[Dart-dev] [9817] DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.f90: important bug fix for per-obs-type vertical normalizations;
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 19 10:34:39 MST 2016
Revision: 9817
Author: nancy
Date: 2016-02-19 10:34:38 -0700 (Fri, 19 Feb 2016)
Log Message:
important bug fix for per-obs-type vertical normalizations;
was using the wrong index when setting by type. also trap
when trying to use both per-obs-type normalizations and
identity obs; they are incompatible at this point.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.f90 2016-02-18 23:52:48 UTC (rev 9816)
+++ DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.f90 2016-02-19 17:34:38 UTC (rev 9817)
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
subroutine initialize_module()
-integer :: iunit, io, i, v, k, typecount, type_index
+integer :: iunit, io, i, k, typecount, type_index
if (module_initialized) return
@@ -345,10 +345,10 @@
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISLEVEL, i) = special_vert_normalization_levels(i)
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISPRESSURE, i) = special_vert_normalization_pressures(i)
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISHEIGHT, i) = special_vert_normalization_heights(i)
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISSCALEHEIGHT, i) = special_vert_normalization_scale_heights(i)
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISLEVEL, type_index) = special_vert_normalization_levels(i)
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISPRESSURE, type_index) = special_vert_normalization_pressures(i)
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISHEIGHT, type_index) = special_vert_normalization_heights(i)
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISSCALEHEIGHT, type_index) = special_vert_normalization_scale_heights(i)
@@ -381,28 +381,39 @@
write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # scale heights ~ 1 horiz radian: ', vert_normalization_scale_height
call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
- do i = 1, num_special_vert_norms
- if ((per_type_vert_norm(VERTISLEVEL, i) /= vert_normalization_level) .or. &
- (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISPRESSURE, i) /= vert_normalization_pressure) .or. &
- (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISHEIGHT, i) /= vert_normalization_height) .or. &
- (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISSCALEHEIGHT, i) /= vert_normalization_scale_height)) then
+ if (allocated(per_type_vert_norm)) then
+ typecount = get_num_obs_kinds() ! ignore function name, this is specific type count
+ do i = 1, typecount
+ if ((per_type_vert_norm(VERTISLEVEL, i) /= vert_normalization_level) .or. &
+ (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISPRESSURE, i) /= vert_normalization_pressure) .or. &
+ (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISHEIGHT, i) /= vert_normalization_height) .or. &
+ (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISSCALEHEIGHT, i) /= vert_normalization_scale_height)) then
- write(msgstring,'(2A)') 'Altering vertical normalization for type ', trim(special_vert_normalization_obs_types(i))
- call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
- write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # pascals ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISPRESSURE, i)
- call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
- write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # meters ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISHEIGHT, i)
- call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
- write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # model levels ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISLEVEL, i)
- call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
- write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # scale heights ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
- per_type_vert_norm(VERTISSCALEHEIGHT, i)
- call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
- endif
- enddo
+ write(msgstring,'(2A)') 'Altering default vertical normalization for type ', trim(get_obs_kind_name(i))
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+ if (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISPRESSURE, i) /= vert_normalization_pressure) then
+ write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # pascals ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISPRESSURE, i)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
+ if (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISHEIGHT, i) /= vert_normalization_height) then
+ write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # meters ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISHEIGHT, i)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
+ if (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISLEVEL, i) /= vert_normalization_level) then
+ write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # model levels ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISLEVEL, i)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
+ if (per_type_vert_norm(VERTISSCALEHEIGHT, i) /= vert_normalization_scale_height) then
+ write(msgstring,'(A,f17.5)') ' # scale heights ~ 1 horiz radian: ', &
+ per_type_vert_norm(VERTISSCALEHEIGHT, i)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'location_mod:',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
! Set up a lookup table for cos and sin for approximate but fast distances
@@ -1317,7 +1328,7 @@
! make a gtt type array for each different cutoff distance
-! (just 1 type is the most common case.)
+! (a single type is the most common case)
if (present(maxdist_list)) then
@@ -1545,22 +1556,41 @@
if(present(dist)) dist = -99.0_r8
this_dist = 999999.0_r8 ! something big.
-! map from type index to gtt index
-if (base_obs_type < 1 .or. base_obs_type > size(gc%type_to_cutoff_map)) then
- write(msgstring,'(A,I8)')'base_obs_type out of range, is ', base_obs_type
- write(msgstring1,'(A,2I8)')'must be between ', 1, size(gc%type_to_cutoff_map)
- call write_location (0, base_obs_loc, charstring=msgstring2)
- call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', msgstring, source, revision, revdate, &
- text2=msgstring1, text3=msgstring2)
+! handle identity obs correctly -- only support them if there are no
+! per-obs-type cutoffs. identity obs don't have a specific type, they
+! only have a generic kind based on what index into the state vector is
+! specified. if this is absolutely needed by someone, i can rejigger the
+! code to try to use the default cutoff for identity obs, but it's tricky
+! to identify which obs type is using the default. in theory it's possible
+! to specify a default cutoff and then specify a per-type cutoff for every
+! other type in the system. in that case i don't have a map entry for the
+! default, and it's a pain to construct one. so i'm punting for now.
+if (base_obs_type < 0) then
+ if (gc%nt > 1) then
+ write(msgstring, '(A)') 'no support for identity obs if per-obs-type cutoffs are specified'
+ write(msgstring1, '(A)') 'contact dart support if you have a need for this combination'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', msgstring, source, revision, revdate, &
+ text2=msgstring1)
+ endif
+ bt = 1
+ ! map from type index to gtt index
+ if (base_obs_type < 1 .or. base_obs_type > size(gc%type_to_cutoff_map)) then
+ write(msgstring,'(A,I8)')'base_obs_type out of range, is ', base_obs_type
+ write(msgstring1,'(A,2I8)')'must be between ', 1, size(gc%type_to_cutoff_map)
+ call write_location (0, base_obs_loc, charstring=msgstring2)
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', msgstring, source, revision, revdate, &
+ text2=msgstring1, text3=msgstring2)
+ endif
+ bt = gc%type_to_cutoff_map(base_obs_type)
+ if (bt < 1 .or. bt > gc%nt) then
+ write(msgstring,'(A,I8)')'mapped type index out of range, is ', bt
+ write(msgstring1,'(A,2I8)')'must be between ', 1, gc%nt
+ write(msgstring2, '(A)')'internal error, should not happen. Contact DART Support'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', msgstring, source, revision, revdate, &
+ text2=msgstring1, text3=msgstring2)
+ endif
-bt = gc%type_to_cutoff_map(base_obs_type)
-if (bt < 1 .or. bt > gc%nt) then
- write(msgstring,'(A,I8)')'mapped type index out of range, is ', bt
- write(msgstring1,'(A,2I8)')'must be between ', 1, gc%nt
- write(msgstring2, '(A)')'internal error, should not happen. Contact DART Support'
- call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', msgstring, source, revision, revdate, &
- text2=msgstring1, text3=msgstring2)
! the list of locations in the locs() argument must be the same
! as the list of locations passed into get_close_obs_init(), so
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