[Dart-dev] [6267] DART/trunk/models/clm/shell_scripts: Removing files specific for UT Austin for an obsolete version of CESM.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Jun 13 14:54:48 MDT 2013
Revision: 6267
Author: thoar
Date: 2013-06-13 14:54:47 -0600 (Thu, 13 Jun 2013)
Log Message:
Removing files specific for UT Austin for an obsolete version of CESM.
Removed Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/clm/shell_scripts/clm.buildnml.csh.fei
--- DART/trunk/models/clm/shell_scripts/clm.buildnml.csh.fei 2013-06-13 19:45:07 UTC (rev 6266)
+++ DART/trunk/models/clm/shell_scripts/clm.buildnml.csh.fei 2013-06-13 20:54:47 UTC (rev 6267)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/csh -f
-# - CAM and CLM namelist variable dtime must have same values #
-# - If the user changes any input datasets - be sure to give it a #
-# unique filename. Do not duplicate any existing input files #
-set exedir = $RUNDIR; cd $exedir
-set default_lnd_in_filename = "lnd_in"
-set lnd_inst_counter = 1
-while ($lnd_inst_counter <= $NINST_LND)
- set lnd_in_filename = $default_lnd_in_filename
- if ($NINST_LND > 1) then
- set lnd_inst_string = $lnd_inst_counter
- if ($lnd_inst_counter <= 999) set lnd_inst_string = 0$lnd_inst_string
- if ($lnd_inst_counter <= 99) set lnd_inst_string = 0$lnd_inst_string
- if ($lnd_inst_counter <= 9) set lnd_inst_string = 0$lnd_inst_string
- set lnd_in_filename = ${default_lnd_in_filename}_${lnd_inst_string}
- endif
- set init_filename = `printf init1998.clm2_%04d.r.2002-11-01-00000.nc $lnd_inst_counter`
- set init_root = '/scratch/01548/yfzhang/clmcases/init1998/run'
- cat >! $lnd_in_filename << EOF
- co2_ppmv = 367.0
- co2_type = 'constant'
- create_crop_landunit = .false.
- dtime = 1800
- fatmgrid = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/griddata/griddata_1.9x2.5_060404.nc'
- fatmlndfrc = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/griddata/fracdata_1.9x2.5_gx1v6_c090206.nc'
- finidat = '$init_root/$init_filename'
- fpftcon = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology.c110425.nc'
- frivinp_rtm = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/rtmdata/rdirc_0.5x0.5_simyr2000_c101124.nc'
- fsnowaging = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/snicardata/snicar_drdt_bst_fit_60_c070416.nc'
- fsnowoptics = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/snicardata/snicar_optics_5bnd_c090915.nc'
- fsurdat = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/surfdata/surfdata_1.9x2.5_simyr2000_c091005.nc'
- hist_mfilt = 1
- hist_nhtfrq = -24
- ice_runoff = .true.
- outnc_large_files = .true.
- rtm_nsteps = 6
- urban_hac = 'ON_WASTEHEAT'
- urban_traffic = .false.
-#! lnd_in:: Comment:
-#! This namelist was created using the following command-line:
-#! /scratch/01548/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/models/lnd/clm/bld/build-namelist -config /scratch/01548/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/init_1998_ad/Buildconf/clmconf/config_cache.xml -res 1.9x2.5 -ignore_ic_year -use_case 2000_control -infile cesm_namelist -clm_start_type default -rtm_res R05 -rtm_tstep 10800 -co2_ppmv 367.0 -datm_presaero clim_2000 -namelist &clm_inparm / -csmdata $DIN_LOC_ROOT -inputdata /scratch/01548/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/init_1998_ad/Buildconf/clm.input_data_list
-#! For help on options use: /scratch/01548/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/models/lnd/clm/bld/build-namelist -help
- @ lnd_inst_counter = $lnd_inst_counter + 1
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/clm/shell_scripts/datm.buildnml.csh.fei
--- DART/trunk/models/clm/shell_scripts/datm.buildnml.csh.fei 2013-06-13 19:45:07 UTC (rev 6266)
+++ DART/trunk/models/clm/shell_scripts/datm.buildnml.csh.fei 2013-06-13 20:54:47 UTC (rev 6267)
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/csh -f
-set exedir = $RUNDIR; cd $exedir
-# specify input data files
-# If the user changes any input datasets - be sure they have unique filenames.
-# Do not duplicate existing input file names.
-# Note that streams namelist input has the form
-# streams = 'stream1.txt year_align year_first year_last ',
-# 'stream2.txt year_align year_first year_last ',
-# ...
-# 'streamN.txt year_align year_first year_last '
-# where
-# streamN.txt is the stream description file containing input stream details
-# year_first is the first year of data that will be used
-# year_last is the last year of data that will be used
-# year_align is the model year that will be aligned with data for year_first
-set DOMAINPATH = $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/datm7/domain.clm
-set DOMAINFILE = $DOMAINPATH/domain.lnd.fv1.9x2.5_USGS.090106.nc
-echo DOMAINFILE = $DOMAINFILE >! $CASEBUILD/datm.input_data_list
-set atm_inst_counter = 1
-set default_atm_in_filename = "datm_atm_in"
-set atm_nml_prefix = "datm_atm_in."
-while ($atm_inst_counter <= $NINST_ATM)
- set atm_in_filename = $default_atm_in_filename
- set index = `printf %02d ${atm_inst_counter}`
- if ($NINST_ATM > 1) then
- set atm_in_filename = $atm_nml_prefix$atm_inst_counter
- endif
-set FFN = "unused "
-cat >! $atm_in_filename << EOF1
- &shr_strdata_nml
- dataMode = 'CPLHIST'
- domainFile = '$DOMAINFILE'
- streams = 'CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Solar.$atm_inst_counter.txt 2002 2002 2003 ',
- 'CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Precip.$atm_inst_counter.txt 2002 2002 2003 ',
- 'CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Other.$atm_inst_counter.txt 2002 2002 2003 ',
- 'presaero.stream.txt 1 1 1'
- vectors = 'u:v'
- mapmask = 'nomask',
- 'nomask',
- 'nomask',
- 'nomask'
- tintalgo = 'coszen',
- 'nearest',
- 'linear',
- 'linear'
- /
-cat >! CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Solar.$atm_inst_counter.txt << EOF1
- <general_comment>
- streams template for datm in CCSM4
- </general_comment>
- <comment>
- Stream description file for CPL history 3-hourly Solar data at 0.9x1.25 resolution for BGC spinup
- </comment>
- <dataSource>
- </dataSource>
- <domainInfo>
- <variableNames>
- time time
- doma_lon lon
- doma_lat lat
- doma_area area
- doma_mask mask
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- /scratch/01548/yfzhang/inputdata_cam
- </filePath>
- <fileNames>
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1998.nc
- </fileNames>
- </domainInfo>
- <fieldInfo>
- <variableNames>
- a2x6h_Faxa_swndr swndr
- a2x6h_Faxa_swvdr swvdr
- a2x6h_Faxa_swndf swndf
- a2x6h_Faxa_swvdf swvdf
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- /scratch/01548/yfzhang/inputdata_cam
- </filePath>
- <tInterpAlgo>
- coszen
- </tInterpAlgo>
- <offset>
- -21600
- </offset>
- <fileNames>
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1998.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1999.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2000.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2001.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2002.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2003.nc
- </fileNames>
- </fieldInfo>
- <!-- Information on the program that created this file -->
- <build_streams_documentation>
- This CCSM stream text file was created by build_streams using the command line:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -t datm.template.streams.xml -p /glade/data01/CMIP5/CCSM/csm/%c/cpl/hist -c enstest_0727 -b 1998 -e 1998 -s CPLHIST3Hrly.Solar
- For more information on build_streams:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -help
- </build_streams_documentation>
-cat >! CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Precip.$atm_inst_counter.txt << EOF1
- <general_comment>
- streams template for datm in CCSM4
- </general_comment>
- <comment>
- Stream description file for CPL history 3-hourly Precip data at 0.9x1.25 resolution for BGC spinup
- </comment>
- <dataSource>
- </dataSource>
- <domainInfo>
- <variableNames>
- time time
- doma_lon lon
- doma_lat lat
- doma_area area
- doma_mask mask
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- /scratch/01548/yfzhang/inputdata_cam
- </filePath>
- <fileNames>
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1998.nc
- </fileNames>
- </domainInfo>
- <fieldInfo>
- <variableNames>
- a2x6h_Faxa_rainc rainc
- a2x6h_Faxa_rainl rainl
- a2x6h_Faxa_snowc snowc
- a2x6h_Faxa_snowl snowl
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- /scratch/01548/yfzhang/inputdata_cam
- </filePath>
- <tInterpAlgo>
- nearest
- </tInterpAlgo>
- <offset>
- -10800
- </offset>
- <fileNames>
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1998.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1999.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2000.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2001.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2002.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2003.nc
- </fileNames>
- </fieldInfo>
- <!-- Information on the program that created this file -->
- <build_streams_documentation>
- This CCSM stream text file was created by build_streams using the command line:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -t datm.template.streams.xml -p /glade/data01/CMIP5/CCSM/csm/%c/cpl/hist -c enstest_0727 -b 1998 -e 1998 -s CPLHIST3Hrly.Precip
- For more information on build_streams:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -help
- </build_streams_documentation>
-cat >! CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Other.$atm_inst_counter.txt << EOF1
- <general_comment>
- streams template for datm in CCSM4
- </general_comment>
- <comment>
- Stream description file for CPL history 3-hourly non-Precipitation and non-Solar data at 0.9x1.25 resolution for BGC spinup
- </comment>
- <dataSource>
- </dataSource>
- <domainInfo>
- <variableNames>
- time time
- doma_lon lon
- doma_lat lat
- doma_area area
- doma_mask mask
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- /scratch/01548/yfzhang/inputdata_cam
- </filePath>
- <fileNames>
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1998.nc
- </fileNames>
- </domainInfo>
- <fieldInfo>
- <variableNames>
- a2x6h_Sa_z z
- a2x6h_Sa_u u
- a2x6h_Sa_v v
- a2x6h_Sa_tbot tbot
- a2x6h_Sa_ptem ptem
- a2x6h_Sa_shum shum
- a2x6h_Sa_pbot pbot
- a2x6h_Faxa_lwdn lwdn
- a2x6h_Sa_dens dens
- a2x6h_Sa_pslv pslv
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- /scratch/01548/yfzhang/inputdata_cam
- </filePath>
- <tInterpAlgo>
- linear
- </tInterpAlgo>
- <offset>
- -10800
- </offset>
- <fileNames>
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1998.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.1999.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2000.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2001.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2002.nc
- CAM_DATM-$index.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.2003.nc
- </fileNames>
- </fieldInfo>
- <!-- Information on the program that created this file -->
- <build_streams_documentation>
- This CCSM stream text file was created by build_streams using the command line:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -t datm.template.streams.xml -p /glade/data01/CMIP5/CCSM/csm/%c/cpl/hist -c enstest_0727 -b 1998 -e 1998 -s CPLHIST3Hrly.nonSolarNonPrecip
- For more information on build_streams:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -help
- </build_streams_documentation>
-#$CASETOOLS/listfilesin_streams -input_data_list -t CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Solar.txt >> $CASEBUILD/datm.input_data_list
-#$CASETOOLS/listfilesin_streams -input_data_list -t CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Precip.txt >> $CASEBUILD/datm.input_data_list
-#$CASETOOLS/listfilesin_streams -input_data_list -t CPLHIST.3Hrly.f09in.stream.Other.txt >> $CASEBUILD/datm.input_data_list
- @ atm_inst_counter = $atm_inst_counter + 1
-cat >! presaero.stream.txt << EOF1
- <general_comment>
- streams template for datm in CCSM4
- </general_comment>
- <comment>
- Stream description file for aerosol deposition
- </comment>
- <dataSource>
- presaero
- </dataSource>
- <domainInfo>
- <variableNames>
- time time
- lon lon
- lat lat
- area area
- mask mask
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero
- </filePath>
- <fileNames>
- aerosoldep_monthly_2000_mean_1.9x2.5_c090421.nc
- </fileNames>
- </domainInfo>
- <fieldInfo>
- <variableNames>
- BCDEPWET bcphiwet
- BCPHODRY bcphodry
- BCPHIDRY bcphidry
- OCDEPWET ocphiwet
- OCPHIDRY ocphidry
- OCPHODRY ocphodry
- DSTX01WD dstwet1
- DSTX01DD dstdry1
- DSTX02WD dstwet2
- DSTX02DD dstdry2
- DSTX03WD dstwet3
- DSTX03DD dstdry3
- DSTX04WD dstwet4
- DSTX04DD dstdry4
- </variableNames>
- <filePath>
- $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero
- </filePath>
- <offset>
- 0
- </offset>
- <fileNames>
- aerosoldep_monthly_2000_mean_1.9x2.5_c090421.nc
- </fileNames>
- </fieldInfo>
- <!-- Information on the program that created this file -->
- <build_streams_documentation>
- This CCSM stream text file was created by build_streams using the command line:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -t datm.template.streams.xml -s presaero -b 1 -e 1 -p $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero -c aerosoldep_monthly_1998_mean_1.9x2.5_c090421.nc -dp $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero -do aerosoldep_monthly_1998_mean_1.9x2.5_c090421.nc
- For more information on build_streams:
- /blhome/yfzhang/cesm1_1_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams -help
- </build_streams_documentation>
-$CASETOOLS/listfilesin_streams -input_data_list -t presaero.stream.txt >> $CASEBUILD/datm.input_data_list
-set base_filename = "datm_in"
-set inst_counter = 1
-while ($inst_counter <= $NINST_ATM)
- set inst_string = " "
- if ($NINST_ATM > 1) then
- set inst_string = $inst_counter
- if ($inst_counter <= 999) set inst_string = 0$inst_string
- if ($inst_counter <= 99) set inst_string = 0$inst_string
- if ($inst_counter <= 9) set inst_string = 0$inst_string
- set inst_string = _$inst_string
- endif
- set in_filename = ${base_filename}${inst_string}
-cat >! ${in_filename} << EOF1
- &datm_nml
- atm_in = 'datm_atm_in.$inst_counter'
- decomp = '1d'
- factorFn = '$FFN'
- iradsw = -1
- presaero = .true.
- /
- @ inst_counter = $inst_counter + 1
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