[Dart-dev] [4950] DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.html: Apparently we never had a doc page for the GPS forward operators?
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Mon Jun 6 14:54:17 MDT 2011
Revision: 4950
Author: nancy
Date: 2011-06-06 14:54:17 -0600 (Mon, 06 Jun 2011)
Log Message:
Apparently we never had a doc page for the GPS forward operators?
I made one. It has all the public interfaces, but sometime it
could use more detail and docs of the internal subroutines.
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--- DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.html (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.html 2011-06-06 20:54:17 UTC (rev 4950)
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+<TITLE>module obs_def_gps_mod</TITLE>
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+<A NAME="TOP"></A>
+<H1>MODULE <em class=program>obs_def_gps_mod</em></H1>
+<table border=0 summary="" cellpadding=5>
+ <td valign=middle>
+ <img src="../doc/html/Dartboard9.png" alt="DART project logo" height=70 />
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <P>Jump to <a href="../index.html">DART Documentation Main Index</a><br />
+ <small><small>version information for this file: <br />
+ <!-- version tag follows, do not edit -->
+ $Id$</small></small>
+ </P></td>
+<A HREF="#Interface">INTERFACES</A> /
+<A HREF="#Namelist">NAMELIST</A> /
+<A HREF="#FilesUsed">FILES</A> /
+<A HREF="#References">REFERENCES</A> /
+<A HREF="#Errors">ERRORS</A> /
+<A HREF="#FuturePlans">PLANS</A> /
+<A HREF="#PrivateComponents">PRIVATE COMPONENTS</A> /
+<A HREF="#Legalese">TERMS OF USE</A>
+DART GPS Radio Occultation observation module, including the observation operators for both
+local and non-local refractivity computations.
+Author and Contact information:
+<LI>GPS Science: Hui Liu, hliu at ncar.edu</LI>
+<LI>DART Code: Nancy Collins, nancy at ucar.edu</LI>
+<!--=================== DESCRIPTION OF A NAMELIST ===================-->
+<A NAME="Namelist"></A>
+<P>By default this namelist is NOT enabled. The maximum number of
+GPS observations supported is compiled into the code. To enable
+this namelist so the maximum can be set at runtime, edit the
+source code and remove the comments around the reading in of
+the namelist, and recompile.
+We adhere to the F90 standard of starting a namelist with an ampersand
+'&' and terminating with a slash '/' for all our namelist input.
+<div class=namelist>
+namelist /obs_def_gps_nml/ &
+ max_gpsro_obs
+<div class=indent1>
+<!-- Description -->
+This namelist is read in a file called <em class=file>input.nml</em>
+ max_gpsro_obs = 100000
+<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=3 width=100%>
+<TR><TH align=left>Contents </TH>
+ <TH align=left>Type </TH>
+ <TH align=left>Description </TH></TR>
+<TR><!--contents--><TD valign=top>max_gpsro_obs</TD>
+ <!-- type --><TD valign=top>integer</TD>
+ <!--descript--><TD>
+The maximum number of GPS refractivity observations supported
+for a single execution. Generally the default will be sufficient
+for a single run of filter, but not enough for a long diagnostics
+run to produce a time series. Defaults to 100000.
+ </TD></TR>
+<A NAME="OtherModulesUsed"></A>
+location_mod (threed_sphere)
+<!-- Declare all public entities ... -->
+<!-- duplicate public routines template as many times as necessary -->
+<!-- make sure you replace all yyyroutine?? strings -->
+<!--Note to authors. The first row of the table is different. -->
+<A NAME="Interface"></A>
+<TR><TD><em class=call>use obs_def_gps_mod, only : </em></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="read_gpsro_ref">read_gpsro_ref</A></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD> </TD><TD><A HREF="write_gpsro_ref">write_gpsro_ref</A></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD> </TD><TD><A HREF="get_expected_gpsro_ref">get_expected_gpsro_ref</A></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD> </TD><TD><A HREF="interactive_gpsro_ref">interactive_gpsro_ref</A></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD> </TD><TD><A HREF="set_gpsro_ref">set_gpsro_ref</A></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD> </TD><TD><A HREF="get_gpsro_ref">get_gpsro_ref</A></TD></TR>
+Namelist interface
+<A HREF="#Namelist"> <em class=code>&obs_def_gps_nml</em> </A>
+is read from file <em class=file>input.nml</em>.
+ A note about documentation style.
+ Optional arguments are enclosed in brackets
+ <em class=optionalcode>[like this]</em>.
+<!--===================== DESCRIPTION OF A ROUTINE =====================-->
+<A NAME="read_gpsro_ref"></A>
+<div class=routine>
+<em class=call> call read_gpsro_ref(gpskey, ifile,
+ <em class=optionalcode>[, fform]</em>) </em>
+integer, intent(out) :: <em class=code>gpskey</em>
+integer, intent(in) :: <em class=code>ifile</em>
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: <em class=optionalcode>fform</em>
+<div class=indent1>
+<!-- Description -->
+Refractivity observations have several items of auxiliary data to read or write.
+This routine reads in the data for the next observation and returns
+the private GPS key index number that identifies the auxiliary data
+for this observation.
+<TABLE width=100% border=0 summary="" cellpadding=3>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>gpskey </em></TD>
+ <TD>GPS key number returned to the caller.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>ifile</em></TD>
+ <TD>Open file unit number to read from.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=optionalcode>fform</em></TD>
+ <TD>If specified, indicate whether the file was opened
+ formatted or unformatted. Default is 'formatted'.</TD></TR>
+<!--===================== DESCRIPTION OF A ROUTINE =====================-->
+<A NAME="write_gpsro_ref"></A>
+<div class=routine>
+<em class=call> call write_gpsro_ref(gpskey, ifile,
+ <em class=optionalcode>[, fform]</em>) </em>
+integer, intent(in) :: <em class=code>gpskey</em>
+integer, intent(in) :: <em class=code>ifile</em>
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: <em class=optionalcode>fform</em>
+<div class=indent1>
+<!-- Description -->
+Refractivity observations have several items of auxiliary data to read or write.
+This routine writes out the auxiliary data for the specified observation to the
+file unit given.
+<TABLE width=100% border=0 summary="" cellpadding=3>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>gpskey </em></TD>
+ <TD>GPS key number identifying which observation to write aux data for.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>ifile</em></TD>
+ <TD>Open file unit number to write to.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=optionalcode>fform</em></TD>
+ <TD>If specified, indicate whether the file was opened
+ formatted or unformatted. Default is 'formatted'.</TD></TR>
+<!--===================== DESCRIPTION OF A ROUTINE =====================-->
+<A NAME="get_expected_gpsro_ref"></A>
+<div class=routine>
+<em class=call> call get_expected_gpsro_ref(state_vector, location, gpskey, ro_ref, istatus)</em>
+real(r8), intent(in) :: <em class=code>state_vector(:)</em>
+type(location_type), intent(in) :: <em class=code>location</em>
+integer, intent(in) :: <em class=code>gpskey</em>
+real(r8), intent(out) :: <em class=code>ro_ref</em>
+integer, intent(out) :: <em class=code>istatus</em>
+<div class=indent1>
+<!-- Description -->
+Given a location and the state vector from one of the ensemble members,
+compute the model-predicted GPS refractivity that would be observed
+at that location. There are two types of operators:
+modeled <em>local</em> refractivity (N-1)*1.0e6 or
+<em>non_local</em> refractivity (excess phase, m)
+The type is indicated in the auxiliary information for each
+<TABLE width=100% border=0 summary="" cellpadding=3>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>state_vector </em></TD>
+ <TD>A one dimensional representation of the model state vector</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>location</em></TD>
+ <TD>Location of this observation</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>gpskey</em></TD>
+ <TD>Integer key identifying which GPS observation this is, so the
+ correct corresponding auxiliary information can be accessed.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>ro_ref</em></TD>
+ <TD>The returned GPS refractivity value</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>istatus</em></TD>
+ <TD>Returned integer status code describing problems with applying
+ forward operator. 0 is a good value; any positive value
+ indicates an error; negative values are reserved for
+ internal DART use only.</TD></TR>
+<!--===================== DESCRIPTION OF A ROUTINE =====================-->
+<A NAME="interactive_gpsro_ref"></A>
+<div class=routine>
+<em class=call> call interactive_gpsro_ref(gpskey) </em>
+integer, intent(out) :: <em class=code>gpskey</em>
+<div class=indent1>
+<!-- Description -->
+Prompts the user for the auxiliary information needed for a GPS
+refractivity observation, and returns the new key associated with this data.
+<TABLE width=100% border=0 summary="" cellpadding=3>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>gpskey </em></TD>
+ <TD>Unique identifier associated with this GPS refractivity
+ observation. In this code it is an integer index into module
+ local arrays which hold the additional data. This routine returns
+ the incremented value associated with this data.</TD></TR>
+<!--===================== DESCRIPTION OF A ROUTINE =====================-->
+<A NAME="set_gpsro_ref"></A>
+<div class=routine>
+<em class=call> call set_gpsro_ref(gpskey, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)</em>
+integer, intent(out) :: <em class=code>gpskey</em>
+real(r8), intent(in) :: <em class=code>nx</em>
+real(r8), intent(in) :: <em class=code>ny</em>
+real(r8), intent(in) :: <em class=code>nz</em>
+real(r8), intent(in) :: <em class=code>rfict0</em>
+real(r8), intent(in) :: <em class=code>ds</em>
+real(r8), intent(in) :: <em class=code>htop</em>
+character(len=6), intent(in) :: <em class=code>subset0</em>
+<div class=indent1>
+<!-- Description -->
+Sets the auxiliary information associated with a GPS refractivity
+observation. This routine increments and returns the new key associated
+with these values.
+<TABLE width=100% border=0 summary="" cellpadding=3>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>gpskey</em></TD>
+ <TD>Unique identifier associated with this GPS refractivity
+ observation. In this code it is an integer index into module
+ local arrays which hold the additional data. This routine returns
+ the incremented value associated with this data.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>nx</em></TD>
+ <TD>X component of direction of ray between the
+ LEO (detector) satellite and the GPS transmitter satellite
+ at the tangent point.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>ny</em></TD>
+ <TD>Y component of tangent ray.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>nz</em></TD>
+ <TD>Z component of tangent ray.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>rfict0</em></TD>
+ <TD>Local curvature radius (meters).</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>ds</em></TD>
+ <TD>Delta S, increment to move along the ray in each direction
+ when integrating the non-local operator (meters).</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>htop</em></TD>
+ <TD>Elevation (in meters) where integration stops along
+ the ray.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>subset0</em></TD>
+ <TD>The string 'GPSREF' for the local operator (refractivity computed
+ only at the tangent point), or 'GPSEXC' for the non-local operator
+ which computes excess phase along the ray.</TD></TR>
+<!--===================== DESCRIPTION OF A ROUTINE =====================-->
+<A NAME="get_gpsro_ref"></A>
+<div class=routine>
+<em class=call> call get_gpsro_ref(gpskey, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)</em>
+integer, intent(in) :: <em class=code>gpskey</em>
+real(r8), intent(out) :: <em class=code>nx</em>
+real(r8), intent(out) :: <em class=code>ny</em>
+real(r8), intent(out) :: <em class=code>nz</em>
+real(r8), intent(out) :: <em class=code>rfict0</em>
+real(r8), intent(out) :: <em class=code>ds</em>
+real(r8), intent(out) :: <em class=code>htop</em>
+character(len=6), intent(out) :: <em class=code>subset0</em>
+<div class=indent1>
+<!-- Description -->
+Gets the auxiliary information associated with a GPS refractivity
+observation, based on the GPS key number specified.
+<TABLE width=100% border=0 summary="" cellpadding=3>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>gpskey</em></TD>
+ <TD>Unique identifier associated with this GPS refractivity
+ observation. In this code it is an integer index into module
+ local arrays which hold the additional data. The value specified
+ selects which observation to return data for.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>nx</em></TD>
+ <TD>X component of direction of ray between the
+ LEO (detector) satellite and the GPS transmitter satellite
+ at the tangent point.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>ny</em></TD>
+ <TD>Y component of tangent ray.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>nz</em></TD>
+ <TD>Z component of tangent ray.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>rfict0</em></TD>
+ <TD>Local curvature radius (meters).</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>ds</em></TD>
+ <TD>Delta S, increment to move along the ray in each direction
+ when integrating the non-local operator (meters).</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>htop</em></TD>
+ <TD>Elevation (in meters) where integration stops along
+ the ray.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top><em class=code>subset0</em></TD>
+ <TD>The string 'GPSREF' for the local operator (refractivity computed
+ only at the tangent point), or 'GPSEXC' for the non-local operator
+ which computes excess phase along the ray.</TD></TR>
+<!-- Describe the Files Used by this module. -->
+<A NAME="FilesUsed"></A>
+<UL><LI>A DART observation sequence file containing GPS obs.
+<!-- Cite references, if need be. -->
+<A NAME="References"></A>
+<LI>Assimilation of GPS Radio Occultation Data for Numerical Weather
+Prediction, Kuo,Y.H., Sokolovskiy,S.V., Anthes,R.A., Vendenberghe,F.,
+Terrestrial Atm and Ocn Sciences, Vol 11, pp157-186, 2000.
+<!-- Describe all the error conditions and codes. -->
+<A NAME="Errors"></A>
+<div class=errors>
+<TABLE border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=10 width=100%>
+<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>initialize_module</TD>
+ <!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>initial allocation failed for gps observation data,
+ itemcount = (max_gpsro_obs)</TD>
+ <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>Need to increase max_gpsro_obs count in namelist</TD>
+<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>gpskey_out_of_range</TD>
+ <!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>gpskey (key#) exceeds max_radial_gps_obs (maxval)</TD>
+ <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>The number of GPS observations exceeds
+ the array size allocated in the module.
+ Need to increase max_gpsro_obs count in namelist.</TD>
+<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>read_gpsro_ref</TD>
+ <!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>Expected header 'gpsroref' in input file</TD>
+ <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>The format of the input obs_seq file is not consistent.</TD>
+<TR><!-- routine --><TD VALIGN=top>get_expected_gpsro_ref</TD>
+ <!-- message --><TD VALIGN=top>vertical location must be height; gps obs key #</TD>
+ <!-- comment --><TD VALIGN=top>GPS observations must have vertical coordinates of height</TD>
+none at this time
+<!-- Describe Future Plans. -->
+<A NAME="FuturePlans"></A>
+The current code first bins the very densely-sampled vertical profile into
+200 bins, and then interpolates the requested vertical location from that.
+The original profiles have been plotted and are smooth; there appears to be
+no need to pre-bin the ata.
+The local operator needs no additional auxiliary data. The observation
+files would be much smaller if the local operator observation was a separate
+type without aux data, and only the non-local operator observation types would
+need the ray direction, the curvature, etc.
+<!-- Legalese & Metadata -->
+<A NAME="Legalese"></A>
+<H2>Terms of Use</H2>
+DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR.<br>
+This open source software is provided by UCAR, "as is",<br>
+without charge, subject to all terms of use at<br>
+<a href="http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download">
+<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% summary="">
+<TR><TD valign=top>Contact: </TD><TD> Nancy Collins, David Dowell, Jeff Anderson </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Revision: </TD><TD> $Revision$ </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Source: </TD><TD> $URL$ </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Change Date: </TD><TD> $Date$ </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Change history: </TD><TD> try "svn log" or "svn diff" </TD></TR>
Property changes on: DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.html
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+ native
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