[Dart-dev] [7008] DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.f90: Replaced 'station' ( which refers to a horizontal location) with 'voxel' which
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 3 10:52:56 MDT 2014
Revision: 7008
Author: thoar
Date: 2014-06-03 10:52:56 -0600 (Tue, 03 Jun 2014)
Log Message:
Replaced 'station' (which refers to a horizontal location) with 'voxel' which
has a concept of vertical as well. No code change other than a replacement of the
variable name.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.f90
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.f90 2014-06-03 16:12:40 UTC (rev 7007)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.f90 2014-06-03 16:52:56 UTC (rev 7008)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
! This program queries a bunch of obs_seq.xxxx files and tries to
-! figure out 'station coverage' ... what locations are consistently
+! figure out 'voxel coverage' ... what locations are consistently
! reported through time. Absolutely a 'reverse-engineering exercise'.
! The observation sequence file only contains lat/lon/level/which_vert,
@@ -72,23 +72,22 @@
-! FIXME ... "voxel" is a much better term than "station".
-type station
+type voxel
integer :: obs_type
type(location_type) :: location
type(time_type) :: first_time
type(time_type) :: last_time
integer :: ntimes
type(time_type), pointer :: times(:)
-end type station
+end type voxel
-logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: DesiredStations
-type(station), allocatable, dimension(:) :: stations
-integer :: num_stations ! This is the current number of unique locations
-integer :: max_stations ! This is the largest possible number of uniq locs
-integer :: station_id ! the index (into stations) of an existing location
-integer :: timeindex ! the index (into the time array of a station)
-integer :: num_out_stat ! total number of desired stations found
+logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: Desiredvoxels
+type(voxel), allocatable, dimension(:) :: voxels
+integer :: num_voxels ! This is the current number of unique locations
+integer :: max_voxels ! This is the largest possible number of uniq locs
+integer :: voxel_id ! the index (into voxels) of an existing location
+integer :: timeindex ! the index (into the time array of a voxel)
+integer :: num_out_stat ! total number of desired voxels found
integer :: num_out_total ! total number of desired locations * times found
integer, parameter :: MAX_OBS_NAMES_IN_NAMELIST = 500 ! lazy, just going big
@@ -291,12 +290,12 @@
last_possible_time = all_verif_times(num_verification_times) + half_stride
-! Allocate a hunk of stations. If we fill this up, we will
+! Allocate a hunk of voxels. If we fill this up, we will
! have to create temporary storage, copy, deallocate, reallocate ...
-num_stations = 0
-max_stations = 4000
-call initialize_stations(max_stations, stations)
+num_voxels = 0
+max_voxels = 4000
+call initialize_voxels(max_voxels, voxels)
@@ -498,14 +497,14 @@
! determine if obs is a new location or time at an existing loc
- station_id = find_station_location(flavor, obs_loc)
+ voxel_id = find_voxel_location(flavor, obs_loc)
- if ( station_id < 1 ) then
- station_id = add_new_station(flavor, obs_loc)
+ if ( voxel_id < 1 ) then
+ voxel_id = add_new_voxel(flavor, obs_loc)
- if ( time_is_wanted( obs_time, station_id, timeindex) ) &
- call update_time( obs_time, station_id, timeindex)
+ if ( time_is_wanted( obs_time, voxel_id, timeindex) ) &
+ call update_time( obs_time, voxel_id, timeindex)
enddo ObservationLoop
@@ -513,44 +512,44 @@
enddo ObsFileLoop
-! Determine which stations match the temporal selection requirements
+! Determine which voxels match the temporal selection requirements
-DesiredStations = .FALSE.
+Desiredvoxels = .FALSE.
num_out_stat = 0
num_out_total = 0
-do i = 1,num_stations
+do i = 1,num_voxels
- stations(i)%ntimes = 0
+ voxels(i)%ntimes = 0
do j = 1,num_verification_times
- if (stations(i)%times(j) /= no_time) &
- stations(i)%ntimes = stations(i)%ntimes + 1
+ if (voxels(i)%times(j) /= no_time) &
+ voxels(i)%ntimes = voxels(i)%ntimes + 1
- if (stations(i)%ntimes >= nT_minimum) then
- DesiredStations(i) = .TRUE.
+ if (voxels(i)%ntimes >= nT_minimum) then
+ Desiredvoxels(i) = .TRUE.
num_out_stat = num_out_stat + 1
- num_out_total = num_out_total + stations(i)%ntimes
+ num_out_total = num_out_total + voxels(i)%ntimes
- if (debug) write(*,*) 'Station ID ',i,' has ',stations(i)%ntimes, ' reports.'
+ if (debug) write(*,*) 'voxel ID ',i,' has ',voxels(i)%ntimes, ' reports.'
-if (verbose) write(*,*)'There were ',num_out_stat,' stations matching the input criterion.'
-if (verbose) write(*,*)'There were ',num_out_total,' stations*times matching the input criterion.'
+if (verbose) write(*,*)'There were ',num_out_stat,' voxels matching the input criterion.'
+if (verbose) write(*,*)'There were ',num_out_total,' voxels*times matching the input criterion.'
! Output a netCDF file of 'all' observations locations and times.
! Used to explore what is available.
ncName = adjustl(netcdf_out)
ncunit = InitNetCDF(trim(ncName))
-call WriteNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName), stations)
+call WriteNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName), voxels)
call CloseNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName))
-! if no stations are selected, do something.
+! if no voxels are selected, do something.
if (num_out_stat < 1) then
write(string1,*)'No location had at least ',nT_minimum,' reporting times.'
@@ -568,7 +567,7 @@
call destroy_obs(obs1)
call destroy_obs(obs2)
call destroy_obs_sequence(seq)
-call destroy_stations(stations)
+call destroy_voxels(voxels)
if (allocated(qc_values)) deallocate(qc_values)
if (allocated(qc_copy_names)) deallocate(qc_copy_names)
@@ -576,7 +575,7 @@
if (allocated(module_obs_copy_names)) deallocate(module_obs_copy_names)
if (allocated(module_qc_copy_names )) deallocate(module_qc_copy_names )
if (allocated(obs_seq_filenames)) deallocate(obs_seq_filenames)
-if (allocated(DesiredStations)) deallocate(DesiredStations)
+if (allocated(Desiredvoxels)) deallocate(Desiredvoxels)
call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_seq_coverage','Finished successfully.',source,revision,revdate)
call finalize_utilities()
@@ -587,7 +586,7 @@
-function find_station_location(ObsType, ObsLocation) result(station_id)
+function find_voxel_location(ObsType, ObsLocation) result(voxel_id)
! Simply try to find a matching lat/lon for an observation type
! The lons/lats get yanked around "a lot" - being converted from ASCII radians
! to r8 degrees to r8 radians to r8 degrees and then checked for "equality".
@@ -598,23 +597,23 @@
integer, intent(in) :: ObsType
type(location_type), intent(in) :: ObsLocation
-integer :: station_id
+integer :: voxel_id
integer :: i
real(r8), dimension(3) :: obslocarray, stnlocarray
real(r8) :: londiff, latdiff, hgtdiff
-station_id = 0
+voxel_id = 0
-if (num_stations == 0) return
+if (num_voxels == 0) return
obslocarray = get_location(ObsLocation)
-FindLoop : do i = 1,num_stations
+FindLoop : do i = 1,num_voxels
- if (ObsType /= stations(i)%obs_type) cycle FindLoop
+ if (ObsType /= voxels(i)%obs_type) cycle FindLoop
- stnlocarray = get_location(stations(i)%location)
+ stnlocarray = get_location(voxels(i)%location)
londiff = abs(obslocarray(1) - stnlocarray(1))
latdiff = abs(obslocarray(2) - stnlocarray(2))
@@ -630,130 +629,130 @@
if ( (londiff <= HALF_METER) .and. &
(latdiff <= HALF_METER) .and. &
(hgtdiff < OnePa) ) then ! within 1 Pa is close enough
- station_id = i
+ voxel_id = i
exit FindLoop
enddo FindLoop
-end function find_station_location
+end function find_voxel_location
-function add_new_station(ObsType, ObsLocation) result(station_id)
+function add_new_voxel(ObsType, ObsLocation) result(voxel_id)
-! Ugh ... if a new location is found, add it. If the stationlist does not have
+! Ugh ... if a new location is found, add it. If the voxellist does not have
! enough space, must copy the info to a temporary list, deallocate/reallocate
! copy the info back, and deallocate the temporary list. Ugh.
integer, intent(in) :: ObsType
type(location_type), intent(in) :: ObsLocation
-integer :: station_id
+integer :: voxel_id
-type(station), allocatable, dimension(:) :: templist
+type(voxel), allocatable, dimension(:) :: templist
integer :: i
-if ( num_stations >= max_stations ) then ! need to make room
+if ( num_voxels >= max_voxels ) then ! need to make room
- if (verbose) write(*,*)'Doubling number of possible stations from ', &
- & num_stations,' to ',2*max_stations
+ if (verbose) write(*,*)'Doubling number of possible voxels from ', &
+ & num_voxels,' to ',2*max_voxels
! Allocate temporary space; Copy.
! Deallocate/nullify existing space.
! Double the size of the existing space.
! Copy the information back.
! Deallocate/nullify the temporary space.
- ! Actually add the new station information
+ ! Actually add the new voxel information
! Allocate the temporary space.
! We'll worry about the number of time steps later.
- call initialize_stations(num_stations, templist)
+ call initialize_voxels(num_voxels, templist)
! Copy the information to the temporary space.
- DupLoop1 : do i = 1,num_stations
+ DupLoop1 : do i = 1,num_voxels
- templist(i)%obs_type = stations(i)%obs_type
- templist(i)%location = stations(i)%location
- templist(i)%first_time = stations(i)%first_time
- templist(i)%last_time = stations(i)%last_time
- templist(i)%ntimes = stations(i)%ntimes
+ templist(i)%obs_type = voxels(i)%obs_type
+ templist(i)%location = voxels(i)%location
+ templist(i)%first_time = voxels(i)%first_time
+ templist(i)%last_time = voxels(i)%last_time
+ templist(i)%ntimes = voxels(i)%ntimes
! Make sure the time array is the right size, then copy.
if (associated(templist(i)%times)) then
deallocate( templist(i)%times )
nullify( templist(i)%times )
- allocate( templist(i)%times( size(stations(i)%times) ) )
- templist(i)%times = stations(i)%times
+ allocate( templist(i)%times( size(voxels(i)%times) ) )
+ templist(i)%times = voxels(i)%times
enddo DupLoop1
- ! Deallocate the stations, double the array length,
+ ! Deallocate the voxels, double the array length,
! allocate the new space.
- call destroy_stations(stations)
- max_stations = 2 * max_stations
- call initialize_stations(max_stations, stations)
+ call destroy_voxels(voxels)
+ max_voxels = 2 * max_voxels
+ call initialize_voxels(max_voxels, voxels)
! Copy the information BACK to the new space.
- DupLoop2 : do i = 1,num_stations
+ DupLoop2 : do i = 1,num_voxels
- stations(i)%obs_type = templist(i)%obs_type
- stations(i)%location = templist(i)%location
- stations(i)%first_time = templist(i)%first_time
- stations(i)%last_time = templist(i)%last_time
- stations(i)%ntimes = templist(i)%ntimes
+ voxels(i)%obs_type = templist(i)%obs_type
+ voxels(i)%location = templist(i)%location
+ voxels(i)%first_time = templist(i)%first_time
+ voxels(i)%last_time = templist(i)%last_time
+ voxels(i)%ntimes = templist(i)%ntimes
- if (associated(stations(i)%times)) then
- deallocate( stations(i)%times )
- nullify( stations(i)%times )
+ if (associated(voxels(i)%times)) then
+ deallocate( voxels(i)%times )
+ nullify( voxels(i)%times )
- allocate( stations(i)%times( size(templist(i)%times) ) )
- stations(i)%times = templist(i)%times
+ allocate( voxels(i)%times( size(templist(i)%times) ) )
+ voxels(i)%times = templist(i)%times
enddo DupLoop2
! Remove the temporary space.
- call destroy_stations(templist)
+ call destroy_voxels(templist)
-! Add the new station information.
-! Create station with nominal (mandatory) vertical value.
+! Add the new voxel information.
+! Create voxel with nominal (mandatory) vertical value.
! The vertically_desired() routine replaces the ob vertical value with
! the closest mandatory value, so we're good.
-num_stations = num_stations + 1
-station_id = num_stations
+num_voxels = num_voxels + 1
+voxel_id = num_voxels
-stations(station_id)%obs_type = ObsType
-stations(station_id)%location = ObsLocation
+voxels(voxel_id)%obs_type = ObsType
+voxels(voxel_id)%location = ObsLocation
if (debug) then
call write_location(0,ObsLocation,'ascii',string1)
- call write_location(0,stations(station_id)%location,'ascii',string2)
+ call write_location(0,voxels(voxel_id)%location,'ascii',string2)
- write(*,*)'Added station ',station_id,' for type ',ObsType
+ write(*,*)'Added voxel ',voxel_id,' for type ',ObsType
write(*,*)'observation location', trim(string1)
write(*,*)'voxel location', trim(string2)
-end function add_new_station
+end function add_new_voxel
-function time_is_wanted(ObsTime, stationid, timeindex)
+function time_is_wanted(ObsTime, voxelid, timeindex)
-! The station has a list of the observation times closest to the
+! The voxel has a list of the observation times closest to the
! verification times. Determine if the observation time is closer to
! the verification time than what we already have.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: ObsTime
-integer, intent(in) :: stationid
+integer, intent(in) :: voxelid
integer, intent(out) :: timeindex
logical :: time_is_wanted
@@ -774,12 +773,12 @@
if (obdelta >= half_stride) cycle TimeLoop
! we must be close now ...
- stndelta = stations(stationid)%times(i) - all_verif_times(i)
+ stndelta = voxels(voxelid)%times(i) - all_verif_times(i)
! Check to see if the observation is closer to the verification time
! than the one we have.
if (obdelta < stndelta) then
- if (debug) call print_time(stations(stationid)%times(i),'replacing ')
+ if (debug) call print_time(voxels(voxelid)%times(i),'replacing ')
if (debug) call print_time(ObsTime,'with this observation time')
timeindex = i
time_is_wanted = .TRUE.
@@ -794,37 +793,37 @@
-subroutine update_time(ObsTime, stationid, timeindex)
+subroutine update_time(ObsTime, voxelid, timeindex)
-! The station has a list of the observation times closest to the
+! The voxel has a list of the observation times closest to the
! verification times.
-! Add a new time to the station registry.
+! Add a new time to the voxel registry.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: ObsTime
-integer, intent(in) :: stationid
+integer, intent(in) :: voxelid
integer, intent(in) :: timeindex
! Update stuff that seems like a good idea,
! but I don't really know if I'll use it ...
-if ( stations(stationid)%ntimes == 0 ) then
- stations(stationid)%first_time = ObsTime
- stations(stationid)%last_time = ObsTime
+if ( voxels(voxelid)%ntimes == 0 ) then
+ voxels(voxelid)%first_time = ObsTime
+ voxels(voxelid)%last_time = ObsTime
-if ( stations(stationid)%first_time > ObsTime ) &
- stations(stationid)%first_time = ObsTime
-if ( stations(stationid)%last_time < ObsTime ) &
- stations(stationid)%last_time = ObsTime
+if ( voxels(voxelid)%first_time > ObsTime ) &
+ voxels(voxelid)%first_time = ObsTime
+if ( voxels(voxelid)%last_time < ObsTime ) &
+ voxels(voxelid)%last_time = ObsTime
-if (debug) write(*,*)'Stuffing time into station ',stationid,' at timestep ', timeindex
+if (debug) write(*,*)'Stuffing time into voxel ',voxelid,' at timestep ', timeindex
! as long as ntimes /= 0 we are OK.
-! When the stations get written to the netCDF file, count the
+! When the voxels get written to the netCDF file, count the
! number of non-zero times in the times array for a real count.
-stations(stationid)%ntimes = stations(stationid)%ntimes + 1
+voxels(voxelid)%ntimes = voxels(voxelid)%ntimes + 1
! Stuff the time in the appropriate slot ... finally.
-stations(stationid)%times(timeindex) = ObsTime
+voxels(voxelid)%times(timeindex) = ObsTime
end subroutine update_time
@@ -838,7 +837,7 @@
integer :: ncid, i, indx1, nlines, linelen
integer :: LineLenDimID, nlinesDimID, stringDimID
-integer :: TimeDimID, StationsDimID, FcstDimID, VerifyDimID
+integer :: TimeDimID, voxelsDimID, FcstDimID, VerifyDimID
integer :: VarID, FcstVarID, VerifVarID, ExperimentVarID
integer :: nlevDimID, plevelVarID
@@ -931,19 +930,19 @@
call nc_check(nf90_set_fill(ncid, NF90_NOFILL, i), &
'InitNetCDF', 'set_fill '//trim(fname))
-! the number of stations
+! the number of voxels
call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid, &
- name='station', len = NF90_UNLIMITED, dimid = StationsDimID), &
- 'InitNetCDF', 'def_dim:station '//trim(fname))
+ name='voxel', len = NF90_UNLIMITED, dimid = voxelsDimID), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'def_dim:voxel '//trim(fname))
-call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='station', xtype=nf90_int, &
- dimids = (/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
- 'InitNetCDF', 'station:def_var')
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', 'desired station flag'), &
- 'InitNetCDF', 'station:long_name')
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'description', '1 == good station'), &
- 'InitNetCDF', 'station:description')
+call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='voxel', xtype=nf90_int, &
+ dimids = (/ voxelsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'voxel:def_var')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', 'desired voxel flag'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'voxel:long_name')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'description', '1 == good voxel'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'voxel:description')
! the number of verification times
@@ -1051,15 +1050,15 @@
! Define the observation type
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='obs_type', xtype=nf90_char, &
- dimids=(/ StringDimID, StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ dimids=(/ StringDimID, voxelsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'obs_type:def_var')
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
- 'observation type string at this station'), &
+ 'observation type string at this voxel'), &
'InitNetCDF', 'obs_type:put_att long_name')
! let the location module write what it needs to ...
-if ( nc_write_location_atts( ncid, fname, StationsDimID ) /= 0 ) then
+if ( nc_write_location_atts( ncid, fname, voxelsDimID ) /= 0 ) then
write(string1,*)'problem initializing netCDF location attributes'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'InitNetCDF',string1,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -1067,19 +1066,19 @@
! Define the number of observation times
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='ntimes', xtype=nf90_int, &
- dimids=(/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ dimids=(/ voxelsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'ntimes:def_var')
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
- 'number of observation times at this station'), &
+ 'number of observation times at this voxel'), &
'InitNetCDF', 'ntimes:put_att long_name')
! Define the first valid observation time
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='first_time', xtype=nf90_double, &
- dimids=(/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ dimids=(/ voxelsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'first_time:def_var')
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
- 'first valid observation time at this station'), &
+ 'first valid observation time at this voxel'), &
'InitNetCDF', 'first_time:put_att long_name')
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'units', 'days since 1601-1-1'), &
'InitNetCDF', 'first_time:put_att units')
@@ -1089,10 +1088,10 @@
! Define the last valid observation time
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='last_time', xtype=nf90_double, &
- dimids=(/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ dimids=(/ voxelsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'last_time:def_var')
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
- 'last valid observation time at this station'), &
+ 'last valid observation time at this voxel'), &
'InitNetCDF', 'last_time:put_att long_name')
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'units', 'days since 1601-1-1'), &
'InitNetCDF', 'last_time:put_att units')
@@ -1102,7 +1101,7 @@
! Define the observation times
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='ReportTime', xtype=nf90_double, &
- dimids=(/ TimeDimID, StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ dimids=(/ TimeDimID, voxelsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'ReportTime:def_var')
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', 'report time of observation'), &
'InitNetCDF', 'ReportTime:put_att long_name')
@@ -1211,20 +1210,20 @@
-subroutine WriteNetCDF(ncid, fname, stations)
+subroutine WriteNetCDF(ncid, fname, voxels)
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
-type(station), dimension(:), intent(in) :: stations
+type(voxel), dimension(:), intent(in) :: voxels
-integer :: DimID, ntimes, stationindex, days, secs, i
+integer :: DimID, ntimes, voxelindex, days, secs, i
integer, dimension(1) :: istart, icount
-integer :: StationVarID, TimeVarID, NTimesVarID, &
+integer :: voxelVarID, TimeVarID, NTimesVarID, &
T1VarID, TNVarID, ObsTypeVarID, &
LocationVarID, WhichVertVarID
real(digits12), allocatable, dimension(:) :: mytimes
-integer, dimension(num_stations) :: gooduns ! Cray compiler likes this better
+integer, dimension(num_voxels) :: gooduns ! Cray compiler likes this better
character(len=obstypelength) :: string32(1) ! MUST BE A '2D' ARRAY
@@ -1232,13 +1231,13 @@
! Find the current length of the unlimited dimension so we can add correctly.
-call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'station', varid=StationVarID), &
- 'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:stationindex '//trim(fname))
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'voxel', varid=voxelVarID), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:voxelindex '//trim(fname))
gooduns = 0
-where(DesiredStations) gooduns = 1
+where(Desiredvoxels) gooduns = 1
-call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, StationVarID, gooduns), &
+call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, voxelVarID, gooduns), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:gooduns '//trim(fname))
call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'ReportTime', varid=TimeVarID), &
@@ -1265,9 +1264,9 @@
-WriteObs : do stationindex = 1,num_stations
+WriteObs : do voxelindex = 1,num_voxels
- istart(1) = stationindex
+ istart(1) = voxelindex
icount(1) = 1
! Must go through Herculean tasks to create 'blank-filled' strings
@@ -1275,26 +1274,26 @@
string1 = ' '
string32(1) = ' '
- string1 = get_obs_kind_name(stations(stationindex)%obs_type)
+ string1 = get_obs_kind_name(voxels(voxelindex)%obs_type)
write(string32(1),'(A)') string1(1:obstypelength)
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, ObsTypeVarId, string32, &
- start=(/ 1, stationindex /), count=(/ obstypelength, 1 /) ), &
+ start=(/ 1, voxelindex /), count=(/ obstypelength, 1 /) ), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:obs_type_string')
- call get_time(stations(stationindex)%first_time, secs, days)
+ call get_time(voxels(voxelindex)%first_time, secs, days)
mytimes(1) = days + secs/(60.0_digits12 * 60.0_digits12 * 24.0_digits12)
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, T1VarId, (/ mytimes(1) /), &
- start=(/ stationindex /), count=(/ 1 /) ), &
+ start=(/ voxelindex /), count=(/ 1 /) ), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:first_time')
- call get_time(stations(stationindex)%last_time, secs, days)
+ call get_time(voxels(voxelindex)%last_time, secs, days)
mytimes(1) = days + secs/(60.0_digits12 * 60.0_digits12 * 24.0_digits12)
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, TNVarId, (/ mytimes(1) /), &
- start=(/ stationindex /), count=(/ 1 /) ), &
+ start=(/ voxelindex /), count=(/ 1 /) ), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:last_time')
- call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, NTimesVarId, (/ stations(stationindex)%ntimes /), &
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, NTimesVarId, (/ voxels(voxelindex)%ntimes /), &
start=istart, count=icount), 'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:ntimes')
@@ -1302,19 +1301,19 @@
mytimes = 0.0_digits12
do i = 1,ntimes
- call get_time(stations(stationindex)%times(i), secs, days)
+ call get_time(voxels(voxelindex)%times(i), secs, days)
mytimes(i) = days + secs/(60.0_digits12 * 60.0_digits12 * 24.0_digits12)
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, TimeVarId, mytimes, &
- start=(/ 1, stationindex /), count=(/ ntimes, 1 /) ), &
+ start=(/ 1, voxelindex /), count=(/ ntimes, 1 /) ), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:times')
! Using the location_mod:nc_write_location() routine.
- call nc_write_location(ncid, LocationVarId, stations(stationindex)%location, &
- stationindex, WhichVertVarId)
+ call nc_write_location(ncid, LocationVarId, voxels(voxelindex)%location, &
+ voxelindex, WhichVertVarId)
enddo WriteObs
@@ -1347,47 +1346,47 @@
-subroutine initialize_stations(Nstations, mystations)
-integer, intent(in) :: Nstations
-type(station), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(out) :: mystations
+subroutine initialize_voxels(Nvoxels, myvoxels)
+integer, intent(in) :: Nvoxels
+type(voxel), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(out) :: myvoxels
integer :: i
-do i = 1,Nstations
- mystations(i)%obs_type = 0
- mystations(i)%location = set_location_missing()
- mystations(i)%ntimes = 0
- allocate( mystations(i)%times( num_verification_times ) )
- mystations(i)%first_time = no_time
- mystations(i)%last_time = no_time
- mystations(i)%times = no_time
+do i = 1,Nvoxels
+ myvoxels(i)%obs_type = 0
+ myvoxels(i)%location = set_location_missing()
+ myvoxels(i)%ntimes = 0
+ allocate( myvoxels(i)%times( num_verification_times ) )
+ myvoxels(i)%first_time = no_time
+ myvoxels(i)%last_time = no_time
+ myvoxels(i)%times = no_time
-end subroutine initialize_stations
+end subroutine initialize_voxels
-subroutine destroy_stations(mystations)
-type(station), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: mystations
+subroutine destroy_voxels(myvoxels)
+type(voxel), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: myvoxels
integer :: i,N
-N = size(mystations)
+N = size(myvoxels)
do i = 1,N
- if (associated(mystations(i)%times)) then
- deallocate( mystations(i)%times )
- nullify( mystations(i)%times )
+ if (associated(myvoxels(i)%times)) then
+ deallocate( myvoxels(i)%times )
+ nullify( myvoxels(i)%times )
-if (allocated(mystations)) deallocate(mystations)
+if (allocated(myvoxels)) deallocate(myvoxels)
-end subroutine destroy_stations
+end subroutine destroy_voxels
@@ -1398,7 +1397,7 @@
! Write out a file containing the observation definitions of the desired
! observations. This file is used to subset the 'big' observation sequence
! files to harvest the observations used to validate the forecast.
-! Also, print a summary of the stations we found, etc.
+! Also, print a summary of the voxels we found, etc.
integer :: sec1,secN,day1,dayN
type(obs_def_type) :: obs_def
@@ -1409,8 +1408,8 @@
open(iunit,file=trim(textfile_out), form='formatted', &
action='write', position='rewind')
-! num_out_total is the result of traversing the list of stations and times
-! and finding the intersection with the user input. How many stations
+! num_out_total is the result of traversing the list of voxels and times
+! and finding the intersection with the user input. How many voxels
! and times fit the requirements.
write(iunit,*)'num_definitions ',num_out_total
@@ -1433,26 +1432,26 @@
-Selections : do i = 1,num_stations
+Selections : do i = 1,num_voxels
- if ( .not. DesiredStations(i) ) cycle Selections
+ if ( .not. Desiredvoxels(i) ) cycle Selections
- call set_obs_def_kind( obs_def, stations(i)%obs_type)
- call set_obs_def_location(obs_def, stations(i)%location)
+ call set_obs_def_kind( obs_def, voxels(i)%obs_type)
+ call set_obs_def_location(obs_def, voxels(i)%location)
TimeLoop : do j = 1,num_verification_times
- if (stations(i)%times(j) /= no_time) then
- call set_obs_def_time( obs_def, stations(i)%times(j))
+ if (voxels(i)%times(j) /= no_time) then
+ call set_obs_def_time( obs_def, voxels(i)%times(j))
call write_obs_def(iunit, obs_def, i, 'formatted')
enddo TimeLoop
if (verbose) then
- call get_time(stations(i)%first_time,sec1,day1)
- call get_time(stations(i)%last_time, secN,dayN)
- write(*,'(''station '',i6,'' has '',i3,'' obs between ['',&
+ call get_time(voxels(i)%first_time,sec1,day1)
+ call get_time(voxels(i)%last_time, secN,dayN)
+ write(*,'(''voxel '',i6,'' has '',i3,'' obs between ['',&
&i7,1x,i5,'' and '',i7,1x,i5,'']'')') &
- i,stations(i)%ntimes,day1,sec1,dayN,secN
+ i,voxels(i)%ntimes,day1,sec1,dayN,secN
enddo Selections
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