[Dart-dev] [7163] DART/trunk/obs_sequence: update this code to use the new utilities mod routine 'set_filename_list() '
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Aug 29 15:06:04 MDT 2014
Revision: 7163
Author: nancy
Date: 2014-08-29 15:06:04 -0600 (Fri, 29 Aug 2014)
Log Message:
update this code to use the new utilities mod routine 'set_filename_list()'
and remove the previously-used local subroutine. update the commented-out code
so all occurrences are marked with the same character sequence. comment out all
code related to selecting by height to avoid unused-variable warnings from
the compiler. make the largest number of input files 1000 (from 500).
deprecate the 'num_input_files' namelist item. it will trigger a warning
if specified with a value greater than 0. eventually it should be removed
completely. fix some obsolete comments.
the .nml and .html files were updated to match.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.f90
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.f90 2014-08-29 16:55:27 UTC (rev 7162)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.f90 2014-08-29 21:06:04 UTC (rev 7163)
@@ -4,17 +4,20 @@
! $Id$
+!> Change observation sequence files by adding or removing observations
+!> based on type, location, values, time. Long list of options based on
+!> namelist settings. See the html documention for extensive examples.
program obs_sequence_tool
-! this latest addition has select by list of obs types.
use types_mod, only : r8, missing_r8, metadatalength, obstypelength
use utilities_mod, only : finalize_utilities, register_module, initialize_utilities, &
find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read, &
error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG, nmlfileunit, &
- do_nml_file, do_nml_term, get_next_filename
+ do_nml_file, do_nml_term, set_filename_list
use location_mod, only : location_type, get_location, set_location, &
- LocationName !! , vert_is_height
+ LocationName !%! , vert_is_height
+ ! see comment in select_gps_by_height() for explanation of !%!
use obs_def_mod, only : obs_def_type, get_obs_def_time, get_obs_kind, &
use obs_kind_mod, only : max_obs_kinds, get_obs_kind_name, get_obs_kind_index
@@ -45,31 +48,33 @@
character(len=128), parameter :: revdate = "$Date$"
type(obs_sequence_type) :: seq_in, seq_out
-type(obs_type) :: obs_in, next_obs_in
-type(obs_type) :: obs_out, prev_obs_out
-logical :: is_there_one, is_this_last
-integer :: size_seq_in, num_copies_in, num_qc_in
-integer :: size_seq_out, num_copies_out, num_qc_out
-integer :: num_inserted, iunit, io, i, j, total_num_inserted
-integer :: max_num_obs, file_id, remaining_obs_count
-integer :: first_seq
+type(obs_type) :: obs_in, next_obs_in
+type(obs_type) :: obs_out, prev_obs_out
+logical :: is_there_one, is_this_last
+integer :: size_seq_in, num_copies_in, num_qc_in
+integer :: size_seq_out, num_copies_out, num_qc_out
+integer :: num_inserted, iunit, io, i, j, total_num_inserted
+integer :: max_num_obs, file_id, remaining_obs_count
+integer :: first_seq
character(len=metadatalength) :: read_format, meta_data
-logical :: pre_I_format, all_gone
-logical :: trim_first, trim_last
-character(len=512) :: msgstring1, msgstring2, msgstring3
+logical :: pre_I_format, all_gone
+logical :: trim_first, trim_last
+character(len=512) :: msgstring1, msgstring2, msgstring3
-! could go into namelist if you wanted more control
+! could go into namelist if you wanted runtime control
integer, parameter :: print_every = 20000
-integer, parameter :: long_lists = 256 ! 256 is an arb max of number of copies for data and qc
-integer, parameter :: max_num_input_files = 500
+! specify sizes of allocated arrays; increase and recompile if too small
+integer, parameter :: copy_qc_listlen = 256 ! max number of data or qc copies
+integer, parameter :: max_num_input_files = 1000
integer, parameter :: max_obs_input_types = 500
-logical :: process_file(max_num_input_files)
+logical :: process_file(max_num_input_files)
logical :: restrict_by_obs_type
logical :: restrict_by_location
logical :: restrict_by_qc
logical :: restrict_by_copy
-logical :: restrict_by_height
+!%! logical :: restrict_by_height
integer :: num_obs_input_types
type(location_type) :: min_loc, max_loc
logical :: editing_obs, matching_copy_metadata, matching_qc_metadata
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
! Namelist input with default values
-integer :: num_input_files = 0
+integer :: num_input_files = 0 ! DEPRECATED; count set by number of input files specified.
character(len=256) :: filename_seq(max_num_input_files) = ''
character(len=256) :: filename_seq_list = ''
character(len=256) :: filename_out = 'obs_seq.processed'
@@ -109,24 +114,23 @@
real(r8) :: max_copy = missing_r8
character(len=obstypelength) :: copy_type = ''
character(len=metadatalength) :: copy_metadata = ''
-character(len=metadatalength) :: new_copy_metadata(long_lists) = ''
-logical :: edit_copy_metadata = .false.
-logical :: edit_copies = .false.
-integer :: new_copy_index(long_lists) = -1
-real(r8) :: new_copy_data(long_lists) = MISSING_R8
+character(len=metadatalength) :: new_copy_metadata(copy_qc_listlen) = ''
+logical :: edit_copy_metadata = .false.
+logical :: edit_copies = .false.
+integer :: new_copy_index(copy_qc_listlen) = -1
+real(r8) :: new_copy_data(copy_qc_listlen) = MISSING_R8
+character(len=metadatalength) :: synonymous_copy_list(copy_qc_listlen) = ''
real(r8) :: min_qc = missing_r8
real(r8) :: max_qc = missing_r8
+character(len=metadatalength) :: qc_metadata = ''
+character(len=metadatalength) :: new_qc_metadata(copy_qc_listlen) = ''
logical :: edit_qc_metadata = .false.
-character(len=metadatalength) :: qc_metadata = ''
-character(len=metadatalength) :: new_qc_metadata(long_lists) = ''
logical :: edit_qcs = .false.
-integer :: new_qc_index(long_lists) = -1
-real(r8) :: new_qc_data(long_lists) = MISSING_R8
+integer :: new_qc_index(copy_qc_listlen) = -1
+real(r8) :: new_qc_data(copy_qc_listlen) = MISSING_R8
+character(len=metadatalength) :: synonymous_qc_list(copy_qc_listlen) = ''
-character(len=metadatalength) :: synonymous_copy_list(long_lists) = ''
-character(len=metadatalength) :: synonymous_qc_list(long_lists) = ''
logical :: print_only = .false.
logical :: gregorian_cal = .true.
real(r8) :: min_gps_height = missing_r8
@@ -160,29 +164,25 @@
if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=obs_sequence_tool_nml)
if (do_nml_term()) write( * , nml=obs_sequence_tool_nml)
-! ok, here's the new logic:
-! if the user specifies neither filename_seq nor filename_seq_list, we
-! default to trying 'obs_seq.out' and num files = 1.
-! if the user specifies both, it's an error.
-! if the user gives a filelist, we make sure the length is not more
-! than maxfiles and read it into the explicit list and continue.
-! if num_input_files = 0, we count up the non-null items in the list
-! and set num_input_files to that.
-! if the user specifies num_input_files but it doesn't match the list length,
-! we give an error (and maybe suggest 0 if they don't want to keep
-! updating the num_input_files.)
+! this is a deprecated namelist item. ignored, and eventually will be removed.
+! check it first before overwriting it in the call to set_filename_list().
+if (num_input_files > 0) then
+ write(msgstring1, *) '"num_input_files" is a DEPRECATED namelist item and is ignored.'
+ write(msgstring2, *) 'the count of input files is set by the number of filenames specified.'
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_sequence_tool', msgstring1, &
+ source,revision,revdate, text2=msgstring2)
-call handle_filenames(filename_seq, filename_seq_list, num_input_files)
+! when set_filename_list() returns, filename_seq contains all the filenames
+! whether they were specified directly in the namelist or in a separate file.
+num_input_files = set_filename_list(filename_seq, filename_seq_list, 'obs_sequence_tool')
+! this is a logical. if the calendar is gregorian it prints out times in
+! both (day,second) format and date (year/month/day/hour/minute/second) format.
+! otherwise it just prints (day,second). if users want other calendar type
+! support this should be renamed to 'calendar_type' and be a character string.
+if (gregorian_cal) call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-! if you are not using a gregorian cal, set this to false in the namelist.
-! if users need it, we could add a calendar type integer to the namelist,
-! if users want to specify a particular calendar which is not gregorian.
-! (earlier versions of this file had the test before the namelist read - duh.)
-if (gregorian_cal) then
- call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
! See if the user is restricting the obs types to be processed, and set up
! the values if so.
num_obs_input_types = 0
@@ -295,10 +295,11 @@
!%! ! SPECIAL: cut off all GPS obs below the given height
+!%! ! see comments in select_gps_by_height() for more info.
!%! if (min_gps_height /= missing_r8) then
!%! restrict_by_height = .true.
!%! else
- restrict_by_height = .false.
+!%! restrict_by_height = .false.
!%! endif
@@ -659,7 +660,8 @@
obs_out = obs_in
-!#! call change_variance(obs_out)
+!#! ! see comment in subroutine code for an explanation
+!#! call change_obs(obs_out)
call insert_obs_in_seq(seq_out, obs_out) ! new_obs linked list info changes
@@ -690,7 +692,8 @@
obs_out = obs_in
-!#! call change_variance(obs_out)
+!#! ! see comment in subroutine code for an explanation
+!#! call change_obs(obs_out)
! Since the stride through the observation sequence file is always
! guaranteed to be in temporally-ascending order, we can use the
@@ -1113,19 +1116,20 @@
- ! SPECIAL: optionally restrict GPS obs to above a height
- if (restrict_by_height) then
- call select_gps_by_height(min_gps_height, seq, all_gone)
- if(all_gone) then
- if (print_msg) then
- msgstring1 = 'Skipping: no obs in ' // trim(seqfilename) // &
- ' are above the GPS height threshold'
- call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_sequence_tool',msgstring1)
- endif
- remaining_obs_count = 0
- return
- endif
- endif
+!%! ! SPECIAL: optionally restrict GPS obs to above a given height
+!%! ! see comments in select_gps_by_height() for more info.
+!%! if (restrict_by_height) then
+!%! call select_gps_by_height(min_gps_height, seq, all_gone)
+!%! if(all_gone) then
+!%! if (print_msg) then
+!%! msgstring1 = 'Skipping: no obs in ' // trim(seqfilename) // &
+!%! ' are above the GPS height threshold'
+!%! call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_sequence_tool',msgstring1)
+!%! endif
+!%! remaining_obs_count = 0
+!%! return
+!%! endif
+!%! endif
remaining_obs_count = get_num_key_range(seq)
@@ -1411,27 +1415,30 @@
end subroutine set_new_data
-subroutine select_gps_by_height(min_height, seq, all_gone)
-! Delete all gps observations in the sequence which are below the given ht.
-! If there are no obs left afterwards return that the sequence is all_gone.
-real(r8), intent(in) :: min_height
-type(obs_sequence_type), intent(inout) :: seq
-logical, intent(out) :: all_gone
-all_gone = .false.
-! This block is intentionally never reached.
-! Exists simply to silence compiler warnings. Does nothing.
-if (min_height > 0.0_r8) continue
-write(*,*) get_copy_meta_data(seq, 1)
+!%! !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+!%! subroutine select_gps_by_height(min_height, seq, all_gone)
+!%! ! This code is intentionally commented out. Enabling this code requires
+!%! ! you are compiling with the threed_sphere locations module (which is true for
+!%! ! most large models). To do selections in the vertical for observations
+!%! ! remove all !%! characters here and in the code above.
+!%! ! Adapt the code as needed - select on a different observation type or ignore
+!%! ! the types and process all observations. Test the type of the vertical
+!%! ! coordinate before using the value; vertical in the threed_sphere module
+!%! ! can be pressure, height, model level, surface, or intentionally undefined.
+!%! ! There is a namelist item 'min_gps_height' which can be repurposed for
+!%! ! setting run-time values and is passed into this routine.
+!%! ! The code below is working code. It processes only GPS Radio Occultation
+!%! ! observation types. They are defined with a vertical of 'height' in meters.
+!%! ! The code removes any observations below a given threshold. If all obs are
+!%! ! removed the logical 'all_gone' is returned true.
+!%! real(r8), intent(in) :: min_height
+!%! type(obs_sequence_type), intent(inout) :: seq
+!%! logical, intent(out) :: all_gone
!%! type(obs_def_type) :: obs_def
!%! type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
!%! integer :: i, key, gps_type_index, this_obs_type
@@ -1439,20 +1446,18 @@
!%! logical :: out_of_range, is_this_last, above, first_obs
!%! real(r8) :: ll(3), vloc
-!%! ! figure out what index number is gps
+!%! ! figure out what index number GPS obs are
!%! gps_type_index = get_obs_kind_index('GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY')
!%! if (gps_type_index < 0) then
-!%! write(msgstring1,*) 'obs_type GPSRO not found'
+!%! write(msgstring1,*) 'obs_type GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY not found'
!%! call error_handler(E_ERR,'select_gps_by_height', msgstring1, &
!%! source, revision, revdate)
!%! endif
!%! ! Initialize an observation type with appropriate size
!%! call init_obs(obs, get_num_copies(seq), get_num_qc(seq))
!%! call init_obs(prev_obs, get_num_copies(seq), get_num_qc(seq))
-!%! ! Iterate entire sequence, deleting obs which are not in the box.
!%! ! First, make sure there are obs to delete, and initialize first obs.
!%! if(.not. get_first_obs(seq, obs)) then
!%! all_gone = .true.
@@ -1477,13 +1482,12 @@
!%! above = .true.
!%! else
-!%! ! must check height. at this point, all gps obs are be height only.
+!%! ! must check height. at this point, all gps obs are by height only.
!%! location = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
-!%! ! this makes the tool sphere_3d dependent. also assumes height as vert.
-!%! ! should verify.
+!%! ! this makes the tool locations/threed_sphere dependent.
!%! if (.not. vert_is_height(location)) then
-!%! write(msgstring1,*) 'obs_type GPSRO vertical location not height'
+!%! write(msgstring1,*) 'obs_type GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY vertical location not height'
!%! call error_handler(E_ERR,'select_gps_by_height', msgstring1, &
!%! source, revision, revdate)
!%! endif
@@ -1500,33 +1504,26 @@
!%! endif
!%! endif
-!%! ! same code as delete/keep by obstype; do any code fixes both places
+!%! ! remove obs if selected for delete, and set the prev_obs to the right value
!%! if (.not. above) then
!%! if (first_obs) then
!%! call delete_obs_from_seq(seq, obs)
!%! if(.not. get_first_obs(seq, obs)) exit allobs
!%! else
-!%! !print *, 'going to del obs key ', obs%key
-!%! !print *, 'prev key is ', prev_obs%key
!%! call delete_obs_from_seq(seq, obs)
!%! ! cannot simply use prev_obs; cached copy out of sync with seq one
!%! key = get_obs_key(prev_obs)
!%! call get_next_obs_from_key(seq, key, obs, is_this_last)
-!%! !print *, 'next obs now is key ', obs%key
!%! endif
!%! else
-!%! !print *, 'no del, keep this obs key ', obs%key
!%! first_obs = .false.
!%! prev_obs = obs
-!%! !print *, 'prev obs now is key ', prev_obs%key
-!%! !print *, 'obs was key ', obs%key
!%! call get_next_obs(seq, prev_obs, obs, is_this_last)
-!%! !print *, 'obs now is key ', obs%key
!%! endif
!%! end do allobs
-!%! ! Figure out if there are no more obs left in the sequence.
+!%! ! Return indicator of whether all obs were deleted by this routine or not.
!%! if(.not. get_first_obs(seq, obs)) then
!%! all_gone = .true.
!%! else
@@ -1536,104 +1533,22 @@
!%! ! Done. delete temp storage and return.
!%! call destroy_obs(obs)
!%! call destroy_obs(prev_obs)
+!%! end subroutine select_gps_by_height
+!%! !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-end subroutine select_gps_by_height
-subroutine handle_filenames(filename_seq, filename_seq_list, num_input_files)
-! sort out the input lists, set the length if not given by user,
-! make sure what's specified is consistent.
-character(len=*), intent(inout) :: filename_seq(:)
-character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename_seq_list
-integer, intent(inout) :: num_input_files
-integer :: index
-logical :: from_file
-character(len=32) :: fsource
-! ok, here's the new logic:
-! if the user specifies neither filename_seq nor filename_seq_list, we
-! default to trying 'obs_seq.out' and num files = 1.
-! if the user specifies both, it's an error.
-! if the user gives a filelist, we make sure the length is not more
-! than maxfiles and read it into the explicit list and continue.
-! if num_input_files = 0, we count up the non-null items in the list
-! and set num_input_files to that.
-! if the user specifies num_input_files but it doesn't match the list length,
-! we give an error (and maybe suggest 0 if they don't want to keep
-! updating the num_input_files.)
-! default case - input file is 'obs_seq.out' and count is 1.
-if (filename_seq(1) == '' .and. filename_seq_list == '') then
- if (num_input_files /= 0 .and. num_input_files /= 1) then
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_sequence_tool', &
- 'if no filenames specified, num_input_files must be 0 or 1', &
- source,revision,revdate)
- endif
- num_input_files = 1
- filename_seq(1) = 'obs_seq.out'
- return
-! make sure the namelist specifies one or the other but not both
-if (filename_seq(1) /= '' .and. filename_seq_list /= '') then
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_sequence_tool', &
- 'cannot specify both filename_seq and filename_seq_list', &
- source,revision,revdate)
-! if they have specified a file which contains a list, read it into
-! the filename_seq array and set the count.
-if (filename_seq_list /= '') then
- fsource = 'filename_seq_list'
- from_file = .true.
- fsource = 'filename_seq'
- from_file = .false.
-do index = 1, max_num_input_files
- if (from_file) &
- filename_seq(index) = get_next_filename(filename_seq_list, index)
- if (filename_seq(index) == '') then
- if (index == 1) then
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_sequence_tool', &
- 'namelist item '//trim(fsource)//' contains no filenames', &
- source,revision,revdate)
- endif
- ! leaving num_input_files unspecified (or set to 0) means use
- ! whatever number of files is in the list.
- if (num_input_files == 0) then
- num_input_files = index - 1
- return
- else
- ! if they do give a count, make it match.
- if (num_input_files == (index - 1)) return
- write(msgstring1, *) 'if num_input_files is 0, the number of files will be automatically computed'
- write(msgstring2, *) 'if num_input_files is not 0, it must match the number of filenames specified'
- write(msgstring3, *) 'num_input_files is ', num_input_files, &
- ' but namelist item '//trim(fsource)//' has filecount ', index - 1
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_sequence_tool', msgstring1, &
- source,revision,revdate,text2=msgstring2,text3=msgstring3)
- endif
- endif
-write(msgstring1, *) 'cannot specify more than ',max_num_input_files,' files'
-call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_sequence_tool', msgstring1, &
- source,revision,revdate)
-end subroutine handle_filenames
-!#! subroutine change_variance(this_obs)
+!#! !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+!#! subroutine change_obs(this_obs)
+!#! ! This code is intentionally commented out. It is here as an example
+!#! ! of how to make a systematic change to observations in an obs_seq file.
+!#! ! To use it, remove all instances of !#! in the code, here and above.
+!#! ! Adapt as needed. Use with care so you don't run it on obs_sequences
+!#! ! you don't want to modify in this way.
+!#! ! The code below is working code. It changes the variance of the selected
+!#! ! observation types.
!#! use obs_kind_mod
!#! use obs_def_mod
!#! use obs_sequence_mod
@@ -1643,23 +1558,26 @@
!#! type(obs_type), intent(inout) :: this_obs
!#! type(obs_def_type) :: this_obs_def
-!#! integer :: this_obs_kind
+!#! integer :: this_obs_type
!#! real(r8) :: oldvar, newvar
+!#! logical, save :: first_call = .true.
+!#! if (first_call) then
+!#! call error_handler(E_MSG, 'obs_sequence_tool', 'special: using the change_obs routine to alter variances')
+!#! first_call = .false.
+!#! endif
!#! call get_obs_def(this_obs, this_obs_def)
-!#! this_obs_kind = get_obs_kind(this_obs_def)
+!#! this_obs_type = get_obs_kind(this_obs_def)
-!#! ! ignore identity obs
-!#! if (this_obs_kind < 0) return
+!#! ! do not alter identity obs
+!#! if (this_obs_type < 0) return
!#! oldvar = get_obs_def_error_variance(this_obs_def)
-!#! !print *, 'kind, var = ', this_obs_kind, oldvar
-!#! ! SOYOUNG: Change the code here for what you want.
!#! ! Set the new variance here based on the type
-!#! select case (this_obs_kind)
+!#! select case (this_obs_type)
!#! newvar = oldvar * 0.5
@@ -1671,13 +1589,15 @@
!#! newvar = oldvar
!#! end select
-!#! !print *, 'newvar = ', newvar
+!#! !print *, 'type, original variance, new variance = ', this_obs_type, oldvar, newvar
!#! if (newvar /= oldvar) then
!#! call set_obs_def_error_variance(this_obs_def, newvar)
!#! call set_obs_def(this_obs, this_obs_def)
!#! endif
-!#! end subroutine change_variance
+!#! end subroutine change_obs
+!#! !---------------------------------------------------------------------
end program obs_sequence_tool
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.html
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.html 2014-08-29 16:55:27 UTC (rev 7162)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.html 2014-08-29 21:06:04 UTC (rev 7163)
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@
filename_seq = ''
filename_seq_list = ''
- num_input_files = 0
filename_out = 'obs_seq.processed'
first_obs_days = -1
first_obs_seconds = -1
@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@
<TBODY valign=top>
- <TD>character(len=256), dimension(500)</TD>
+ <TD>character(len=256), dimension(1000)</TD>
<TD>The array of names of the observation sequence files to process.
With the F90 namelist mechanism it is only necessary to specify the names
you are going to use, not all.
@@ -160,13 +159,6 @@
one of filename_seq OR filename_seq_list, not both.
- <TD>integer</TD>
- <TD>The number of observation sequence files to process.
-Maximum of 500. If 0 the length is set by the number of input files
-given. If non-zero must match the given input file list length.
<TD>The name of the resulting output observation sequence file.
@@ -407,6 +399,13 @@
were not created with gregorian calendar times.
+ <TD>integer</TD>
+ <TD>DEPRECATED. The number of observation sequence files to process
+is now set by counting up the number of input filenames specified. This
+namelist item is ignored and will be removed in future versions of the code.
@@ -452,7 +451,7 @@
and all observations in each of the three input files will be merged
in time order and output in a single observation sequence file.
-Or, at the command line, create a file containing one filename per line,
+Or from the command line create a file containing one filename per line,
either with 'ls':
@@ -859,17 +858,16 @@
-The latest version of the tool offers an additional option for specifying
-a list of input files. The user creates an ASCII file by any appropriate
-method, with one filename per line. They specify this file with the
+The tool offers an additional option for specifying
+a list of input files. The user creates an ASCII file by any desired
+method (e.g. ls > file, editor), with one filename per line.
+They specify this file with the
<em class=code>filename_seq_list</em> namelist item, and the tool opens
-each input file in turn and processes the list. In previous versions of
-the tool the user had to specify a count of the number of input files.
-In the current version, if the number of input files,
-<em class=code>num_input_files</em>, is unspecified or specified as 0,
-the number will be computed automatically. If a count is specified,
-it must match either the explicit list in <em class=code>filename_seq</em>,
-or the file count from the contents of <em class=code>filename_seq_list</em>.
+the list file and processes each input file in turn.
+The namelist item <em class=code>num_input_files</em> is now
+DEPRECATED and is ignored. The number of input files is computed
+from either the explicit list in <em class=code>filename_seq</em>,
+or the contents of the <em class=code>filename_seq_list</em> file.
@@ -989,7 +987,8 @@
<UL><LI><em class="file">input.nml</em></LI>
<LI>The input files specified in the <em class="code">filename_seq</em>
- namelist variable.</LI>
+ namelist variable, or inside the file named in
+ <em class="code">filename_seq_list</em>.</LI>
<LI>The output file specified in the <em class="code">filename_out</em>
namelist variable.</LI>
@@ -1017,17 +1016,12 @@
<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>obs_sequence_tool</TD>
- <!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>num_input_files > max_num_input_files.
- change max_num_input_files in source file</TD>
- <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>The default is 500 files.</TD>
+ <!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>num_input_files > max_num_input_files. </TD>
+ <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>The limit is currently 1000 files.
+ Change 'max_num_input_files' in the source file and recompile.</TD>
<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>obs_sequence_tool</TD>
- <!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>num_input_files and filename_seq mismatch</TD>
- <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>The number of filenames does not match
- the filename count.</TD>
-<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>obs_sequence_tool</TD>
<!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>use either lat/lon box or min/max box but not both
<!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>When selecting a region you can specify a box by
@@ -1055,7 +1049,7 @@
max_lon cannot be greater than 360.0 degrees<br>
<!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>fix latitude limits to be within -90 to 90,
- longitude limits to be 0 to 360. if longitude is negative,
+ longitude limits to be 0 to 360. If longitude is negative,
360 will be added so values of -180 to 180 are ok.
@@ -1127,10 +1121,10 @@
<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>obs_sequence_tool</TD>
<!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>cannot specify both filename_seq and filename_seq_list
- <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top> in the input namelist, you can either give a file
+ <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top> In the input namelist you can either give a file
or a list of files for the 'filename_seq' item, or you can give
- the name of a file that contains the names in 'filename_seq_list',
- but you cannot specify both. set one of these to ''.
+ the name of a file that contains the names in 'filename_seq_list'.
+ You cannot specify both. Set one of these to ' '.
<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>obs_sequence_tool</TD>
@@ -1163,7 +1157,10 @@
<LI>Combine copies or qc fields from multiple files into a single
<LI>Select based on vertical location value. (Complicated by the
- options of specifying vertical in meters, pressure, or model levels.)</LI>
+ options of specifying vertical in meters, pressure, or model levels.)
+ The source code already contains a commented-out subroutine that can
+ select in the vertical. It can be uncommented and used if needed.
+ </LI>
<LI>Sort obs with identical timestamps by a specified type list, so
one kind of ob gets assimilated before another.</LI>
<LI>Sort obs with idential timestamps so any at the same location
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.nml
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.nml 2014-08-29 16:55:27 UTC (rev 7162)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_sequence_tool.nml 2014-08-29 21:06:04 UTC (rev 7163)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
filename_seq = ''
filename_seq_list = ''
- num_input_files = 0
filename_out = 'obs_seq.processed'
first_obs_days = -1
first_obs_seconds = -1
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