[Dart-dev] [7934] DART/trunk/models/cam: Replace 'highest_state_p_Pa' with ' model_top_issues'.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 28 16:19:03 MDT 2015
Revision: 7934
Author: nancy
Date: 2015-04-28 16:19:02 -0600 (Tue, 28 Apr 2015)
Log Message:
Replace 'highest_state_p_Pa' with 'model_top_issues'. the powerpoint
is in the group directory; the pdf is now here. add the 2 matlab scripts
which allow a user to model how different parameters would change the
assimilation increments at the model top. update the model_mod.html
to reference the new document name. all content from kevin.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Added: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_p_Pa.m
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_p_Pa.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_p_Pa.m 2015-04-28 22:19:02 UTC (rev 7934)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+function highest_state_p_Pa(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm, varargin)
+% plots the vertical damping profile for CAM, WACCM
+% highest_state_p_Pa(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm)
+% highest_state_p_Pa(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm, 'nu_top', nu_top)
+% fname = pathname of initial files containing vertical grid information.
+% diffusion_flag = CAM namelist div24del2flag value, except for 0, which is not used by CAM;
+% 0 for CAM-SE,
+% 2 for CAM-FV div2 damping
+% 4 for CAM-FV div4 damping
+% 24 for CAM-FV del2+div4 damping
+% cutoff = DART namelist variable 'cutoff'
+% vert_norm = DART namelist variable 'vert_normalization_pressure'
+% Optional arguments:
+% nu_top = needed only for CAM-SE (diffusion_flag = 0).
+% Get from CAM's atm_in namelist.
+% Plot CAM's (WACCM's) extra diffusion in the top layers
+% These are functions of CAM's ptop and -FV's div24del2flag.
+% Plot cam/model_mod.f90's highest_state_pressure_Pa and distance increment added to
+% the nominal distances between an ob and a state variable location,
+% which are functions of DART's cutoff and vert_normalization_pressure,
+% as well as CAM's ptop and div24del2flag.
+% fname = 'caminput.nc';
+% diffusion_flag = 2;
+% cutoff = 0.2; % DART input.nml cutoff
+% vert_norm = 20000.0; % DART input.nml vert_normalization_pressure
+% highest_state_p_Pa(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm)
+% fname = 'caminput.nc';
+% diffusion_flag = 0;
+% cutoff = 0.2; % DART input.nml cutoff
+% vert_norm = 20000.0; % DART input.nml vert_normalization_pressure
+% highest_state_p_Pa(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm,'nu_top',0.00005)
+%% DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% DART $Id$
+default_nu_top = 2.0e5;
+args = inputParser;
+addRequired(args,'fname', at ischar);
+addRequired(args,'diffusion_flag', at isnumeric);
+addRequired(args,'cutoff', at isnumeric);
+addRequired(args,'vert_norm', at isnumeric);
+addParamValue(args,'nu_top',default_nu_top, at isnumeric);
+if ~isempty(fieldnames(args.Unmatched))
+ disp('Extra inputs:')
+ disp(args.Unmatched)
+% if you want to echo the input
+fprintf('fname : %s\n', args.Results.fname)
+fprintf('diffusion_flag : %i\n', args.Results.diffusion_flag)
+fprintf('cutoff : %f radians\n', args.Results.cutoff)
+fprintf('vert_normalization_pressure : %f Pa/radian\n', args.Results.vert_norm)
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ fprintf('nu_top : %f\n', args.Results.nu_top)
+% Read in nlevs, hybrid coords (As and Bs) from the initial file.
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
+ error('file/fname <%s> does not exist',fname)
+if (diffusion_flag == 4)
+ error('diffusion flavor 4 ("div4") is independent of height. Can set highest_state_pressure_Pa = 0')
+As = local_nc_varget(fname, 'hyam');
+Bs = local_nc_varget(fname, 'hybm');
+fulls = local_nc_varget(fname, 'hyai');
+ncid = netcdf.open(fname,'NOWRITE');
+dimid = netcdf.inqDimID(ncid,'lev');
+[~, nlevs] = netcdf.inqDim(ncid, dimid);
+% Convert cutoff from radians to Pa.
+% For illustration; DART does all of this in radian space.
+c_v = cutoff*vert_norm;
+fprintf('cutoff*vert_norm is %f\n',c_v)
+% Calculate p(k=1,nlevs) from As and Bs,
+ptop = 1.0e5 * fulls(1);
+p = 1.0e5 * (As + Bs);
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ % Calculate the "regular diffusion" in the top 3 layers for CAM-SE
+ diff_bot_k = 3;
+ % Calculate the diffusion coefficient without height restrictions.
+ tau = zeros(nlevs,1);
+ tau(1) = args.Results.nu_top * 4;
+ tau(2) = args.Results.nu_top * 2;
+ tau(3) = args.Results.nu_top;
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 2)
+ % Calculate the diffusion coefficient without height restrictions.
+ tau = 8.0*(1.0 + tanh(log(ptop./p)));
+ % Calculate the div2 diffusion coefficient from p
+ % and the pressure level above which distance increments will be added.
+ tau_div2 = ones(nlevs,1);
+ for k = 1:nlevs
+ if (tau(k) < 1.0)
+ diff_bot_k = k-1;
+ break
+ else
+ tau_div2(k) = tau(k);
+ end
+ end
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 24)
+ % Calculate the diffusion coefficient without height restrictions.
+ tau = 8.0*(1.0 + tanh(log(ptop./p)));
+ % Calculate the del2 diffusion coefficient from p.
+ tau_del2 = zeros(nlevs,1);
+ for k = 1:nlevs
+ if (tau(k) < 0.3)
+ diff_bot_k = k-1;
+ break
+ else
+ tau_del2(k) = tau(k);
+ end
+ end
+ error('diffusion_flag not recognized. Choose from {0,2,24,4}')
+highest_spPa = p(diff_bot_k) + c_v*(1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 2*(p(diff_bot_k) - ptop)./(c_v)));
+% Distance increment in units of Pa (in model_mod it's radians)
+delta_d = zeros(nlevs,1);
+for k = 1:nlevs
+ if (p(k) < highest_spPa)
+ delta_d(k) = (highest_spPa - p(k))^2 ./ (highest_spPa - ptop);
+ else
+ % Save a k-range for plotting only the interesting pressure range.
+ %highest_spPa_k = k+3;
+ highest_spPa_k = nlevs;
+ break
+ end
+clf; orient tall; wysiwyg
+% little summary of the input at the bottom
+axes('position',[0.1, 0.03, 0.8, 0.1125]);
+axis off
+axis([0 1 0 1.5])
+h1 = text(0.1, 0.00, sprintf('file providing model levels = %s',args.Results.fname));
+h2 = text(0.1, 0.25, sprintf('diffusion_flag = %i',args.Results.diffusion_flag));
+h3 = text(0.1, 0.50, sprintf('cutoff = %f radians',args.Results.cutoff));
+h4 = text(0.1, 0.75, sprintf('vert_normalization_pressure = %f Pa/radian',args.Results.vert_norm));
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ h5 = text(0.1, 1.00, sprintf('nu_top = %f',args.Results.nu_top));
+ set(h5,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h1,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h2,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h3,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h4,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+% Plot on a reversed log10 scale
+ax1 = axes('position',[0.125, 0.2, 0.75, 0.7]);
+set(ax1, 'Ydir','reverse', ...
+ 'Yscale','log', ...
+ 'Layer','top', ...
+ 'FontSize',20)
+hold on;
+ylabel('Pressure (Pa)')
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ % Plot (2) (div2_tau vs p(k)
+ h = plot(tau(1:highest_spPa_k), p(1:highest_spPa_k), 'k.-', ...
+ 'LineWidth',2.0, 'MarkerSize',20);
+ ptop_x = [0.0, max(tau)*1.05];
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 2)
+ % Plot (2) (div2_tau vs p(k)
+ h = plot(tau_div2(1:highest_spPa_k), p(1:highest_spPa_k), 'k.-', ...
+ 'LineWidth',2.0, 'MarkerSize',20);
+ ptop_x = [0.0, max(tau_div2)*1.05];
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 24)
+ h = plot(tau_del2(1:highest_spPa_k), p(1:highest_spPa_k), 'k.-', ...
+ 'LineWidth',2.0, 'MarkerSize',20);
+ ptop_x = [0.0, max(tau_del2)*1.05];
+% A line at p(top)
+ptop_y = [ptop, ptop];
+ptop_line = line(ptop_x,ptop_y,'Color','k');
+set(ptop_line,'LineStyle','--','Marker','none', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+% A line at highest_state_pressure_Pa for default cutoff*vert_norm
+% Other cutoff*vert_norm in a lighter shade? NO; handle in plot of H_Pa vs c*v, below
+highest_spPa_y = [highest_spPa, highest_spPa];
+highest_spPa_line = line(ptop_x,highest_spPa_y,'Color','r');
+set(highest_spPa_line,'LineStyle',':','Marker','none', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+xlabel('diffusion coefficient \tau')
+% Second x-axis (on top) for plotting distance increments.
+ax2_XLim = [-.05*max(delta_d), 1.05*max(delta_d)];
+ax2 = axes('position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
+ 'FontSize',20, ...
+ 'XAxisLocation','top', ...
+ 'YAxisLocation','right',...
+ 'Color','none',...
+ 'XColor','r','YColor','k',...
+ 'XLim',ax2_XLim, ...
+ 'YLim',get(ax1,'YLim'), ...
+ 'YDir',get(ax1,'YDir'), ...
+ 'Layer','top', ...
+ 'Yscale','log');
+% set(ax2, 'Ydir','reverse', 'Yscale','log', 'Layer','top')
+ylabel('Pressure (Pa)')
+xlabel('Extra distance used in cutoff calculation (Pa)')
+% A curve of delta-d above highest_state_pressure_Pa for default cutoff*vert_norm (only)
+d_line = line(delta_d(1:highest_spPa_k),p(1:highest_spPa_k),'Color','r');
+set(d_line,'Marker','x', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+% A line at 2*cutoff
+cutoff_x = [2*c_v, 2*c_v];
+y_axis_height = get(ax2,'YLim');
+cutoff_y = [y_axis_height(1), p(nlevs-5)];
+cutoff_line = line(cutoff_x, cutoff_y, 'Color','r');
+set(cutoff_line,'LineStyle','--','Marker','none', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+% Plot (min) highest_state_pressure_Pa vs cutoff*vert_norm.
+legend_handles = [cutoff_line, d_line, highest_spPa_line, ptop_line, h];
+lh = legend(legend_handles,'obs impact limit','extra "distance"', ...
+ 'highest\_state\_pressure\_Pa','pressure at model top','CAM \tau');
+% create a png file for import to powerpoint
+outfname = sprintf('tau_dist_c%3.2f_v%i.png', cutoff,vert_norm);
+function value = local_nc_varget(fname,varname)
+%% If the variable exists in the file, return the contents of the variable.
+% if the variable does not exist, return empty value instead of error-ing
+% out.
+[variable_present, varid] = nc_var_exists(fname,varname);
+if (variable_present)
+ ncid = netcdf.open(fname,'NOWRITE');
+ value = netcdf.getVar(ncid, varid);
+ netcdf.close(ncid)
+ value = [];
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_p_Pa.m
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_p_Pa.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_p_Pa.pptx
(Binary files differ)
Added: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_scale_h.m
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_scale_h.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_scale_h.m 2015-04-28 22:19:02 UTC (rev 7934)
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+function highest_state_scale_h(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm, varargin)
+% plots the vertical damping profile for CAM, WACCM
+% highest_state_scale_h(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm)
+% highest_state_scale_h(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm, 'nu_top', nu_top)
+% fname = pathname of initial files containing vertical grid information.
+% diffusion_flag = CAM namelist div24del2flag value, except for 0, which is not used by CAM;
+% 0 for CAM-SE,
+% 2 for CAM-FV div2 damping
+% 4 for CAM-FV div4 damping
+% 24 for CAM-FV del2+div4 damping
+% cutoff = DART namelist variable 'cutoff'
+% vert_norm = DART namelist variable 'vert_normalization_scale_height'
+% Optional arguments:
+% nu_top = needed only for CAM-SE (diffusion_flag = 0).
+% Get from CAM's atm_in namelist.
+% Plot CAM's (WACCM's) extra diffusion in the top layers
+% These are functions of CAM's ptop and -FV's div24del2flag.
+% Plot cam/model_mod.f90's highest_state_pressure_Pa and distance increment added to
+% the nominal distances between an ob and a state variable location,
+% which are functions of DART's cutoff and vert_normalization_scale_height,
+% as well as CAM's ptop and div24del2flag.
+% fname = 'caminput.nc';
+% diffusion_flag = 2;
+% cutoff = 0.2; % DART input.nml cutoff
+% vert_norm = 2.5; % DART input.nml vert_normalization_scale_height
+% highest_state_scale_h(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm)
+% fname = 'caminput.nc';
+% diffusion_flag = 0;
+% cutoff = 0.2; % DART input.nml cutoff
+% vert_norm = 2.5; % DART input.nml vert_normalization_scale_height
+% highest_state_scale_h(fname, diffusion_flag, cutoff, vert_norm,'nu_top',0.00005)
+%% DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% DART $Id$
+default_nu_top = 2.0e5;
+args = inputParser;
+addRequired(args,'fname', at ischar);
+addRequired(args,'diffusion_flag', at isnumeric);
+addRequired(args,'cutoff', at isnumeric);
+addRequired(args,'vert_norm', at isnumeric);
+addParamValue(args,'nu_top',default_nu_top, at isnumeric);
+if ~isempty(fieldnames(args.Unmatched))
+ disp('Extra inputs:')
+ disp(args.Unmatched)
+% if you want to echo the input
+fprintf('fname : %s\n', args.Results.fname)
+fprintf('diffusion_flag : %i\n', args.Results.diffusion_flag)
+fprintf('cutoff : %f radians\n', args.Results.cutoff)
+fprintf('vert_normalization_scale_height : %f Pa/radian\n', args.Results.vert_norm)
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ fprintf('nu_top : %f\n', args.Results.nu_top)
+% Read in nlevs, hybrid coords (As and Bs) from the initial file.
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
+ error('file/fname <%s> does not exist',fname)
+if (diffusion_flag == 4)
+ error('diffusion flavor 4 ("div4") is independent of height. Can set highest_state_scale_height = 0')
+As = local_nc_varget(fname, 'hyam');
+Bs = local_nc_varget(fname, 'hybm');
+fulls = local_nc_varget(fname, 'hyai');
+ncid = netcdf.open(fname,'NOWRITE');
+dimid = netcdf.inqDimID(ncid,'lev');
+[~, nlevs] = netcdf.inqDim(ncid, dimid);
+% Convert cutoff from radians to Pa.
+% For illustration; DART does all of this in radian space.
+c_v = cutoff*vert_norm;
+fprintf('cutoff*vert_norm is %f\n',c_v)
+% Calculate scale heights(k=1,nlevs) from As and Bs,
+% Note that fulls(1) needs *10^5 to be a pressure,
+% but then that pressure is in the denominator under p_surf(=10^5)
+ptop = 1.0e5 * fulls(1);
+p = 1.0e5 * (As + Bs);
+ptop_sh = log(1.0 ./fulls(1) );
+height = log(1.0 ./(As + Bs));
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ % Calculate the "regular diffusion" in the top 3 layers for CAM-SE
+ diff_bot_k = 3;
+ % Calculate the diffusion coefficient without height restrictions.
+ tau = zeros(nlevs,1);
+ tau(1) = args.Results.nu_top * 4;
+ tau(2) = args.Results.nu_top * 2;
+ tau(3) = args.Results.nu_top;
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 2)
+ % Calculate the diffusion coefficient without height restrictions.
+ tau = 8.0*(1.0 + tanh(log(ptop./p)));
+ % Calculate the div2 diffusion coefficient from p
+ % and the pressure level above which distance increments will be added.
+ tau_div2 = ones(nlevs,1);
+ for k = 1:nlevs
+ if (tau(k) < 1.0)
+ diff_bot_k = k-1;
+ break
+ else
+ tau_div2(k) = tau(k);
+ end
+ end
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 24)
+ % Calculate the diffusion coefficient without height restrictions.
+ tau = 8.0*(1.0 + tanh(log(ptop./p)));
+ % Calculate the del2 diffusion coefficient from p.
+ tau_del2 = zeros(nlevs,1);
+ for k = 1:nlevs
+ if (tau(k) < 0.3)
+ diff_bot_k = k-1;
+ break
+ else
+ tau_del2(k) = tau(k);
+ end
+ end
+ error('diffusion_flag not recognized. Choose from {0,2,24,4}')
+highest_sh = height(diff_bot_k) - c_v*(1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 2*(ptop_sh - height(diff_bot_k))./(c_v)));
+% Distance increment in units of Pa (in model_mod it's radians)
+delta_d = zeros(nlevs,1);
+for k = 1:nlevs
+ if (height(k) >= highest_sh)
+ delta_d(k) = (highest_sh - height(k))^2 ./ (ptop_sh - highest_sh);
+ else
+ % Save a k-range for plotting only the interesting pressure range.
+ %highest_sh_k = k+3;
+ highest_sh_k = nlevs;
+ break
+ end
+clf; orient tall; wysiwyg
+% little summary of the input at the bottom
+axes('position',[0.1, 0.03, 0.8, 0.1125]);
+axis off
+axis([0 1 0 1.5])
+h1 = text(0.1, 0.00, sprintf('file providing model levels = %s',args.Results.fname));
+h2 = text(0.1, 0.25, sprintf('diffusion_flag = %i',args.Results.diffusion_flag));
+h3 = text(0.1, 0.50, sprintf('cutoff = %f radians',args.Results.cutoff));
+h4 = text(0.1, 0.75, sprintf('vert_normalization_scale_height = %f scale_height/radian',args.Results.vert_norm));
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ h5 = text(0.1, 1.00, sprintf('nu_top = %f',args.Results.nu_top));
+ set(h5,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h1,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h2,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h3,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+set(h4,'Interpreter','none','FontName','Courier New','FontSize',12)
+% Plot on a linear scale.
+ax1 = axes('position',[0.125, 0.2, 0.75, 0.7],'FontSize',20);
+hold on;
+ylabel('Scale Height')
+if (diffusion_flag == 0)
+ % Plot (2) (div2_tau vs p(k)
+ h = plot(tau(1:highest_sh_k), height(1:highest_sh_k), 'k.-', ...
+ 'LineWidth',2.0, 'MarkerSize',20);
+ ptop_x = [0.0, max(tau)*1.05];
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 2)
+ % Plot (2) (div2_tau vs p(k)
+ h = plot(tau_div2(1:highest_sh_k), height(1:highest_sh_k), 'k.-', ...
+ 'LineWidth',2.0, 'MarkerSize',20);
+ ptop_x = [0.0, max(tau_div2)*1.05];
+elseif (diffusion_flag == 24)
+ h = plot(tau_del2(1:highest_sh_k), height(1:highest_sh_k), 'k.-', ...
+ 'LineWidth',2.0, 'MarkerSize',20);
+ ptop_x = [0.0, max(tau_del2)*1.05];
+% A line at p(top)
+ptop_y = [ptop_sh, ptop_sh];
+ptop_line = line(ptop_x,ptop_y,'Color','k');
+set(ptop_line,'LineStyle','--','Marker','none', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+% A line at highest_state_scale_height for default cutoff*vert_norm
+% Other cutoff*vert_norm in a lighter shade? NO; handle in plot of H_Pa vs c*v, below
+highest_sh_y = [highest_sh, highest_sh];
+highest_sh_line = line(ptop_x,highest_sh_y,'Color','r');
+set(highest_sh_line,'LineStyle',':','Marker','none', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+xlabel('diffusion coefficient \tau')
+% Second x-axis (on top) for plotting distance increments.
+ax2_XLim = [-.05*max(delta_d), 1.05*max(delta_d)];
+ax2 = axes('position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
+ 'FontSize',20, ...
+ 'XAxisLocation','top', ...
+ 'YAxisLocation','right',...
+ 'Color','none',...
+ 'XColor','r','YColor','k',...
+ 'XLim',ax2_XLim, ...
+ 'YLim',get(ax1,'YLim'), ...
+ 'YDir',get(ax1,'YDir'), ...
+ 'Layer','top');
+% set(ax2, 'Ydir','reverse', 'Yscale','log', 'Layer','top')
+ylabel('Scale Height')
+xlabel('Extra distance used in cutoff calculation (scale h.)')
+% A curve of delta-d above highest_state_pressure_Pa for default cutoff*vert_norm (only)
+d_line = line(delta_d(1:highest_sh_k),height(1:highest_sh_k),'Color','r');
+set(d_line,'Marker','x', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+% A line at 2*cutoff
+cutoff_x = [2*c_v, 2*c_v];
+y_axis_height = get(ax2,'YLim');
+cutoff_y = [y_axis_height(2),height(nlevs-10)];
+cutoff_line = line(cutoff_x, cutoff_y, 'Color','r');
+set(cutoff_line,'LineStyle','--','Marker','none', 'LineWidth',2.0);
+% Plot (min) highest_state_scale_height vs cutoff*vert_norm.
+legend_handles = [cutoff_line, d_line, highest_sh_line, ptop_line, h];
+lh = legend(legend_handles,'obs impact limit','extra "distance"', ...
+ 'highest\_state\_scale\_height','scale height at model top','CAM \tau');
+% create a png file for import to powerpoint
+outfname = sprintf('tau_dist_c%3.2f_v%i.png', cutoff,vert_norm);
+function value = local_nc_varget(fname,varname)
+%% If the variable exists in the file, return the contents of the variable.
+% if the variable does not exist, return empty value instead of error-ing
+% out.
+[variable_present, varid] = nc_var_exists(fname,varname);
+if (variable_present)
+ ncid = netcdf.open(fname,'NOWRITE');
+ value = netcdf.getVar(ncid, varid);
+ netcdf.close(ncid)
+ value = [];
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/highest_state_scale_h.m
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/model_top_issues.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/cam/doc/model_top_issues.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/pdf
Modified: DART/trunk/models/cam/model_mod.html
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/model_mod.html 2015-04-28 21:57:26 UTC (rev 7933)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/model_mod.html 2015-04-28 22:19:02 UTC (rev 7934)
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
It is now specified in Pascals, not millibars. Divide by 100 to convert the units to mb.
Details of calculating the minimum value recommended for a given vertical grid
and set of DART namelist variables can be found in
-<A HREF="./doc/highest_state_p_Pa.pdf">highest_state_p_Pa.pdf</A>,
+<A HREF="./doc/model_top_issues.pdf">model_top_issues.pdf</A>,
<TR><TD> Time_step_seconds </TD>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@
Currently namelist variable
<em class="code">highest_state_pressure_Pa</em> controls this.
The default value in model_mod (for CAM), and the values for WACCM given in
-<A HREF="./doc/highest_state_p_Pa.pdf">highest_state_p_Pa.pdf</A>,
+<A HREF="./doc/model_top_issues.pdf">model_top_issues.pdf</A>,
gradually reduce the influence of observations from full strength at
<em class="code">highest_state_pressure_Pa</em>
to 0 at the model levels where extra diffusion is applied (2 or 3 for CAM,
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