obs_num+1
+ prev_obs = obs
+ if (.not. did_obs) did_obs = .true.
+ endif
+ end do obsloop
+ filenum = filenum + 1
+end do fileloop
+! done with main loop. if we added any obs to the sequence, write it out.
+if (did_obs) then
+print *, 'ready to write, nobs = ', get_num_obs(obs_seq)
+ if (get_num_obs(obs_seq) > 0) &
+ call write_obs_seq(obs_seq, gtspp_out_file)
+ ! minor stab at cleanup, in the off chance this will someday get turned
+ ! into a subroutine in a module. probably not all that needs to be done,
+ ! but a start.
+ call destroy_obs(obs)
+ !call destroy_obs(prev_obs) ! is this identical to obs?
+ ! get core dumps here, not sure why?
+ if (get_num_obs(obs_seq) > 0) call destroy_obs_sequence(obs_seq)
+call error_handler(E_MSG,'thinned_gtspp_to_obs','Finished successfully.',source,revision,revdate)
+call finalize_utilities()
+! contains
+! local subroutines/functions follow
+! something to set the err var - make it a subroutine so we can muck with it
+! subroutine to fill an obs?
+end program thinned_gtspp_to_obs
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$
Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/thinned_gtspp_to_obs.f90
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/input.nml 2016-01-06 23:27:48 UTC (rev 9447)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/input.nml 2016-01-07 00:01:40 UTC (rev 9448)
@@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
! local operator does not do ray-path reconstruction
! obs levels are in kilometers
! flist contains a list of input filenames to convert into a single
! output file
- gtspp_netcdf_file = '../data/1264095.nc',
- gtspp_netcdf_filelist = '',
- gtspp_out_file = 'obs_seq.gtspp',
+ gtspp_netcdf_file = '../data/1264095.nc'
+ gtspp_netcdf_filelist = ''
+ gtspp_out_file = 'obs_seq.gtspp'
+ gtspp_netcdf_file = ''
+ gtspp_netcdf_filelist = '/t1/DART/Data/GTSPP/atlantic/2011/01/filelist_nwa_dart.txt'
+ gtspp_out_file = 'obs_seq.gtspp201101'
+ /
- input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90',
- output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90',
- input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90',
- output_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_mod.f90',
+ input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90'
+ output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90'
+ input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90'
+ output_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_mod.f90'
input_files = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_ocean_mod.f90'
@@ -29,7 +33,7 @@
- module_details = .false.,
+ module_details = .false.
nmlfilename = 'convert.nml'
@@ -37,18 +41,8 @@
write_binary_obs_sequence = .false.
- num_input_files = 1,
- filename_seq = '../obs_seq2007010106',
- filename_out = 'unused',
- print_only = .true.,
- gregorian_cal = .true.,
- first_obs_days = -1,
- first_obs_seconds = -1,
- last_obs_days = -1,
- last_obs_seconds = -1,
- /
+! There are many more options for obs_sequence_tool.
+! look at the .html documentation. Some common ones:
! obs_types =
! keep_types =
! min_lat =
@@ -56,3 +50,15 @@
! min_lon =
! max_lon =
+ num_input_files = 1
+ filename_seq = '../obs_seq2007010106'
+ filename_out = 'unused'
+ print_only = .true.
+ gregorian_cal = .true.
+ first_obs_days = -1
+ first_obs_seconds = -1
+ last_obs_days = -1
+ last_obs_seconds = -1
+ /
Added: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/mkmf_thinned_gtspp_to_obs
--- DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/mkmf_thinned_gtspp_to_obs (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/mkmf_thinned_gtspp_to_obs 2016-01-07 00:01:40 UTC (rev 9448)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+../../../mkmf/mkmf -p thinned_gtspp_to_obs -t ../../../mkmf/mkmf.template \
+ -a "../../.." path_names_thinned_gtspp_to_obs
+exit $status
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/mkmf_thinned_gtspp_to_obs
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/path_names_thinned_gtspp_to_obs
--- DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/path_names_thinned_gtspp_to_obs (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/path_names_thinned_gtspp_to_obs 2016-01-07 00:01:40 UTC (rev 9448)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Modified: DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/quickbuild.csh
--- DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/quickbuild.csh 2016-01-06 23:27:48 UTC (rev 9447)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/GTSPP/work/quickbuild.csh 2016-01-07 00:01:40 UTC (rev 9448)
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
+\rm -f *.o *.mod
echo "Success: All DART programs compiled."
exit 0
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