[Dart-dev] [5472] DART/branches/development/models/cam/matlab/hop_test_check.m: Preliminary function to visualize the differences from advancing a

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 29 14:28:45 MST 2011

Revision: 5472
Author:   thoar
Date:     2011-12-29 14:28:45 -0700 (Thu, 29 Dec 2011)
Log Message:
Preliminary function to visualize the differences from advancing a
model with two 12-hour timesteps vs. one 24-hour timestep, for example.
Presently only visualizes level-by-level for all variables.
Need to support PS, and need to create a histogram of the differences.
At present, two images are displayed - the top is the difference
from hopping, the bottom is the difference from the start to the end
of the 'one-hop' scenario (for context - the time tendency, if you will).

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Added: DART/branches/development/models/cam/matlab/hop_test_check.m
--- DART/branches/development/models/cam/matlab/hop_test_check.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/cam/matlab/hop_test_check.m	2011-12-29 21:28:45 UTC (rev 5472)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+function hop_test_check(file0, file1, file2)
+% DART hop_test_check 
+% x = hop_test_check(file0, file1, file2);
+% file0    is the filename of the initial state 
+% file1    is the filename of the 'long hop' case
+% file2    is the filename of the 'short hop' case
+% The difference between file2 and file1 will be scaled by the 
+% time tendency - the amount the field changed between file0 and file1.
+% Example:
+% file0 = '/gpfs/ptmp/thoar/restarts/CAM/caminput_1.nc';
+% file1 = '/glade/scratch/thoar/archive/hop_24/rest/2008-11-01-00000/hop_24.cam_0001.i.2008-11-01-00000.nc';
+% file2 = '/glade/scratch/thoar/archive/hop_12/rest/2008-11-01-00000/hop_12.cam_0001.i.2008-11-01-00000.nc';
+% x     = hop_test_check(file0, file1, file2);
+%% DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+if ( (exist(file0,'file') ~= 2) || ...
+     (exist(file1,'file') ~= 2) || ...
+     (exist(file2,'file') ~= 2) )
+   fprintf('One of the input files does not exist.\n')
+   fprintf('%s, \n',file0)
+   fprintf('%s, or\n',file1)
+   error('%s',file2)
+%% extract all the variable names from both files and find the intersection.
+vars1 = sort(FindProgVars(file1));
+vars2 = sort(FindProgVars(file2));
+vars  = sort(FindCommonVars(vars1,vars2));
+%% loop over the variables and extract them from both files.
+%  take the difference and convert it to a percentage of 'file1-file0' ... 
+% Since Matlab automatically squeezes out singleton dimensions, and 'time'
+% is usually a singleton in these files, I need to squeeze the singleton
+% dimension out of the variable dimension strings, too.
+bob = jet128; colormap(bob);
+for i = 1:length(vars)
+   fprintf('Comparing %s\n',vars{i})
+   varinfo       = nc_getvarinfo(file0,vars{i});
+   nonsingletons = (varinfo.Size > 1);
+   mydimnames    = varinfo.Dimension(nonsingletons);
+   mydimsizes    = varinfo.Size(nonsingletons);
+   levdim        = find(strcmp(mydimnames,'lev'));
+   start         = nc_varget(file0,vars{i});
+   onehop        = nc_varget(file1,vars{i});
+   twohop        = nc_varget(file2,vars{i});
+   tendency      = onehop - start;
+   change        = twohop - onehop;
+   % Need to also plot vars that do not have a 'lev' dimension
+   % PS only defined on surface, for example.
+   for ilevel = 1:mydimsizes(levdim)
+       myplot(vars{i}, ilevel, change, tendency)
+       fprintf('          level %d ... \n',ilevel)
+       pause(0.1)
+   end
+function myplot(varname,levelindx,diffmat,tendmat)
+%% Make some plots
+% To be comparable with the other figures in the article, the hemispheres 
+% need to be [-180,180], the major ticks and labels are every 30 degrees.
+% no titles.
+% bigger fonts
+% Peter wanted .eps or .ps - good - can use 'painters'
+slab = squeeze(diffmat(levelindx,:,:));
+slabmin = min(slab(:));
+slabmax = max(slab(:));
+clim = [slabmin slabmax];
+orgslab = squeeze(tendmat(levelindx,:,:));
+orgmin = min(orgslab(:));
+orgmax = max(orgslab(:));
+datmax = max(abs([orgmin orgmax]));
+clim = [-datmax datmax];
+if slabmin == slabmax, return; end
+figure(1); clf; orient tall; 
+   imagesc(slab,clim);
+   set(gca,'YDir','normal','TickDir','out','XMinorTick','on','FontSize',14)
+   title(sprintf('%s level %d difference from hopping',varname,levelindx))
+   axis image
+   h = colorbar('vert');
+   subplot(2,1,2)
+   imagesc(orgslab,clim);
+   set(gca,'YDir','normal','TickDir','out','XMinorTick','on','FontSize',14)
+   title(sprintf('%s level %d tendency',varname,levelindx))
+   axis image
+   h = colorbar('vert');
+function vars = FindProgVars(fname)
+%% Determine the multi-dimensional variables that are not coordinate variables.
+% These are probably the variables of interest.
+fileinfo  = nc_info(fname);
+nvars     = length(fileinfo.Dataset);
+isPROGvar = zeros(nvars,1);
+% We are not interested in the 1D variables, so just skip them.
+for i = 1:nvars
+   if ( length(fileinfo.Dataset(i).Size) > 1 ), isPROGvar(i) = 1; end
+if (sum(isPROGvar) == 0)
+   error('No multidimensional variables in %s',fname)
+% coerce just the names into a cell array 
+varind = 0;
+for i = 1:nvars
+   if (isPROGvar(i) > 0)
+      varind = varind + 1;
+      vars{varind} = fileinfo.Dataset(i).Name;
+   end
+function vars = FindCommonVars(vars1,vars2)
+k = 0;
+for i = 1:length(vars1)
+   if ( any(strcmp(vars1{i},vars2)) )
+      k = k + 1;
+      vars{k} = vars1{i};
+   end
+function x = jet128()
+x = jet(128);
+x(64:65,:) = 1;

Property changes on: DART/branches/development/models/cam/matlab/hop_test_check.m
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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