[Dart-dev] [8736] DART/trunk/models/LMDZ/shell_scripts/': garbage file committed by mistake.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Mon Oct 5 16:34:28 MDT 2015
Revision: 8736
Author: nancy
Date: 2015-10-05 16:34:28 -0600 (Mon, 05 Oct 2015)
Log Message:
garbage file committed by mistake.
Removed Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/LMDZ/shell_scripts/'
--- DART/trunk/models/LMDZ/shell_scripts/' 2015-10-05 22:32:57 UTC (rev 8735)
+++ DART/trunk/models/LMDZ/shell_scripts/' 2015-10-05 22:34:28 UTC (rev 8736)
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
-# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-# $Id: advance_model.csh 4945 2011-06-02 22:29:30Z thoar $
-# Standard script for use in assimilation applications
-# where the model advance is executed as a separate process.
-# Can be used as-is with most low-order models and the bgrid model which
-# can be advanced using the integrate_model executable.
-# Arguments are (created by 'filter' or 'perfect_model_obs' and include):
-# 1) the process number of caller,
-# 2) the number of ensemble members/state copies belonging to that process, and
-# 3) the name of the control_file for that process.
-# If this script finishes and the 'control_file' still exists, it is
-# an ERROR CONDITION and means one or more of the ensemble members did
-# not advance properly. Despite our best attempts to trap on this
-# condition, some MPI installations simply hang, some properly terminate.
-# This script loops over all the entries in the control_file to advance
-# any/all of the ensemble members. The number of trips through the
-# loop is the second argument to this script. The control_file contains
-# the information about which ensemble members are to be advanced by THIS TASK.
-# Sometimes it may be just one ensemble member, sometimes all of them.
-# Read DART/doc/html/filter_async_modes.html and the mpi_intro.html
-# for an overview.
-# This script has 4 logical 'blocks':
-# 1) creates a clean, temporary directory in which to run a model instance
-# and copies the necessary files into the temporary directory
-# 2) copies/converts the DART state vector to something the model can ingest
-# 3) runs the model
-# 4) copies/converts the model output to input expected by DART
-set process = $1 # the process number of caller
-set num_states = $2 # the number of state copies belonging to that process
-set control_file = $3 # the name of the filter_control_file for that process
-# Create a unique temporary working directory for this process's stuff
-set temp_dir = 'advance_temp'${process}
-# The run-time directory for the entire experiment is called CENTRALDIR;
-# we need to provide a safe haven for each TASK ... in 'temp_dir'.
-set myname = $0
-set CENTRALDIR = `pwd`
-# Create a clean temporary directory and go there
-\rm -rf $temp_dir
-mkdir -p $temp_dir
-cd $temp_dir
-# People have the craziest aliases. These prevent the obsessive-compulsive
-# from causing themselves no end of angst.
- if ( ! $?REMOVE ) then
- set REMOVE = 'rm -rf'
- endif
- if ( ! $?COPY ) then
- set COPY = 'cp -fp'
- endif
- if ( ! $?MOVE ) then
- set MOVE = 'mv -f'
- endif
- if ( ! $?LINK ) then
- set LINK = 'ln -fs'
- endif
- echo "advance_model.csh args = $1 $2 $3" > lmdz_out_temp
- echo "CENTRALDIR is ${CENTRALDIR}" >> lmdz_out_temp
- echo "temp_dir is $temp_dir" >> lmdz_out_temp
-# Loop through each state
-set ensemble_member_line = 1
-set input_file_line = 2
-set output_file_line = 3
-set state_copy = 1
-while($state_copy <= $num_states)
- set ensemble_member = `head -$ensemble_member_line ../$control_file | tail -1`
- set input_file = `head -$input_file_line ../$control_file | tail -1`
- set output_file = `head -$output_file_line ../$control_file | tail -1`
- set element = $ensemble_member
- echo "starting ${myname} for ens member $element at "`date` >> lmdz_out_temp
- # get model state initial conditions for this ensemble member
- ${LINK} ${CENTRALDIR}/$input_file temp_ic
- # get filter namelists for use by lmdz
- ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/input.nml input.nml
- # this just creates a file that helps to figure out which member is
- # being advanced in this directory. FYI only, you don't need it.
- echo $element >! element
- cp element element$element
- echo "ls $temp_dir for element $element" >> lmdz_out_temp
- ls -lRt >> lmdz_out_temp
- # Need a base LMDZ initial file into which to copy state vector from filter.
- # Look for start.nc resulting from the previous advance of this ensemble
- # member from within the same day/obs_seq.out time span (in CENTRALDIR)
- # When starting an experiment which has no spun up set of members, you
- # should have already copied the single LMDZ initial file (e.g. start_0.nc)
- # from the LMDZ build directory into the CENTRALDIR and made N copies of it.
- if (-e ${CENTRALDIR}/start_${element}.nc) then
- ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/start_${element}.nc start.nc
- echo 'tkkkkk'
- exit
- echo "start comes from ${CENTRALDIR}/start_${element}.nc" >> lmdz_out_temp
- else
- echo ERROR - need $CENTRALDIR/start_${element}.nc to exist
- echo ERROR - need $CENTRALDIR/start_${element}.nc to exist >> lmdz_out_temp
- exit -${element}
- endif
- # translate DART state vector into a LMDZ start.nc file
- if (-e temp_ic && -e ${CENTRALDIR}/dart_to_lmdz) then
- echo ' ' >> lmdz_out_temp
- echo 'advance_model: executing dart_to_lmdz '`date` >> lmdz_out_temp
- ${CENTRALDIR}/dart_to_lmdz >> lmdz_out_temp
- ls -lt >> lmdz_out_temp
- else
- echo "ERROR: either temp_ic file for $element or dart_to_lmdz not available" >> lmdz_out_temp
- exit -${element}
- endif
- # advance LMDZ
- echo executing: ${CENTRALDIR}/run_lmdz.csh $element
- echo executing: ${CENTRALDIR}/run_lmdz.csh $element >> lmdz_out_temp
- ${CENTRALDIR}/run_lmdz.csh >& gcm.log
- grep 'GLOB ' gcm.log
- grep 'Simulation finished' gcm.log
- grep 'Everything is cool' gcm.log
- grep 'Everything is cool' gcm.log > /dev/null
- if ($status == 0) then
- # Extract the new state vector information from the new start.nc and
- # put it in '$output_file' (time followed by state)
- echo ' ' >> lmdz_out_temp
- echo 'Executing lmdz_to_dart' >> lmdz_out_temp
- ${CENTRALDIR}/lmdz_to_dart >> lmdz_out_temp
- # Move updated state vector and new LMDZ initial files back to experiment
- # directory for use by filter and the next advance.
- ${MOVE} temp_ic ${CENTRALDIR}/$output_file
- ${COPY} start.nc ${CENTRALDIR}/start_${element}.nc
- echo "finished ${myname} for ens member $element at "`date` >> lmdz_out_temp
- #${COPY} lmdz_out_temp ${CENTRALDIR}/H${hour}/lmdz_out_temp$element
- ${MOVE} lmdz_out_temp ${CENTRALDIR}/lmdz_out_temp$element
- else
- echo "WARNING - LMDZ $element stopped abnormally"
- echo "WARNING - LMDZ $element stopped abnormally" >> lmdz_out_temp
- echo "=========================================" >> lmdz_out_temp
- exit -${element}
- endif
- @ state_copy++
- @ ensemble_member_line = $ensemble_member_line + 3
- @ input_file_line = $input_file_line + 3
- @ output_file_line = $output_file_line + 3
-${REMOVE} $temp_dir/*
-\rm -rf $control_file
-exit 0
-# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-# $URL: https://proxy.subversion.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/releases/Kodiak/models/template/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh $
-# $Revision: 4945 $
-# $Date: 2011-06-03 03:59:30 +0530 (Fri, 03 Jun 2011) $
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