[Dart-dev] [5885] DART/branches/development/location/threed_cartesian/xyz_location_mod .f90: A specialized version of the cartesian locations module,
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 27 16:43:15 MDT 2012
Revision: 5885
Author: nancy
Date: 2012-09-27 16:43:14 -0600 (Thu, 27 Sep 2012)
Log Message:
A specialized version of the cartesian locations module,
with different module and subroutine entry point names so
it can be used with other location modules. specialized in
that it has routines to set and get the location values,
and routines to return the closest value to a given point,
but none of the other usual location module functions.
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Added: DART/branches/development/location/threed_cartesian/xyz_location_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/development/location/threed_cartesian/xyz_location_mod.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/location/threed_cartesian/xyz_location_mod.f90 2012-09-27 22:43:14 UTC (rev 5885)
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
+! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+module xyz_location_mod
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$
+! A subset of the 3d cartesian locations module which only does 'nearest point'
+! computations. It has a limited set of interfaces to initialize the search struct
+! and to return the single nearest point. Does nothing else that a normal
+! locations module should do.
+use types_mod, only : r8, MISSING_R8, MISSING_I, PI, RAD2DEG, DEG2RAD
+use utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, &
+ E_MSG, open_file, close_file, set_output, &
+ logfileunit, nmlfileunit, find_namelist_in_file, &
+ check_namelist_read, do_nml_file, do_nml_term
+use mpi_utilities_mod, only : my_task_id, task_count
+implicit none
+public :: xyz_location_type, xyz_get_location, xyz_set_location, &
+ xyz_get_close_maxdist_init, xyz_get_close_obs_init, xyz_get_close_type, &
+ xyz_find_nearest, xyz_get_close_obs_destroy, xyz_get_dist, xyz_get_ll_location
+! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
+character(len=128), parameter :: &
+ source = "$URL$", &
+ revision = "$Revision$", &
+ revdate = "$Date$"
+type xyz_location_type
+ private
+ real(r8) :: x, y, z
+end type xyz_location_type
+! This version supports both regularly spaced boxes, and octree division
+! of the space. for octrees, divide each dim in half until N numbers of filled
+! boxes, or octree reaches some depth? give some threshold where you don't
+! divide a box with less than N points in it?
+! contrast with kD-trees (divide along dimensions, not points), and there are
+! two types of octrees - PR (point region) where the regions split at an
+! explicit point, vs MX tree where the split is defined to be at the center
+! of the region.
+! if the underlying geometry is spherical, there will be many many empty boxes
+! if we uniformly divide up space, and worse, existing locations will be
+! clustered in a few boxes.
+type box_type
+ private
+ integer, pointer :: obs_box(:) ! (nobs); List of obs indices in boxes
+ integer, pointer :: count(:, :, :) ! (nx, ny, nz); # of obs in each box
+ integer, pointer :: start(:, :, :) ! (nx, ny, nz); Start of list of obs in this box
+ real(r8) :: bot_x, top_x ! extents in x, y, z
+ real(r8) :: bot_y, top_y
+ real(r8) :: bot_z, top_z
+ real(r8) :: x_width, y_width, z_width ! widths of boxes in x,y,z
+ real(r8) :: nboxes_x, nboxes_y, nboxes_z ! based on maxdist how far to search
+end type box_type
+! Type to facilitate efficient computation of observations close to a given location
+type xyz_get_close_type
+ private
+ integer :: num
+ real(r8) :: maxdist
+ type(box_type) :: box
+end type xyz_get_close_type
+logical, save :: module_initialized = .false.
+character(len = 512) :: errstring
+!real(r8) :: radius ! used only for converting points on a sphere into x,y,z and back
+! If maxdist stays the same, don't need to do box distance calculations
+integer :: last_maxdist = -1.0
+! Namelist with default values
+! count of boxes (for box option) in each dim.
+integer :: nx = 20
+integer :: ny = 20
+integer :: nz = 20
+! tuning options
+integer :: nboxes = 1000 ! suggestion for max number of nodes
+integer :: maxdepth = 4 ! suggestion for max tree depth
+integer :: filled = 10 ! threshold at which you quit splitting
+logical :: use_octree = .false. ! if false, use regular boxes
+! removed
+logical :: output_box_info = .false.
+integer :: print_box_level = 0
+logical :: compare_to_correct = .false.
+namelist /xyz_location_nml/ &
+ filled, nboxes, maxdepth, use_octree, &
+ nx, ny, nz
+interface xyz_set_location
+ module procedure set_location_single
+! module procedure set_location_array
+ module procedure set_location_lonlat
+end interface xyz_set_location
+subroutine initialize_module
+! things which need doing exactly once.
+integer :: iunit, io, i
+character(len=129) :: str1
+if (module_initialized) return
+call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
+module_initialized = .true.
+! Read the namelist entry
+call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "xyz_location_nml", iunit)
+read(iunit, nml = xyz_location_nml, iostat = io)
+call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "xyz_location_nml")
+! Write the namelist values to the log file
+if(do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=xyz_location_nml)
+if(do_nml_term()) write( * , nml=xyz_location_nml)
+if (filled < 1) then
+ write(errstring,*)'filled sets limit for number of points per box. must be >= 1'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'set_location', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+use_octree = .false. ! if false, use regular boxes
+end subroutine initialize_module
+function xyz_get_dist(loc1, loc2, kind1, kind2)
+! returns the distance between 2 locations
+! In spite of the names, the 3rd and 4th argument are actually specific types
+! the interface in case user-code wants to do a more sophisticated distance
+! calculation based on the base or target types. In the usual case this
+! code still doesn't use the types, but there's an undocumented feature that
+! allows you to maintain the original vertical normalization even when
+! changing the cutoff distance in the horizontal. For that to work we
+! do need to know the type, and we use the type of loc1 to control it.
+type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: loc1, loc2
+integer, optional, intent(in) :: kind1, kind2
+real(r8) :: xyz_get_dist
+real(r8) :: x_dif, y_dif, z_dif
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+x_dif = loc1%x - loc2%x
+y_dif = loc1%y - loc2%y
+z_dif = loc1%z - loc2%z
+xyz_get_dist = sqrt(x_dif * x_dif + y_dif * y_dif + z_dif * z_dif)
+end function xyz_get_dist
+function xyz_get_location(loc)
+! Given a location type return the x,y,z coordinates
+type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: loc
+real(r8), dimension(3) :: xyz_get_location
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+xyz_get_location(1) = loc%x
+xyz_get_location(2) = loc%y
+xyz_get_location(3) = loc%z
+end function xyz_get_location
+subroutine xyz_get_ll_location(loc, radius, lon, lat)
+! Given a cartesian x, y, z coordinate relative to the origin
+! at the center of the earth, using a fixed radius specified
+! by MPAS (in the grid generation step), return the corresponding
+! lon, lat location in degrees.
+type(xyz_location_type) :: loc
+real(r8), intent(in) :: radius
+real(r8), intent(out) :: lon, lat
+real(r8) :: rlat, rlon
+! right now this is only needed for debugging messages.
+! the arc versions of routines are expensive.
+rlat = PI/2.0_r8 - acos(loc%z/radius)
+rlon = atan2(loc%y,loc%x)
+if (rlon < 0) rlon = rlon + PI*2
+lat = rlat * rad2deg
+lon = rlon * rad2deg
+end subroutine xyz_get_ll_location
+function set_location_single(x, y, z)
+! Puts the x, y, z into a location datatype.
+real(r8), intent(in) :: x, y, z
+type (xyz_location_type) :: set_location_single
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+set_location_single%x = x
+set_location_single%y = y
+set_location_single%z = z
+end function set_location_single
+function set_location_array(list)
+! location semi-independent interface routine
+! given 3 float numbers, call the underlying set_location routine
+real(r8), intent(in) :: list(:)
+type (xyz_location_type) :: set_location_array
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if (size(list) < 3) then
+ write(errstring,*)'requires 3 input values'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'set_location', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+set_location_array = set_location_single(list(1), list(2), list(3))
+end function set_location_array
+function set_location_lonlat(lon, lat, height, radius)
+! location semi-independent interface routine
+! given a lon, lat, and radius, compute X,Y,Z and set location
+real(r8), intent(in) :: lon, lat, height, radius
+type (xyz_location_type) :: set_location_lonlat
+real(r8) :: x, y, z
+real(r8) :: rlat, rlon, rr
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+rlat = lat * deg2rad
+rlon = lon * deg2rad
+rr = radius + height
+x = rr * cos(rlon) * cos(rlat)
+y = rr * sin(rlon) * cos(rlat)
+z = rr * sin(rlat)
+set_location_lonlat%x = x
+set_location_lonlat%y = y
+set_location_lonlat%z = z
+end function set_location_lonlat
+subroutine xyz_get_close_obs_init(gc, num, obs)
+! Initializes part of get_close accelerator that depends on the particular obs
+type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+integer, intent(in) :: num
+type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: obs(num)
+ call get_close_init_boxes(gc, num, obs)
+end subroutine xyz_get_close_obs_init
+subroutine get_close_init_boxes(gc, num, obs)
+! Initializes part of get_close accelerator that depends on the particular obs
+type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+integer, intent(in) :: num
+type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: obs(num)
+integer :: i, j, k, cum_start, l
+integer :: x_box(num), y_box(num), z_box(num)
+integer :: tstart(nx, ny, nz)
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! Allocate storage for obs number dependent part
+gc%box%obs_box(:) = -1
+! Set the value of num_obs in the structure
+gc%num = num
+! If num == 0, no point in going any further.
+if (num == 0) return
+! Determine where the boxes should be for this set of obs and maxdist
+call find_box_ranges(gc, obs, num)
+! Begin by computing the number of observations in each box in x,y,z
+gc%box%count = 0
+do i = 1, num
+!print *, i, obs(i)%x, obs(i)%y, obs(i)%z
+ x_box(i) = floor((obs(i)%x - gc%box%bot_x) / gc%box%x_width) + 1
+ if(x_box(i) > nx) x_box(i) = nx
+ if(x_box(i) < 1) x_box(i) = 1
+ y_box(i) = floor((obs(i)%y - gc%box%bot_y) / gc%box%y_width) + 1
+ if(y_box(i) > ny) y_box(i) = ny
+ if(y_box(i) < 1) y_box(i) = 1
+ z_box(i) = floor((obs(i)%z - gc%box%bot_z) / gc%box%z_width) + 1
+ if(z_box(i) > nz) z_box(i) = nz
+ if(z_box(i) < 1) z_box(i) = 1
+ gc%box%count(x_box(i), y_box(i), z_box(i)) = gc%box%count(x_box(i), y_box(i), z_box(i)) + 1
+!print *, 'adding count to box ', x_box(i), y_box(i), z_box(i), &
+! gc%box%count(x_box(i), y_box(i), z_box(i))
+end do
+! Figure out where storage for each boxes members should begin
+cum_start = 1
+do i = 1, nx
+ do j = 1, ny
+ do k = 1, nz
+ gc%box%start(i, j, k) = cum_start
+ cum_start = cum_start + gc%box%count(i, j, k)
+ end do
+ end do
+end do
+! Now we know how many are in each box, get a list of which are in each box
+tstart = gc%box%start
+do i = 1, num
+ gc%box%obs_box(tstart(x_box(i), y_box(i), z_box(i))) = i
+ tstart(x_box(i), y_box(i), z_box(i)) = tstart(x_box(i), y_box(i), z_box(i)) + 1
+end do
+do i = 1, nx
+ do j = 1, ny
+ do k = 1, nz
+!if (gc%box%count(i,j,k) > 0) print *, i,j,k, gc%box%count(i,j,k), gc%box%start(i,j,k)
+ do l=1, gc%box%count(i,j,k)
+!print *, l, gc%box%obs_box(l)
+ enddo
+ end do
+ end do
+end do
+end subroutine get_close_init_boxes
+subroutine xyz_get_close_obs_destroy(gc)
+type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+ call get_close_destroy_boxes(gc)
+end subroutine xyz_get_close_obs_destroy
+subroutine get_close_destroy_boxes(gc)
+type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+deallocate(gc%box%obs_box, gc%box%count, gc%box%start)
+end subroutine get_close_destroy_boxes
+subroutine xyz_get_close_maxdist_init(gc, maxdist)
+type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+real(r8), intent(in) :: maxdist
+character(len=129) :: str1
+integer :: i
+! set the default value.
+gc%maxdist = maxdist
+!print *, 'setting maxdist to ', maxdist
+if (.not. use_octree) then
+ ! Allocate the storage for the grid dependent boxes
+ allocate(gc%box%count(nx,ny,nz), gc%box%start(nx,ny,nz))
+ gc%box%count = -1
+ gc%box%start = -1
+end subroutine xyz_get_close_maxdist_init
+subroutine find_box_ranges(gc, locs, num)
+! Finds boundaries for x,y,z boxes.
+! FIXME: ways boxes could be divided:
+! - evenly along each axis
+! - octree-like, divide each axis so roughly half the points are
+! on each side of the dividing plane.
+! - about 100 other schemes
+type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+integer, intent(in) :: num
+type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: locs(num)
+logical :: old_out
+integer :: i
+! FIXME: this space could be very sparse
+gc%box%bot_x = minval(locs(:)%x)
+gc%box%bot_y = minval(locs(:)%y)
+gc%box%bot_z = minval(locs(:)%z)
+gc%box%top_x = maxval(locs(:)%x)
+gc%box%top_y = maxval(locs(:)%y)
+gc%box%top_z = maxval(locs(:)%z)
+!gc%box%bot_x = locs(1)%x
+!gc%box%bot_y = locs(1)%y
+!gc%box%bot_z = locs(1)%z
+!gc%box%top_x = locs(1)%x
+!gc%box%top_y = locs(1)%y
+!gc%box%top_z = locs(1)%z
+!do i=2, num
+! gc%box%bot_x = min(gc%box%bot_x, locs(i)%x)
+! gc%box%bot_y = min(gc%box%bot_y, locs(i)%y)
+! gc%box%bot_z = min(gc%box%bot_z, locs(i)%z)
+! gc%box%top_x = max(gc%box%top_x, locs(i)%x)
+! gc%box%top_y = max(gc%box%top_y, locs(i)%y)
+! gc%box%top_z = max(gc%box%top_z, locs(i)%z)
+gc%box%x_width = (gc%box%top_x - gc%box%bot_x) / nx
+gc%box%y_width = (gc%box%top_y - gc%box%bot_y) / ny
+gc%box%z_width = (gc%box%top_z - gc%box%bot_z) / nz
+! FIXME: compute a sphere of radius maxdist and see how
+! many boxes in x, y, z that would include.
+gc%box%nboxes_x = aint((gc%maxdist + (gc%box%x_width-1)) / gc%box%x_width)
+gc%box%nboxes_y = aint((gc%maxdist + (gc%box%y_width-1)) / gc%box%y_width)
+gc%box%nboxes_z = aint((gc%maxdist + (gc%box%z_width-1)) / gc%box%z_width)
+!print *, 'min xyz = ', gc%box%bot_x, gc%box%bot_y, gc%box%bot_z
+!print *, 'max xyz = ', gc%box%top_x, gc%box%top_y, gc%box%top_z
+!print *, 'wid xyz = ', gc%box%x_width, gc%box%y_width, gc%box%z_width
+!print *, 'nbx xyz = ', nx, ny, nz
+!print *, 'nbx xyz = ', gc%box%nboxes_x, gc%box%nboxes_y, gc%box%nboxes_z
+end subroutine find_box_ranges
+subroutine xyz_find_nearest(gc, base_loc, loc_list, nearest, rc)
+ type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(in), target :: gc
+ type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: base_loc
+ type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: loc_list(:)
+ integer, intent(out) :: nearest
+ integer, intent(out) :: rc
+! find the nearest point in the get close list to the specified point
+ call find_nearest_boxes(gc, base_loc, loc_list, nearest, rc)
+end subroutine xyz_find_nearest
+subroutine find_nearest_boxes(gc, base_loc, loc_list, nearest, rc)
+ type(xyz_get_close_type), intent(in), target :: gc
+ type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: base_loc
+ type(xyz_location_type), intent(in) :: loc_list(:)
+ integer, intent(out) :: nearest
+ integer, intent(out) :: rc
+! find the nearest point in the get close list to the specified point
+integer :: x_box, y_box, z_box, i, j, k, l
+integer :: start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, start_z, end_z
+integer :: n_in_box, st, t_ind, ghost
+real(r8) :: this_dist, dist
+! First, set the intent out arguments to a missing value
+nearest = -99
+rc = -1
+dist = 1e38_r8 ! something big and positive.
+! the list of locations in the obs() argument must be the same
+! as the list of locations passed into get_close_obs_init(), so
+! gc%num and size(obs) better be the same. if the list changes,
+! you have to destroy the old gc and init a new one.
+if (size(loc_list) /= gc%num) then
+ write(errstring,*)'obs() array must match one passed to get_close_obs_init()'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+! If num == 0, no point in going any further.
+if (gc%num == 0) return
+! Begin by figuring out which box the base loc is in
+x_box = floor((base_loc%x - gc%box%bot_x) / gc%box%x_width) + 1
+if(x_box > nx) x_box = nx
+if(x_box < 1) x_box = 1
+y_box = floor((base_loc%y - gc%box%bot_y) / gc%box%y_width) + 1
+if(y_box > ny) y_box = ny
+if(y_box < 1) y_box = 1
+z_box = floor((base_loc%z - gc%box%bot_z) / gc%box%z_width) + 1
+if(z_box > nz) z_box = nz
+if(z_box < 1) z_box = 1
+!print *, 'base_loc box ', x_box, y_box, z_box
+!print *, 'nx, ny, nz = ', nx, ny, nz
+! If it is not in any box, then it is more than the maxdist away from everybody
+if(x_box > nx .or. x_box < 1) return
+if(y_box > ny .or. y_box < 1) return
+if(z_box > nz .or. z_box < 1) return
+!print *, 'good box'
+! First, search all points in this box.
+! Box to search is x_box,y_box,z_box
+n_in_box = gc%box%count(x_box,y_box,z_box)
+st = gc%box%start(x_box,y_box,z_box)
+! find the closest one in this box
+do l = 1, n_in_box
+ t_ind = gc%box%obs_box(st - 1 + l)
+!print *, 'l, t_ind = ', l, t_ind
+ this_dist = xyz_get_dist(base_loc, loc_list(t_ind))
+!print *, 'this_dist = ', this_dist
+ ! If this obs' distance is less than current nearest, it's new nearest
+ if(this_dist <= dist) then
+ nearest = t_ind
+ dist = this_dist
+ if (rc < 0) rc = 0
+ endif
+end do
+! if box small enough that no points match, expand search
+ghost = 0
+10 continue
+if (nearest < 0 .or. ghost == 0) then
+ ghost = ghost + 1
+ start_x = x_box - ghost
+ if (start_x < 1) start_x = 1
+ end_x = x_box + ghost
+ if (end_x > nx) end_x = nx
+ start_y = y_box - ghost
+ if (start_y < 1) start_y = 1
+ end_y = y_box + ghost
+ if (end_y > ny) end_y = ny
+ start_z = z_box - ghost
+ if (start_z < 1) start_z = 1
+ end_z = z_box + ghost
+ if (end_z > nz) end_z = nz
+ !print *, 'looping from '
+ !print *, 'x: ', start_x, end_x
+ !print *, 'y: ', start_y, end_y
+ !print *, 'z: ', start_z, end_z
+ ! Next, loop through each box that is close to this box
+ do i = start_x, end_x
+ do j = start_y, end_y
+ do k = start_z, end_z
+ ! Box to search is i,j,k
+ n_in_box = gc%box%count(i, j, k)
+ st = gc%box%start(i,j,k)
+ ! Loop to check how close all obs in the box are; add those that are close
+ do l = 1, n_in_box
+ t_ind = gc%box%obs_box(st - 1 + l)
+ ! print *, 'l, t_ind = ', l, t_ind
+ this_dist = xyz_get_dist(base_loc, loc_list(t_ind))
+ ! print *, 'this_dist = ', this_dist
+ ! If this obs' distance is less than current nearest, it's new nearest
+ if(this_dist <= dist) then
+ nearest = t_ind
+ dist = this_dist
+ if (rc < 0) rc = 0
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ if (nearest < 0) then
+ ! if we have searched the entire space, punt.
+ if (start_x == 1 .and. end_x == nx .and. &
+ start_y == 1 .and. end_y == ny .and. &
+ start_z == 1 .and. end_z == nz) return
+ ! repeat search with larger radius of boxes
+ goto 10
+ endif
+end subroutine find_nearest_boxes
+! end of location/threed_cartesian/xyz_location_mod.f90
+end module xyz_location_mod
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