[Dart-dev] [4558] DART/trunk/obs_sequence: Allow selection file, in addition to the obs_defs output
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Nov 18 13:14:05 MST 2010
Revision: 4558
Author: nancy
Date: 2010-11-18 13:14:04 -0700 (Thu, 18 Nov 2010)
Log Message:
Allow selection file, in addition to the obs_defs output
from the coverage tool, to be a normal obs_sequence file.
For now, have a namelist that says what type of file
the selection file is - an obs_def list or a full obs_seq
file. Could be made to autodetect the format at some
future point.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_selection.f90
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_selection.f90 2010-11-18 17:41:44 UTC (rev 4557)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_selection.f90 2010-11-18 20:14:04 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -72,15 +72,16 @@
! Namelist input with default values
! max_num_input_files : maximum number of input sequence files to be processed
-integer, parameter :: max_num_input_files = 500
-integer :: num_input_files = 0
+! lazy, pick big numbers. make them bigger if too small.
+integer, parameter :: max_num_input_files = 1000
+integer, parameter :: max_obs_input_types = 500
+character(len = obstypelength) :: obs_types(max_obs_input_types) = ''
+integer :: num_input_files = 0
+integer :: num_obs_input_types
+type(obs_def_type), allocatable :: obs_def_list(:)
+integer :: obs_def_count
-! lazy, pick a big number
-integer, parameter :: max_obs_input_types = 500
-character(len = obstypelength) :: obs_types(max_obs_input_types) = ''
-integer :: num_obs_input_types
character(len = 129) :: filename_seq(max_num_input_files) = ''
character(len = 129) :: filename_seq_list = ''
character(len = 129) :: filename_out = 'obs_seq.processed'
@@ -88,17 +89,14 @@
character(len = 129) :: selections_file = 'obs_def.txt'
-type(obs_def_type), allocatable :: obs_def_list(:)
-integer :: obs_def_count
+logical :: selections_is_obs_seq = .false.
+logical :: print_only = .false.
+logical :: gregorian_cal = .true.
-! 256 is an arb max of number of copies for data and qc
-logical :: print_only = .false.
-logical :: gregorian_cal = .true.
namelist /obs_selection_nml/ &
num_input_files, filename_seq, filename_seq_list, filename_out, &
- selections_file, print_only, gregorian_cal
+ selections_file, selections_is_obs_seq, print_only, gregorian_cal
! Start of the program:
@@ -138,7 +136,7 @@
! (earlier versions of this file had the test before the namelist read - duh.)
if (gregorian_cal) call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
-call read_selection_list(selections_file, obs_def_list, obs_def_count)
+call read_selection_list(selections_file, selections_is_obs_seq, obs_def_list, obs_def_count)
! end of namelist processing and setup
@@ -360,7 +358,7 @@
call destroy_obs( obs_in )
call destroy_obs(next_obs_in )
call destroy_obs( obs_out)
-call destroy_obs(prev_obs_out)
+!call destroy_obs(prev_obs_out)
call timestamp(source,revision,revdate,'end')
@@ -824,44 +822,88 @@
end subroutine print_metadata
-subroutine read_selection_list(select_file, selection_list, selection_count)
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: select_file
+subroutine read_selection_list(select_file, select_is_seq, &
+ selection_list, selection_count)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: select_file
+ logical, intent(in) :: select_is_seq
type(obs_def_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: selection_list(:)
integer, intent(out) :: selection_count
+ ! the plan:
! open file
! read count
! call read_obs_def right number of times
! close file
- integer :: iunit, count, i
- character(len=12) :: label ! must be 'num_stations'
+ integer :: iunit, count, i, copies, qcs
+ character(len=15) :: label ! must be 'num_definitions'
+ type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
+ type(obs_sequence_type) :: seq_in
+ logical :: is_this_last
real(r8) :: dummy
- iunit = open_file(select_file, form='formatted', action='read')
+ ! if the list of which obs to select comes from the coverage tool,
+ ! it's a list of obs_defs. if it's a full obs_seq file, then
+ ! use the normal tools and just pull out the list of obs_defs.
+ if (.not. select_is_seq) then
+ iunit = open_file(select_file, form='formatted', action='read')
+ read(iunit, *) label, count
+ if (label /= 'num_definitions') then
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_selection', &
+ 'bad format, expected "num_definitions" at start of selection file', &
+ source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
+ allocate(selection_list(count))
+ ! set up the mapping table for the kinds here
+ call read_obs_kind(iunit, .false.)
+ do i = 1, count
+ call read_obs_def(iunit, selection_list(i), 0, dummy)
+ enddo
+ call close_file(iunit)
+ else
+ call read_obs_seq(select_file, 0, 0, 0, seq_in)
- read(iunit, *) label, count
- if (label /= 'num_stations') then
- print *, 'bad format, expected xx'
- stop
- endif
+ count = get_num_obs(seq_in)
+ copies = get_num_copies(seq_in)
+ qcs = get_num_qc(seq_in)
- allocate(selection_list(count))
+ call init_obs(obs, copies, qcs)
+ call init_obs(prev_obs, copies, qcs)
- ! set up the mapping table for the kinds here
- call read_obs_kind(iunit, .false.)
+ allocate(selection_list(count))
+ if (.not. get_first_obs(seq_in, obs)) then
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_selection', &
+ 'empty obs_seq for selection file', &
+ source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
- do i = 1, count
- call read_obs_def(iunit, selection_list(i), 0, dummy)
- enddo
+ is_this_last = .false.
+ do i = 1, count
+ if (is_this_last) exit
- call close_file(iunit)
+ call get_obs_def(obs, selection_list(i))
+ prev_obs = obs
+ call get_next_obs(seq_in, prev_obs, obs, is_this_last)
+ enddo
+ call destroy_obs(obs)
+ call destroy_obs_sequence(seq_in)
+ endif
selection_count = count
end subroutine read_selection_list
-! compare location, time, type
+! compare horiz location, time, type - ignores vertical
function good_selection(obs_in, selection_list, selection_count)
type(obs_type), intent(in) :: obs_in
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_selection.nml
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_selection.nml 2010-11-18 17:41:44 UTC (rev 4557)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_selection.nml 2010-11-18 20:14:04 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
# from the obs_seq_coverage utility.
- filename_seq = 'obs_seq.out',
- filename_seq_list = '',
- filename_out = 'obs_seq.processed',
- selections_file = 'obs_defs.txt',
- print_only = .false.,
- gregorian_cal = .true.,
+ filename_seq = 'obs_seq.out',
+ filename_seq_list = '',
+ filename_out = 'obs_seq.processed',
+ selections_file = 'obs_defs.txt',
+ selections_is_obs_seq = .false.,
+ print_only = .false.,
+ gregorian_cal = .true.,
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