[Dart-dev] [7575] DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.f90: Refactored the netcdf writes, implemented logic that will facilitate

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 13 16:13:22 MST 2015

Revision: 7575
Author:   thoar
Date:     2015-02-13 16:13:22 -0700 (Fri, 13 Feb 2015)
Log Message:
Refactored the netcdf writes, implemented logic that will facilitate
the separate logging of the pathological case when the prior is rejected by
the outlier threshhold, but the posterior cannot be calculated.
Currently, the DART QC of 7 persists through the calculation of the posterior
quantities, so the number of DART QC == 4 is actually wrong for the posterior.
This code replicates the existing output (BFB), but I wanted to commit all 
the refactoring changes.

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.f90
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.f90	2015-02-13 23:08:00 UTC (rev 7574)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.f90	2015-02-13 23:13:22 UTC (rev 7575)
@@ -147,10 +147,20 @@
 ! 3     Evaluated only, but the posterior forward operator failed
 !   --- everything above this means only the prior is OK
 ! 4     prior forward operator failed
-! 5     not used
+! 5     was not included to be assimilated or evaluated in the namelist
 ! 6     prior QC rejected
 ! 7     outlier rejected
 ! 8+    reserved for future use
+! Some DART QC == 4 have meaningful posterior mean/spread (i.e. not MISSING)
+! Anything with a DART QC == 5 has MISSING values for all DART copies
+! Anything with a DART QC == 6 has MISSING values for all DART copies
+! Anything with a DART QC == 7 has 'good' values for all DART copies, EXCEPT
+! pathological case:
+! prior rejected (7) ... posterior fails (should be 7 & 4)
+! FIXME can there be a case where the prior is evaluated and the posterior QC is wrong
+! FIXME ... there are cases where the prior fails but the posterior works ...
 integer             :: org_qc_index, dart_qc_index
 integer             :: qc_integer
@@ -161,9 +171,11 @@
 real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: qc
 real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: copyvals
-integer, parameter, dimension(5) :: hist_qcs = (/ 0, 1, 2, 3, 7 /)
+integer, parameter, dimension(5) ::          hist_qcs = (/ 0, 1, 2, 3, 7 /)
 integer, parameter, dimension(5) :: trusted_prior_qcs = (/ 0, 1, 2, 3, 7 /)
 integer, parameter, dimension(3) :: trusted_poste_qcs = (/ 0, 1,       7 /)
+integer, parameter, dimension(4) ::    good_prior_qcs = (/ 0, 1, 2, 3 /)
+integer, parameter, dimension(2) ::    good_poste_qcs = (/ 0, 1       /)
 integer :: numqcvals
@@ -265,6 +277,9 @@
    integer,  dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: NDartQC_4, NDartQC_5, NDartQC_6, NDartQC_7
 end type LRV_type
+! FIXME ... I have these things in global storage ... should not be passing as
+! arguments. prior, poste, priorAVG, posteAVG
 type(TLRV_type) :: poste,    prior
 type( LRV_type) :: posteAVG, priorAVG
@@ -318,13 +333,8 @@
 character(len=stringlength) :: obsname, ncName
 integer  :: Nidentity  = 0   ! identity observations
+integer  :: num_pathological  = 0   ! prior QC 7, posterior mean MISSING_R8
-!FIXME/USEME Dont know the right syntax for this scope
-!interface     CountDartQC
-!    procedure CountDartQC_3D
-!    procedure CountDartQC_4D
-!end interface CountDartQC
 ! Get the party started
@@ -658,6 +668,7 @@
          call get_obs_def(observation, obs_def)
          flavor   = get_obs_kind(obs_def)
+         obsname  = get_obs_kind_name(flavor)
          obs_time = get_obs_def_time(obs_def)
          obs_loc  = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
          obsloc3  = get_location(obs_loc)
@@ -668,11 +679,7 @@
          obslevel = obsloc3(3) ! variable-dependent
          ! Check to see if this is a trusted observation
-         trusted = .false.
-         if ( num_trusted > 0 ) then
-            obsname = get_obs_kind_name(flavor)
-            trusted = is_observation_trusted(obsname)
-         endif
+         if ( num_trusted > 0 ) trusted = is_observation_trusted(obsname)
          ! Check to see if it is an identity observation.
          ! If it is, we count them and skip them since they are better
@@ -716,6 +723,7 @@
          ! Convert the DART QC data to an integer and create histogram
+         ! FIXME ... deprecate anything without a DART QC value.
          call get_qc(observation, qc)
@@ -768,12 +776,12 @@
          call get_obs_values(observation, copyvals)
      ! add your own if test here and turn 1 == 2 into 1 == 1 above:
      !   if ( obsindex == 311 ) then
-     !   if (any(copyvals < -87.0).and.( qc_integer < (QC_MAX_PRIOR+1) ) ) then
+         if (any(copyvals(2:size(copyvals)) /= -888888.0) .and. (qc_integer == 4)) then
      !   if (abs(prior_mean(1)) > 1000 .and. qc_integer < 4) then
-         if (.true.) then
+     !   if (.true.) then
               write(*,*)'Observation index is ',keys(obsindex),' and has:'
-              write(*,*)'observation type       is',obsname
+              write(*,*)'observation type       is',' '//trim(obsname)
               write(*,*)'flavor                 is',flavor
               write(*,*)'obs              value is',obs(1)
               write(*,*)'prior_mean       value is',prior_mean(1)
@@ -790,6 +798,26 @@
+         ! There is a pathological case wherein the prior is rejected (DART QC ==7) 
+         ! and the posterior forward operator fails (DART QC ==4). In this case, 
+         ! the DART_QC only reflects the fact the prior was rejected - HOWEVER - 
+         ! the posterior mean,spread are set to MISSING. 
+         !
+         ! If it is your intent to compare identical prior and posterior TRUSTED
+         ! observations, then you should enable the following block of code.
+         ! and realize that the number of observations rejected because of the
+         ! outlier threshold will be wrong. 
+         !--------------------------------------------------------------
+         if ((qc_integer == 7) .and. (abs(posterior_mean(1) - MISSING_R8) < 1.0_r8)) then
+            write(string1,*)'WARNING pathological case for obs index ',obsindex
+            string2 = 'WARNING changing DART QC from 7 to 4'
+! TJH       call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_diag',string1,text2=string2)
+! TJH       qc_integer = 4
+            num_pathological = num_pathological + 1
+         endif
+         !--------------------------------------------------------------
          ! Scale the quantities so they plot sensibly.
@@ -906,6 +934,7 @@
             ! Count original QC values 'of interest' ...
+            ! TJH FIXME ... this is now a DART QC value ... deprecate
             if (      org_qc_index  > 0 ) then
@@ -919,7 +948,8 @@
             ! Count DART QC values
-            call CountDartQC_4D(qc_integer, iepoch, level_index, iregion, flavor, prior, poste)
+            call CountDartQC_4D(qc_integer, iepoch, level_index, iregion, &
+                    flavor, prior, poste, po_mean)
             ! Count 'large' innovations
@@ -974,21 +1004,22 @@
                   ! since we don't have the necessary covariance between U,V
                   ! we will reject if either univariate z score is bad
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_PRIOR)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, &
+                                        U_qc, QC_MAX_PRIOR)
                   if( (pr_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(prior%NbadIZ(iepoch,level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_POSTERIOR)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, &
+                                        U_qc, QC_MAX_POSTERIOR)
                   if( (po_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(poste%NbadIZ(iepoch,level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
-                  call Bin4D(maxval( (/qc_integer, U_qc/) ), &
-                       iepoch, level_index, iregion, wflavor, .false., &
-                       obs(1),  obs_err_var,   pr_mean,   pr_sprd,   po_mean,   po_sprd,  &
-                       rank_histogram_bin, &
-                       U_obs, U_obs_err_var, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd   )
+                  call Bin4D(qc_integer, iepoch, level_index, iregion, wflavor, &
+                     .false., obs(1), obs_err_var, pr_mean, pr_sprd, po_mean, po_sprd, &
+                     rank_histogram_bin, U_obs, U_obs_err_var, U_pr_mean, &
+                     U_pr_sprd, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_qc)
             endif ObsIsWindCheck
@@ -1017,7 +1048,8 @@
             ! Count DART QC values
-            call CountDartQC_3D(qc_integer, level_index, iregion, flavor, priorAVG, posteAVG)
+            call CountDartQC_3D(qc_integer, level_index, iregion, flavor, &
+                    priorAVG, posteAVG, po_mean)
             ! Count 'large' innovations
@@ -1029,8 +1061,8 @@
                call IPE(posteAVG%NbadIZ(level_index,iregion,flavor), 1)
-            call Bin3D(qc_integer, level_index,   iregion,    flavor, trusted, &
-                   obs(1),  obs_err_var,  pr_mean,   pr_sprd,   po_mean,   po_sprd  )
+            call Bin3D(qc_integer, level_index, iregion, flavor, trusted, &
+                   obs(1), obs_err_var, pr_mean, pr_sprd, po_mean, po_sprd)
             ! Handle horizontal wind given U,V components
@@ -1048,19 +1080,22 @@
                   ierr = ParseLevel(obs_loc, obslevel, wflavor)
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_PRIOR)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, &
+                                        U_qc, QC_MAX_PRIOR)
                   if( (pr_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(priorAVG%NbadIZ(level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_POSTERIOR)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, &
+                                        U_qc, QC_MAX_POSTERIOR)
                   if( (po_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(posteAVG%NbadIZ(level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
-                  call Bin3D(maxval( (/qc_integer, U_qc/) ), level_index, iregion, wflavor, .false., &
-                      obs(1),  obs_err_var,   pr_mean,   pr_sprd,   po_mean,   po_sprd, &
-                      U_obs, U_obs_err_var, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd  )
+                  call Bin3D(qc_integer, level_index, iregion,  &
+                      wflavor, .false., obs(1), obs_err_var, pr_mean, pr_sprd,      &
+                      po_mean, po_sprd, U_obs, U_obs_err_var, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, &
+                      U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_qc)
@@ -1137,6 +1172,7 @@
 write(*,*) '# big (original) QC  : ',sum(prior%NbigQC)
 write(*,*) '# bad DART QC prior  : ',sum(prior%NbadDartQC)
 write(*,*) '# bad DART QC post   : ',sum(poste%NbadDartQC)
+! TJH write(*,*) '# priorQC 7 postQC 4 : ',num_pathological
 write(*,*) '# prior DART QC 0 : ',sum(prior%NDartQC_0)
 write(*,*) '# prior DART QC 1 : ',sum(prior%NDartQC_1)
@@ -1169,6 +1205,7 @@
 write(logfileunit,*) '# big (original) QC  : ',sum(prior%NbigQC)
 write(logfileunit,*) '# bad DART QC prior  : ',sum(prior%NbadDartQC)
 write(logfileunit,*) '# bad DART QC post   : ',sum(poste%NbadDartQC)
+! TJH write(logfileunit,*) '# priorQC 7 postQC 4 : ',num_pathological
 write(logfileunit,*) '# prior DART QC 0 : ',sum(prior%NDartQC_0)
 write(logfileunit,*) '# prior DART QC 1 : ',sum(prior%NDartQC_1)
@@ -2834,7 +2871,8 @@
-Subroutine CountDartQC_4D(myqc, iepoch, ilevel, iregion, itype, prior, poste)
+Subroutine CountDartQC_4D(myqc, iepoch, ilevel, iregion, itype, prior, poste, &
+                          posterior_mean)
 integer,         intent(in)    :: myqc
 integer,         intent(in)    :: iepoch
@@ -2843,6 +2881,7 @@
 integer,         intent(in)    :: itype
 type(TLRV_type), intent(inout) :: prior
 type(TLRV_type), intent(inout) :: poste
+real(r8),        intent(in)    :: posterior_mean
 if (        myqc == 0 ) then
    call IPE(prior%NDartQC_0(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
@@ -2874,8 +2913,14 @@
 elseif (    myqc == 7 ) then
    call IPE(prior%NDartQC_7(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
-   call IPE(poste%NDartQC_7(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
+! TJH   if ( abs(posterior_mean - MISSING_R8) < 1.0_r8 ) then
+! TJH      ! ACTUALLY A FAILED FORWARD OPERATOR - pathological case
+! TJH      call IPE(poste%NDartQC_4(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
+! TJH   else
+      call IPE(poste%NDartQC_7(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
+! TJH   endif
 end Subroutine CountDartQC_4D
@@ -2884,14 +2929,15 @@
-Subroutine CountDartQC_3D(myqc, ilevel, iregion, itype, prior, poste)
+Subroutine CountDartQC_3D(myqc, ilevel, iregion, itype, prior, poste, posterior_mean)
 integer,         intent(in)    :: myqc
 integer,         intent(in)    :: ilevel
 integer,         intent(in)    :: iregion
 integer,         intent(in)    :: itype
-type(LRV_type), intent(inout) :: prior
-type(LRV_type), intent(inout) :: poste
+type(LRV_type),  intent(inout) :: prior
+type(LRV_type),  intent(inout) :: poste
+real(r8),        intent(in)    :: posterior_mean
 if (        myqc == 0 ) then
    call IPE(prior%NDartQC_0(ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
@@ -2923,8 +2969,14 @@
 elseif (    myqc == 7 ) then
    call IPE(prior%NDartQC_7(ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
-   call IPE(poste%NDartQC_7(ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
+! TJH   if ( abs(posterior_mean - MISSING_R8) < 1.0_r8 ) then
+! TJH      ! ACTUALLY A FAILED FORWARD OPERATOR - pathological case
+! TJH      call IPE(poste%NDartQC_4(ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
+! TJH   else
+      call IPE(poste%NDartQC_7(ilevel,iregion,itype), 1)
+! TJH   endif
 end Subroutine CountDartQC_3D
@@ -2935,7 +2987,7 @@
 Subroutine Bin4D(iqc, iepoch, ilevel, iregion, flavor, trusted, &
              obsval,  obserrvar,  prmean,  prsprd,  pomean,  posprd, rank, &
-               uobs, uobserrvar, uprmean, uprsprd, upomean, uposprd)
+               uobs, uobserrvar, uprmean, uprsprd, upomean, uposprd, uqc)
 ! The 'prior' and 'poste' structures are globally scoped.
 ! This function simply accumulates the appropriate sums.
@@ -2960,6 +3012,7 @@
 real(r8), intent(in)           :: obsval,  obserrvar,  prmean,  prsprd,  pomean,  posprd
 integer,  intent(in)           :: rank
 real(r8), intent(in), optional ::   uobs, uobserrvar, uprmean, uprsprd, upomean, uposprd
+integer,  intent(in), optional :: uqc
 real(r8) :: priorsqerr      ! PRIOR     Squared Error
 real(r8) :: priorbias       ! PRIOR     simple bias
@@ -2971,14 +3024,34 @@
 real(r8) :: postspredplus   ! POSTERIOR (spread,variance**)
 real(r8) :: priormean, postmean, obsmean
-integer  :: myrank
+integer  :: myrank, prior_qc, posterior_qc
-logical, dimension(6) :: optionals
+logical, dimension(7) :: optionals
+! There is a pathological case wherein the prior is rejected (DART QC ==7)
+! and the posterior forward operator fails (DART QC ==4). In this case, 
+! the DART_QC reflects the fact the prior was rejected - HOWEVER - 
+! the posterior mean,spread are set to MISSING. 
+prior_qc     = iqc
+posterior_qc = iqc
+! could be a pathological case
+! TJH FIXME DEBUG if ((prior_qc == 7) .and. (abs(pomean - MISSING_R8) > 1.0_r8)) posterior_qc = 4
 optionals = (/ present(uobs), present(uobserrvar), present(uprmean), &
-               present(uprsprd), present(upomean), present(uposprd) /)
+               present(uprsprd), present(upomean), present(uposprd), present(uqc) /)
 if ( all(optionals) ) then
+   ! to replicate behavior of old code that used to have iqc = maxval( )
+   prior_qc     = maxval( (/ iqc, uqc /) )
+   posterior_qc = maxval( (/ iqc, uqc /) )
+   ! could be that the U wind component is pathological
+! TJH   if ((uqc == 7) .and. (abs(upomean - MISSING_R8) > 1.0_r8)) posterior_qc = 4
    priorsqerr     = (prmean - obsval)**2 + (uprmean - uobs)**2
    postsqerr      = (pomean - obsval)**2 + (upomean - uobs)**2
@@ -3027,7 +3100,7 @@
 if (     (myrank > 0) .and. create_rank_histogram ) then
-   if ( any(iqc == hist_qcs(1:numqcvals) ) )  &
+   if ( any(prior_qc == hist_qcs(1:numqcvals) ) )  &
       call IPE(prior%hist_bin(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor,myrank), 1)
@@ -3039,55 +3112,17 @@
 call IPE(poste%Nposs(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), 1)
-! Enforce the use of trusted observations.
+! Select which set of qcs are valid and accrue everything 
 if ( trusted ) then
    call IPE(prior%Ntrusted(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), 1)
    call IPE(poste%Ntrusted(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), 1)
-   ! Accrue the PRIOR quantities
-   if ( any(iqc == trusted_prior_qcs) ) then
-      call IPE(prior%Nused(      iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
-      call RPE(prior%observation(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean   )
-      call RPE(prior%ens_mean(   iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priormean )
-      call RPE(prior%bias(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorbias )
-      call RPE(prior%rmse(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorsqerr)
-      call RPE(prior%spread(     iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspred)
-      call RPE(prior%totspread(  iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspredplus)
-   else
-      call IPE(prior%NbadDartQC(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),       1    )
-   endif
-   ! Accrue the POSTERIOR quantities
-   if ( any(iqc == trusted_poste_qcs) ) then
-      call IPE(poste%Nused(      iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1   )
-      call RPE(poste%observation(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean  )
-      call RPE(poste%ens_mean(   iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postmean )
-      call RPE(poste%bias(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postbias )
-      call RPE(poste%rmse(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postsqerr)
-      call RPE(poste%spread(     iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspred)
-      call RPE(poste%totspread(  iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspredplus)
-   else
-      call IPE(poste%NbadDartQC(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),       1   )
-   endif
-! Proceed 'as normal'.
-if ( iqc > QC_MAX_PRIOR ) then  ! prior and posterior failed
-   call IPE(prior%NbadDartQC(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),       1    )
-   call IPE(poste%NbadDartQC(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),       1    )
-else if ( iqc > QC_MAX_POSTERIOR ) then
-   ! Then at least the prior (A.K.A. prior) is good
+! Accrue the PRIOR quantities
+if ((      trusted .and.  any(trusted_prior_qcs == prior_qc)) .or. &
+    (.not. trusted .and.  any(   good_prior_qcs == prior_qc))) then
    call IPE(prior%Nused(      iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
    call RPE(prior%observation(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean   )
    call RPE(prior%ens_mean(   iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priormean )
@@ -3095,22 +3130,13 @@
    call RPE(prior%rmse(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorsqerr)
    call RPE(prior%spread(     iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspred)
    call RPE(prior%totspread(  iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspredplus)
-   ! However, the posterior is bad
-   call IPE(poste%NbadDartQC(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),       1    )
+   call IPE(prior%NbadDartQC(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),       1    )
-   ! The prior is good
-   call IPE(prior%Nused(      iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
-   call RPE(prior%observation(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean   )
-   call RPE(prior%ens_mean(   iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priormean )
-   call RPE(prior%bias(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorbias )
-   call RPE(prior%rmse(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorsqerr)
-   call RPE(prior%spread(     iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspred)
-   call RPE(prior%totspread(  iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspredplus)
-   ! The posterior is good
+! Accrue the POSTERIOR quantities
+if ((      trusted .and.  any(trusted_poste_qcs == posterior_qc)) .or. &
+    (.not. trusted .and.  any(   good_poste_qcs == posterior_qc))) then
    call IPE(poste%Nused(      iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1   )
    call RPE(poste%observation(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean  )
    call RPE(poste%ens_mean(   iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postmean )
@@ -3118,7 +3144,8 @@
    call RPE(poste%rmse(       iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postsqerr)
    call RPE(poste%spread(     iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspred)
    call RPE(poste%totspread(  iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspredplus)
+   call IPE(poste%NbadDartQC(iepoch,ilevel,iregion,flavor),       1    )
 end Subroutine Bin4D
@@ -3129,7 +3156,7 @@
 Subroutine Bin3D(iqc, ilevel, iregion, flavor, trusted, &
              obsval,  obserrvar,  prmean,  prsprd,  pomean,  posprd, &
-               uobs, uobserrvar, uprmean, uprsprd, upomean, uposprd  )
+               uobs, uobserrvar, uprmean, uprsprd, upomean, uposprd, uqc  )
 ! The 'prior' and 'poste' structures are globally scoped.
 ! This function simply accumulates the appropriate sums.
@@ -3144,6 +3171,7 @@
 logical,  intent(in)           :: trusted
 real(r8), intent(in)           :: obsval,  obserrvar,  prmean,  prsprd,  pomean,  posprd
 real(r8), intent(in), optional ::   uobs, uobserrvar, uprmean, uprsprd, upomean, uposprd
+integer,  intent(in), optional :: uqc
 real(r8) :: priorsqerr     ! PRIOR     Squared Error
 real(r8) :: priorbias      ! PRIOR     simple bias
@@ -3153,14 +3181,35 @@
 real(r8) :: postbias       ! POSTERIOR simple bias
 real(r8) :: postspred      ! POSTERIOR (spread,variance)
 real(r8) :: postspredplus  ! POSTERIOR (spread,variance**)
-logical, dimension(6) :: optionals
+logical, dimension(7) :: optionals
 real(r8) :: priormean, postmean, obsmean
+integer  :: prior_qc, posterior_qc
+! There is a pathological case wherein the prior is rejected (DART QC ==7)
+! and the posterior forward operator fails (DART QC ==4). In this case, 
+! the DART_QC reflects the fact the prior was rejected - HOWEVER - 
+! the posterior mean,spread are set to MISSING. 
+prior_qc     = iqc
+posterior_qc = iqc
+! could be a pathological case
+! TJH if ((prior_qc == 7) .and. (abs(pomean - MISSING_R8) > 1.0_r8)) posterior_qc = 4
 optionals = (/ present(uobs), present(uobserrvar), present(uprmean), &
-               present(uprsprd), present(upomean), present(uposprd) /)
+               present(uprsprd), present(upomean), present(uposprd), present(uqc) /)
 if ( all(optionals) ) then
+   ! to replicate behavior of old code that used to have iqc = maxval( )
+   prior_qc     = maxval( (/ iqc, uqc /) )
+   posterior_qc = maxval( (/ iqc, uqc /) )
+   ! could be that the U wind component is pathological
+! TJH   if ((uqc == 7) .and. (abs(upomean - MISSING_R8) > 1.0_r8)) posterior_qc = 4
    priorsqerr     = (prmean - obsval)**2 + (uprmean - uobs)**2
    postsqerr      = (pomean - obsval)**2 + (upomean - uobs)**2
@@ -3201,55 +3250,17 @@
 call IPE(posteAVG%Nposs(ilevel,iregion,flavor), 1)
-! Enforce the use of trusted observations.
+! Select which set of qcs are valid and accrue everything 
 if ( trusted ) then
    call IPE(priorAVG%Ntrusted(ilevel,iregion,flavor), 1)
    call IPE(posteAVG%Ntrusted(ilevel,iregion,flavor), 1)
-   ! Accrue the PRIOR quantities
-   if ( any(iqc == trusted_prior_qcs) ) then
-      call IPE(priorAVG%Nused(      ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
-      call RPE(priorAVG%observation(ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean   )
-      call RPE(priorAVG%ens_mean(   ilevel,iregion,flavor), priormean )
-      call RPE(priorAVG%bias(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorbias )
-      call RPE(priorAVG%rmse(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorsqerr)
-      call RPE(priorAVG%spread(     ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspred)
-      call RPE(priorAVG%totspread(  ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspredplus)
-   else
-      call IPE(priorAVG%NbadDartQC(ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1     )
-   endif
-   ! Accrue the POSTERIOR quantities
-   if ( any(iqc == trusted_poste_qcs) ) then
-      call IPE(posteAVG%Nused(      ilevel,iregion,flavor),     1    )
-      call RPE(posteAVG%observation(ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean  )
-      call RPE(posteAVG%ens_mean(   ilevel,iregion,flavor), postmean )
-      call RPE(posteAVG%bias(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), postbias )
-      call RPE(posteAVG%rmse(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), postsqerr)
-      call RPE(posteAVG%spread(     ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspred)
-      call RPE(posteAVG%totspread(  ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspredplus)
-   else
-      call IPE(posteAVG%NbadDartQC(ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
-   endif
-! Proceed 'as normal'.
-if ( iqc > QC_MAX_PRIOR ) then  ! prior and posterior failed
-   call IPE(priorAVG%NbadDartQC(ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1     )
-   call IPE(posteAVG%NbadDartQC(ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1     )
-else if ( iqc > QC_MAX_POSTERIOR ) then
-   ! Then at least the prior (A.K.A. prior) is good
+! Accrue the PRIOR quantities
+if ((      trusted .and. any(trusted_prior_qcs == prior_qc)) .or. &
+    (.not. trusted .and. any(   good_prior_qcs == prior_qc))) then
    call IPE(priorAVG%Nused(      ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
    call RPE(priorAVG%observation(ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean   )
    call RPE(priorAVG%ens_mean(   ilevel,iregion,flavor), priormean )
@@ -3257,30 +3268,22 @@
    call RPE(priorAVG%rmse(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorsqerr)
    call RPE(priorAVG%spread(     ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspred)
    call RPE(priorAVG%totspread(  ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspredplus)
-   ! However, the posterior is bad
-   call IPE(posteAVG%NbadDartQC(ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1     )
-   ! The prior is good
-   call IPE(priorAVG%Nused(      ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
-   call RPE(priorAVG%observation(ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean   )
-   call RPE(priorAVG%ens_mean(   ilevel,iregion,flavor), priormean )
-   call RPE(priorAVG%bias(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorbias )
-   call RPE(priorAVG%rmse(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorsqerr)
-   call RPE(priorAVG%spread(     ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspred)
-   call RPE(priorAVG%totspread(  ilevel,iregion,flavor), priorspredplus)
-   ! The posterior is good
-   call IPE(posteAVG%Nused(      ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
-   call RPE(posteAVG%observation(ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean   )
-   call RPE(posteAVG%ens_mean(   ilevel,iregion,flavor), postmean  )
-   call RPE(posteAVG%bias(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), postbias  )
-   call RPE(posteAVG%rmse(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), postsqerr )
-   call RPE(posteAVG%spread(     ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspred )
+   call IPE(priorAVG%NbadDartQC(ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1     )
+! Accrue the POSTERIOR quantities
+if ((      trusted .and. any(trusted_poste_qcs == posterior_qc)) .or. &
+    (.not. trusted .and. any(   good_poste_qcs == posterior_qc))) then
+   call IPE(posteAVG%Nused(      ilevel,iregion,flavor),     1    )
+   call RPE(posteAVG%observation(ilevel,iregion,flavor), obsmean  )
+   call RPE(posteAVG%ens_mean(   ilevel,iregion,flavor), postmean )
+   call RPE(posteAVG%bias(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), postbias )
+   call RPE(posteAVG%rmse(       ilevel,iregion,flavor), postsqerr)
+   call RPE(posteAVG%spread(     ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspred)
    call RPE(posteAVG%totspread(  ilevel,iregion,flavor), postspredplus)
+   call IPE(posteAVG%NbadDartQC(ilevel,iregion,flavor),      1    )
 end Subroutine Bin3D
@@ -3611,6 +3614,12 @@
 call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'latlim2', latlim2(1:Nregions) ), &
            'WriteNetCDF', 'put_att latlim2 '//trim(fname))
+do i = 1,num_trusted
+   write(string1,'(''trusted_obs_'',i2.2)') i
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, trim(string1), trim(trusted_list(i))), &
+        'WriteNetCDF', 'put_att trusted_list '//trim(fname))
 ! write all observation sequence files used
@@ -3649,9 +3658,14 @@
    if (nobs > 0) then
       typesdimlen = typesdimlen + 1
-      call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, &
-         trim(obs_type_strings(ivar)), ivar ), &
-         'WriteNetCDF', 'region_names:obs_kinds')
+      if ( is_observation_trusted(obs_type_strings(ivar)) ) then
+         string1 = trim(obs_type_strings(ivar))//'(TRUSTED)'
+      else
+         string1 = obs_type_strings(ivar)
+      endif
+      call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, string1, ivar), & 
+         'WriteNetCDF', 'put_att:obs_type_string '//trim(obs_type_strings(ivar)))
@@ -4255,7 +4269,7 @@
       enddo HEIGHTLOOP
-      ! pathological case to replicate previous behavior
+      ! case to replicate previous behavior
       if ( level_in == hlevel_edges(1) ) ClosestLevelIndex = 1
       if ( oldLevelIndex /= ClosestLevelIndex ) then
@@ -4298,7 +4312,7 @@
       enddo LEVELLOOP
-      ! pathological case to replicate previous behavior
+      ! case to replicate previous behavior
       if ( level_in == mlevel_edges(1) ) ClosestLevelIndex = 1
       if ( oldLevelIndex /= ClosestLevelIndex ) then
@@ -4342,7 +4356,7 @@
       enddo PRESSURELOOP
-      ! pathological case to replicate previous behavior
+      ! case to replicate previous behavior
       if ( level_in == plevel_edges(1) ) ClosestLevelIndex = 1
       if ( oldLevelIndex /= ClosestLevelIndex ) then
@@ -4389,16 +4403,18 @@
 integer :: nobs, Nlevels, ivar, itime, ilevel, iregion
 integer :: Nbins, irank, ndata
-character(len=40) :: string1
+character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: string1, string2
-integer :: VarID, VarID2, LevelDimID, oldmode
+integer :: VarID, LevelDimID, oldmode
 real(r4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: rchunk
 integer,  allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: ichunk
-FLAVORS : do ivar = 1,num_obs_types
+call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncid), 'WriteTLRV', 'redef')
+DEFINE : do ivar = 1,num_obs_types
    nobs = sum(vrbl%Nposs(:,:,:,ivar))
-   if (nobs < 1) cycle FLAVORS
+   if (nobs < 1) cycle DEFINE
    if (verbose) then
       write(logfileunit,'(i4,1x,(a32),1x,i8,1x,'' obs at vert '',i3,f11.3)') ivar, &
@@ -4407,6 +4423,66 @@
        obs_type_strings(ivar), nobs, which_vert(ivar), scale_factor(ivar)
+   ! Create netCDF variable name
+   string2 = obs_type_strings(ivar)
+   string1 = trim(string2)//'_'//adjustl(vrbl%string)
+   ! Determine what kind of levels to use (LevelDimID) ... models, pressure, height ...
+   Nlevels = FindVertical(ncid, ivar, LevelDimID)
+   ! Define the variable and its attributes.
+   call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, name=string1, xtype=nf90_real, &
+          dimids=(/ RegionDimID, LevelDimID, CopyDimID, TimeDimID /), &
+          varid=VarID), 'WriteTLRV', 'region:def_var '//trim(string1))
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, '_FillValue',    MISSING_R4), &
+           'WriteTLRV','put_att:fillvalue '//trim(string1))
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'missing_value', MISSING_R4), &
+           'WriteTLRV','put_att:missing '//trim(string1))
+   if ( is_observation_trusted(obs_type_strings(ivar)) ) then
+      call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'TRUSTED', 'TRUE'), &
+           'WriteTLRV','put_att:trusted '//trim(string1))
+      call error_handler(E_MSG,'WriteTLRV:',string1,text2='is TRUSTED.')
+   endif
+   call nc_check(nf90_set_fill(ncid, NF90_NOFILL, oldmode),  &
+           'WriteTLRV', 'set_nofill '//trim(string1))
+   ! The rank histogram has no 'copy' dimension, so it must be handled differently.
+   if (present(RankDimID)) then
+      string2 = trim(string1)//'_RankHist'
+      ndata   = sum(vrbl%hist_bin(:,:,:,ivar,:))
+      if ( ndata > 0 ) then
+         call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, name=string2, xtype=nf90_int, &
+             dimids=(/ RegionDimID, LevelDimID, RankDimID, TimeDimID /), &
+             varid=VarID), 'WriteTLRV', 'rank_hist:def_var '//trim(string2))
+      else
+         write(logfileunit,*)string2//' has ',ndata,'"rank"able observations.'
+         write(     *     ,*)string2//' has ',ndata,'"rank"able observations.'
+      endif
+   endif
+enddo DEFINE
+call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncid), 'WriteTLRV', 'enddef ')
+FILL : do ivar = 1,num_obs_types
+   nobs = sum(vrbl%Nposs(:,:,:,ivar))
+   if (nobs < 1) cycle FILL
+   ! Create netCDF variable name
+   string2 = obs_type_strings(ivar)
+   string1 = trim(string2)//'_'//adjustl(vrbl%string)
    ! determine what kind of levels to use ... models, pressure, height ...
    Nlevels = FindVertical(ncid, ivar, LevelDimID)
@@ -4445,30 +4521,17 @@
-   call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncid), 'WriteTLRV', 'redef')
+   call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, string1, VarID), &
+           'WriteTLRV', 'region:inq_varid '//trim(string1))
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, VarID, rchunk ), &
+           'WriteTLRV', 'realchunk:put_var '//trim(string1))
+   deallocate(rchunk)
-   ! Create netCDF variable name
-   string2 = obs_type_strings(ivar)
-   string1 = trim(string2)//'_'//adjustl(vrbl%string)
-   call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, name=string1, xtype=nf90_real, &
-          dimids=(/ RegionDimID, LevelDimID, CopyDimID, TimeDimID /), &
-          varid=VarID), 'WriteTLRV', 'region:def_var')
-   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, '_FillValue',    MISSING_R4), &
-           'WriteTLRV','put_att:fillvalue')
-   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'missing_value', MISSING_R4), &
-           'WriteTLRV','put_att:missing')
-   call nc_check(nf90_set_fill(ncid, NF90_NOFILL, oldmode),  &
-           'WriteTLRV', 'set_nofill '//trim(vrbl%string))
    ! The rank histogram has no 'copy' dimension, so it must be handled differently.
-   ndata = 0
-   if (present(RankDimID)) then
+   if ( present(RankDimID) ) then
-      string1 = trim(string1)//'_RankHist'
+      string2 = trim(string1)//'_RankHist'
       Nbins   = size(vrbl%hist_bin,5)
       ndata   = sum(vrbl%hist_bin(:,:,:,ivar,:))
@@ -4489,29 +4552,17 @@
-         call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, name=string1, xtype=nf90_int, &
-             dimids=(/ RegionDimID, LevelDimID, RankDimID, TimeDimID /), &
-             varid=VarID2), 'WriteTLRV', 'rank_hist:def_var')
-      else
-         write(logfileunit,*)string1//' has ',ndata,'"rank"able observations.'
-         write(     *     ,*)string1//' has ',ndata,'"rank"able observations.'
-      endif
+         call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, string2, VarID), &
+                 'WriteTLRV', 'rank_hist:inq_varid '//trim(string2))
+         call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, VarID, ichunk ), &
+                 'WriteTLRV', 'intchunk:put_var '//trim(string2))
-   endif
+         deallocate(ichunk)
-   call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncid), 'WriteTLRV', 'enddef ')
-   call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, VarID, rchunk ), &
-           'WriteTLRV', 'realchunk:put_var')
-   deallocate(rchunk)
-   if (present(RankDimID) .and. (ndata > 0) ) then
-      call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, VarID2, ichunk ), &
-              'WriteTLRV', 'intchunk:put_var')
-      deallocate(ichunk)
+      endif
-enddo FLAVORS
+enddo FILL
 WriteTLRV = 0
@@ -4528,16 +4579,64 @@
 integer :: WriteLRV
 integer :: nobs, Nlevels, ivar, ilevel, iregion
-character(len=40) :: string1
+character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: string1, string2
 integer :: VarID, LevelDimID, oldmode
 real(r4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: chunk
-FLAVORS : do ivar = 1,num_obs_types
+! It is efficient to go into redefine mode once, 
+! define all the variables, attributes, etc ...
+! exit define mode and then loop again to fill.
+call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncid), 'WriteLRV', 'redef')
+DEFINE : do ivar = 1,num_obs_types
    nobs = sum(vrbl%Nposs(:,:,ivar))
-   if (nobs < 1) cycle FLAVORS
+   if (nobs < 1) cycle DEFINE
+   ! Create netCDF variable name
+   string2 = obs_type_strings(ivar)
+   string1 = trim(string2)//'_'//adjustl(vrbl%string)
+   ! Determine what kind of levels to use (LevelDimID) ... models, pressure, height ...
+   Nlevels = FindVertical(ncid, ivar, LevelDimID)
+   ! Define the variable and its attributes.
+   call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, name=string1, xtype=nf90_real, &
+          dimids=(/ RegionDimID, LevelDimID, CopyDimID /), &
+          varid=VarID), 'WriteLRV', 'region:def_var '//trim(string1))
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, '_FillValue',    MISSING_R4), &
+           'WriteLRV','put_att:fillvalue '//trim(string1))
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'missing_value', MISSING_R4), &
+           'WriteLRV','put_att:missing '//trim(string1))
+   if ( is_observation_trusted(obs_type_strings(ivar)) ) then
+      call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'TRUSTED', 'TRUE'), &
+           'WriteLRV','put_att:trusted '//trim(string1))
+      call error_handler(E_MSG,'WriteLRV:',string1,text2='is trusted.')
+   endif
+   call nc_check(nf90_set_fill(ncid, NF90_NOFILL, oldmode),  &
+           'WriteLRV', 'set_nofill '//trim(string1))
+enddo DEFINE
+call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncid), 'WriteLRV', 'enddef ')
+FILL : do ivar = 1,num_obs_types
+   nobs = sum(vrbl%Nposs(:,:,ivar))
+   if (nobs < 1) cycle FILL
+   ! Create netCDF variable name
+   string2 = obs_type_strings(ivar)
+   string1 = trim(string2)//'_'//adjustl(vrbl%string)
    ! determine what kind of levels to use ... models, pressure, height ...
    Nlevels = FindVertical(ncid, ivar, LevelDimID)
@@ -4574,32 +4673,14 @@
-   call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncid), 'WriteLRV', 'redef')
-   ! Create netCDF variable name
-   string2 = obs_type_strings(ivar)
-   string1 = trim(string2)//'_'//adjustl(vrbl%string)
-   call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, name=string1, xtype=nf90_real, &
-          dimids=(/ RegionDimID, LevelDimID, CopyDimID /), &
-          varid=VarID), 'WriteLRV', 'region:def_var')
-   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, '_FillValue',    MISSING_R4), &
-           'WriteLRV','put_att:fillvalue')
-   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'missing_value', MISSING_R4), &
-           'WriteLRV','put_att:missing')
-   call nc_check(nf90_set_fill(ncid, NF90_NOFILL, oldmode),  &
-           'WriteLRV', 'set_nofill '//trim(vrbl%string))
-   call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncid), 'WriteLRV', 'enddef ')
+   call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, string1, VarID), &
+           'WriteLRV', 'FILL:inq_varid '//trim(string1))
    call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, VarID, chunk ), &
-           'WriteLRV', 'time_bounds:put_var')
+           'WriteLRV', 'time_bounds:put_var '//trim(string1))
-enddo FLAVORS
+enddo FILL
 WriteLRV = 0

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