[Dart-dev] [6953] DART/trunk/random_seq: change this test so it computes the variance and correlation
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 29 10:28:48 MDT 2014
Revision: 6953
Author: nancy
Date: 2014-04-29 10:28:47 -0600 (Tue, 29 Apr 2014)
Log Message:
change this test so it computes the variance and correlation
two different ways - one more numerically stable in the face
of r8s redefined as r4s. add a namelist so the test can run
without input from the terminal.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/random_seq/test/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/random_seq/test/input.nml 2014-04-29 15:56:12 UTC (rev 6952)
+++ DART/trunk/random_seq/test/input.nml 2014-04-29 16:28:47 UTC (rev 6953)
@@ -27,4 +27,9 @@
# start_day = 0
# start_sec = 0
+ n_pairs = 100000,
+ desired_correl = 0.72,
+ n_cycles = 100
+ /
Modified: DART/trunk/random_seq/test_corr.f90
--- DART/trunk/random_seq/test_corr.f90 2014-04-29 15:56:12 UTC (rev 6952)
+++ DART/trunk/random_seq/test_corr.f90 2014-04-29 16:28:47 UTC (rev 6953)
@@ -4,8 +4,17 @@
! $Id$
-program test_random
+program test_corr
+! test of twod_gaussian distribution, and two different numerical
+! methods of computing the variance and correlation. one is more
+! stable in the face of 8 byte reals being redefined as 4 byte values.
+use types_mod, only : r8
+use utilities_mod, only : check_namelist_read, find_namelist_in_file, &
+ register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, &
+ nmlfileunit, do_nml_file, do_nml_term, &
+ initialize_utilities, finalize_utilities
use random_seq_mod, only : random_seq_type, init_random_seq, twod_gaussians
implicit none
@@ -17,70 +26,107 @@
character(len=128), parameter :: revdate = "$Date$"
type (random_seq_type) :: r
-double precision, allocatable :: rnum(:, :)
-double precision :: c(2, 2), correl, sample_correl, mean(2), mean_2
-double precision :: mean_correl, var
-integer :: n, i, j, n_cycles
+real(r8), allocatable :: rnum(:, :)
+real(r8) :: c(2, 2), mean(2)
+integer :: i, j, iunit, io
-write(*, *) 'how many pairs'
-read(*, *) n
-write(*, *) 'input a correlation'
-read(*, *) correl
+real(r8) :: mean_correlA, varA, meanA, meanc_2A, sample_correlA
+real(r8) :: mean_correlB, varB, meanB, meanc_2B, sample_correlB
-write(*, *) 'how many cycles'
-read(*, *) n_cycles
+! namelist variables
+integer :: n_pairs = 10
+integer :: n_cycles = 100
+real(r8) :: desired_correl = 0.75_r8
-mean_correl = 0.0
-var = 0.0
+namelist /test_corr_nml/ n_pairs, desired_correl, n_cycles
+! start of program
+call initialize_utilities('test_corr')
+call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
+! Read the namelist entry
+call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "test_corr_nml", iunit)
+read(iunit, nml = test_corr_nml, iostat = io)
+call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "test_corr_nml")
+! Write the namelist values to the log file
+if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=test_corr_nml)
+if (do_nml_term()) write( * , nml=test_corr_nml)
+if (n_cycles < 2 .or. n_pairs < 2) then
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'test_corr', 'both n_pairs and n_cycles must be >= 2', &
+ source, revision, revdate)
+mean_correlA = 0.0
+mean_correlB = 0.0
+varA = 0.0
+varB = 0.0
! Allocate space for the pairs of data
-allocate(rnum(2, n))
+allocate(rnum(2, n_pairs))
call init_random_seq(r)
! Mean for generated
-mean = 0.0; mean_2 = 0.0
+mean = 0.0
+meanc_2A = 0.0
+meanc_2B = 0.0
! Generate the covariance matrix
c(1, 1) = 1.0
c(2, 2) = 1.0
-c(1, 2) = correl
-c(2, 1) = correl
+c(1, 2) = desired_correl
+c(2, 1) = desired_correl
do j = 1, n_cycles
- do i = 1, n
+ do i = 1, n_pairs
call twod_gaussians(r, mean, c, rnum(:, i))
end do
-! Compute the correlation of the random numbers
- call comp_correl(rnum, n, sample_correl)
+ ! Compute the correlation of the random numbers two different ways
+ call comp_correlA(rnum, n_pairs, sample_correlA)
+ call comp_correlB(rnum, n_pairs, sample_correlB)
- mean_correl = mean_correl + sample_correl
- mean_2 = mean_2 + sample_correl**2
- var = var + (sample_correl - correl) ** 2
+ mean_correlA = mean_correlA + sample_correlA
+ meanc_2A = meanc_2A + sample_correlA**2
+ varA = varA + (sample_correlA - desired_correl) ** 2
+ mean_correlB = mean_correlB + sample_correlB
+ meanc_2B = meanc_2B + sample_correlB**2
+ varB = varB + (sample_correlB - desired_correl) ** 2
end do
-mean_correl = mean_correl / n_cycles
-write(*, *) 'mean correl is ', real(mean_correl)
-write(*, *) 'variance is ', real((mean_2 - n_cycles * mean_correl**2) / (n_cycles - 1))
-write(*, *) 'predicted is ', real((1. - correl **2)**2 / (n - 1.))
-! Also did this by mistake earlier doesn't use sample mean
-write(*, *) 'incorrect var is (uses correl as mean, not sample)', real(var / (n_cycles - 1))
+mean_correlA = mean_correlA / n_cycles
+mean_correlB = mean_correlB / n_cycles
-end program test_random
+write(*, *) ''
+write(*, *) 'target mean correl is ', desired_correl
+write(*, *) 'computed mean correl, version A, is ', mean_correlA
+write(*, *) 'computed mean correl, version B, is ', mean_correlB
+write(*, *) ''
+write(*, *) 'predicted variance is ', (1.0_r8 - desired_correl**2)**2 / (n_pairs - 1._r8)
+write(*, *) 'computed variance, version A, is ', (meanc_2A - n_cycles * mean_correlA**2) / (n_cycles - 1._r8)
+write(*, *) 'computed variance, version B, is ', (meanc_2B - n_cycles * mean_correlB**2) / (n_cycles - 1._r8)
+call finalize_utilities('test_corr')
-subroutine comp_correl(ens, n, correl)
+subroutine comp_correlA(ens, n, correl)
-implicit none
-integer, intent(in) :: n
-double precision, intent(in) :: ens(2, n)
-double precision, intent(out) :: correl
-double precision :: sum_x, sum_y, sum_xy, sum_x2, sum_y2
+integer, intent(in) :: n
+real(r8), intent(in) :: ens(2, n)
+real(r8), intent(out) :: correl
+real(r8) :: sum_x, sum_y, sum_xy, sum_x2, sum_y2
sum_x = sum(ens(2, :))
sum_y = sum(ens(1, :))
@@ -90,11 +136,47 @@
! Computation of correlation
sum_y2 = sum(ens(1, :) * ens(1, :))
+! debug:
+!print *, 'x,y,xy,x2,y2: ', sum_x, sum_y, sum_xy, sum_x2, sum_y2
correl = (n * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / &
sqrt((n * sum_x2 - sum_x**2) * (n * sum_y2 - sum_y**2))
-end subroutine comp_correl
+end subroutine comp_correlA
+subroutine comp_correlB(ens, n, correl)
+! alternative way to comput covariance and variance - more numerically
+! stable in the face of 4 byte floats:
+integer, intent(in) :: n
+real(r8), intent(in) :: ens(2, n)
+real(r8), intent(out) :: correl
+real(r8) :: sum_x, sum_y
+real(r8) :: x_mean, y_mean, x_var, y_var, cov
+sum_x = sum(ens(2, :))
+sum_y = sum(ens(1, :))
+x_mean = sum_x / n
+y_mean = sum_y / n
+x_var = sum((ens(2, :) - x_mean)**2) / (n - 1)
+y_var = sum((ens(1, :) - y_mean)**2) / (n - 1)
+cov = sum((ens(2, :) - x_mean) * (ens(1, :) - y_mean)) / (n - 1)
+correl = cov / sqrt(x_var * y_var)
+! debug:
+!print *, x_mean, y_mean, x_var, y_var, cov, abs(x_var * y_var), sqrt(x_var*y_var), correl
+end subroutine comp_correlB
+end program test_corr
! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
! $URL$
! $Id$
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