[Dart-dev] [4517] DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab: Add the observation-space rank histogram routine.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Oct 8 16:44:24 MDT 2010
Revision: 4517
Author: thoar
Date: 2010-10-08 16:44:24 -0600 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)
Log Message:
Add the observation-space rank histogram routine.
usage notes are included via the normal matlab 'help'
mechanism. The observation sequence file must be processed
by obs_diag.f90 in the normal way. If there are ensemble members
present in the obs_seq.final files, the rank histogram is automatically
created. Simply use plot_rank_histogram.m to view the results ...
The other changes at this time are to better determine
the unique variable names. As a consequence, they are now
also listed alphabetically (which was not the intent, but does no harm).
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_bias_xxx_profile.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_bias_xxx_profile.m 2010-10-08 20:56:37 UTC (rev 4516)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_bias_xxx_profile.m 2010-10-08 22:44:24 UTC (rev 4517)
@@ -383,10 +383,10 @@
y = struct([]);
ydims = struct([]);
-for j = 1:length(i)
- fprintf('%2d is %s\n',j,basenames{j})
- y{j} = basenames{j};
-ydims{j} = basedims{j};
+for k = 1:length(i)
+ fprintf('%2d is %s\n',k,basenames{i(k)})
+ y{k} = basenames{i(k)};
+ydims{k} = basedims{i(k)};
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_evolution.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_evolution.m 2010-10-08 20:56:37 UTC (rev 4516)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_evolution.m 2010-10-08 22:44:24 UTC (rev 4517)
@@ -429,10 +429,10 @@
[b,i,j] = unique(basenames);
y = cell(length(i),1);
ydims = cell(length(i),1);
-for j = 1:length(i)
- disp(sprintf('%2d is %s',j,basenames{j}))
- y{j} = basenames{j};
-ydims{j} = basedims{j};
+for k = 1:length(i)
+ disp(sprintf('%2d is %s',k,basenames{i(k)}))
+ y{k} = basenames{i(k)};
+ydims{k} = basedims{i(k)};
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_profile.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_profile.m 2010-10-08 20:56:37 UTC (rev 4516)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_profile.m 2010-10-08 22:44:24 UTC (rev 4517)
@@ -377,10 +377,10 @@
y = struct([]);
ydims = struct([]);
-for j = 1:length(i)
- fprintf('%2d is %s\n',j,basenames{j})
- y{j} = basenames{j};
-ydims{j} = basedims{j};
+for k = 1:length(i)
+ fprintf('%2d is %s\n',k,basenames{i(k)})
+ y{k} = basenames{i(k)};
+ydims{k} = basedims{i(k)};
Added: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rank_histogram.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rank_histogram.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rank_histogram.m 2010-10-08 22:44:24 UTC (rev 4517)
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+function plotdat = plot_rank_histogram(fname, timeindex, varargin)
+%% plot_rank_histogram plots the rank histogram of the observations - segregated by level and variable.
+% Part of the observation-space diagnostics routines.
+% 'obs_diag' produces a netcdf file containing the diagnostics.
+% 'obs_diag' condenses the 'obs_seq.final' information into summaries
+% for a few specified regions - on a level-by-level basis.
+% USAGE: plotdat = plot_rank_histogram(fname, timeindex, [,obstypestring]);
+% fname : netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% timeindex : the index of the timestep of interest
+% obstypestring : 'observation type' string. Optional.
+% Must match something in the 'ObservationTypes' variable.
+% (ncdump -v ObservationTypes obs_diag_output.nc)
+% If specified, only this observation type will be plotted.
+% If not specified, ALL observation types incluced in the
+% netCDF file will be plotted.
+% OUTPUT: two files will result for each observation type plotted. One is a
+% postscript file containing a page for each level - all regions.
+% The other file is a simple text file containing summary information
+% about how many obs were assimilated, how many were available, etc.
+% Both filenames contain the observation type as part of the name.
+% EXAMPLE 1 - plot the rank histogram for ALL observation types, ALL levels
+% fname = 'obs_diag_output.nc'; % netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% timeindex = 1; % plot the histogram for the first timestep
+% plotdat = plot_rank_histogram(fname, timeindex);
+% EXAMPLE 2 - rank histogram for the radiosonde temperature observations.
+% This requires knowledge that 'RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE' is an
+% observation type in the netCDF file.
+% fname = 'obs_diag_output.nc'; % netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% timeindex = 3; % plot the histogram for the third timestep
+% plotdat = plot_rank_histogram(fname, timeindex, 'RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE');
+%% DART software - Copyright � 2004 - 2010 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL: $
+% $Id: $
+% $Revision: $
+% $Date: $
+if nargin == 2
+ nvars = 0;
+elseif nargin == 3
+ varname = varargin{1};
+ nvars = 1;
+ error('wrong number of arguments ... ')
+% Make sure the file exists.
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
+ error('file/fname <%s> does not exist',fname)
+% Make sure the variable exists.
+if (nvars > 0)
+ fullvarname = BuildFullVarname(varname);
+ if ( ~ nc_isvar(fname,fullvarname) )
+ error('There is no %s variable in %s', fullvarname, fname)
+ end
+% Harvest plotting info/metadata from netcdf file.
+plotdat.fname = fname;
+plotdat.timeindex = timeindex;
+plotdat.timecenters = nc_varget(fname,'time');
+plotdat.timeedges = nc_varget(fname,'time_bounds');
+plotdat.mlevel = nc_varget(fname,'mlevel');
+plotdat.plevel = nc_varget(fname,'plevel');
+plotdat.plevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'plevel_edges');
+plotdat.hlevel = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel');
+plotdat.hlevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel_edges');
+plotdat.Nrhbins = length(nc_varget(fname,'rank_bins'));
+plotdat.ncopies = length(nc_varget(fname,'copy'));
+plotdat.nregions = length(nc_varget(fname,'region'));
+plotdat.region_names = strtrim(nc_varget(fname,'region_names'));
+plotdat.timeseparation = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_separation');
+plotdat.timewidth = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_width');
+time_to_skip = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'time_to_skip');
+plotdat.rat_cri = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'rat_cri');
+plotdat.input_qc_threshold = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'input_qc_threshold');
+plotdat.lonlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim1');
+plotdat.lonlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim2');
+plotdat.latlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim1');
+plotdat.latlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim2');
+plotdat.biasconv = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bias_convention');
+% Make sure the time index makes sense.
+if (timeindex > length(plotdat.timecenters))
+ error('There are only %d time indices in the file, you asked for # %d', ...
+ length(plotdat.timecenters), timeindex)
+% Matlab does a crazy thing with the strings for 1 region
+if (plotdat.nregions == 1 && (size(plotdat.region_names,2) == 1) )
+ plotdat.region_names = deblank(plotdat.region_names');
+% Coordinate between time types and dates
+calendar = nc_attget(fname,'time','calendar');
+timeunits = nc_attget(fname,'time','units');
+timebase = sscanf(timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
+timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
+skip_seconds = time_to_skip(4)*3600 + time_to_skip(5)*60 + time_to_skip(6);
+iskip = time_to_skip(3) + skip_seconds/86400;
+plotdat.timecenters = plotdat.timecenters + timeorigin;
+plotdat.timeedges = plotdat.timeedges + timeorigin;
+plotdat.Ntimes = length(plotdat.timecenters);
+plotdat.toff = plotdat.timecenters(1) + iskip;
+plotdat.timespan = sprintf('%s -- %s', datestr(plotdat.timeedges(timeindex,1),21), ...
+ datestr(plotdat.timeedges(timeindex,2),21));
+% set up a structure with all static plotting components
+plotdat.linewidth = 2.0;
+if (nvars == 0)
+ [plotdat.allvarnames, plotdat.allvardims] = get_varsNdims(fname);
+ [plotdat.varnames, plotdat.vardims] = FindTemporalVars(plotdat);
+ plotdat.nvars = length(plotdat.varnames);
+ plotdat.varnames{1} = varname;
+ plotdat.nvars = nvars;
+plotdat.Npossindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nposs');
+plotdat.Nusedindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nused');
+plotdat.NQC4index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_4');
+plotdat.NQC5index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_5');
+plotdat.NQC6index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_6');
+plotdat.NQC7index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_7');
+% Loop around (time-copy-level-region) observation types
+for ivar = 1:plotdat.nvars
+ % create the variable names of interest.
+ % netCDF can only support variable names less than 41 chars.
+ plotdat.myvarname = plotdat.varnames{ivar};
+ plotdat.guessvar = sprintf('%s_guess',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ plotdat.rhistvar = BuildFullVarname(plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ % remove any existing postscript file - will simply append each
+ % level as another 'page' in the .ps file.
+ psfname = sprintf('%s_rank_hist.ps',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ fprintf('Removing %s from the current directory.\n',psfname)
+ system(sprintf('rm %s',psfname));
+ % remove any existing log file -
+ lgfname = sprintf('%s_rank_hist_obscount.txt',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ fprintf('Removing %s from the current directory.\n',lgfname)
+ system(sprintf('rm %s',lgfname));
+ logfid = fopen(lgfname,'wt');
+ fprintf(logfid,'%s\n',lgfname);
+ % get appropriate vertical coordinate variable
+ guessdims = nc_var_dims(fname, plotdat.guessvar);
+ rhistdims = nc_var_dims(fname, plotdat.rhistvar);
+ if ( findstr('surface',guessdims{3}) > 0 )
+ plotdat.level = 1;
+ plotdat.level_units = 'surface';
+ elseif ( findstr('undef',guessdims{3}) > 0 )
+ plotdat.level = 1;
+ plotdat.level_units = 'undefined';
+ else
+ plotdat.level = nc_varget(fname, guessdims{3});
+ plotdat.level_units = nc_attget(fname, guessdims{3}, 'units');
+ end
+ plotdat.nlevels = length(plotdat.level);
+ % Here is the tricky part. Singleton dimensions are auto-squeezed ...
+ % single levels, single regions ...
+ guess_raw = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.guessvar);
+ guess = reshape(guess_raw, plotdat.Ntimes, plotdat.ncopies, ...
+ plotdat.nlevels, plotdat.nregions);
+ rhist_raw = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.rhistvar);
+ rhist = reshape(rhist_raw, plotdat.Ntimes, plotdat.Nrhbins, ...
+ plotdat.nlevels, plotdat.nregions);
+ % check to see if there is anything to plot
+ nposs = sum(guess(plotdat.timeindex,plotdat.Npossindex,:,:));
+ if ( sum(nposs(:)) < 1 )
+ fprintf('%s no obs for %s... skipping\n', plotdat.varnames{ivar})
+ continue
+ end
+ for ilevel = 1:plotdat.nlevels
+ fprintf(logfid,'\nlevel %d %f %s\n',ilevel,plotdat.level(ilevel),plotdat.level_units);
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc4 = squeeze(guess(plotdat.timeindex,plotdat.NQC4index ,ilevel,:));
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 4, prior %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc4(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc5 = squeeze(guess(plotdat.timeindex,plotdat.NQC5index ,ilevel,:));
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 5, prior %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc5(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc6 = squeeze(guess(plotdat.timeindex,plotdat.NQC6index ,ilevel,:));
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 6, prior %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc6(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc7 = squeeze(guess(plotdat.timeindex,plotdat.NQC7index ,ilevel,:));
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 7, prior %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc7(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nposs = squeeze(guess(plotdat.timeindex,plotdat.Npossindex, ilevel,:));
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs poss, prior %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nposs(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nused = squeeze(guess(plotdat.timeindex,plotdat.Nusedindex, ilevel,:));
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs used, prior %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nused(:)));
+ % plot by region
+ if (plotdat.nregions > 1)
+ clf; orient tall
+ else
+ clf; orient landscape
+ end
+ for iregion = 1:plotdat.nregions
+ plotdat.region = iregion;
+ plotdat.myregion = deblank(plotdat.region_names(iregion,:));
+ plotdat.title = sprintf('%s @ %d %s', ...
+ plotdat.myvarname, ...
+ plotdat.level(ilevel), ...
+ plotdat.level_units);
+ plotdat.rank_hist = squeeze(rhist(plotdat.timeindex, :, ilevel,iregion));
+ myplot(plotdat);
+ end
+ % create a postscript file
+ print(gcf,'-dpsc','-append',psfname);
+ % block to go slow and look at each one ...
+ disp('Pausing, hit any key to continue ...')
+ pause
+ end
+% 'Helper' functions
+function myplot(plotdat)
+ % 6 Rejected because of incoming data qc.
+ % 5 Not used because of namelist control.
+ nobs_poss = plotdat.ges_Nposs(plotdat.region) - ...
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc5( plotdat.region) - ...
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc6( plotdat.region);
+ % nobs_used = plotdat.ges_Nused(plotdat.region);
+ nobs_used = sum(plotdat.rank_hist(:));
+ obsstring = sprintf('%d obs possible, %d obs binned',nobs_poss, nobs_used);
+ % Determine some quantities for the legend
+ % Plot
+ subplot(plotdat.nregions,1,plotdat.region);
+ bar(plotdat.rank_hist);
+ axlims = axis;
+ axlims = [0 plotdat.Nrhbins+1 0 axlims(4)];
+ axis(axlims)
+ h = text(plotdat.Nrhbins/2, 0.9*axlims(4),plotdat.myregion);
+ set(h,'FontSize',14,'FontWeight','Bold')
+ xlabel({'Observation Rank (among ensemble members)',obsstring})
+ ylabel('count')
+ % more annotation ...
+ if (plotdat.region == 1)
+ title({plotdat.title, plotdat.timespan}, ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'none', 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
+ BottomAnnotation(plotdat.fname)
+ else
+ title(plotdat.timespan, 'Interpreter', 'none', ...
+ 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
+ end
+function BottomAnnotation(main)
+% annotates the directory containing the data being plotted
+subplot('position',[0.48 0.01 0.04 0.04])
+axis off
+fullname = which(main); % Could be in MatlabPath
+if( isempty(fullname) )
+ if ( main(1) == '/' ) % must be a absolute pathname
+ string1 = sprintf('data file: %s',main);
+ else % must be a relative pathname
+ mydir = pwd;
+ string1 = sprintf('data file: %s/%s',mydir,main);
+ end
+ string1 = sprintf('data file: %s',fullname);
+h = text(0.0, 0.5, string1);
+set(h,'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+ 'VerticalAlignment','middle',...
+ 'Interpreter','none',...
+ 'FontSize',10)
+function [y,ydims] = FindTemporalVars(x)
+% Returns UNIQUE (i.e. base) temporal variable names
+if ( ~(isfield(x,'allvarnames') && isfield(x,'allvardims')))
+ error('Doh! no ''allvarnames'' and ''allvardims'' components')
+j = 0;
+for i = 1:length(x.allvarnames)
+ indx = findstr('time',x.allvardims{i});
+ if (indx > 0)
+ j = j + 1;
+ basenames{j} = ReturnBase(x.allvarnames{i});
+ basedims{j} = x.allvardims{i};
+ end
+[b,i,j] = unique(basenames);
+y = cell(length(i),1);
+ydims = cell(length(i),1);
+for k = 1:length(i)
+ fprintf('%2d is %s\n',k,basenames{i(k)})
+ y{k} = basenames{i(k)};
+ydims{k} = basedims{i(k)};
+function s = ReturnBase(string1)
+inds = findstr('_guess',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_analy',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_VPguess',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_VPanaly',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+function s = BuildFullVarname(varname)
+% netCDF restricts the length of a variable name to
+% be 40 characters.
+rankvar = sprintf('%s_guess_RankHist',varname);
+if (length(rankvar) > 40 )
+ s = rankvar(1:40);
+ s = rankvar;
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_evolution.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_evolution.m 2010-10-08 20:56:37 UTC (rev 4516)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_evolution.m 2010-10-08 22:44:24 UTC (rev 4517)
@@ -441,10 +441,10 @@
[b,i,j] = unique(basenames);
y = cell(length(i),1);
ydims = cell(length(i),1);
-for j = 1:length(i)
- disp(sprintf('%2d is %s',j,basenames{j}))
- y{j} = basenames{j};
-ydims{j} = basedims{j};
+for k = 1:length(i)
+ disp(sprintf('%2d is %s',k,basenames{i(k)}))
+ y{k} = basenames{i(k)};
+ydims{k} = basedims{i(k)};
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_profile.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_profile.m 2010-10-08 20:56:37 UTC (rev 4516)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_profile.m 2010-10-08 22:44:24 UTC (rev 4517)
@@ -381,10 +381,10 @@
y = struct([]);
ydims = struct([]);
-for j = 1:length(i)
- fprintf('%2d is %s\n',j,basenames{j})
- y{j} = basenames{j};
-ydims{j} = basedims{j};
+for k = 1:length(i)
+ fprintf('%2d is %s\n',k,basenames{i(k)})
+ y{k} = basenames{i(k)};
+ydims{k} = basedims{i(k)};
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