[Dart-dev] [5920] DART/branches/development/observations/AIRS: Fix a major bug in the location of the moisture observations.

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Mon Nov 5 16:37:54 MST 2012

Revision: 5920
Author:   nancy
Date:     2012-11-05 16:37:53 -0700 (Mon, 05 Nov 2012)
Log Message:
Fix a major bug in the location of the moisture observations.
They are not at the levels like the temperature obs are; they
are an integrated quantity over the layers between the levels.
For now, make their location the midpoint between the levels,
where the midpoint is computed in log space.   also start the
moisture loop at the given lowest pressure level instead of
at 1 (unused levels were marked with a data value of -9999
so were unused anyway, but this shortens the loops).
finally, some cleanup - make all constants type _r8, label
some loops so 'exit loopname' can be used instead of plain 'exit',
and remove unused variables.

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/branches/development/observations/AIRS/airs_obs_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/development/observations/AIRS/airs_obs_mod.f90	2012-11-05 21:25:00 UTC (rev 5919)
+++ DART/branches/development/observations/AIRS/airs_obs_mod.f90	2012-11-05 23:37:53 UTC (rev 5920)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 logical :: DEBUG = .false.
-real(r8), parameter :: mb_to_Pa = 100.0  ! millibars to pascals
+real(r8), parameter :: mb_to_Pa = 100.0_r8  ! millibars to pascals
 ! the sizes of the Temperature arrays are:
@@ -112,16 +112,15 @@
 type(obs_type)          :: obs, prev_obs
 type(location_type)     :: obs_loc
-integer :: i, irow, icol, ivert, num_copies, num_qc
+integer :: i, irow, icol, ivert, num_copies, num_qc, istart
 integer :: days, seconds
 integer :: obs_num, temperature_top_index, humidity_top_index
 integer :: which_vert, tobstype, qobstype
-real(r4) :: speed, dir
 real(r8) :: olon, olat, vloc
 real(r8) :: obs_value, obs_var
 real(r8) :: tqc, qqc, latlon(3)
-real(r8) :: sintheta, costheta, dirvar, speedvar
+real(r8) :: midpres, log_lower, log_upper
 type(time_type) :: obs_time, base_time, pre_time, time
@@ -163,13 +162,13 @@
 ! to specific humidity here.  Original units: gm/kg - scale to kg/kg first.
 where (granule%H2OMMRStd > min_MMR_threshold) 
-   Q = (granule%H2OMMRStd / 1000.) / ( 1.0 + (granule%H2OMMRStd/1000.0))
+   Q = (granule%H2OMMRStd / 1000.0_r8) / ( 1.0_r8 + (granule%H2OMMRStd/1000.0_r8))
-   Q = 0.0
+   Q = 0.0_r8
 where (granule%H2OMMRStdErr > 0.0_r8) 
-   Q_err = (granule%H2OMMRStdErr / 1000.) / ( 1.0 + (granule%H2OMMRStdErr/1000.0))
+   Q_err = (granule%H2OMMRStdErr / 1000.0_r8) / ( 1.0_r8 + (granule%H2OMMRStdErr/1000.0_r8))
    Q_err = 0.0_r8   ! is this really ok?
@@ -178,21 +177,26 @@
 ! that is still below it in each profile.  that will be become the loop end.
 ! default to doing the whole column
 temperature_top_index = size(granule%pressStd)
-do i = 1, size(granule%pressStd)
+tloop: do i = 1, size(granule%pressStd)
    if (granule%pressStd(i) <= top_pressure_level) then
       temperature_top_index = i
-      exit
+      exit tloop
+enddo tloop
 if (DEBUG) print *, 'temp_top_index = ', temperature_top_index
-humidity_top_index = size(granule%pressH2O)
-do i = 1, size(granule%pressH2O)
+! temperature obs are on pressure levels.  moisture obs are the mean
+! of the layer bounded by the given pressure level below and the next 
+! higher layer above, so make sure we are always one level below the
+! top.  the loop further down will use i and i+1 as the bounding
+! levels for the moisture obs.
+humidity_top_index = size(granule%pressH2O) - 1
+mloop: do i = 1, size(granule%pressH2O)
    if (granule%pressH2O(i) <= top_pressure_level) then
-      humidity_top_index = i
-      exit
+      humidity_top_index = i - 1
+      exit mloop
+enddo mloop
 if (DEBUG) print *, 'humd_top_index = ', humidity_top_index
 !  loop over all observations within the file
@@ -204,7 +208,7 @@
 ! rows are along-track, stepping in the direction the satellite is moving
 rowloop:  do irow=1,AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK
-   ! if we're going to subset, we could cycle here
+   ! if we're going to subset rows, we will cycle here
    if (row_thin > 0) then
       if (modulo(irow, row_thin) /= 1) cycle rowloop
@@ -212,7 +216,7 @@
    ! columns are across-track, varying faster than rows.
    colloop:  do icol=1,AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK
-      ! if we're going to subset, ditto
+      ! if we're going to subset columns, ditto
       if (col_thin > 0) then
          if (modulo(icol, col_thin) /= 1) cycle colloop
@@ -255,6 +259,7 @@
          obs_var = granule%TAirStdErr(ivert, icol, irow) * &
                    granule%TAirStdErr(ivert, icol, irow)
+         ! temperature values are located directly at the pressure levels
          vloc = granule%pressStd(ivert) * mb_to_Pa
          call real_obs(num_copies, num_qc, obs, olon, olat, vloc, obs_value, &
@@ -280,7 +285,8 @@
       enddo vert_T_loop
-      vert_Q_loop:  do ivert=1,humidity_top_index
+      istart = granule%nSurfStd(icol, irow)
+      vert_Q_loop:  do ivert=istart,humidity_top_index
          if (granule%Qual_H2O(icol, irow) > 0) exit vert_Q_loop
@@ -290,12 +296,21 @@
          ! if original MMR data was -9999, that is apparently a missing val
-         if (granule%H2OMMRStd(ivert, irow, icol) == -9999.0_r8) cycle vert_Q_loop
+         if (granule%H2OMMRStd(ivert, icol, irow) == -9999.0_r8) cycle vert_Q_loop
          obs_value = Q(ivert, icol, irow)
          obs_var = Q_err(ivert, icol, irow) * Q_err(ivert, icol, irow)
-         vloc = granule%pressH2O(ivert) * mb_to_Pa
+         ! moisture obs are the mean of the layer with the bottom at
+         ! the given pressure.  compute the midpoint (in log space)
+         ! between this level and the level above it, and use that for
+         ! the moisture obs location.  see AIRS.html for more info on
+         ! layers vs levels.
+         log_lower = log(granule%pressH2O(ivert))
+         log_upper = log(granule%pressH2O(ivert+1))
+         midpres = exp((log_lower + log_upper) / 2.0_r8)
+         vloc = midpres * mb_to_Pa
          call real_obs(num_copies, num_qc, obs, olon, olat, vloc, obs_value, &
                        obs_var, qqc, AIRS_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY, which_vert, seconds, days)
@@ -490,6 +505,8 @@
    'H2OMMRStd (MMR)','real_obs_sequence')
 if (DEBUG) print *, 'first  row MMR', granule%H2OMMRStd(:, 1, 1)
 if (DEBUG) print *, 'second col MMR', granule%H2OMMRStd(:, 2, 1)
 if (DEBUG) print *, 'second col MMR', granule%H2OMMRStd(:, 1, 2)

Modified: DART/branches/development/observations/AIRS/convert_airs_L2.f90
--- DART/branches/development/observations/AIRS/convert_airs_L2.f90	2012-11-05 21:25:00 UTC (rev 5919)
+++ DART/branches/development/observations/AIRS/convert_airs_L2.f90	2012-11-05 23:37:53 UTC (rev 5920)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 type(airs_granule_type) :: granule
 type(obs_sequence_type) :: seq
-integer :: io, iunit, f, nfiles, index
+integer :: io, iunit, index
 ! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
 character(len=128), parameter :: &

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