[Dart-dev] [6221] DART/branches/development: reintegrating the GITM branch into the development branch.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Sat Jun 1 11:38:32 MDT 2013
Revision: 6221
Author: thoar
Date: 2013-06-01 11:38:29 -0600 (Sat, 01 Jun 2013)
Log Message:
reintegrating the GITM branch into the development branch.
The GITM model was the result of work by Alexey Morozov from UMich.
His patches were applied pretty much without change.
The model_mod.html file needs to be fleshed out and updated with
information about how to get GITM, the datasets, etc.
A routine was added to the obs_def_upper_atm_mod.f90 that
required a change to the the TIEGCM model_mod.f90 (that also
uses the obs_def_upper_atm_mod). Those routines provide
lat/lon/lev information to one forward observation operator
that is not tested with TIEGCM - so TIEGCM will issue a warning
if those routines are called.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Property Changed:
-------------- next part --------------
Property changes on: DART/branches/development
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
- /DART/branches/helen:5995-6161
+ /DART/branches/gitm:5143-6215
Property changes on: DART/branches/development/adaptive_inflate
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
- /DART/branches/helen/adaptive_inflate:5995-6161
+ /DART/branches/gitm/adaptive_inflate:5143-6215
Property changes on: DART/branches/development/assim_tools
Added: svn:mergeinfo
+ /DART/branches/gitm/assim_tools:5143-6215
Property changes on: DART/branches/development/models/cam
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
- /DART/branches/cam-update:4903-4923
+ /DART/branches/cam-update:4903-4923
Property changes on: DART/branches/development/models/clm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
- /DART/branches/helen/models/clm:5995-6161
+ /DART/branches/gitm/models/clm:5143-6215
Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModConstants.f90
--- DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModConstants.f90 2013-05-31 21:50:30 UTC (rev 6215)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModConstants.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-module ModConstants
-! Useful physical constants
- real, parameter :: Avogadros_Number = 6.02e23 ! mol./mole
- real, parameter :: AMU = 1.6726e-27 ! Kg
- real, parameter :: Mass_Ion = 1.6726e-27 ! Kg
- real, parameter :: Mass_Proton = Mass_Ion ! Kg
- real, parameter :: Mass_Electron = 9.1094e-31 ! Kg
- real, parameter :: Boltzmanns_Constant = 1.3807e-23 ! J/K
- real, parameter :: Planck_Constant = 6.6261e-34 ! Js
- real, parameter :: Element_Charge = 1.6022e-19 ! C (J/eV)
- real, parameter :: Speed_Light = 2.9979e8 ! m/s
- real, parameter :: Univ_Gas_Constant = Avogadros_Number* &
- Boltzmanns_Constant ! J/(moleK)
- real, parameter :: RGAS = Univ_Gas_Constant* &
- 1.0E+07 !erg/(moleK)
- real, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793
- real, parameter :: twopi = 2*pi
- real, parameter :: P00 = 1.0e5 ! Pa
- real, parameter :: T00 = 273.0 ! K
- real, parameter :: SpecificHeatVolume = 3./2.
- real, parameter :: SpecificHeatPressure = SpecificHeatVolume + 1.0
- real, parameter :: Gamma_const = &
- SpecificHeatPressure/SpecificHeatVolume
-end module ModConstants
Copied: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModConstants.f90 (from rev 6215, DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModConstants.f90)
--- DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModConstants.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModConstants.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module ModConstants
+! Useful physical constants
+ real, parameter :: Avogadros_Number = 6.02e23 ! mol./mole
+ real, parameter :: AMU = 1.6726e-27 ! Kg
+ real, parameter :: Mass_Ion = 1.6726e-27 ! Kg
+ real, parameter :: Mass_Proton = Mass_Ion ! Kg
+ real, parameter :: Mass_Electron = 9.1094e-31 ! Kg
+ real, parameter :: Boltzmanns_Constant = 1.3807e-23 ! J/K
+ real, parameter :: Planck_Constant = 6.6261e-34 ! Js
+ real, parameter :: Element_Charge = 1.6022e-19 ! C (J/eV)
+ real, parameter :: Speed_Light = 2.9979e8 ! m/s
+ real, parameter :: Univ_Gas_Constant = Avogadros_Number* &
+ Boltzmanns_Constant ! J/(moleK)
+ real, parameter :: RGAS = Univ_Gas_Constant* &
+ 1.0E+07 !erg/(moleK)
+ real, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793
+ real, parameter :: twopi = 2*pi
+ real, parameter :: P00 = 1.0e5 ! Pa
+ real, parameter :: T00 = 273.0 ! K
+ real, parameter :: SpecificHeatVolume = 3./2.
+ real, parameter :: SpecificHeatPressure = SpecificHeatVolume + 1.0
+ real, parameter :: Gamma_const = &
+ SpecificHeatPressure/SpecificHeatVolume
+end module ModConstants
Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModEarth.f90
--- DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModEarth.f90 2013-05-31 21:50:30 UTC (rev 6215)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModEarth.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-module ModPlanet
- use ModConstants
- use ModSizeGITM, only: nAlts
- implicit none
- integer, parameter :: iO_3P_ = 1
- integer, parameter :: iO2_ = 2
- integer, parameter :: iN2_ = 3
- integer, parameter :: iN_4S_ = 4
- integer, parameter :: iNO_ = 5
- integer, parameter :: nSpecies = 5
- integer, parameter :: iN_2D_ = 6
- integer, parameter :: iN_2P_ = 7
- integer, parameter :: iH_ = 8
- integer, parameter :: iHe_ = 9
-! integer, parameter :: iAr_ = 10
- integer, parameter :: iCO2_ = 10
- integer, parameter :: iO_1D_ = 11
- integer, parameter :: nSpeciesTotal = 11
- integer, parameter :: iO_4SP_ = 1
- integer, parameter :: iO2P_ = 2
- integer, parameter :: iN2P_ = 3
- integer, parameter :: iNP_ = 4
- integer, parameter :: iNOP_ = 5
- integer, parameter :: iO_2DP_ = 6
- integer, parameter :: iO_2PP_ = 7
- integer, parameter :: iHP_ = 8
- integer, parameter :: iHeP_ = 9
- integer, parameter :: ie_ = 10
- integer, parameter :: nIons = ie_
- integer, parameter :: nIonsAdvect = 1
- integer, parameter :: nSpeciesAll = nSpeciesTotal + nIons - 1
- character (len=20) :: cSpecies(nSpeciesTotal)
- character (len=20) :: cIons(nIons)
- real :: Mass(nSpeciesTotal), MassI(nIons)
- real :: Vibration(nSpeciesTotal)
- integer, parameter :: iE2470_ = 1
- integer, parameter :: iE7320_ = 2
- integer, parameter :: iE3726_ = 3
- integer, parameter :: iE5200_ = 4
- integer, parameter :: iE10400_ = 5
- integer, parameter :: iE6300_ = 6
- integer, parameter :: iE6364_ = 7
- integer, parameter :: nEmissions = 10
- integer, parameter :: i3371_ = 1
- integer, parameter :: i4278_ = 2
- integer, parameter :: i5200_ = 3
- integer, parameter :: i5577_ = 4
- integer, parameter :: i6300_ = 5
- integer, parameter :: i7320_ = 6
- integer, parameter :: i10400_ = 7
- integer, parameter :: i3466_ = 8
- integer, parameter :: i7774_ = 9
- integer, parameter :: i8446_ = 10
- integer, parameter :: i3726_ = 11
- real, parameter :: GC_Earth = 9.8 ! m/s^2
- real, parameter :: RP_Earth = 24.0*3600.0 ! seconds
- real, parameter :: R_Earth = 6372.0*1000.0 ! meters
- real, parameter :: DP_Earth = -31100.0e-9 ! nT
- real, parameter :: Gravitational_Constant = GC_Earth
- real, parameter :: Rotation_Period = RP_Earth
- real, parameter :: RBody = R_Earth
- real, parameter :: DipoleStrength = DP_Earth
- real, parameter :: OMEGABody = 2.00*pi/Rotation_Period ! rad/s
- real, parameter :: HoursPerDay = Rotation_Period / 3600.0
- real, parameter :: Tilt = 23.5
- real, parameter :: DaysPerYear = 365.25
- real, parameter :: SecondsPerYear = DaysPerYear * Rotation_Period
- integer, parameter :: iVernalYear = 1999
- integer, parameter :: iVernalMonth = 3
- integer, parameter :: iVernalDay = 21
- integer, parameter :: iVernalHour = 0
- integer, parameter :: iVernalMinute = 0
- integer, parameter :: iVernalSecond = 0
- ! Old orbital parameters
- !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_A = 1.000110
- !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_B = 0.034221
- !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_C = 0.001280
- !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_D = 0.000719
- !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_E = 0.000077
- !New Orbital Parameters
- !A: semi-major axis in AU
- !B: eccentricity
- !C: Longitude of perihelion
- !D: Mean Longitude
- !E: For calulating actual Longitude
- real, parameter :: SunOrbit_A = 1.0000001124
- real, parameter :: SunOrbit_B = 0.0167
- real, parameter :: SunOrbit_C = 102.94719
- real, parameter :: SunOrbit_D = 100.46435
- real, parameter :: SunOrbit_E = 129597740.63
- !Used as a damping term in Vertical solver.
- real :: VertTau(nAlts)
- logical :: IsEarth = .true.
- logical :: IsMars = .false.
- logical :: IsTitan = .false.
- logical :: NonMagnetic = .false.
- real, parameter :: PlanetNum = 0.03
- character (len=10) :: cPlanet = "Earth"
- integer, parameter :: nEmissionWavelengths = 20
- integer, parameter :: nPhotoBins = 190
- ! These are for the neutral friction routine...
- ! These are the numerical coefficients in Table 1 in m^2 instead of cm^2
- real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: Diff0 = 1.0e17 * reshape( (/ &
- ! 0 02 N2 N NO
- !--------------------------------------+
- 0.000, 0.969, 0.969, 0.969, 0.715,& ! O
- 0.969, 0.000, 0.715, 0.969, 0.715,& ! O2
- 0.969, 0.715, 0.000, 0.969, 0.527,& ! N2
- 0.969, 0.969, 0.969, 0.000, 0.969, & ! N
- 0.715, 0.715, 0.527, 0.969, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
- ! These are the exponents
- real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
- ! 0 02 N2 N NO
- !---------------------------------+
- 0.000, 0.774, 0.774, 0.774, 0.750, & ! O
- 0.774, 0.000, 0.750, 0.774, 0.750, & ! O2
- 0.774, 0.750, 0.000, 0.774, 0.810, & ! N2
- 0.774, 0.774, 0.774, 0.000, 0.774, & ! N
- 0.750, 0.750, 0.810, 0.774, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
-! Unknowns!!!!
-! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: Diff0 = 1.0e17 * reshape( (/ &
-! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
-! !--------------------------------------+
-! 0.000, 0.969, 0.969, 0.???, 0.???,& ! O
-! 0.969, 0.000, 0.715, 0.???, 0.???,& ! O2
-! 0.969, 0.715, 0.000, 0.969, 0.527,& ! N2
-! 0.???, 0.???, 0.969, 0.000, 0.???, & ! N
-! 0.???, 0.???, 0.527, 0.???, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
-! ! These are the exponents
-! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
-! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
-! !---------------------------------+
-! 0.000, 0.774, 0.774, 0.???, 0.???, & ! O
-! 0.774, 0.000, 0.750, 0.???, 0.???, & ! O2
-! 0.774, 0.750, 0.000, 0.774, 0.810, & ! N2
-! 0.???, 0.???, 0.774, 0.000, 0.???, & ! N
-! 0.???, 0.???, 0.810, 0.???, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
-! Colegrove:
-! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: Diff0 = 1.0e4 * reshape( (/ &
-! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
-! !---------------------------------+
-! 0.000, 0.260, 0.260, 0.300, 0.181, & ! O
-! 0.260, 0.000, 0.181, 0.220, 0.181, & ! O2
-! 0.260, 0.181, 0.000, 0.220, 0.181, & ! N2
-! 0.300, 0.220, 0.220, 0.000, 0.181, & ! N
-! 0.181, 0.181, 0.181, 0.181, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
-! ! These are the exponents
-! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
-! ! 0 02 N2
-! !---------------------------------+
-! 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O
-! 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O2
-! 0.75, 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, & ! N2
-! 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, & !N
-! 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.0 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
-! real, parameter, dimension(4, 4) :: Diff0 = 1.0e4 * reshape( (/ &
-! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
-! !---------------------------------+
-! 0.00, 0.260, 0.260, 0.300, & ! O
-! 0.26, 0.000, 0.181, 0.220, & ! O2
-! 0.26, 0.181, 0.000, 0.220, & ! N2
-! 0.30, 0.220, 0.220, 0.000 /), (/4,4/) ) ! N
-! ! These are the exponents
-! real, parameter, dimension(4, 4) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
-! ! 0 02 N2
-! !---------------------------------+
-! 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O
-! 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O2
-! 0.75, 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, & ! N2
-! 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.00 /), (/4,4/) ) ! N
-!!!!!!! real, AltMinIono=100.0 ! in km
- subroutine init_planet
- use ModTime
- integer :: itime(7)
- Mass(iH_) = 1.0 * AMU
- Mass(iHe_) = 4.0 * AMU
- Mass(iN_4S_) = 14.0 * AMU
- Mass(iO_3P_) = 16.0 * AMU
- Mass(iN_2D_) = Mass(iN_4S_)
- Mass(iN_2P_) = Mass(iN_4S_)
- Mass(iN2_) = 2*Mass(iN_4S_)
- Mass(iO2_) = 2*Mass(iO_3P_)
- Mass(iNO_) = Mass(iN_4S_)+Mass(iO_3P_)
- Mass(iCO2_) = 12.0*AMU + 2*Mass(iO_3P_)
- cSpecies(iH_) = "H"
- cSpecies(iHe_) = "He"
- cSpecies(iO_3P_) = "O(!U3!NP)"
- cSpecies(iO2_) = "O!D2!N"
- cSpecies(iN2_) = "N!D2!N"
- cSpecies(iN_4S_) = "N(!U4!NS)"
- cSpecies(iN_2D_) = "N(!U2!ND)"
- cSpecies(iN_2P_) = "N(!U2!NP)"
- cSpecies(iNO_) = "NO"
- cSpecies(iO_1D_) = "O(!U1!ND)"
- cSpecies(iCO2_) = "CO!D2!N"
-! cSpecies(iAr_) = "Ar"
- cIons(iO_4SP_) = "O_4SP_!U+!N"
- cIons(iO2P_) = "O!D2!U+!N"
- cIons(iN2P_) = "N!D2!U+!N"
- cIons(iNP_) = "N!U+!N"
- cIons(iNOP_) = "NO!U+!N"
- cIons(iO_2DP_) = "O(!U2!ND)!U+!N"
- cIons(iO_2PP_) = "O(!U2!NP)!U+!N"
- cIons(iHP_) = "H!U+!N"
- cIons(iHeP_) = "He!U+!N"
- cIons(ie_) = "e-"
- Vibration(iO_3P_) = 5.0
- Vibration(iO2_) = 7.0
- Vibration(iN2_) = 7.0
- if (nSpecies > 3) Vibration(iN_4S_) = 5.0
- if (nSpecies > 4) Vibration(iNO_) = 7.0
- MassI(iO_4SP_) = Mass(iO_3P_)
- MassI(iO_2DP_) = Mass(iO_3P_)
- MassI(iO_2PP_) = Mass(iO_3P_)
- MassI(iO2P_) = Mass(iO2_)
- MassI(iNP_) = Mass(iN_2D_)
- MassI(iN2P_) = Mass(iN2_)
- MassI(iHP_) = Mass(iH_)
- MassI(iHeP_) = Mass(iHe_)
- MassI(iNOP_) = Mass(iN_4S_) + Mass(iO_3P_)
- MassI(ie_) = Mass_Electron
- VertTau = 1.0e9
- itime = 0
- itime(1) = iVernalYear
- itime(2) = iVernalMonth
- itime(3) = iVernalDay
- itime(4) = iVernalHour
- itime(5) = iVernalMinute
- itime(6) = iVernalSecond
- call time_int_to_real(itime, VernalTime)
- end subroutine init_planet
-!! Placeholder subroutines (for Titan specific Phyisics)
- subroutine init_radcooling
- return
- end subroutine init_radcooling
- subroutine init_magheat
- return
- end subroutine init_magheat
- subroutine init_isochem
- return
- end subroutine init_isochem
- subroutine init_aerosol
- return
- end subroutine init_aerosol
- subroutine init_topography
- return
- end subroutine init_topography
-end module ModPlanet
Copied: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModEarth.f90 (from rev 6215, DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModEarth.f90)
--- DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModEarth.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModEarth.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+module ModPlanet
+ use ModConstants
+ use ModSizeGITM, only: nAlts
+ implicit none
+ integer, parameter :: iO_3P_ = 1
+ integer, parameter :: iO2_ = 2
+ integer, parameter :: iN2_ = 3
+ integer, parameter :: iN_4S_ = 4
+ integer, parameter :: iNO_ = 5
+ integer, parameter :: nSpecies = 5
+ integer, parameter :: iN_2D_ = 6
+ integer, parameter :: iN_2P_ = 7
+ integer, parameter :: iH_ = 8
+ integer, parameter :: iHe_ = 9
+! integer, parameter :: iAr_ = 10
+ integer, parameter :: iCO2_ = 10
+ integer, parameter :: iO_1D_ = 11
+ integer, parameter :: nSpeciesTotal = 11
+ integer, parameter :: iO_4SP_ = 1
+ integer, parameter :: iO2P_ = 2
+ integer, parameter :: iN2P_ = 3
+ integer, parameter :: iNP_ = 4
+ integer, parameter :: iNOP_ = 5
+ integer, parameter :: iO_2DP_ = 6
+ integer, parameter :: iO_2PP_ = 7
+ integer, parameter :: iHP_ = 8
+ integer, parameter :: iHeP_ = 9
+ integer, parameter :: ie_ = 10
+ integer, parameter :: nIons = ie_
+ integer, parameter :: nIonsAdvect = 1
+ integer, parameter :: nSpeciesAll = nSpeciesTotal + nIons - 1
+ character (len=20) :: cSpecies(nSpeciesTotal)
+ character (len=20) :: cIons(nIons)
+ real :: Mass(nSpeciesTotal), MassI(nIons)
+ real :: Vibration(nSpeciesTotal)
+ integer, parameter :: iE2470_ = 1
+ integer, parameter :: iE7320_ = 2
+ integer, parameter :: iE3726_ = 3
+ integer, parameter :: iE5200_ = 4
+ integer, parameter :: iE10400_ = 5
+ integer, parameter :: iE6300_ = 6
+ integer, parameter :: iE6364_ = 7
+ integer, parameter :: nEmissions = 10
+ integer, parameter :: i3371_ = 1
+ integer, parameter :: i4278_ = 2
+ integer, parameter :: i5200_ = 3
+ integer, parameter :: i5577_ = 4
+ integer, parameter :: i6300_ = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i7320_ = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i10400_ = 7
+ integer, parameter :: i3466_ = 8
+ integer, parameter :: i7774_ = 9
+ integer, parameter :: i8446_ = 10
+ integer, parameter :: i3726_ = 11
+ real, parameter :: GC_Earth = 9.8 ! m/s^2
+ real, parameter :: RP_Earth = 24.0*3600.0 ! seconds
+ real, parameter :: R_Earth = 6372.0*1000.0 ! meters
+ real, parameter :: DP_Earth = -31100.0e-9 ! nT
+ real, parameter :: Gravitational_Constant = GC_Earth
+ real, parameter :: Rotation_Period = RP_Earth
+ real, parameter :: RBody = R_Earth
+ real, parameter :: DipoleStrength = DP_Earth
+ real, parameter :: OMEGABody = 2.00*pi/Rotation_Period ! rad/s
+ real, parameter :: HoursPerDay = Rotation_Period / 3600.0
+ real, parameter :: Tilt = 23.5
+ real, parameter :: DaysPerYear = 365.25
+ real, parameter :: SecondsPerYear = DaysPerYear * Rotation_Period
+ integer, parameter :: iVernalYear = 1999
+ integer, parameter :: iVernalMonth = 3
+ integer, parameter :: iVernalDay = 21
+ integer, parameter :: iVernalHour = 0
+ integer, parameter :: iVernalMinute = 0
+ integer, parameter :: iVernalSecond = 0
+ ! Old orbital parameters
+ !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_A = 1.000110
+ !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_B = 0.034221
+ !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_C = 0.001280
+ !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_D = 0.000719
+ !real, parameter :: SunOrbit_E = 0.000077
+ !New Orbital Parameters
+ !A: semi-major axis in AU
+ !B: eccentricity
+ !C: Longitude of perihelion
+ !D: Mean Longitude
+ !E: For calulating actual Longitude
+ real, parameter :: SunOrbit_A = 1.0000001124
+ real, parameter :: SunOrbit_B = 0.0167
+ real, parameter :: SunOrbit_C = 102.94719
+ real, parameter :: SunOrbit_D = 100.46435
+ real, parameter :: SunOrbit_E = 129597740.63
+ !Used as a damping term in Vertical solver.
+ real :: VertTau(nAlts)
+ logical :: IsEarth = .true.
+ logical :: IsMars = .false.
+ logical :: IsTitan = .false.
+ logical :: NonMagnetic = .false.
+ real, parameter :: PlanetNum = 0.03
+ character (len=10) :: cPlanet = "Earth"
+ integer, parameter :: nEmissionWavelengths = 20
+ integer, parameter :: nPhotoBins = 190
+ ! These are for the neutral friction routine...
+ ! These are the numerical coefficients in Table 1 in m^2 instead of cm^2
+ real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: Diff0 = 1.0e17 * reshape( (/ &
+ ! 0 02 N2 N NO
+ !--------------------------------------+
+ 0.000, 0.969, 0.969, 0.969, 0.715,& ! O
+ 0.969, 0.000, 0.715, 0.969, 0.715,& ! O2
+ 0.969, 0.715, 0.000, 0.969, 0.527,& ! N2
+ 0.969, 0.969, 0.969, 0.000, 0.969, & ! N
+ 0.715, 0.715, 0.527, 0.969, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
+ ! These are the exponents
+ real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
+ ! 0 02 N2 N NO
+ !---------------------------------+
+ 0.000, 0.774, 0.774, 0.774, 0.750, & ! O
+ 0.774, 0.000, 0.750, 0.774, 0.750, & ! O2
+ 0.774, 0.750, 0.000, 0.774, 0.810, & ! N2
+ 0.774, 0.774, 0.774, 0.000, 0.774, & ! N
+ 0.750, 0.750, 0.810, 0.774, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
+! Unknowns!!!!
+! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: Diff0 = 1.0e17 * reshape( (/ &
+! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
+! !--------------------------------------+
+! 0.000, 0.969, 0.969, 0.???, 0.???,& ! O
+! 0.969, 0.000, 0.715, 0.???, 0.???,& ! O2
+! 0.969, 0.715, 0.000, 0.969, 0.527,& ! N2
+! 0.???, 0.???, 0.969, 0.000, 0.???, & ! N
+! 0.???, 0.???, 0.527, 0.???, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
+! ! These are the exponents
+! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
+! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
+! !---------------------------------+
+! 0.000, 0.774, 0.774, 0.???, 0.???, & ! O
+! 0.774, 0.000, 0.750, 0.???, 0.???, & ! O2
+! 0.774, 0.750, 0.000, 0.774, 0.810, & ! N2
+! 0.???, 0.???, 0.774, 0.000, 0.???, & ! N
+! 0.???, 0.???, 0.810, 0.???, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
+! Colegrove:
+! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: Diff0 = 1.0e4 * reshape( (/ &
+! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
+! !---------------------------------+
+! 0.000, 0.260, 0.260, 0.300, 0.181, & ! O
+! 0.260, 0.000, 0.181, 0.220, 0.181, & ! O2
+! 0.260, 0.181, 0.000, 0.220, 0.181, & ! N2
+! 0.300, 0.220, 0.220, 0.000, 0.181, & ! N
+! 0.181, 0.181, 0.181, 0.181, 0.000 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
+! ! These are the exponents
+! real, parameter, dimension(5, 5) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
+! ! 0 02 N2
+! !---------------------------------+
+! 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O
+! 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O2
+! 0.75, 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, & ! N2
+! 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, & !N
+! 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.0 /), (/5,5/) ) ! NO
+! real, parameter, dimension(4, 4) :: Diff0 = 1.0e4 * reshape( (/ &
+! ! 0 02 N2 N NO
+! !---------------------------------+
+! 0.00, 0.260, 0.260, 0.300, & ! O
+! 0.26, 0.000, 0.181, 0.220, & ! O2
+! 0.26, 0.181, 0.000, 0.220, & ! N2
+! 0.30, 0.220, 0.220, 0.000 /), (/4,4/) ) ! N
+! ! These are the exponents
+! real, parameter, dimension(4, 4) :: DiffExp = reshape( (/ &
+! ! 0 02 N2
+! !---------------------------------+
+! 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O
+! 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, & ! O2
+! 0.75, 0.75, 0.00, 0.75, & ! N2
+! 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.00 /), (/4,4/) ) ! N
+!!!!!!! real, AltMinIono=100.0 ! in km
+ subroutine init_planet
+ use ModTime
+ integer :: itime(7)
+ Mass(iH_) = 1.0 * AMU
+ Mass(iHe_) = 4.0 * AMU
+ Mass(iN_4S_) = 14.0 * AMU
+ Mass(iO_3P_) = 16.0 * AMU
+ Mass(iN_2D_) = Mass(iN_4S_)
+ Mass(iN_2P_) = Mass(iN_4S_)
+ Mass(iN2_) = 2*Mass(iN_4S_)
+ Mass(iO2_) = 2*Mass(iO_3P_)
+ Mass(iNO_) = Mass(iN_4S_)+Mass(iO_3P_)
+ Mass(iCO2_) = 12.0*AMU + 2*Mass(iO_3P_)
+ cSpecies(iH_) = "H"
+ cSpecies(iHe_) = "He"
+ cSpecies(iO_3P_) = "O(!U3!NP)"
+ cSpecies(iO2_) = "O!D2!N"
+ cSpecies(iN2_) = "N!D2!N"
+ cSpecies(iN_4S_) = "N(!U4!NS)"
+ cSpecies(iN_2D_) = "N(!U2!ND)"
+ cSpecies(iN_2P_) = "N(!U2!NP)"
+ cSpecies(iNO_) = "NO"
+ cSpecies(iO_1D_) = "O(!U1!ND)"
+ cSpecies(iCO2_) = "CO!D2!N"
+! cSpecies(iAr_) = "Ar"
+ cIons(iO_4SP_) = "O_4SP_!U+!N"
+ cIons(iO2P_) = "O!D2!U+!N"
+ cIons(iN2P_) = "N!D2!U+!N"
+ cIons(iNP_) = "N!U+!N"
+ cIons(iNOP_) = "NO!U+!N"
+ cIons(iO_2DP_) = "O(!U2!ND)!U+!N"
+ cIons(iO_2PP_) = "O(!U2!NP)!U+!N"
+ cIons(iHP_) = "H!U+!N"
+ cIons(iHeP_) = "He!U+!N"
+ cIons(ie_) = "e-"
+ Vibration(iO_3P_) = 5.0
+ Vibration(iO2_) = 7.0
+ Vibration(iN2_) = 7.0
+ if (nSpecies > 3) Vibration(iN_4S_) = 5.0
+ if (nSpecies > 4) Vibration(iNO_) = 7.0
+ MassI(iO_4SP_) = Mass(iO_3P_)
+ MassI(iO_2DP_) = Mass(iO_3P_)
+ MassI(iO_2PP_) = Mass(iO_3P_)
+ MassI(iO2P_) = Mass(iO2_)
+ MassI(iNP_) = Mass(iN_2D_)
+ MassI(iN2P_) = Mass(iN2_)
+ MassI(iHP_) = Mass(iH_)
+ MassI(iHeP_) = Mass(iHe_)
+ MassI(iNOP_) = Mass(iN_4S_) + Mass(iO_3P_)
+ MassI(ie_) = Mass_Electron
+ VertTau = 1.0e9
+ itime = 0
+ itime(1) = iVernalYear
+ itime(2) = iVernalMonth
+ itime(3) = iVernalDay
+ itime(4) = iVernalHour
+ itime(5) = iVernalMinute
+ itime(6) = iVernalSecond
+ call time_int_to_real(itime, VernalTime)
+ end subroutine init_planet
+!! Placeholder subroutines (for Titan specific Phyisics)
+ subroutine init_radcooling
+ return
+ end subroutine init_radcooling
+ subroutine init_magheat
+ return
+ end subroutine init_magheat
+ subroutine init_isochem
+ return
+ end subroutine init_isochem
+ subroutine init_aerosol
+ return
+ end subroutine init_aerosol
+ subroutine init_topography
+ return
+ end subroutine init_topography
+end module ModPlanet
Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModKind.f90
--- DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModKind.f90 2013-05-31 21:50:30 UTC (rev 6215)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModKind.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-!MODULE: ModKind - define various precisions in a machine independent way
-! The Fortran 77 style real*4 and real*8 declarations are obsolete,
-! and compilers often issue warnings. The real and double precision
-! types are machine and compiler flag dependent.
-! The Fortran 90 way is to define the {\bf kind} parameter.
-! Typical usage:
-! real(Real8_) :: CpuTime ! variable declaration
-! CpuTime = 0.0_Real8_ ! 8 byte real constant
-module ModKind
- integer, parameter :: Real4_ = selected_real_kind(6,30)
- integer, parameter :: Real8_ = selected_real_kind(12,100)
- integer, parameter :: Int8_ = selected_int_kind(16)
- ! Number of bytes in the default real number (precision)
- ! This is standard F90 initialization expression but may give warnings:
- integer, parameter :: nByteReal = 4 + (1.00000000041 - 1.0)*10000000000.0
- !EOP
-end module ModKind
Copied: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModKind.f90 (from rev 6215, DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModKind.f90)
--- DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModKind.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModKind.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+!MODULE: ModKind - define various precisions in a machine independent way
+! The Fortran 77 style real*4 and real*8 declarations are obsolete,
+! and compilers often issue warnings. The real and double precision
+! types are machine and compiler flag dependent.
+! The Fortran 90 way is to define the {\bf kind} parameter.
+! Typical usage:
+! real(Real8_) :: CpuTime ! variable declaration
+! CpuTime = 0.0_Real8_ ! 8 byte real constant
+module ModKind
+ integer, parameter :: Real4_ = selected_real_kind(6,30)
+ integer, parameter :: Real8_ = selected_real_kind(12,100)
+ integer, parameter :: Int8_ = selected_int_kind(16)
+ ! Number of bytes in the default real number (precision)
+ ! This is standard F90 initialization expression but may give warnings:
+ integer, parameter :: nByteReal = 4 + (1.00000000041 - 1.0)*10000000000.0
+ !EOP
+end module ModKind
Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModSize.f90
--- DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModSize.f90 2013-05-31 21:50:30 UTC (rev 6215)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModSize.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module ModSizeGitm
- integer, parameter :: nLons = 9
- integer, parameter :: nLats = 9
- integer, parameter :: nAlts = 50
- integer, parameter :: nBlocksMax = 4
- integer :: nBlocks
-end module ModSizeGitm
Copied: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModSize.f90 (from rev 6215, DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModSize.f90)
--- DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModSize.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModSize.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module ModSizeGitm
+ integer, parameter :: nLons = 9
+ integer, parameter :: nLats = 9
+ integer, parameter :: nAlts = 50
+ integer, parameter :: nBlocksMax = 4
+ integer :: nBlocks
+end module ModSizeGitm
Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModTime.f90
--- DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModTime.f90 2013-05-31 21:50:30 UTC (rev 6215)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModTime.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-module ModTime
- use ModKind, ONLY: Real8_
- implicit none
- ! Time variables
- real :: tSimulation = 0.0
- integer, dimension(7) :: iTimeArray
- real(Real8_) :: CurrentTime, EndTime, StartTime, VernalTime
- real(Real8_) :: RestartTime
- real(Real8_) :: PauseTime
- real :: utime
- integer :: iJulianDay, iDay
- integer :: iStep = 1
- integer, parameter :: iYear_ = 1
- integer, parameter :: iMonth_ = 2
- integer, parameter :: iDay_ = 3
- integer, parameter :: iHour_ = 4
- integer, parameter :: iMinute_ = 5
- integer, parameter :: iSecond_ = 6
-! integer function jday(year, mon, day) result(Julian_Day)
-! implicit none
-! integer :: i
-! integer, dimension(1:12) :: dayofmon
-! integer :: year, mon, day
-! dayofmon(1) = 31
-! dayofmon(2) = 28
-! dayofmon(3) = 31
-! dayofmon(4) = 30
-! dayofmon(5) = 31
-! dayofmon(6) = 30
-! dayofmon(7) = 31
-! dayofmon(8) = 31
-! dayofmon(9) = 30
-! dayofmon(10) = 31
-! dayofmon(11) = 30
-! dayofmon(12) = 31
-! if (mod(year,4).eq.0) dayofmon(2) = dayofmon(1) + 1
-! Julian_Day = 0
-! do i = 1, mon-1
-! Julian_Day = Julian_Day + dayofmon(i)
-! enddo
-! Julian_Day = Julian_Day + day
-! end function jday
-! subroutine time_int_to_real(itime, timereal)
-! implicit none
-! integer, dimension(1:12) :: dayofmon
-! integer, dimension(1:7) :: itime
-! double precision :: timereal
-! integer :: nyear, nleap, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec, i
-! dayofmon(1) = 31
-! dayofmon(2) = 28
-! dayofmon(3) = 31
-! dayofmon(4) = 30
-! dayofmon(5) = 31
-! dayofmon(6) = 30
-! dayofmon(7) = 31
-! dayofmon(8) = 31
-! dayofmon(9) = 30
-! dayofmon(10) = 31
-! dayofmon(11) = 30
-! dayofmon(12) = 31
-! if (mod(itime(1),4).eq.0) dayofmon(2) = 29
-! timereal = 0.0;
-! if (itime(1) > 1900) then
-! nyear = itime(1) - 1965
-! else
-! if (itime(1) > 65) then
-! nyear = itime(1) - 65
-! else
-! nyear = itime(1) + 100 - 65
-! endif
-! endif
-! nleap = nyear/4
-! nmonth = itime(2) - 1
-! nday = 0
-! do i=1, nmonth
-! nday = nday + dayofmon(i)
-! enddo
-! nday = nday + itime(3) - 1
-! nhour = itime(4)
-! nmin = itime(5)
-! nsec = itime(6)
-! timereal = (dble(nsec) * dble(1.0)) + &
-! (dble(nmin) * dble(60.0)) + &
-! (dble(nhour) * dble(60.0*60.0)) + &
-! (dble(nday) * dble(24.0*60.0*60.0)) + &
-! (dble(nleap) * dble(24.0*60.0*60.0)) + &
-! (dble(nyear) * dble(365.0*24.0*60.0*60.0)) + &
-! itime(7)/1000.0
-! end subroutine time_int_to_real
-! subroutine time_real_to_int(timereal, itime)
-! implicit none
-! integer, dimension(1:12) :: dayofmon
-! integer, dimension(1:7) :: itime
-! double precision :: timereal
-! integer :: nyear, nleap, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec
-! double precision :: speryear = 31536000.0
-! double precision :: sperday = 86400.0
-! double precision :: sperhour = 3600.0
-! double precision :: spermin = 60.0
-! double precision :: timeleft
-! dayofmon(1) = 31
-! dayofmon(2) = 28
-! dayofmon(3) = 31
-! dayofmon(4) = 30
-! dayofmon(5) = 31
-! dayofmon(6) = 30
-! dayofmon(7) = 31
-! dayofmon(8) = 31
-! dayofmon(9) = 30
-! dayofmon(10) = 31
-! dayofmon(11) = 30
-! dayofmon(12) = 31
-! nyear = int(timereal/speryear)
-! nleap = nyear/4
-! nday = int((timereal - (dble(nyear)*speryear))/sperday)
-! if (nday.le.nleap) then
-! nyear = int((timereal - (dble(nleap)*sperday))/speryear)
-! nleap = nyear/4
-! nday = int((timereal - (dble(nyear)*speryear))/sperday)
-! if (nday.le.nleap) then
-! nyear = int((timereal - (dble(nleap)*sperday))/speryear)
-! nleap = nyear/4
-! nday = int((timereal - (dble(nyear)*speryear))/sperday)
-! endif
-! endif
-! if (mod((nyear+65),4).eq.0) dayofmon(2) = dayofmon(2) + 1
-! nday = nday - nleap
-! timeleft = timereal - dble(nyear)*speryear
-! timeleft = timeleft - dble(nday+nleap)*sperday
-! nhour = int(timeleft/sperhour)
-! timeleft = timeleft - dble(nhour)*sperhour
-! nmin = int(timeleft/spermin)
-! timeleft = timeleft - dble(nmin)*spermin
-! nsec = int(timeleft)
-! nmonth = 1;
-! do while (nday.ge.dayofmon(nmonth))
-! nday = nday - dayofmon(nmonth)
-! nmonth = nmonth + 1
-! end do
-! itime(1) = nyear + 1965
-! itime(2) = nmonth
-! itime(3) = nday + 1
-! itime(4) = nhour
-! itime(5) = nmin
-! itime(6) = nsec
-! itime(7) = timeleft - nsec
-! end subroutine time_real_to_int
-end module ModTime
Copied: DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModTime.f90 (from rev 6215, DART/branches/gitm/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModTime.f90)
--- DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModTime.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/gitm/GITM2/src/ModTime.f90 2013-06-01 17:38:29 UTC (rev 6221)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+module ModTime
+ use ModKind, ONLY: Real8_
+ implicit none
+ ! Time variables
+ real :: tSimulation = 0.0
+ integer, dimension(7) :: iTimeArray
+ real(Real8_) :: CurrentTime, EndTime, StartTime, VernalTime
+ real(Real8_) :: RestartTime
+ real(Real8_) :: PauseTime
+ real :: utime
+ integer :: iJulianDay, iDay
+ integer :: iStep = 1
+ integer, parameter :: iYear_ = 1
+ integer, parameter :: iMonth_ = 2
+ integer, parameter :: iDay_ = 3
+ integer, parameter :: iHour_ = 4
+ integer, parameter :: iMinute_ = 5
+ integer, parameter :: iSecond_ = 6
+! integer function jday(year, mon, day) result(Julian_Day)
+! implicit none
+! integer :: i
+! integer, dimension(1:12) :: dayofmon
+! integer :: year, mon, day
+! dayofmon(1) = 31
+! dayofmon(2) = 28
+! dayofmon(3) = 31
+! dayofmon(4) = 30
+! dayofmon(5) = 31
+! dayofmon(6) = 30
+! dayofmon(7) = 31
+! dayofmon(8) = 31
+! dayofmon(9) = 30
+! dayofmon(10) = 31
+! dayofmon(11) = 30
+! dayofmon(12) = 31
+! if (mod(year,4).eq.0) dayofmon(2) = dayofmon(1) + 1
+! Julian_Day = 0
+! do i = 1, mon-1
+! Julian_Day = Julian_Day + dayofmon(i)
+! enddo
+! Julian_Day = Julian_Day + day
+! end function jday
+! subroutine time_int_to_real(itime, timereal)
+! implicit none
+! integer, dimension(1:12) :: dayofmon
+! integer, dimension(1:7) :: itime
+! double precision :: timereal
+! integer :: nyear, nleap, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec, i
+! dayofmon(1) = 31
+! dayofmon(2) = 28
+! dayofmon(3) = 31
+! dayofmon(4) = 30
+! dayofmon(5) = 31
+! dayofmon(6) = 30
+! dayofmon(7) = 31
+! dayofmon(8) = 31
+! dayofmon(9) = 30
+! dayofmon(10) = 31
+! dayofmon(11) = 30
+! dayofmon(12) = 31
+! if (mod(itime(1),4).eq.0) dayofmon(2) = 29
+! timereal = 0.0;
+! if (itime(1) > 1900) then
+! nyear = itime(1) - 1965
+! else
+! if (itime(1) > 65) then
+! nyear = itime(1) - 65
+! else
+! nyear = itime(1) + 100 - 65
+! endif
+! endif
+! nleap = nyear/4
+! nmonth = itime(2) - 1
+! nday = 0
+! do i=1, nmonth
+! nday = nday + dayofmon(i)
+! enddo
+! nday = nday + itime(3) - 1
+! nhour = itime(4)
+! nmin = itime(5)
+! nsec = itime(6)
+! timereal = (dble(nsec) * dble(1.0)) + &
+! (dble(nmin) * dble(60.0)) + &
+! (dble(nhour) * dble(60.0*60.0)) + &
+! (dble(nday) * dble(24.0*60.0*60.0)) + &
+! (dble(nleap) * dble(24.0*60.0*60.0)) + &
+! (dble(nyear) * dble(365.0*24.0*60.0*60.0)) + &
+! itime(7)/1000.0
+! end subroutine time_int_to_real
+! subroutine time_real_to_int(timereal, itime)
+! implicit none
+! integer, dimension(1:12) :: dayofmon
+! integer, dimension(1:7) :: itime
+! double precision :: timereal
+! integer :: nyear, nleap, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec
+! double precision :: speryear = 31536000.0
+! double precision :: sperday = 86400.0
+! double precision :: sperhour = 3600.0
+! double precision :: spermin = 60.0
+! double precision :: timeleft
+! dayofmon(1) = 31
+! dayofmon(2) = 28
+! dayofmon(3) = 31
+! dayofmon(4) = 30
+! dayofmon(5) = 31
@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@
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