[Dart-dev] [4649] DART/trunk/time_manager/time_manager_mod.f90: Added SOLAR_MARS as a separate calendar type, code from Christopher Lee,
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 11 16:01:14 MST 2011
Revision: 4649
Author: nancy
Date: 2011-01-11 16:01:14 -0700 (Tue, 11 Jan 2011)
Log Message:
Added SOLAR_MARS as a separate calendar type, code from Christopher Lee,
JPL/Ashima Research. Will be used for WRF/Mars soon-to-be released code.
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Modified: DART/trunk/time_manager/time_manager_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/time_manager/time_manager_mod.f90 2011-01-11 22:53:21 UTC (rev 4648)
+++ DART/trunk/time_manager/time_manager_mod.f90 2011-01-11 23:01:14 UTC (rev 4649)
@@ -54,34 +54,35 @@
! List of available calendar types
! Subroutines and functions involving relations between time and calendar
public :: set_calendar_type, get_calendar_type, get_calendar_string
public :: set_date, set_date_gregorian, set_date_julian, &
set_date_thirty, set_date_no_leap, &
- set_date_gregorian_mars
+ set_date_gregorian_mars, set_date_solar_mars
public :: get_date, get_date_gregorian, get_date_julian, &
get_date_thirty, get_date_no_leap, &
- get_date_gregorian_mars
+ get_date_gregorian_mars, get_date_solar_mars
public :: increment_date, increment_gregorian, increment_julian, &
increment_thirty, increment_no_leap, &
- increment_gregorian_mars
+ increment_gregorian_mars, increment_solar_mars
public :: decrement_date, decrement_gregorian, decrement_julian, &
decrement_thirty, decrement_no_leap, &
- decrement_gregorian_mars
+ decrement_gregorian_mars, decrement_solar_mars
public :: days_in_month, days_in_month_gregorian, days_in_month_julian, &
days_in_month_no_leap, days_in_month_thirty, &
- days_in_month_gregorian_mars
+ days_in_month_gregorian_mars, days_in_month_solar_mars
public :: leap_year, leap_year_gregorian, leap_year_julian, &
leap_year_no_leap, leap_year_thirty, &
- leap_year_gregorian_mars
+ leap_year_gregorian_mars, leap_year_solar_mars
public :: length_of_year, length_of_year_thirty, length_of_year_julian, &
length_of_year_gregorian, length_of_year_no_leap, &
- length_of_year_gregorian_mars
+ length_of_year_gregorian_mars, length_of_year_solar_mars
public :: days_in_year, days_in_year_thirty, days_in_year_julian, &
days_in_year_gregorian, days_in_year_no_leap, &
- days_in_year_gregorian_mars
+ days_in_year_gregorian_mars, days_in_year_solar_mars
public :: month_name
public :: julian_day
@@ -99,10 +100,11 @@
! Global data to define calendar type
integer, parameter :: THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS = 1, JULIAN = 2, &
! FIXME: should be a namelist to select default calendar. make no calendar the
! default for now
-integer, private :: calendar_type = NO_CALENDAR, max_type = 5
+integer, private :: calendar_type = NO_CALENDAR, max_type = 6
! Define number of days per month
integer, private :: days_per_month(12) = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
@@ -779,6 +781,10 @@
calendar_type = GREGORIAN_MARS
found_calendar = .true.
exit WhichCalendar
+ elseif ( cstring == 'SOLAR_MARS' ) then
+ calendar_type = SOLAR_MARS
+ found_calendar = .true.
+ exit WhichCalendar
elseif ( cstring == 'GREGORIAN' ) then
calendar_type = GREGORIAN
found_calendar = .true.
@@ -833,6 +839,7 @@
if (calendar_type == GREGORIAN) mystring = 'GREGORIAN'
if (calendar_type == NO_CALENDAR) mystring = 'NO_CALENDAR'
if (calendar_type == GREGORIAN_MARS) mystring = 'GREGORIAN_MARS'
+ if (calendar_type == SOLAR_MARS) mystring = 'SOLAR_MARS'
if (calendar_type == THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) mystring = 'THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS'
@@ -874,6 +881,9 @@
! NOTE: "month" has no meaning in Mars calendar
call get_date_gregorian_mars(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
+ ! NOTE: "month" has no meaning in Mars calendar
+ call get_date_solar_mars(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
case default
write(errstring,*)'type is ',calendar_type,' must be one of ', &
@@ -1147,6 +1157,64 @@
end subroutine get_date_gregorian_mars
+subroutine get_date_solar_mars(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
+! Computes date corresponding to time for solar MARS calendar
+! wgl - we need this to easily map from MarsWRF calendar to time_type
+! NOTE :: "month" has no meaning for the Mars calendar
+! ALSO :: the first day of the year is day 1, not 0
+! PlanetWRF wrfout files follow :: YYYY-DDDDD_HH:MM:SS
+! CL New method uses Mars Solar Date with no concept of 'year' in the date string
+! The year still starts on day 1
+! year is always 1
+implicit none
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
+integer, intent(out) :: second, minute, hour, day, month, year
+integer :: t
+integer :: num_days, iyear, days_this_year
+! "base_year" for Mars will be defined as 1 (earliest wrfout file has year = 1)
+integer, parameter :: base_year= 1
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+year = 1
+num_days = time%days
+111 continue
+! No need to deal with months on Mars -- make it 1 by default so that other
+! functions do not break (like print_date and month_name)
+month = 1
+! Need to add 1 because Mars has NO day 0
+day = num_days + 1
+!cl Time here corresponds to Martian Local Mean Solar Time (LMST), which is what the model
+!cl uses without telling anybody. Essentially, we assume that the Sun 'moves' at a constant
+!cl rate across the sky, completing a circle in 24 Mars hours, and we arbitrarily split the
+!cl Mars hour into 3600 Mars seconds, which correspons to roughly 1.02 SI seconds
+!cl Inside WRF, Mars delta seconds are converted to SI delta seconds, and the Mars LMST
+!cl is used to calculate the position of the sun either as (LMST)*360/24 or (LTST)*360/24. where
+!cl LTST is Local True Solar Time, accounting for variable Solar day length
+!cl with orbit (Equation Of Time).
+! Find hour,minute and second
+t = time%seconds
+hour = t / (60 * 60)
+t = t - hour * (60 * 60)
+minute = t / 60
+second = t - 60 * minute
+end subroutine get_date_solar_mars
! END OF get_date BLOCK
@@ -1186,9 +1254,11 @@
set_date = set_date_no_leap(year, month, day, ohours, ominutes, oseconds)
set_date = set_date_gregorian_mars(year, month, day, ohours, ominutes, oseconds)
+ set_date = set_date_solar_mars(year, month, day, ohours, ominutes, oseconds)
case default
write(errstring,*)'type is ',calendar_type,' must be one of ', &
call error_handler(E_ERR,'set_date',errstring,source,revision,revdate)
end select
end function set_date
@@ -1484,7 +1554,65 @@
end function set_date_gregorian_mars
+function set_date_solar_mars(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
+! Computes time corresponding to date for gregorian MARS calendar.
+! wgl - we need this to easily map from MarsWRF calendar to time_type
+! NOTE :: "month" has no meaning for the Mars calendar
+! ALSO :: the first day of the year is day 1, not 0
+! PlanetWRF wrfout files follow :: YYYY-DDDDD_HH:MM:SS
+!cl number of days in year is now 100000, and there can only be 1 year.
+!cl valid until 2050 Earth date, by which time WRF will not be used.
+implicit none
+integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day
+integer, intent(in), optional :: hours, minutes, seconds
+type(time_type) :: set_date_solar_mars
+integer :: oseconds, ominutes, ohours
+! "base_year" for Mars will be defined as 1 (earliest wrfout file has year = 1)
+integer :: base_year = 1
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+! Missing optionals are set to 0
+oseconds = 0; if(present(seconds)) oseconds = seconds
+ominutes = 0; if(present(minutes)) ominutes = minutes
+ohours = 0; if(present(hours )) ohours = hours
+! Need to check for bogus dates
+! Do not bother checking month bounds because it has no meaning (though it should
+! be set to 1)
+if( oseconds > 59 .or. oseconds < 0 .or. &
+ ominutes > 59 .or. ominutes < 0 .or. &
+ ohours > 23 .or. ohours < 0 .or. &
+ day < 1 .or. &
+ year < base_year) then
+ write(errstring,'(''year,mon,day,hour,min,sec'',6(1x,i4),'' not a valid date.'')') &
+ year,month,day,ohours,ominutes,oseconds
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'set_date_solar_mars',errstring,source,revision,revdate)
+! Month has no meaning for Mars calendar
+! Currently there is no leap year defined for Mars
+set_date_solar_mars%seconds = oseconds + 60*(ominutes + 60 * ohours)
+!cl set_date_solar_mars%days = day - 1 + 669*(year - base_year)
+!cl number of days in year changed to 100000 to allow MSD orbital calculation
+!cl to allow simpler interface between data and model in the assimilation
+set_date_solar_mars%days = day - 1 !this is always 0 -> + 100000*(year - base_year)
+end function set_date_solar_mars
! END OF set_date BLOCK
@@ -1536,6 +1664,9 @@
increment_date = increment_gregorian_mars(time, oyears, omonths, odays, &
ohours, ominutes, oseconds)
+ increment_date = increment_solar_mars(time, oyears, omonths, odays, &
+ ohours, ominutes, oseconds)
case default
write(errstring,*)'calendar type (',calendar_type,') must be one of ', &
@@ -1834,8 +1965,30 @@
end function increment_gregorian_mars
+function increment_solar_mars(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
+! Given time and some date increment, computes new time for gregorian MARS calendar.
+implicit none
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
+integer, intent(in), optional :: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years
+type(time_type) :: increment_solar_mars
+!integer :: oseconds, ominutes, ohours, odays, omonths, oyears
+!integer :: csecond, cminute, chour, cday, cmonth, cyear
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+call error_handler(E_ERR,'increment_solar_mars','not implemented',source,revision,revdate)
+! FIXME: set a return value to avoid compiler warnings
+increment_solar_mars = time
+end function increment_solar_mars
! END OF increment_date BLOCK
@@ -1887,6 +2040,9 @@
decrement_date = decrement_gregorian_mars(time, oyears, omonths, odays, &
ohours, ominutes, oseconds)
+ decrement_date = decrement_solar_mars(time, oyears, omonths, odays, &
+ ohours, ominutes, oseconds)
case default
write(errstring,*)'calendar type (',calendar_type,') not allowed.'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'decrement_date',errstring,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -2180,8 +2336,30 @@
end function decrement_gregorian_mars
+function decrement_solar_mars(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
+! Given time and some date decrement, computes new time for gregorian MARS calendar.
+implicit none
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
+integer, intent(in), optional :: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years
+type(time_type) :: decrement_solar_mars
+!integer :: oseconds, ominutes, ohours, odays, omonths, oyears
+!integer :: csecond, cminute, chour, cday, cmonth, cyear
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+call error_handler(E_ERR,'decrement_gregorian','not implemented',source,revision,revdate)
+! FIXME: set a return value to avoid compiler warnings
+decrement_solar_mars = time
+end function decrement_solar_mars
! END OF decrement_date BLOCK
@@ -2214,6 +2392,8 @@
days_in_month = days_in_month_no_leap(time)
days_in_month = days_in_month_gregorian_mars(time)
+ days_in_month = days_in_month_solar_mars(time)
case default
write(errstring,*)'Invalid calendar type (',calendar_type,')'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'days_in_month',errstring,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -2319,7 +2499,26 @@
end function days_in_month_gregorian_mars
+function days_in_month_solar_mars(time)
+! Returns the number of days in a gregorian MARS month.
+implicit none
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
+integer :: days_in_month_solar_mars
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+call error_handler(E_ERR,'days_in_month_solar_mars', &
+ 'not implemented; Mars has no months',&
+ source,revision,revdate)
+days_in_month_solar_mars = -1
+end function days_in_month_solar_mars
! END OF days_in_month BLOCK
@@ -2349,6 +2548,8 @@
leap_year = leap_year_no_leap(time)
leap_year = leap_year_gregorian_mars(time)
+ leap_year = leap_year_solar_mars(time)
case default
write(errstring,*)'invalid calendar type (',calendar_type,')'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'leap_year',errstring,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -2458,8 +2659,28 @@
end function leap_year_gregorian_mars
+function leap_year_solar_mars(time)
+! Is this a leap year for gregorian calendar?
+! trick question: answer is always no.
+implicit none
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
+logical :: leap_year_solar_mars
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+call error_handler(E_MSG,'leap_year_solar_mars', &
+ 'not implemented; Mars has no leap year',&
+ source,revision,revdate)
+leap_year_solar_mars = .FALSE.
+end function leap_year_solar_mars
! END OF leap_year BLOCK
@@ -2489,6 +2710,8 @@
length_of_year = length_of_year_no_leap()
length_of_year = length_of_year_gregorian_mars()
+ length_of_year = length_of_year_solar_mars()
case default
write(errstring,*)'invalid calendar type (',calendar_type,')'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'length_of_year',errstring,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -2574,7 +2797,19 @@
end function length_of_year_gregorian_mars
+function length_of_year_solar_mars()
+implicit none
+type(time_type) :: length_of_year_solar_mars
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+length_of_year_solar_mars = set_time(0, 669)
+end function length_of_year_solar_mars
! END OF length_of_year BLOCK
@@ -2605,6 +2840,8 @@
days_in_year = days_in_year_no_leap(time)
days_in_year = days_in_year_gregorian_mars(time)
+ days_in_year = days_in_year_solar_mars(time)
case default
write(errstring,*)'invalid calendar type (',calendar_type,')'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'days_in_year',errstring,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -2699,7 +2936,24 @@
end function days_in_year_gregorian_mars
+function days_in_year_solar_mars(time)
+implicit none
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
+integer :: days_in_year_solar_mars
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call time_manager_init
+!CL METHOD, with realistic rotation
+days_in_year_solar_mars = 100000
+! 100000 days is the maximum number of days representable in the format used by planetWRF for days
+! we ignore the years and assume that 'days' represents the Mars Solar Date (MSD)
+! from MSD we can calculate all required astronomical data using Allison and McEwan(2000)
+end function days_in_year_solar_mars
! END OF days_in_year BLOCK
@@ -2870,6 +3124,14 @@
write (unit_in,10) 'DATE: ', y,mon(1:3),' ',d,' ',h,':',m,':',s
10 format (a,i4,1x,a3,a1,i3.3,3(a1,i2.2))
+ else if (calendar_type == SOLAR_MARS ) then
+ mon = 'sol'
+ if (present(str)) then
+ write (unit_in,12) trim(str)//' ', y,mon(1:3),' ',d,' ',h,':',m,':',s
+ else
+ write (unit_in,12) 'DATE: ', y,mon(1:3),' ',d,' ',h,':',m,':',s
+ endif
+12 format (a,i4,1x,a3,a1,i5.5,3(a1,i2.2))
! if not Mars, then use Earth calendar
@@ -3010,6 +3272,12 @@
! NOTE: "month" has no meaning for Mars calendar
month = 1
time = set_date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
+elseif (calendar_type == SOLAR_MARS) then
+ write(*, *) 'input date (as integers): year day hour minute second'
+ read(*, *) year, day, hour, minute, second
+ ! NOTE: "month" has no meaning for Mars calendar
+ month = 1
+ time = set_date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
write(*, *) 'input time in days and seconds (as integers)'
read(*, *) day, second
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