[Dart-dev] [6166] DART/branches/development/observations/Ameriflux/level4_to_obs.f90: Routine automatically reads the comma-separated header of the data file
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu May 23 15:13:40 MDT 2013
Revision: 6166
Author: thoar
Date: 2013-05-23 15:13:39 -0600 (Thu, 23 May 2013)
Log Message:
Routine automatically reads the comma-separated header of the data file
and dynamically determines the appropriate column index. (the column
indices used to be hardwired, which never felt good)
There are some routines that are candidates for the utilities_mod.f90
function CountChar(str1,solo)
Count the number of instances of the single character in a character string.
useful when parsing a comma-separated list, for example.
Count the commas and add 1 to get the number of items in the list.
function Match(sentence,word)
Determine the first occurrence of the 'word' in a sentence.
In this context, a sentence is a character array, the dimension
of the array is the number of words in the sentence.
This is a case-sensitive match. Trailing blanks are removed.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/branches/development/observations/Ameriflux/level4_to_obs.f90
--- DART/branches/development/observations/Ameriflux/level4_to_obs.f90 2013-05-21 23:22:37 UTC (rev 6165)
+++ DART/branches/development/observations/Ameriflux/level4_to_obs.f90 2013-05-23 21:13:39 UTC (rev 6166)
@@ -78,15 +78,16 @@
! globally-scoped variables
-character(len=256) :: input_line, string1, string2, string3
+character(len=300) :: input_line, bigline
+character(len=256) :: string1, string2, string3
integer :: iline, nlines
-logical :: file_exist, first_obs
-integer :: n, i, oday, osec, rcio, iunit
+logical :: first_obs
+integer :: oday, osec, rcio, iunit
integer :: num_copies, num_qc, max_obs
real(r8) :: oerr, qc
type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
-type(time_type) :: time_obs, prev_time, offset
+type(time_type) :: prev_time, offset
real(r8), parameter :: umol_to_gC = (1.0_r8/1000000.0_r8) * 12.0_r8
type towerdata
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@
obsloop: do iline = 2,nlines
! read in entire text line into a buffer
- read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) input_line
+ read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
if (rcio < 0) exit obsloop
if (rcio > 0) then
write (string1,'(''Cannot read (error '',i3,'') line '',i8,'' in '',A)') &
@@ -210,6 +211,8 @@
call error_handler(E_ERR,'main', string1, source, revision, revdate)
+ input_line = adjustl(bigline)
! parse the line into the tower structure (including the observation time)
call stringparse(input_line, iline)
@@ -441,33 +444,174 @@
subroutine decode_header(iunit)
! Reads the first line of the header and parses the information.
-! FIXME ... decode the header ... do not assume ...
+! And by parse, I mean determine which columns are the columns
+! of interest.
integer, intent(in) :: iunit
-read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) input_line
+integer, parameter :: maxwordlength = 30
+integer :: i,charcount,columncount,wordlength,maxlength
+character(len=maxwordlength), dimension(:), allocatable :: columns
+integer, dimension(10) :: qc = 0
+! Read the line and strip off any leading whitespace.
+read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
if (rcio /= 0) then
- write(string1,*)'Cannot parse header. Begins <',trim(input_line(1:40)),'>'
+ write(string1,*)'Cannot parse header. Begins <',trim(bigline(1:40)),'>'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_header',string1, source, revision, revdate)
-call error_handler(E_MSG,'decode_header','hardcoding values for now ... dangerous', &
- source, revision, revdate)
+input_line = adjustl(bigline)
-tower%monthindex = 1
-tower%dayindex = 2
-tower%hourindex = 3
-tower%doyindex = 4
-tower%hindex = 15
-tower%hQCindex = 16
-tower%leindex = 17
-tower%leQCindex = 18
-tower%neeindex = 26
-tower%neeQCindex = 27
+! Count how many commas are in the line - use this to determine how many columns
+charcount = CountChar(input_line,',')
+columncount = charcount + 1
+columncount = 0 ! track the number of columns
+wordlength = 0 ! number of characters in the column descriptor
+charcount = 0 ! the position of the (last) comma
+do i = 1,len_trim(input_line)
+ if (input_line(i:i) == ',') then
+ columncount = columncount + 1
+ if (wordlength > maxwordlength) then
+ write(string1,*)'unexpected long word ... starts <',&
+ input_line((i-wordlength):(i-1)),'>'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_header',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
+ columns(columncount) = input_line((i-wordlength):(i-1))
+ if (verbose) write(*,*)'word(',columncount,') is ',columns(columncount)
+ wordlength = 0
+ charcount = i
+ else
+ wordlength = wordlength + 1
+ endif
+! There is one more column after the last comma
+columns(columncount+1) = input_line((charcount+1):len_trim(input_line))
+! Finally get to the task at hand
+tower%monthindex = Match(columns,'Month') ! used to be 1
+tower%dayindex = Match(columns,'Day') ! used to be 2
+tower%hourindex = Match(columns,'Hour') ! used to be 3
+tower%doyindex = Match(columns,'DoY') ! used to be 4
+tower%hindex = Match(columns,'H_f') ! used to be 15
+tower%hQCindex = Match(columns,'H_fqc') ! used to be 16
+tower%leindex = Match(columns,'LE_f') ! used to be 17
+tower%leQCindex = Match(columns,'LE_fqc') ! used to be 18
+tower%neeindex = Match(columns,'NEE_or_fMDS') ! used to be 26
+tower%neeQCindex = Match(columns,'NEE_or_fMDSqc') ! used to be 27
+! Check to make sure we got all the indices we need
+qc( 1) = CheckIndex( tower%monthindex , 'Month' )
+qc( 2) = CheckIndex( tower%dayindex , 'Day' )
+qc( 3) = CheckIndex( tower%hourindex , 'Hour' )
+qc( 4) = CheckIndex( tower%doyindex , 'DoY' )
+qc( 5) = CheckIndex( tower%hindex , 'H_f' )
+qc( 6) = CheckIndex( tower%hQCindex , 'H_fqc' )
+qc( 7) = CheckIndex( tower%leindex , 'LE_f' )
+qc( 8) = CheckIndex( tower%leQCindex , 'LE_fqc' )
+qc( 9) = CheckIndex( tower%neeindex , 'NEE_or_fMDS' )
+qc(10) = CheckIndex( tower%neeQCindex , 'NEE_or_fMDSqc' )
+if (any(qc /= 0) ) then
+ write(string1,*)'Did not find all the required column indices.'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_header',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+! Summarize if desired
+if (verbose) then
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%monthindex ,' at one point it was 1'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%dayindex ,' at one point it was 2'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%hourindex ,' at one point it was 3'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%doyindex ,' at one point it was 4'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%hindex ,' at one point it was 15'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%hQCindex ,' at one point it was 16'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%leindex ,' at one point it was 17'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%leQCindex ,' at one point it was 18'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%neeindex ,' at one point it was 26'
+ write(*,*)'index is ', tower%neeQCindex ,' at one point it was 27'
end subroutine decode_header
+function CountChar(str1,solo)
+! Count the number of instances of the single character in a character string.
+! useful when parsing a comma-separated list, for example.
+! Count the commas and add 1 to get the number of items in the list.
+integer :: CountChar
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: str1
+character, intent(in) :: solo
+integer :: i
+CountChar = 0
+do i = 1,len_trim(str1)
+ if (str1(i:i) == solo) CountChar = CountChar + 1
+end function CountChar
+function Match(sentence,word)
+! Determine the first occurrence of the 'word' in a sentence.
+! In this context, a sentence is a character array, the dimension
+! of the array is the number of words in the sentence.
+! This is a case-sensitive match. Trailing blanks are removed.
+integer :: Match
+character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sentence
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: word
+integer :: i
+Match = 0
+WordLoop : do i = 1,len(sentence)
+ if (trim(sentence(i)) == trim(word)) then
+ Match = i
+ return
+ endif
+enddo WordLoop
+end function Match
+function CheckIndex( myindex, context )
+! Routine to issue a warning if the index was not found.
+! Returns an error code ... 0 means the index WAS found
+! a negative number means the index was NOT found - an error condition.
+! I want to check ALL the indexes before fatally ending.
+integer :: CheckIndex
+integer, intent(in) :: myindex
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: context
+if (myindex == 0) then
+ write(string1,*)'Did not find column header matching ',trim(context)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'decode_header:CheckIndex',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+ CheckIndex = -1 ! not a good thing
+ CheckIndex = 0 ! Good to go
+end function CheckIndex
subroutine stringparse(str1,linenum)
! just declare everything as reals and chunk it
@@ -482,8 +626,8 @@
read(str1,*,iostat=rcio) values
if (rcio /= 0) then
- write(string1,*)'Cannot parse line',linenum,'. Begins <',trim(str1(1:40)),'>'
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'stringparse',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+ write(string1,*)'Cannot parse line',linenum,'. Begins <',trim(str1(1:40)),'>'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'stringparse',string1, source, revision, revdate)
! Stuff what we want into the tower structure
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