[Dart-dev] [6553] DART/trunk/observations/NCEP/prep_bufr/README.developer: obsolete information, removing from distribution.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Oct 29 10:55:28 MDT 2013
Revision: 6553
Author: nancy
Date: 2013-10-29 10:55:27 -0600 (Tue, 29 Oct 2013)
Log Message:
obsolete information, removing from distribution.
Removed Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: DART/trunk/observations/NCEP/prep_bufr/README.developer
--- DART/trunk/observations/NCEP/prep_bufr/README.developer 2013-10-28 19:52:46 UTC (rev 6552)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/NCEP/prep_bufr/README.developer 2013-10-29 16:55:27 UTC (rev 6553)
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
-# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-# DART $Id$
-The user documentation for compiling and running the prep_bufr program
-is NOT here - read the instructions in the prep_bufr.html file.
-Developer comments/info:
-How to generate decoded NCEP PREPBUFR intermediate text data
-As well as DART observation sequence files (daily)
-kdr; only daily?
-x kdr; add section about what files we're starting with, and what's necessary
- to translate them? Refer to .../docs
- This document describes how to generate decoded NCEP reanalysis PREPBUFR
-intermediate text data as well as use of the text files to generate DART daily
-observation sequence files.
- The decoding package is available as a tar file, prepbufr.tar.
- tar -xvf prepbufr.tar and you get the following directories:
-/src Source code of the NCEP PREPBUFR decoder
-/lib NCEP PREPBUFR library
-/convert_bufr source code to convert the big endian PREPBUFR files to little
- endian files and a script to compile the code.
-/install A script to install the NCEP PREPBUFR decoder and the NCEP PREPBUFR library.
-/exe Executables of the decoder and converter.
-/data Where the NCEP PREPBURE files (prepqm****) are
-kdr; "PREPBUFR"?
-/work Where we run the script to do the decoding.
-/docs Some useful background informations about NCEP PREPBUFR observations.
-The decoding program: /src/prepbufr.f
- The program prepbufr.f is used to decode the NCEP reanalysis BUFR data into
-intermediate text files. This program was originally developed by NCEP. It
-has been modified to output dry temperature, specific humidity, and wind
-components (U/V) of conventional radiosonde, aircraft reports, and satellite
-cloud motion derived wind. The NCEP quality control indexes for these
-observations based on NCEP forecasts are also output and used in DART
-observation sequence files.
-kdr; are more types of obs available? (PS, radiances, ?)
- How much work to get them?
-Program /convert_bufr/grabbufr.f
- The program grabbufr.f is used to convert the big endian format NCEP PREPBUFR
-data into little endian format for use on the LINUX computers only. For SGI, IBM
-SP, and Sun computers, this convert program is not needed.
-kdr; is it used automatically, or does the use need to execute it?
-How to install the NCEP BUFR decoding program
-Required compilers
- The NCEP PREPBUFR decoding program is written in Fortran 77 and the grabbufr.f
-code is written in Fortran 90. The first code can be successfully compiled on
-LINUX computers using pgi90, f77 on SGI computers, and xlf on IBM SP systems.
-The 2nd code can be compiled with pgf90.
-kdr; Add "See note below about compiling under modules. "
- To compile the PREPBUFR libraries and the decoding program, go to the
-install directory /install. Set the CPLAT variable in the install.sh to reflect
-the correct platform. Currently CPLAT = linux.
- Execute the install.sh script to complete the compilations for the main
-decoding program and the NCEP PREPBUFR library.
- For platforms with little endian format, like linux systems, go to
-/convert_bufr/ and run convert_bufr.csh to compile the converting code.
- The executables are placed in /exe/, i.e., prepbufr.x and conv.x).
-Platforms tested:
- The code is tested on Coral, Ocotillo.mmm, Tempest, Blusky.
- Special note for Coral: the default compiler is Intel64. To use the pgf90, the
-following module updates are needed:
- module rm intel64 netcdf64 mpich64
- module add pgi32
- type which pgf90 to see if pgf90 is available.
-How to get the NCEP Reanalysis BUFR format data from NCAR MSS?
- The NCEP PREPBUFR files (prepqm*) can be found within the NCEP reanalysis
-dataset, ds090.0 (until August 2003) in NCAR MSS.
-kdr; meaning files run through 8/03, or they'll be in ds090.0 until 8/03?
- To find the files:
- go to http://dss.ucar.edu/pub/reanalysis/
-kdr; announcement there says
- Public (non-restricted) version of 200309-200602 prepqm files are released.
- Click "Data Archive Summary"
- Click "Complete Tar list of Table of Contents of All VSN's"
- Look at the years you want and click on the ds090.0 next to the year mark.
-Find the data set you want by searching for prepqmYYMMDDHH, with YY, MM, DD, HH =
-the year, month, day, and hour you want.
-The prepqm file will be grouped with others in a weekly tar file.
-Each tar file has a unique file number like "A#####".
- For example, for January of 2003, The 4 MSS TAR files are: A21899, A21900,
-A21901, A21902. These files are unblocked files.
- The decoding program requires blocked version of the files. The corresponding
-blocked files are A21899.blk, A21900.blk, A21901.blk, and A21902.blk.
-(These names don't appear in the web page, but are found on the mass store.
-Each is about 400 Mb)
- Within subdirectory prepbufr/data use
- msrcp mss:/DSS/A*****.blk filename.tar
- /contrib/bin/cosconvert -b filename.tar
-to read the NCEP BUFR data tar files from NCAR MSS (on Coral, tempest, Bluesky, etc.)
- Then
- tar -xvf filename.tar
- You will get individual 6-hourly NCEP PREPBUFR data files for the
-observations in the +/- 3-hours time window of 06Z, 12Z, 18Z, and 00Z of each
-Run the decoding program as follows.
-In prepbufr/work/prepbufr.csh set the appropriate values of the year, month, begin_day, and
-last_day of the period you desire. Execute prepbufr.csh in the work directory.
-kdr; instructions for running this as a batch job? BSUB is there. QSUB?
- Script does not cd to proper directory. Other batch problems?
- conv.x (grabbufr) is executed unconditionally; is this script only good for Linux,
- which requires translation from big- to little-endian?
-Currently, the script generates daily Decoded PREPBUFR text data which contains the
-observations within the time window of 3:00Z of the day to 3:00Z of next day.
-These daily output text files are named as temp_obs.yyyymmdd.
- These text PREPBUFR data files can then be read by
-DART/observations/NCEP/ascii_to_obs/create_real_obs.f90 to
-generate the DART daily observation sequence files.
-How to generate DART daily observation sequence files
- Go to DART/observations/NCEP/ascii_to_obs/work
- The create_real_obs.f90 is used to convert the decoded PREPBUFR text data to
-DART observation sequence files. Currently, this program produces daily
-observation sequence from 3:01Z of the day to 3:00Z of the next day.
- Use './quickbuild.csh' to compile the executables here.
- Make appropriate changes to the namelist of input.nml.
- The selection of any combinations of the specific observation kinds (T, Q,
-U/V, and surface pressure) and types (radiosonde, aircraft reports, or satellite
-wind, etc.) can be done in the namelist "ncepobs_nml". You may also want to change
-the location of the decoded PREPBUFR text data files in the namelist. Additional
-information about the namelist is available from the "create_real_obs.html".
- Sample namelists are as below:
- year = 2003,
- month = 1,
- day = 1,
- tot_days = 31,
- max_num = 700000,
- ObsBase = '/ptmp/hliu/decoded_bufr_data/temp_obs.'
- select_obs = 0,
- ADPUPA = .true.,
- AIRCAR = .true.,
- AIRCFT = .true.,
- SATEMP = .false.,
- SFCSHP = .false.,
- ADPSFC = .false.,
- SATWND = .true.,
- obs_U = .true.,
- obs_V = .true.,
- obs_T = .true.,
- obs_PS = .false.,
- obs_QV = .false.,
- daily_file = .true./
- write_binary_obs_sequence = .true. /
- This will produces daily (or 12-hourly for CAM) observation sequence files
-for the period of Jan. 2003 which have the selected observation types and kinds.
-The output files looks like "obs_seqyyyymmdd".
- Please note that the current DART/observations/NCEP/ascii_to_obs/create_real_obs.f90
-generates daily (or 6-hourly) observation sequence files which contains observation in
-the time window of 3.01Z of the day to 3.00Z of next day. So, generation of each
-such daily DART observation sequence files may require the decoded NCEP BUFR
-text data files for that day AND next day as well (since the 2nd BUFR file may
-also contain the observations at 3:00Z of the next day).
- For example, to generate the observation sequence for jan 1, 2003, the decoded
-NCEP PREPBUFR text files for Jan 1 and 2, 2003 are needed.
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