[Dart-dev] [5658] DART/trunk/adaptive_inflate/adaptive_inflate_mod.f90: removed unnecessary pair of transposes when setting the initial
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Apr 6 11:25:29 MDT 2012
Revision: 5658
Author: nancy
Date: 2012-04-06 11:25:29 -0600 (Fri, 06 Apr 2012)
Log Message:
removed unnecessary pair of transposes when setting the initial
inflation values from the namelist. moved the diagnostic prints
to the end of the routine so it prints out the correct values
even when read in from restart files. added new message to
print out min/max values if read in from file.
Modified Paths:
Property Changed:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/adaptive_inflate/adaptive_inflate_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/adaptive_inflate/adaptive_inflate_mod.f90 2012-04-06 17:18:08 UTC (rev 5657)
+++ DART/trunk/adaptive_inflate/adaptive_inflate_mod.f90 2012-04-06 17:25:29 UTC (rev 5658)
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, get_time, set_time
use utilities_mod, only : file_exist, get_unit, register_module, &
error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG
-use random_seq_mod, only : random_seq_type, random_gaussian, init_random_seq, &
- random_uniform
+use random_seq_mod, only : random_seq_type, random_gaussian, init_random_seq
use ensemble_manager_mod, only : ensemble_type, all_vars_to_all_copies, all_copies_to_all_vars, &
- read_ensemble_restart, write_ensemble_restart
+ read_ensemble_restart, write_ensemble_restart, get_copy_owner_index
+use mpi_utilities_mod, only : my_task_id, send_to, receive_from
implicit none
@@ -92,50 +92,20 @@
character(len = *), intent(in) :: label
character(len = 128) :: det, tadapt, sadapt, akind, rsread, nmread
-integer :: restart_unit, io
+integer :: restart_unit, io, owner, owners_index
+real(r8) :: minmax_mean(2), minmax_sd(2)
-! Write to log file what kind of inflation is being used.
-if(deterministic) then
- det = 'deterministic,'
- det = 'random-noise,'
+! Record the module version if this is first initialize call
+if(.not. initialized) then
+ initialized = .true.
+ call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
+ ! If non-deterministic inflation is being done, need to initialize random sequence.
+ ! use the task id number (plus 1 since they start at 0) to set the initial seed.
+ ! NOTE: non-deterministic inflation does NOT reproduce as process count is varied!
+ if(.not. deterministic) call init_random_seq(inflate_handle%ran_seq, my_task_id()+1)
-if (sd_initial > inf_lower_bound) then
- det = trim(det) // ' covariance adaptive,'
-if (inf_lower_bound < 1.0_r8) then
- det = trim(det) // ' deflation permitted,'
-if (sd_initial > 0.0_r8) then
- tadapt = ' time-adaptive,'
- tadapt = ' time-constant,'
-select case(inf_flavor)
- case (0)
- det = ''
- tadapt = ''
- sadapt = ''
- akind = 'None '
- case (1)
- sadapt = ''
- akind = ' observation-space'
- case (2)
- sadapt = ' spatially-varying,'
- akind = ' state-space '
- case (3)
- sadapt = ' spatially-constant,'
- akind = ' state-space'
- case default
- write(errstring, *) 'Illegal inflation value for ', label
- call error_handler(E_ERR, 'adaptive_inflate_init', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
-end select
-! say in plain english what kind of inflation was selected.
-write(errstring, '(4A)') &
- trim(det), trim(tadapt), trim(sadapt), trim(akind)
-call error_handler(E_MSG, trim(label) // ' inflation:', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
! more information for users to document what they selected in the nml:
! if flavor > 0, look at read_from_restart for both mean and sd.
! print the actual value used if from namelist, or say
@@ -183,22 +153,17 @@
! Set obs_diag unit to -1 indicating it has not been opened yet
inflate_handle%obs_diag_unit = -1
-! Record the module version if this is first initialize call
-if(.not. initialized) then
- initialized = .true.
- call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
-! If non-deterministic inflation is being done, need to initialize random sequence
-! NOTE: non-deterministic inflation does NOT reproduce as process count is varied!
-if(.not. deterministic) call init_random_seq(inflate_handle%ran_seq)
! Cannot support non-determistic inflation and an inf_lower_bound < 1
if(.not. deterministic .and. inf_lower_bound < 1.0_r8) then
write(errstring, *) 'Cannot have non-deterministic inflation and inf_lower_bound < 1'
call error_handler(E_ERR, 'adaptive_inflate_init', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+! give this an initial value which defaults to time-constant inflation
+! change it below if the value(s) are > 0
+minmax_mean(:) = 0.0_r8
+minmax_sd(:) = 0.0_r8
!------ Block for state space inflation initialization ------
! Types 2 and 3 are state space inflation types
@@ -214,9 +179,16 @@
errstring, source, revision, revdate)
- ! Read in initial values from file OR get from subroutine arguments
+ ! set this, and then below if sd values are from a file, compute them
+ ! and send the value to PE0 if not already there.
+ minmax_sd = sd_initial
+ ! Read in initial values from file OR get from namelist arguments
! If either mean, sd, or both are to be read from the restart file, read them in.
- ! Then test to see if either are to be overwritten, and do it.
+ ! There is no option to read only one; to get either you have to read both.
+ ! If one is to be set from the namelist, it gets overwritten in the block below
+ ! this one.
if(mean_from_restart .or. sd_from_restart) then
! the .true. below is 'start_from_restart', which tells the read routine to
! read in the full number of ensemble members requested (as opposed to reading
@@ -224,21 +196,81 @@
call read_ensemble_restart(ens_handle, ss_inflate_index, ss_inflate_sd_index, &
.true., in_file_name, force_single_file = .true.)
- ! If one or both are false, we need to transpose and then set the values
+ ! Now, if one or both values come from the namelist (i.e. is a single static
+ ! value), write or overwrite the arrays here.
if (.not. mean_from_restart .or. .not. sd_from_restart) then
- ! Get initial values from higher level; requires pe's to have all copies of some vars
- call all_vars_to_all_copies(ens_handle)
- if (.not. mean_from_restart) ens_handle%copies(ss_inflate_index, :) = inf_initial
- if (.not. sd_from_restart) ens_handle%copies(ss_inflate_sd_index, :) = sd_initial
- call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle)
+ ! original code required an expensive transpose which is not necessary.
+ ! if setting initial values from the namelist, find out which task has the
+ ! inflation and inf sd values and set them only on that task. this saves us
+ ! a transpose.
+ if (.not. mean_from_restart) then
+ call get_copy_owner_index(ss_inflate_index, owner, owners_index)
+ if (owner == my_task_id()) ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index) = inf_initial
+ endif
+ if (.not. sd_from_restart) then
+ call get_copy_owner_index(ss_inflate_sd_index, owner, owners_index)
+ if (owner == my_task_id()) ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index) = sd_initial
+ endif
+ ! this block figures out what the min/max value of the mean/sd is
+ ! if we are reading in the values from a restart file. it is used
+ ! in diagnostic output so it needs to get to PE0. we also could check it
+ ! against the limits in the namelist to be sure the file values aren't
+ ! already outside the requested limits. (not sure that's necessary -
+ ! depends on when the code that changes the values imposes the limits.)
+ if (mean_from_restart) then
+ call get_copy_owner_index(ss_inflate_index, owner, owners_index)
+ ! if inflation array is already on PE0, just figure out the
+ ! largest value in the array and we're done.
+ if (owner == 0) then
+ minmax_mean(1) = minval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ minmax_mean(2) = maxval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ else
+ ! someone else has the inf array. have the owner send the min/max
+ ! values to PE0. after this point only PE0 has the right value
+ ! in minmax_mean, but it is the only one who is going to print below.
+ if (my_task_id() == 0) then
+ call receive_from(owner, minmax_mean)
+ else if (my_task_id() == owner) then
+ minmax_mean(1) = minval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ minmax_mean(2) = maxval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ call send_to(0, minmax_mean)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (sd_from_restart) then
+ call get_copy_owner_index(ss_inflate_sd_index, owner, owners_index)
+ ! if inflation sd array is already on PE0, just figure out the
+ ! largest value in the array and we're done.
+ if (owner == 0) then
+ minmax_sd(1) = minval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ minmax_sd(2) = maxval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ else
+ ! someone else has the sd array. have the owner send the min/max
+ ! values to PE0. after this point only PE0 has the right value
+ ! in minmax_sd, but it is the only one who is going to print below.
+ if (my_task_id() == 0) then
+ call receive_from(owner, minmax_sd)
+ else if (my_task_id() == owner) then
+ minmax_sd(1) = minval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ minmax_sd(2) = maxval(ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index))
+ call send_to(0, minmax_sd)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
! Inflation type 3 is spatially-constant. Make sure the entire array is set to that
- ! value; the computation only uses index 1, but the diagnostics write out the entire
- ! array and it will be misleading if not constant.
+ ! value. the computation only uses index 1, but the diagnostics write out the entire
+ ! array and it will be misleading if not constant. the inf values were set above.
+ ! if they were set by namelist, this code changes nothing. but if they were read in
+ ! from a file, then it is possible the values vary across the array. these lines
+ ! ensure the entire array contains a single constant value to match what the code uses.
if(inf_flavor == 3) then
- ens_handle%copies(ss_inflate_index, :) = ens_handle%copies(ss_inflate_index, 1)
- ens_handle%copies(ss_inflate_sd_index, :) = ens_handle%copies(ss_inflate_sd_index, 1)
+ call get_copy_owner_index(ss_inflate_index, owner, owners_index)
+ if (owner == my_task_id()) ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index) = ens_handle%vars(1, owners_index)
+ call get_copy_owner_index(ss_inflate_sd_index, owner, owners_index)
+ if (owner == my_task_id()) ens_handle%vars(:, owners_index) = ens_handle%vars(1, owners_index)
!------ Block for obs. space inflation initialization ------
@@ -247,7 +279,7 @@
else if(inf_flavor == 1) then
! Initialize observation space inflation values from restart files
- ! Only values are inflation, inflation_sd
+ ! Only single values for inflation, inflation_sd (not arrays)
if(mean_from_restart .or. sd_from_restart) then
! Open the file
restart_unit = get_unit()
@@ -274,6 +306,64 @@
+! Write to log file what kind of inflation is being used.
+! This used to be at the start, but if you are starting from a restart
+! file then you can't tell what sd values are being read in until here.
+if(deterministic) then
+ det = 'deterministic,'
+ det = 'random-noise,'
+if (inflate_handle%sd_lower_bound > inf_lower_bound) then
+ det = trim(det) // ' covariance adaptive,'
+if (inflate_handle%inf_lower_bound < 1.0_r8) then
+ det = trim(det) // ' deflation permitted,'
+if (minmax_sd(2) > 0.0_r8) then
+ tadapt = ' time-adaptive,'
+ tadapt = ' time-constant,'
+select case(inf_flavor)
+ case (0)
+ det = ''
+ tadapt = ''
+ sadapt = ''
+ akind = 'None '
+ case (1)
+ sadapt = ''
+ akind = ' observation-space'
+ case (2)
+ sadapt = ' spatially-varying,'
+ akind = ' state-space '
+ case (3)
+ sadapt = ' spatially-constant,'
+ akind = ' state-space'
+ case default
+ write(errstring, *) 'Illegal inflation value for ', label
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'adaptive_inflate_init', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+end select
+! say in plain english what kind of inflation was selected.
+write(errstring, '(4A)') &
+ trim(det), trim(tadapt), trim(sadapt), trim(akind)
+call error_handler(E_MSG, trim(label) // ' inflation:', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+if (inf_flavor > 0) then
+ if (mean_from_restart) then
+ write(errstring, '(A, F8.3, A, F8.3)') &
+ 'inf mean from restart file: min value: ', minmax_mean(1), ' max value: ', minmax_mean(2)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, trim(label) // ' inflation:', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
+ if (sd_from_restart) then
+ write(errstring, '(A, F8.3, A, F8.3)') &
+ 'inf stddev from restart file: min value: ', minmax_sd(1), ' max value: ', minmax_sd(2)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, trim(label) // ' inflation:', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
end subroutine adaptive_inflate_init
Property changes on: DART/trunk/adaptive_inflate/adaptive_inflate_mod.f90
Added: svn:mergeinfo
+ /DART/branches/development/adaptive_inflate/adaptive_inflate_mod.f90:4680-5657
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