[Dart-dev] [6541] DART/trunk/models/cam: Moved to deprecated directory.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Oct 23 11:29:54 MDT 2013
Revision: 6541
Author: thoar
Date: 2013-10-23 11:29:54 -0600 (Wed, 23 Oct 2013)
Log Message:
Moved to deprecated directory. This manner of configuring a
'perpetual startup' experiment is not extensible to running
multiple CESM model components.
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Copied: DART/trunk/models/cam/deprecated/CESM_setup_startup.csh (from rev 6523, DART/trunk/models/cam/shell_scripts/CESM_setup_startup.csh)
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/deprecated/CESM_setup_startup.csh (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/deprecated/CESM_setup_startup.csh 2013-10-23 17:29:54 UTC (rev 6541)
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+# ---------------------
+# Purpose
+# ---------------------
+# This script is designed to configure and build a multi-instance CESM model
+# that has CAM, CLM, and CICE as active components over a single data ocean,
+# and will use DART to assimilate observations at regular intervals.
+# This script does not build DART. It works best if the appropriate DART
+# executables have been built, however.
+# This script relies heavily on the information in:
+# http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.1/cesm/doc/usersguide/book1.html
+# ---------------------
+# How to set up the script
+# ---------------------
+# -- Either edit and run this script in the $DART/models/cam/shell_scripts
+# directory where it first appears,
+# or copy it to somewhere that it will be preserved and run it there.
+# It will create a 'case' directory, where the model will be built,
+# and an execution directory, where each forecast and assimilation will
+# take place. The short term archiver will use a third directory for
+# storage of model output until it can be moved to long term storage (HPSS)
+# -- Examine the whole script to identify things to change for your experiments.
+# -- Provide any initial files needed by your run:
+# inflation
+# sampling error correction
+# CAM/CLM/CICE initial ensemble
+# ...
+# -- Run this script.
+# -- Edit the DART input.nml that appears in the $CASEROOT directory.
+# -- Submit the job using $CASEROOT/${case}.submit
+# ---------------------
+# Important features
+# ---------------------
+# If you want to change something in your case other than the runtime
+# settings, it is safest to delete everything and start the run from scratch.
+# For the brave, read
+# http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.1/cesm/doc/usersguide/x1142.html
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==== Set case options
+# ==============================================================================
+# case will be used many ways;
+# directory and file names, both locally and on HPSS, and
+# script names; so consider it's length and information content.
+# num_instances: Number of ensemble members
+setenv case cam_test
+setenv compset F_AMIP_CAM5
+setenv resolution f09_f09
+setenv cesmtag cesm1_1_1
+setenv num_instances 4
+# ==============================================================================
+# define machines and directories
+# mach Computer name
+# cesm_datadir Root path of the public CESM data files
+# cesmroot Location of the cesm code base
+# i.e. cesm1_1_1 on yellowstone
+# DARTroot Location of DART code tree.
+# Executables, scripts and input in $DARTroot/models/cam/...
+# caseroot Your (future) cesm case directory, where this CESM+DART will be built.
+# Preferably not a frequently scrubbed location.
+# This script will delete any existing caseroot, so this script,
+# and other useful things should be kept elsewhere.
+# rundir (Future) Run-time directory; scrubbable, large amount of space needed.
+# exeroot (Future) directory for executables - scrubbable, large amount of space needed.
+# archdir (Future) Short-term archive directory
+# until the long-term archiver moves it to permanent storage.
+# ==============================================================================
+setenv mach yellowstone
+setenv cesm_datadir /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata
+setenv cesmroot /glade/p/cesm/cseg/collections/$cesmtag
+setenv caseroot /glade/p/work/${USER}/cases/${case}
+setenv exeroot /glade/scratch/${USER}/${case}/bld
+setenv rundir /glade/scratch/${USER}/${case}/run
+setenv archdir /glade/scratch/${USER}/archive/${case}
+setenv DARTroot /glade/u/home/${USER}/svn/DART/trunk
+# ==============================================================================
+# configure settings ... run_startdate format is yyyy-mm-dd
+# ==============================================================================
+setenv run_startdate 2008-11-01
+setenv sst_dataset ${cesm_datadir}/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.9x1.25_1850_2011_c110307.nc
+setenv year_start 1850
+setenv year_end 2010
+# ==============================================================================
+# runtime settings -- How many assimilation steps will be done after this one
+# stop_option Units for determining the forecast length between assimilations
+# stop_n Number of time units in the forecast
+# ==============================================================================
+setenv resubmit 0
+setenv stop_option nhours
+setenv stop_n 6
+# ==============================================================================
+# job settings
+# timewall can be changed during a series by changing the ${case}.run
+# queue can be changed during a series by changing the ${case}.run
+# lrg_ queues are used in order to fit more instances on each node.
+# FV 1-degree can comfortably fit 4 instances on 1 lrg_ node (~60 gbyte)
+# On bluefire the regular queue (or higher) is probably necessary,
+# because it appears that there are not separate queues for the lrg memory
+# and the regular memory nodes. So economy jobs requesting smaller numbers
+# of processors seem to prevent this lrg_economy job (20 nodes for 1-degree)
+# from running for long periods.
+# ==============================================================================
+setenv ACCOUNT P8685nnnn
+setenv timewall 0:40
+setenv queue regular
+setenv ptile 15
+# ==============================================================================
+# set these standard commands based on the machine you are running on.
+# ==============================================================================
+set nonomatch # suppress "rm" warnings if wildcard does not match anything
+# The FORCE options are not optional.
+# The VERBOSE options are useful for debugging though
+# some systems don't like the -v option to any of the following
+switch ("`hostname`")
+ case be*:
+ # NCAR "bluefire"
+ set MOVE = '/usr/local/bin/mv -fv'
+ set COPY = '/usr/local/bin/cp -fv --preserve=timestamps'
+ set LINK = '/usr/local/bin/ln -fvs'
+ set REMOVE = '/usr/local/bin/rm -fr'
+ breaksw
+ default:
+ # NERSC "hopper", NWSC "yellowstone"
+ set MOVE = '/bin/mv -fv'
+ set COPY = '/bin/cp -fv --preserve=timestamps'
+ set LINK = '/bin/ln -fvs'
+ set REMOVE = '/bin/rm -fr'
+ breaksw
+# ==============================================================================
+# Create the case.
+# For list of the pre-defined cases: ./create_newcase -list
+# To create a variant case, see the CESM documentation and carefully
+# incorporate any needed changes into this script.
+# ==============================================================================
+ echo "removing old files from ${caseroot}"
+ echo "removing old files from ${exeroot}"
+ echo "removing old files from ${rundir}"
+ ${REMOVE} ${caseroot}
+ ${REMOVE} ${exeroot}
+ ${REMOVE} ${rundir}
+ ${cesmroot}/scripts/create_newcase -case ${caseroot} -mach ${mach} \
+ -res ${resolution} -compset ${compset}
+ if ( $status != 0 ) then
+ echo "ERROR: Case could not be created."
+ exit -1
+ endif
+# ==============================================================================
+# Configure the case - this creates the CASEROOT directory.
+# ==============================================================================
+cd ${caseroot}
+# Save a copy for debug purposes
+foreach FILE ( *xml )
+ if ( ~ -e ${FILE}.original ) then
+ ${COPY} $FILE ${FILE}.original
+ endif
+# num_tasks_per_instance = #tasks_node / #instances_node
+# Bluefire: #tasks_node = 64 using SMT
+# #instances_node = 1-degree: 4 on lrg_ nodes, 2 on standard.
+# 2-degree: 16 on lrg_ nodes, 8 on standard
+# CAM5; to be determined, but no more than listed for CAM4
+set num_tasks_per_node = 15
+set num_tasks_per_instance = 8
+set num_threads = 1
+# This is hard-wiring for the current (1/17/2011) multi-instance CESM restriction
+# that all instances must be advanced simultaneously. Work is underway to relax that.
+# @ total_nt = $num_instances * $num_tasks_per_instance
+# echo "total MPI tasks requested = $total_nt"
+# Atm gets all the nodes and runs.
+# The other components divide them up.
+# ? ? ? What about sglc? It's a stub, and doesn't matter what pes are assigned to it.
+# This algorithm figures out whether there are enough processors requested
+# to run each component on whole nodes, or the components need to share some nodes.
+# The hard-coded numbers (and ratios between them) are estimates; change them if you
+# know better.
+#@ atm_pes = $total_nt
+#@ large_small = $total_nt / (8 * $num_tasks_per_node)
+#if ($large_small > 0) then
+# # Large_small > 0 means there are at least 8 nodes requested.
+# # Allot whole nodes to the major components.
+# @ cpl_pes = ( $total_nt / (3 * $num_tasks_per_node) ) * $num_tasks_per_node
+# @ ice_pes = ( $total_nt / (3 * $num_tasks_per_node) ) * $num_tasks_per_node
+# @ glc_pes = ( $total_nt / (3 * $num_tasks_per_node) ) * $num_tasks_per_node
+# @ ocn_pes = $num_tasks_per_node
+# @ rof_pes = $num_tasks_per_node
+# @ lnd_pes = $total_nt - ($cpl_pes + $ice_pes + $ocn_pes + $glc_pes + $rof_pes)
+ # dummy layout
+ @ cpl_pes = 8
+ @ glc_pes = 8
+ @ ocn_pes = 8
+ @ ice_pes = 32
+ @ rof_pes = 32
+ @ lnd_pes = 32
+ @ atm_pes = 32
+echo "task layout"
+echo ""
+echo "CPL gets $cpl_pes"
+echo "ATM gets $atm_pes"
+echo "ICE gets $ice_pes"
+echo "LND gets $lnd_pes"
+echo "ROF gets $rof_pes"
+echo "GLC gets $glc_pes"
+echo "OCN gets $ocn_pes"
+echo ""
+./xmlchange NTHRDS_CPL=$num_threads,NTASKS_CPL=$cpl_pes
+./xmlchange NTHRDS_ATM=$num_threads,NTASKS_ATM=$atm_pes,NINST_ATM=$num_instances
+./xmlchange NTHRDS_ICE=$num_threads,NTASKS_ICE=$ice_pes,NINST_ICE=$num_instances
+./xmlchange NTHRDS_LND=$num_threads,NTASKS_LND=$lnd_pes,NINST_LND=$num_instances
+./xmlchange NTHRDS_ROF=$num_threads,NTASKS_ROF=$rof_pes,NINST_ROF=$num_instances
+./xmlchange NTHRDS_GLC=$num_threads,NTASKS_GLC=$glc_pes,NINST_GLC=1
+./xmlchange NTHRDS_OCN=$num_threads,NTASKS_OCN=$ocn_pes,NINST_OCN=1
+./xmlchange ROOTPE_OCN=$ice_pes
+./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=startup
+./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=$run_startdate
+./xmlchange EXEROOT=${exeroot}
+./xmlchange PIO_TYPENAME=pnetcdf
+# DOUT_S is to turn on/off the short-term archiving
+# DOUT_L_MS is to store to the HPSS (formerly "MSS")
+./xmlchange DOUT_S_ROOT=${archdir}
+./xmlchange DOUT_S=TRUE
+./xmlchange DOUT_L_MS=FALSE
+./xmlchange DOUT_L_MSROOT="csm/${case}"
+./xmlchange DOUT_L_HTAR=FALSE
+./xmlchange SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME=$sst_dataset
+./xmlchange SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN=$year_start
+./xmlchange SSTICE_YEAR_START=$year_start
+./xmlchange SSTICE_YEAR_END=$year_end
+# Do not change the CALENDAR or the CONTINUE_RUN
+./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=$stop_option
+./xmlchange STOP_N=$stop_n
+./xmlchange RESUBMIT=$resubmit
+# The river transport model ON is useful only when using an active ocean or
+# land surface diagnostics. Setting ROF_GRID to 'null' turns off the RTM.
+./xmlchange ROF_GRID='r05'
+# level of debug output, 0=minimum, 1=normal, 2=more, 3=too much, valid values: 0,1,2,3 (integer)
+./xmlchange DEBUG=FALSE
+./xmlchange INFO_DBUG=0
+# ==============================================================================
+# Set up the case.
+# This creates the EXEROOT and RUNDIR directories.
+# ==============================================================================
+if ( $status != 0 ) then
+ echo "ERROR: Case could not be set up."
+ exit -2
+# ==============================================================================
+# Modify namelist templates for each instance.
+# hist_empty_htapes = .true. suppresses the creation of all history files
+# hist_fincl1 = 'TG', except the first one, which will have one variable
+# hist_nhtfrq = -$stop_n, create one every $stop_n HOURS
+# hist_mfilt = 1, with precisely one day in it
+# hist_avgflag_pertape = 'I' use instantaneous values - no average
+# ==============================================================================
+set chem_datapath = "${cesm_datadir}/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero"
+@ inst = 1
+while ($inst <= $num_instances)
+ set instance = `printf %04d $inst`
+ # ===========================================================================
+ set fname = "user_nl_cam_$instance"
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # A lot of the files specified here are because the 'default' files only
+ # contain data through 2005 and we are interested in timeframes after that.
+ #
+ # CAM5 does prognostic aerosols by default. If you want to prescribe them,
+ # use the following variables with your own settings ...
+# echo " aerodep_flx_datapath = '${chem_datapath}/aero' " >> ${fname}
+# echo " aerodep_flx_file = 'aerosoldep_rcp4.5_monthly_1849-2104_0.9x1.25_c100407.nc' " >> ${fname}
+# echo " aerodep_flx_cycle_yr = 2000 " >> ${fname}
+# echo " aerodep_flx_type = 'CYCLICAL' " >> ${fname}
+ # This killed CAM5 ... but may work for some other compset
+# echo " iradae = -$stop_n " >> ${fname}
+ echo " inithist = 'ENDOFRUN' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " ncdata = 'cam_initial_${instance}.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " avgflag_pertape = 'A' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " div24del2flag = 4 " >> ${fname}
+ echo " empty_htapes = .true. " >> ${fname}
+ echo " fincl1 = 'PHIS:I' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " nhtfrq = -$stop_n " >> ${fname}
+ echo " mfilt = 1 " >> ${fname}
+ echo " bndtvghg = '${cesm_datadir}/atm/cam/ggas/ghg_hist_1765-2009_c100902.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " prescribed_ozone_file = 'ozone_1.9x2.5_L26_1850-2015_rcp45_c101108.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " tracer_cnst_file = 'oxid_1.9x2.5_L26_1850-2015_rcp45_c101108.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " ext_frc_specifier = " >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'SO2 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_so2_elev_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'bc_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_bc_elev_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'num_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_num_a1_elev_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'num_a2 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_num_a2_elev_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'pom_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_oc_elev_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'so4_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_so4_a1_elev_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'so4_a2 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_so4_a2_elev_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " srf_emis_specifier = " >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'DMS -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/aerocom_mam3_dms_surf_1849-2010_c20100902.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'SO2 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_so2_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'SOAG -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_soag_1.5_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'bc_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_bc_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'num_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_num_a1_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'num_a2 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_num_a2_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'pom_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_oc_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'so4_a1 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_so4_a1_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc'," >> ${fname}
+ echo " 'so4_a2 -> ${chem_datapath}/emis/ar5_mam3_so4_a2_surf_1850-2010_c20100902_v12.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ echo " solar_data_file = '${cesm_datadir}/atm/cam/solar/spectral_irradiance_Lean_1610-2009_ann_c100405.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ # ===========================================================================
+ set fname = "user_nl_clm_$instance"
+ # ===========================================================================
+ # hist_empty_htapes must be false at the moment. Otherwise the CLM restart file
+ # gets created with ntapes=0 which prevents CLM from restarting. Crazy.
+ echo "hist_empty_htapes = .false. " >> ${fname}
+ echo "finidat = 'clm_restart_${instance}.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ echo "fpftdyn = '${cesm_datadir}/lnd/clm2/surfdata/surfdata.pftdyn_0.9x1.25_rcp4.5_simyr1850-2100_c100406.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ # ===========================================================================
+ set fname = "user_nl_cice_$instance"
+ # ===========================================================================
+ echo " ice_ic = 'ice_restart_${instance}.nc' " >> ${fname}
+ @ inst ++
+# ==============================================================================
+# to create custom streamfiles ...
+# "To modify the contents of a stream txt file, first use preview_namelists to
+# obtain the contents of the stream txt files in CaseDocs, and then place a copy
+# of the modified stream txt file in $CASEROOT with the string user_ prepended."
+# -or-
+# we copy a template stream txt file from the
+# $DARTroot/models/POP/shell_scripts directory and modify one for each instance.
+# ==============================================================================
+# none needed for CAM
+# ==============================================================================
+# Update source files if need be
+# Ideally, using DART will not require any source mods.
+# Until then, this script accesses source mods from a hard-wired location below.
+# Those may eventually be packaged into the DART repository.
+# If you have additional source mods, they will need to be merged into any DART
+# mods and put in the SourceMods subdirectory found in the 'case' directory.
+# ==============================================================================
+if ( -d ~/${cesmtag}/SourceMods ) then
+ ${COPY} -r ~/${cesmtag}/SourceMods/* ${caseroot}/SourceMods/
+ echo "ERROR - No SourceMods for this case."
+ echo "ERROR - No SourceMods for this case."
+ echo "DART requires modifications to several src.pop2/ files."
+ echo "These files can be downloaded from:"
+ echo "http://www.image.ucar.edu/pub/DART/CESM/DART_SourceMods_cesm1_1_1.tar"
+ echo "untar these into your HOME directory - they will create a"
+ echo "~/cesm_1_1_1 directory with the appropriate SourceMods structure."
+ exit -4
+# ==============================================================================
+# build
+# ==============================================================================
+echo ''
+echo 'Building the case'
+echo ''
+if ( $status != 0 ) then
+ echo "ERROR: Case could not be built."
+ exit -5
+# ==============================================================================
+# Stage the restarts now that the run directory exists
+# CAM5 ... /glade/p/work/raeder/Exp/Pincus_Cam5/archive/Exp3/rest/2008-11-01-00000
+# ==============================================================================
+set stagedir = /glade/p/work/raeder/Exp/Pincus_Cam5/archive/Exp3/rest/2008-11-01-00000
+echo ''
+echo "Copying the restart files from ${stagedir}"
+echo 'into the CESM run directory.'
+echo ''
+@ inst = 1
+while ($inst <= $num_instances)
+ set instance = `printf %04d $inst`
+ echo ''
+ echo "Staging restarts for instance $inst of $num_instances"
+ ${COPY} ${stagedir}/cam_initial_${inst}.nc ${rundir}/cam_initial_${instance}.nc
+ ${COPY} ${stagedir}/clm_restart_${inst}.nc ${rundir}/clm_restart_${instance}.nc
+ ${COPY} ${stagedir}/ice_restart_${inst}.nc ${rundir}/ice_restart_${instance}.nc
+ @ inst ++
+if ( -e ${stagedir}/prior_inflate_restart* ) then
+ ${COPY} ${stagedir}/prior_inflate_restart* ${rundir}/.
+# ==============================================================================
+# Edit the run script to reflect project, queue, and wallclock
+# ==============================================================================
+echo ''
+echo 'Updating the run script to set wallclock and queue.'
+echo ''
+if ( ~ -e ${case}.run.original ) then
+ ${COPY} ${case}.run ${case}.run.original
+source Tools/ccsm_getenv
+set BATCH = `echo $BATCHSUBMIT | sed 's/ .*$//'`
+switch ( $BATCH )
+ case bsub*:
+ # NCAR "bluefire", "yellowstone"
+ set TIMEWALL=`grep BSUB ${case}.run | grep -e '-W' `
+ set QUEUE=`grep BSUB ${case}.run | grep -e '-q' `
+ sed -e "s/ptile=[0-9][0-9]*/ptile=$ptile/" \
+ -e "s/$TIMEWALL[3]/$timewall/" \
+ -e "s/$QUEUE[3]/$queue/" < ${case}.run >! temp.$$
+ ${MOVE} temp.$$ ${case}.run
+ breaksw
+ default:
+ breaksw
+# ==============================================================================
+# IMPORTANT: All resubmits must be type 'startup'.
+# ==============================================================================
+echo ''
+echo 'Changing the run script such that all the resubmits are "startup",'
+echo 'which means CONTINUE_RUN should be FALSE'
+echo ''
+ex ${case}.run <<ex_end
+/use COMP_RUN_BARRIERS as surrogate for timing run logical/
+# ==============================================================================
+# The *.run script must be modified to call the DART assimilate script.
+# The modifications are contained in a "here" document that MUST NOT
+# expand the wildcards etc., before it is run. This is achieved by
+# double-quoting the characters used to delineate the start/stop of
+# the "here" document. No kidding. It has to be "EndOfText",
+# not 'EndOfText' or EndOfText.
+# ==============================================================================
+echo ''
+echo 'Adding the call to assimilate.csh to the *.run script.'
+echo ''
+cat << "EndOfText" >! add_to_run.txt
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# START OF DART: if CESM finishes correctly (pirated from ccsm_postrun.csh);
+# perform an assimilation with DART.
+set CplLogFile = `ls -1t cpl.log* | head -n 1`
+if ($CplLogFile == "") then
+ echo 'ERROR: Model did not complete - no cpl.log file present - exiting.'
+ echo 'ERROR: Assimilation will not be attempted.'
+ exit -1
+if ( $status == 0 ) then
+ ${CASEROOT}/assimilate.csh
+ if ( $status == 0 ) then
+ echo "`date` -- DART HAS FINISHED"
+ else
+ exit -3
+ endif
+ echo 'ERROR: Model did not complete successfully - exiting.'
+ echo 'ERROR: Assimilation will not be attempted.'
+ exit -2
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Now that the "here" document is created,
+# determine WHERE to insert it -- ONLY IF it is not already there.
+grep "ABANDON HOPE" ${case}.run
+set STATUSCHECK = $status
+if ( ${STATUSCHECK} == 0 ) then
+ echo "DART block already present in ${case}.run"
+else if ( ${STATUSCHECK} == 1 ) then
+ set MYSTRING = `grep --line-number "CSM EXECUTION HAS FINISHED" ${case}.run`
+ set MYSTRING = `echo $MYSTRING | sed -e "s#:# #g"`
+ @ origlen = `cat ${case}.run | wc -l`
+ @ keep = $MYSTRING[1]
+ @ lastlines = $origlen - $keep
+ head -n $keep ${case}.run >! temp.$$
+ cat add_to_run.txt >> temp.$$
+ tail -n $lastlines ${case}.run >> temp.$$
+ ${MOVE} temp.$$ ${case}.run
+ ${REMOVE} add_to_run.txt
+ echo "ERROR in grep of ${case}.run: aborting"
+ echo "status was ${STATUSCHECK}"
+ exit -6
+chmod 0755 ${case}.run
+# ==============================================================================
+# Stage the required parts of DART in the CASEROOT directory.
+# ==============================================================================
+# The standard CESM short-term archiving script may need to be altered
+# to archive addtional or subsets of things, or to reduce the amount of
+# data that is sent to the long-term archive.
+if ( ~ -e Tools/st_archive.sh.original ) then
+ ${COPY} Tools/st_archive.sh Tools/st_archive.sh.original
+# NOTE: the assimilate.csh script and input.nml must be modified for your
+# situation. The script has variables that point to the location of
+# the observations sequence files and the DART working directory
+# and may be customized for a more efficient PE layout for DART.
+# If you are running this, you know what to do with input.nml.
+# If you don't, you should give up now. Really.
+${COPY} ${DARTroot}/models/cam/shell_scripts/st_archive.sh Tools/
+${COPY} ${DARTroot}/models/cam/shell_scripts/assimilate.csh assimilate.csh
+${COPY} ${DARTroot}/models/cam/work/input.nml input.nml
+# Ensure that the input.nml ensemble size matches the number of instances.
+# WARNING: the output files contain ALL ensemble members ==> BIG
+ex input.nml <<ex_end
+g;ens_size ;s;= .*;= $num_instances;
+g;num_output_state_members ;s;= .*;= $num_instances;
+g;num_output_obs_members ;s;= .*;= $num_instances;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Stage the DART executables in the CESM execution root directory: EXEROOT
+# ==============================================================================
+foreach FILE ( filter cam_to_dart dart_to_cam )
+ ${COPY} ${DARTroot}/models/cam/work/${FILE} ${exeroot}/
+ if ( $status != 0 ) then
+ echo "ERROR: ${DARTroot}/models/cam/work/${FILE} not copied to ${exeroot}"
+ echo "ERROR: ${DARTroot}/models/cam/work/${FILE} not copied to ${exeroot}"
+ exit -7
+ endif
+# This script will copy an existing prior_inflate_restart to the run dir if found.
+# TJH FIXME and overwrite the one from the original stagedir!!!!!
+# if (-f ${stagedir}/DART/prior_inflate_restart) then
+# ${COPY} ${stagedir}/DART/prior_inflate_restart ${rundir}/prior_inflate_restart.${run_startdate}-00000
+# echo ''
+# echo "${stagedir}/DART/prior_inflate_restart has been copied to "
+# echo "${rundir}/prior_inflate_restart.${run_startdate}-00000"
+# echo 'If that has the wrong state vector, you will need to replace it before running.'
+# echo ''
+# else
+# echo ''
+# echo 'If using inflation in DART you may need to copy an inflation restart file'
+# echo "to ${rundir}/prior_inflate_restart.${run_startdate}-00000"
+# echo 'before running. It must include the exact fields as your DART state vector.'
+# echo "You can make one with ${DARTroot}/models/cam/work/fill_inflation_restart"
+# echo ''
+# endif
+# only warn people if a precomputed final_full for this number of instances
+# does not already exist.
+# if (! -f ${DARTroot}/system_simulation/final_full_precomputed_tables/final_full.${num_instances}) then
+# echo ''
+# echo 'If you are using the DART sampling error correction feature'
+# echo 'the assimilate.csh script will expect to copy this file:'
+# echo "${DARTroot}/system_simulation/final_full_precomputed_tables/final_full.${num_instances}"
+# echo 'and it does not exist for your number of ensemble members.'
+# echo "Generate one by building and running ${DARTroot}/system_simulation/work/full_error"
+# echo 'with the namelist set to your ensemble size.'
+# echo ''
+# endif
+# ==============================================================================
+# What to do next
+# ==============================================================================
+echo ''
+echo "Time to check the case."
+echo ''
+echo "cd into ${caseroot}"
+echo "Modify what you like in input.nml, make sure the observation directory"
+echo "names set in assimilate.csh match those on your system, and submit"
+echo "the CESM job by running:"
+echo "./${case}.submit"
+echo ''
+exit 0
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/cam/shell_scripts/CESM_setup_startup.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/shell_scripts/CESM_setup_startup.csh 2013-10-23 17:24:29 UTC (rev 6540)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/shell_scripts/CESM_setup_startup.csh 2013-10-23 17:29:54 UTC (rev 6541)
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
-# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-# DART $Id$
-# ---------------------
-# Purpose
-# ---------------------
-# This script is designed to configure and build a multi-instance CESM model
-# that has CAM, CLM, and CICE as active components over a single data ocean,
-# and will use DART to assimilate observations at regular intervals.
-# This script does not build DART. It works best if the appropriate DART
-# executables have been built, however.
-# This script relies heavily on the information in:
-# http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.1/cesm/doc/usersguide/book1.html
-# ---------------------
-# How to set up the script
-# ---------------------
-# -- Either edit and run this script in the $DART/models/cam/shell_scripts
-# directory where it first appears,
-# or copy it to somewhere that it will be preserved and run it there.
-# It will create a 'case' directory, where the model will be built,
-# and an execution directory, where each forecast and assimilation will
-# take place. The short term archiver will use a third directory for
-# storage of model output until it can be moved to long term storage (HPSS)
-# -- Examine the whole script to identify things to change for your experiments.
-# -- Provide any initial files needed by your run:
-# inflation
-# sampling error correction
-# CAM/CLM/CICE initial ensemble
-# ...
-# -- Run this script.
-# -- Edit the DART input.nml that appears in the $CASEROOT directory.
-# -- Submit the job using $CASEROOT/${case}.submit
-# ---------------------
-# Important features
-# ---------------------
-# If you want to change something in your case other than the runtime
-# settings, it is safest to delete everything and start the run from scratch.
-# For the brave, read
-# http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.1/cesm/doc/usersguide/x1142.html
-# ==============================================================================
-# ==== Set case options
-# ==============================================================================
-# case will be used many ways;
-# directory and file names, both locally and on HPSS, and
-# script names; so consider it's length and information content.
-# num_instances: Number of ensemble members
-setenv case cam_test
-setenv compset F_AMIP_CAM5
-setenv resolution f09_f09
-setenv cesmtag cesm1_1_1
-setenv num_instances 4
-# ==============================================================================
-# define machines and directories
-# mach Computer name
-# cesm_datadir Root path of the public CESM data files
-# cesmroot Location of the cesm code base
-# i.e. cesm1_1_1 on yellowstone
-# DARTroot Location of DART code tree.
-# Executables, scripts and input in $DARTroot/models/cam/...
-# caseroot Your (future) cesm case directory, where this CESM+DART will be built.
-# Preferably not a frequently scrubbed location.
-# This script will delete any existing caseroot, so this script,
-# and other useful things should be kept elsewhere.
-# rundir (Future) Run-time directory; scrubbable, large amount of space needed.
-# exeroot (Future) directory for executables - scrubbable, large amount of space needed.
-# archdir (Future) Short-term archive directory
-# until the long-term archiver moves it to permanent storage.
-# ==============================================================================
-setenv mach yellowstone
-setenv cesm_datadir /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata
-setenv cesmroot /glade/p/cesm/cseg/collections/$cesmtag
-setenv caseroot /glade/p/work/${USER}/cases/${case}
-setenv exeroot /glade/scratch/${USER}/${case}/bld
-setenv rundir /glade/scratch/${USER}/${case}/run
-setenv archdir /glade/scratch/${USER}/archive/${case}
-setenv DARTroot /glade/u/home/${USER}/svn/DART/trunk
-# ==============================================================================
-# configure settings ... run_startdate format is yyyy-mm-dd
-# ==============================================================================
-setenv run_startdate 2008-11-01
-setenv sst_dataset ${cesm_datadir}/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.9x1.25_1850_2011_c110307.nc
-setenv year_start 1850
-setenv year_end 2010
-# ==============================================================================
-# runtime settings -- How many assimilation steps will be done after this one
-# stop_option Units for determining the forecast length between assimilations
-# stop_n Number of time units in the forecast
-# ==============================================================================
-setenv resubmit 0
-setenv stop_option nhours
-setenv stop_n 6
-# ==============================================================================
-# job settings
-# timewall can be changed during a series by changing the ${case}.run
-# queue can be changed during a series by changing the ${case}.run
-# lrg_ queues are used in order to fit more instances on each node.
-# FV 1-degree can comfortably fit 4 instances on 1 lrg_ node (~60 gbyte)
-# On bluefire the regular queue (or higher) is probably necessary,
-# because it appears that there are not separate queues for the lrg memory
-# and the regular memory nodes. So economy jobs requesting smaller numbers
-# of processors seem to prevent this lrg_economy job (20 nodes for 1-degree)
-# from running for long periods.
-# ==============================================================================
-setenv ACCOUNT P8685nnnn
-setenv timewall 0:40
-setenv queue regular
-setenv ptile 15
-# ==============================================================================
-# set these standard commands based on the machine you are running on.
-# ==============================================================================
-set nonomatch # suppress "rm" warnings if wildcard does not match anything
-# The FORCE options are not optional.
-# The VERBOSE options are useful for debugging though
-# some systems don't like the -v option to any of the following
-switch ("`hostname`")
- case be*:
- # NCAR "bluefire"
- set MOVE = '/usr/local/bin/mv -fv'
- set COPY = '/usr/local/bin/cp -fv --preserve=timestamps'
- set LINK = '/usr/local/bin/ln -fvs'
- set REMOVE = '/usr/local/bin/rm -fr'
- breaksw
- default:
- # NERSC "hopper", NWSC "yellowstone"
- set MOVE = '/bin/mv -fv'
- set COPY = '/bin/cp -fv --preserve=timestamps'
- set LINK = '/bin/ln -fvs'
- set REMOVE = '/bin/rm -fr'
- breaksw
-# ==============================================================================
-# Create the case.
-# For list of the pre-defined cases: ./create_newcase -list
-# To create a variant case, see the CESM documentation and carefully
-# incorporate any needed changes into this script.
-# ==============================================================================
- echo "removing old files from ${caseroot}"
- echo "removing old files from ${exeroot}"
- echo "removing old files from ${rundir}"
- ${REMOVE} ${caseroot}
- ${REMOVE} ${exeroot}
- ${REMOVE} ${rundir}
- ${cesmroot}/scripts/create_newcase -case ${caseroot} -mach ${mach} \
- -res ${resolution} -compset ${compset}
- if ( $status != 0 ) then
- echo "ERROR: Case could not be created."
- exit -1
- endif
-# ==============================================================================
-# Configure the case - this creates the CASEROOT directory.
-# ==============================================================================
-cd ${caseroot}
-# Save a copy for debug purposes
-foreach FILE ( *xml )
- if ( ~ -e ${FILE}.original ) then
- ${COPY} $FILE ${FILE}.original
- endif
-# num_tasks_per_instance = #tasks_node / #instances_node
-# Bluefire: #tasks_node = 64 using SMT
-# #instances_node = 1-degree: 4 on lrg_ nodes, 2 on standard.
-# 2-degree: 16 on lrg_ nodes, 8 on standard
-# CAM5; to be determined, but no more than listed for CAM4
-set num_tasks_per_node = 15
-set num_tasks_per_instance = 8
-set num_threads = 1
-# This is hard-wiring for the current (1/17/2011) multi-instance CESM restriction
-# that all instances must be advanced simultaneously. Work is underway to relax that.
-# @ total_nt = $num_instances * $num_tasks_per_instance
-# echo "total MPI tasks requested = $total_nt"
-# Atm gets all the nodes and runs.
-# The other components divide them up.
-# ? ? ? What about sglc? It's a stub, and doesn't matter what pes are assigned to it.
-# This algorithm figures out whether there are enough processors requested
-# to run each component on whole nodes, or the components need to share some nodes.
-# The hard-coded numbers (and ratios between them) are estimates; change them if you
-# know better.
-#@ atm_pes = $total_nt
-#@ large_small = $total_nt / (8 * $num_tasks_per_node)
-#if ($large_small > 0) then
-# # Large_small > 0 means there are at least 8 nodes requested.
-# # Allot whole nodes to the major components.
-# @ cpl_pes = ( $total_nt / (3 * $num_tasks_per_node) ) * $num_tasks_per_node
-# @ ice_pes = ( $total_nt / (3 * $num_tasks_per_node) ) * $num_tasks_per_node
-# @ glc_pes = ( $total_nt / (3 * $num_tasks_per_node) ) * $num_tasks_per_node
-# @ ocn_pes = $num_tasks_per_node
-# @ rof_pes = $num_tasks_per_node
@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@
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