[Dart-dev] [7662] DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.f90: johnny' s changes to support the tripole grid as well as
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 5 14:34:26 MST 2015
Revision: 7662
Author: nancy
Date: 2015-03-05 14:34:26 -0700 (Thu, 05 Mar 2015)
Log Message:
johnny's changes to support the tripole grid as well as
the dipole grid. quads which have at least one land
corner are no longer included in the box lists. also
increased the default size of the temporary arrays used
to compute the quads-per-box at init time.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.f90 2015-03-05 21:31:01 UTC (rev 7661)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.f90 2015-03-05 21:34:26 UTC (rev 7662)
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@
loc_get_close_obs => get_close_obs, get_close_type
use utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, &
E_ERR, E_WARN, E_MSG, logfileunit, get_unit, &
- nc_check, do_output, to_upper, &
+ nc_check, do_output, &
find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read, &
- open_file, file_exist, find_textfile_dims, &
- file_to_text, do_output
+ file_exist, find_textfile_dims, file_to_text
@@ -172,21 +171,36 @@
+! NOTE (dipole/tripole grids): since both of the dipole and tripole
+! grids are logically rectangular we can use the same interpolation
+! scheme originally implemented for the dipole grid. Here we can
+! interchange dipole and tripole when reading the code.
! The regular grid used for dipole interpolation divides the sphere into
! a set of regularly spaced lon-lat boxes. The number of boxes in
! longitude and latitude are set by num_reg_x and num_reg_y. Making the
! number of regular boxes smaller decreases the computation required for
! doing each interpolation but increases the static storage requirements
! and the initialization computation (which seems to be pretty small).
-integer, parameter :: num_reg_x = 90, num_reg_y = 90
+! FIX ME: to account for various grid sizes we should dynamically
+! allocate these numbers. To keep max_reg_list_num < 100 we can use:
+! tx0.1v2 num_reg_x = num_reg_y = 900
+! tx0.5v1 num_reg_x = num_reg_y = 180
+! gx1v6 num_reg_x = num_reg_y = 90
+! Larger num_reg_(x,y) values require more temporary storage in
+! ureg_list_lon, ureg_list_lat, treg_list_lon, treg_list_lat. For now
+! we can use num_reg_(x,y) = 180 and max_reg_list_num = 800 to account
+! for all of the currently implemented grid types.
+integer, parameter :: num_reg_x = 180, num_reg_y = 180
! The max_reg_list_num controls the size of temporary storage used for
! initializing the regular grid. Four arrays
! of size num_reg_x*num_reg_y*max_reg_list_num are needed. The initialization
-! fails and returns an error if max_reg_list_num is too small. A value of
-! 30 is sufficient for the x3 POP grid with 180 regular lon and lat boxes
-! and a value of 80 is sufficient for for the x1 grid.
-integer, parameter :: max_reg_list_num = 80
+! fails and returns an error if max_reg_list_num is too small. With 180 regular
+! lat lon boxes a value of 30 is sufficient for the gx3 POP grid, 80 for the
+! gx1 grid, 180 for the tx0.5 grid and 800 for the tx0.1 grid.
+! FIX ME: we should declare this at runtime depending on the grid size.
+integer, parameter :: max_reg_list_num = 800
! The dipole interpolation keeps a list of how many and which dipole quads
! overlap each regular lon-lat box. The number for the u and t grids are
@@ -207,8 +221,6 @@
! Need to check for pole quads: for now we are not interpolating in them
integer :: pole_x, t_pole_y, u_pole_y
! Have a global variable saying whether this is dipole or regular lon-lat grid
! This should be initialized static_init_model. Code to do this is below.
logical :: dipole_grid
@@ -283,7 +295,6 @@
allocate( HT(Nx,Ny), HU(Nx,Ny))
allocate( ZC(Nz), ZG(Nz))
! Fill them in.
! horiz grid initializes ULAT/LON, TLAT/LON as well.
! kmt initializes HT/HU if present in input file.
@@ -294,7 +305,6 @@
if (debug > 2) call write_grid_netcdf() ! DEBUG only
if (debug > 2) call write_grid_interptest() ! DEBUG only
! compute the offsets into the state vector for the start of each
! different variable type.
@@ -365,17 +375,21 @@
! These arrays keep a list of the x and y indices of dipole quads
! that potentially overlap the regular boxes. Need one for the u
! and one for the t grid.
-integer :: ureg_list_lon(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num)
-integer :: ureg_list_lat(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num)
-integer :: treg_list_lon(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num)
-integer :: treg_list_lat(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num)
+integer, allocatable :: ureg_list_lon(:,:,:)
+integer, allocatable :: ureg_list_lat(:,:,:)
+integer, allocatable :: treg_list_lon(:,:,:)
+integer, allocatable :: treg_list_lat(:,:,:)
real(r8) :: u_c_lons(4), u_c_lats(4), t_c_lons(4), t_c_lats(4), pole_row_lon
integer :: i, j, k, pindex
integer :: reg_lon_ind(2), reg_lat_ind(2), u_total, t_total, u_index, t_index
logical :: is_pole
+allocate(ureg_list_lon(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num))
+allocate(ureg_list_lat(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num))
+allocate(treg_list_lon(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num))
+allocate(treg_list_lat(num_reg_x, num_reg_y, max_reg_list_num))
! Begin by finding the quad that contains the pole for the dipole t_grid.
! To do this locate the u quad with the pole on its right boundary. This is on
! the row that is opposite the shifted pole and exactly follows a lon circle.
@@ -405,27 +419,35 @@
do i = 1, nx
! There's no wraparound in y, one box less than grid boundaries
do j = 1, ny - 1
- ! Is this the pole quad for the T grid?
- is_pole = (i == pole_x .and. j == t_pole_y)
- ! Set up array of lons and lats for the corners of these u and t quads
- call get_quad_corners(ulon, i, j, u_c_lons)
- call get_quad_corners(ulat, i, j, u_c_lats)
- call get_quad_corners(tlon, i, j, t_c_lons)
- call get_quad_corners(tlat, i, j, t_c_lats)
+ ! Only update regular boxes that contain all wet corners (kmu>0)
+ if(kmu(i,j)>0 .and. kmu(i,j+1)>0 .and. kmu(i+1,j+1)>0 .and. kmu(i+1,j)>0) then
+ ! Set up array of lons and lats for the corners of these u quads
+ call get_quad_corners(ulon, i, j, u_c_lons)
+ call get_quad_corners(ulat, i, j, u_c_lats)
- ! Get list of regular boxes that cover this u dipole quad
- ! false indicates that for the u grid there's nothing special about pole
- call reg_box_overlap(u_c_lons, u_c_lats, .false., reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind)
+ ! Get list of regular boxes that cover this u dipole quad
+ ! false indicates that for the u grid there's nothing special about pole
+ call reg_box_overlap(u_c_lons, u_c_lats, .false., reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind)
+ ! Update the temporary data structures for the u quad
+ call update_reg_list(u_dipole_num, ureg_list_lon, &
+ ureg_list_lat, reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind, i, j)
+ endif
- ! Update the temporary data structures for the u quad
- call update_reg_list(u_dipole_num, ureg_list_lon, &
- ureg_list_lat, reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind, i, j)
+ ! Repeat for t dipole quads.
+ ! Only update regular boxes that contain all wet corners (kmt>0)
+ if(kmt(i,j)>0 .and. kmt(i,j+1)>0 .and. kmt(i+1,j+1)>0 .and. kmt(i+1,j)>0) then
+ ! Set up array of lons and lats for the corners of these t quads
+ call get_quad_corners(tlon, i, j, t_c_lons)
+ call get_quad_corners(tlat, i, j, t_c_lats)
- ! Repeat for t dipole quads
- call reg_box_overlap(t_c_lons, t_c_lats, is_pole, reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind)
- call update_reg_list(t_dipole_num, treg_list_lon, &
- treg_list_lat, reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind, i, j)
+ ! Is this the pole quad for the T grid?
+ is_pole = (i == pole_x .and. j == t_pole_y)
+ call reg_box_overlap(t_c_lons, t_c_lats, is_pole, reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind)
+ call update_reg_list(t_dipole_num, treg_list_lon, &
+ treg_list_lat, reg_lon_ind, reg_lat_ind, i, j)
+ endif
@@ -959,8 +981,16 @@
! On T grid
num_inds = t_dipole_num (x_ind, y_ind)
start_ind = t_dipole_start(x_ind, y_ind)
+ ! If there are no quads overlapping, can't do interpolation
+ if(num_inds == 0) then
+ istatus = 1
+ return
+ endif
call get_dipole_quad(lon, lat, tlon, tlat, num_inds, start_ind, &
t_dipole_lon_list, t_dipole_lat_list, lon_bot, lat_bot, istatus)
! Fail on bad istatus return
if(istatus /= 0) return
@@ -973,6 +1003,7 @@
! Getting corners for accurate interpolation
call get_quad_corners(tlon, lon_bot, lat_bot, x_corners)
call get_quad_corners(tlat, lon_bot, lat_bot, y_corners)
@@ -3615,7 +3646,6 @@
! End of model_mod
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