[Dart-dev] [4321] DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab: These functions differ from the standard functions in that the number of
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 18 09:50:22 MDT 2010
Revision: 4321
Author: thoar
Date: 2010-03-18 09:50:22 -0600 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010)
Log Message:
These functions differ from the standard functions in that the number of
observations 'possible' reflects the fact that observations rejected
because of the incoming QC value are not really 'possible' to be assimilated.
Additionally, for the POP model, the only reason the forward operator
can fail is because the observation is between land and a grid point -
extrapolation rather than interpolation. These observations are also not
included in the count of observations 'possible'.
Added Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Added: DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_evolution.m
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_evolution.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_evolution.m 2010-03-18 15:50:22 UTC (rev 4321)
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+function plotdat = plot_evolution(fname, copystring, varargin)
+%% plot_evolution plots the temporal evolution of the observation-space quantities for all possible levels, all possible variables.
+% Part of the observation-space diagnostics routines.
+% 'obs_diag' produces a netcdf file containing the diagnostics.
+% USAGE: plotdat = plot_evolution(fname,copystring);
+% fname : netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% copystring : 'copy' string == quantity of interest. These
+% can be any of the ones available in the netcdf
+% file 'CopyMetaData' variable.
+% (ncdump -v CopyMetaData obs_diag_output.nc)
+% fname = 'obs_diag_output.nc'; % netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% copystring = 'bias'; % 'copy' string == quantity of interest
+% plotdat = plot_evolution(fname,copystring);
+%% DART software - Copyright \xA9 2004 - 2010 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+if nargin == 2
+ nvars = 0;
+elseif nargin == 3
+ varname = varargin{1};
+ nvars = 1;
+ error('wrong number of arguments ... ')
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
+ error('file/fname <%s> does not exist',fname)
+% Harvest plotting info/metadata from netcdf file.
+plotdat.fname = fname;
+plotdat.copystring = copystring;
+plotdat.bincenters = nc_varget(fname,'time');
+plotdat.binedges = nc_varget(fname,'time_bounds');
+plotdat.mlevel = nc_varget(fname,'mlevel');
+plotdat.plevel = nc_varget(fname,'plevel');
+plotdat.plevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'plevel_edges');
+plotdat.hlevel = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel');
+plotdat.hlevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel_edges');
+plotdat.ncopies = length(nc_varget(fname,'copy'));
+plotdat.nregions = length(nc_varget(fname,'region'));
+plotdat.region_names = nc_varget(fname,'region_names');
+if (plotdat.nregions == 1)
+ plotdat.region_names = deblank(plotdat.region_names');
+plotdat.binseparation = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_separation');
+plotdat.binwidth = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_width');
+time_to_skip = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'time_to_skip');
+plotdat.rat_cri = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'rat_cri');
+plotdat.input_qc_threshold = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'input_qc_threshold');
+plotdat.lonlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim1');
+plotdat.lonlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim2');
+plotdat.latlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim1');
+plotdat.latlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim2');
+plotdat.biasconv = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bias_convention');
+% Coordinate between time types and dates
+calendar = nc_attget(fname,'time','calendar');
+timeunits = nc_attget(fname,'time','units');
+timebase = sscanf(timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
+timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
+skip_seconds = time_to_skip(4)*3600 + time_to_skip(5)*60 + time_to_skip(6);
+iskip = time_to_skip(3) + skip_seconds/86400;
+plotdat.bincenters = plotdat.bincenters + timeorigin;
+plotdat.binedges = plotdat.binedges + timeorigin;
+plotdat.Nbins = length(plotdat.bincenters);
+plotdat.toff = plotdat.bincenters(1) + iskip;
+% set up a structure with all static plotting components
+plotdat.linewidth = 2.0;
+if (nvars == 0)
+ [plotdat.allvarnames, plotdat.allvardims] = get_varsNdims(fname);
+ [plotdat.varnames, plotdat.vardims] = FindTemporalVars(plotdat);
+ plotdat.nvars = length(plotdat.varnames);
+ plotdat.varnames{1} = varname;
+ plotdat.nvars = nvars;
+plotdat.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname,copystring);
+plotdat.Npossindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nposs');
+plotdat.Nusedindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nused');
+plotdat.NQC4index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_4');
+plotdat.NQC5index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_5');
+plotdat.NQC6index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_6');
+plotdat.NQC7index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_7');
+% Loop around (time-copy-level-region) observation types
+for ivar = 1:plotdat.nvars
+ % create the variable names of interest.
+ plotdat.myvarname = plotdat.varnames{ivar};
+ plotdat.guessvar = sprintf('%s_guess',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ plotdat.analyvar = sprintf('%s_analy',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ % remove any existing postscript file - will simply append each
+ % level as another 'page' in the .ps file.
+ psfname = sprintf('%s_%s_evolution.ps',plotdat.varnames{ivar},plotdat.copystring);
+ disp(sprintf('Removing %s from the current directory.',psfname))
+ system(sprintf('rm %s',psfname));
+ % remove any existing log file -
+ lgfname = sprintf('%s_%s_obscount.txt',plotdat.varnames{ivar},plotdat.copystring);
+ disp(sprintf('Removing %s from the current directory.',lgfname))
+ system(sprintf('rm %s',lgfname));
+ logfid = fopen(lgfname,'wt');
+ fprintf(logfid,'%s\n',lgfname);
+ % get appropriate vertical coordinate variable
+ guessdims = nc_var_dims(fname, plotdat.guessvar);
+ analydims = nc_var_dims(fname, plotdat.analyvar);
+ if ( findstr('surface',guessdims{3}) > 0 )
+ plotdat.level = 1;
+ plotdat.level_units = 'surface';
+ elseif ( findstr('undef',guessdims{3}) > 0 )
+ plotdat.level = 1;
+ plotdat.level_units = 'undefined';
+ else
+ plotdat.level = nc_varget(fname, guessdims{3});
+ plotdat.level_units = nc_attget(fname, guessdims{3}, 'units');
+ end
+ plotdat.nlevels = length(plotdat.level);
+ % Here is the tricky part. Singleton dimensions are auto-squeezed ...
+ % single levels, single regions ...
+ guess_raw = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.guessvar);
+ guess = reshape(guess_raw, plotdat.Nbins, plotdat.ncopies, ...
+ plotdat.nlevels, plotdat.nregions);
+ analy_raw = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.analyvar);
+ analy = reshape(analy_raw, plotdat.Nbins, plotdat.ncopies, ...
+ plotdat.nlevels, plotdat.nregions);
+ % check to see if there is anything to plot
+ nextrap = sum(guess(:,plotdat.NQC4index ,:,:)) + ...
+ sum(guess(:,plotdat.NQC6index ,:,:));
+ nposs = sum(guess(:,plotdat.Npossindex, :,:)) - nextrap;
+ if ( sum(nposs(:)) < 1 )
+ disp(sprintf('%s no obs for %s... skipping', plotdat.varnames{ivar}))
+ continue
+ end
+ for ilevel = 1:plotdat.nlevels
+ fprintf(logfid,'\nlevel %d %f %s\n',ilevel,plotdat.level(ilevel),plotdat.level_units);
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc4 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC4index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc4 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC4index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 4, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc4(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc4(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc5 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC5index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc5 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC5index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 5, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc5(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc5(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc6 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC6index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc6 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC6index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 6, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc6(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc6(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc7 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC7index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc7 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC7index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 7, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc7(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc7(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nposs = guess(:,plotdat.Npossindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nposs = analy(:,plotdat.Npossindex, ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs , prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nposs(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nposs(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nposs = plotdat.ges_Nposs - plotdat.ges_Nqc4 - plotdat.ges_Nqc6;
+ plotdat.anl_Nposs = plotdat.anl_Nposs - plotdat.anl_Nqc4 - plotdat.anl_Nqc6;
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs poss, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nposs(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nposs(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nused = guess(:,plotdat.Nusedindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nused = analy(:,plotdat.Nusedindex, ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs used, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nused(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nused(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_copy = guess(:,plotdat.copyindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_copy = analy(:,plotdat.copyindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.Yrange = FindRange(plotdat);
+ % plot by region
+ if (plotdat.nregions > 2)
+ clf; orient tall
+ else
+ clf; orient landscape
+ end
+ for iregion = 1:plotdat.nregions
+ plotdat.region = iregion;
+ plotdat.myregion = deblank(plotdat.region_names(iregion,:));
+ plotdat.title = sprintf('%s @ %d %s', ...
+ plotdat.myvarname, ...
+ plotdat.level(ilevel), ...
+ plotdat.level_units);
+ myplot(plotdat);
+ end
+ % create a postscript file
+ print(gcf,'-dpsc','-append',psfname);
+ % block to go slow and look at each one ...
+ % disp('Pausing, hit any key to continue ...')
+ % pause
+ end
+% 'Helper' functions
+function myplot(plotdat)
+ % Interlace the [ges,anl] to make a sawtooth plot.
+ % By this point, the middle two dimensions are singletons.
+ cg = plotdat.ges_copy(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ ca = plotdat.anl_copy(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ g = plotdat.ges_Nposs(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ a = plotdat.anl_Nposs(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ nobs_poss = reshape([g a]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ g = plotdat.ges_Nused(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ a = plotdat.anl_Nused(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ nobs_used = reshape([g a]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ tg = plotdat.bincenters;
+ ta = plotdat.bincenters;
+ t = reshape([tg ta]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ % Determine some quantities for the legend
+ nobs = sum(nobs_used);
+ if ( nobs > 1 )
+ mean_prior = mean(cg(isfinite(cg)));
+ mean_post = mean(ca(isfinite(ca)));
+ else
+ mean_prior = NaN;
+ mean_post = NaN;
+ end
+ string_guess = sprintf('forecast: mean=%.5g', mean_prior);
+ string_analy = sprintf('analysis: mean=%.5g', mean_post);
+ plotdat.subtitle = sprintf('%s %s %s',plotdat.myregion,string_guess, string_analy);
+ % Plot the requested quantity on the left axis.
+ % The observation count will use the axis on the right.
+ % We want to suppress the 'auto' feature of the axis labelling,
+ % so we manually set some values that normally
+ % don't need to be set.
+ ax1 = subplot(plotdat.nregions,1,plotdat.region);
+ h1 = plot(tg,cg,'k+-',ta,ca,'ro-','LineWidth',plotdat.linewidth);
+ h = legend('forecast', 'analysis');
+ legend(h,'boxoff')
+ axlims = axis;
+ axlims = [axlims(1:2) plotdat.Yrange];
+ axis(axlims)
+ plotdat.ylabel{1} = plotdat.myregion;
+ switch lower(plotdat.copystring)
+ case 'bias'
+ % plot a zero-bias line
+ h4 = line(axlims(1:2),[0 0], 'Color','r','Parent',ax1);
+ set(h4,'LineWidth',1.5,'LineSTyle',':')
+ plotdat.ylabel{2} = sprintf('%s (%s)',plotdat.copystring,plotdat.biasconv);
+ otherwise
+ plotdat.ylabel{2} = sprintf('%s',plotdat.copystring);
+ end
+ % hokey effort to decide to plot months/days vs. daynum vs.
+ ttot = plotdat.bincenters(plotdat.Nbins) - plotdat.bincenters(1) + 1;
+ if ((plotdat.bincenters(1) > 1000) && (ttot > 5))
+ datetick('x',6,'keeplimits','keepticks');
+ monstr = datestr(plotdat.bincenters(1),21);
+ xlabelstring = sprintf('month/day - %s start',monstr);
+ elseif (plotdat.bincenters(1) > 1000)
+ datetick('x',15,'keeplimits','keepticks')
+ monstr = datestr(plotdat.bincenters(1),21);
+ xlabelstring = sprintf('%s start',monstr);
+ else
+ xlabelstring = 'days';
+ end
+ % only put x axis on last/bottom plot
+ if (plotdat.region == plotdat.nregions)
+ xlabel(xlabelstring)
+ end
+ % more annotation ...
+ if (plotdat.region == 1)
+ title({plotdat.title, plotdat.subtitle}, ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'none', 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
+ BottomAnnotation(plotdat.fname)
+ else
+ title(plotdat.subtitle, 'Interpreter', 'none', ...
+ 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
+ end
+ % use same X,Y limits for all plots in this region
+ nYticks = length(get(ax1,'YTick'));
+ ylimits = plotdat.Yrange;
+ yinc = (ylimits(2)-ylimits(1))/(nYticks-1);
+ yticks = ylimits(1):yinc:ylimits(2);
+ set(ax1,'YTick',yticks,'Ylim',ylimits)
+ % create a separate scale for the number of observations
+ ax2 = axes('position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
+ 'XAxisLocation','top', ...
+ 'YAxisLocation','right',...
+ 'Color','none',...
+ 'XColor','b','YColor','b');
+ h2 = line(t,nobs_poss,'Color','b','Parent',ax2);
+ h3 = line(t,nobs_used,'Color','b','Parent',ax2);
+ set(h2,'LineStyle','none','Marker','o');
+ set(h3,'LineStyle','none','Marker','+');
+ % use same number of Y ticks and the same X ticks
+ ylimits = get(ax2,'YLim');
+ yinc = (ylimits(2)-ylimits(1))/(nYticks-1);
+ yticks = ylimits(1):yinc:ylimits(2);
+ niceyticks = round(10*yticks')/10;
+ set(ax2,'XTick',get(ax1,'XTick'),'XTicklabel',[], ...
+ 'YTick', yticks,'YTicklabel',num2str(niceyticks))
+ set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String','# of obs : o=poss, +=used')
+ set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotdat.ylabel)
+ set(ax1,'Position',get(ax2,'Position'))
+ grid
+function BottomAnnotation(main)
+% annotates the directory containing the data being plotted
+subplot('position',[0.48 0.01 0.04 0.04])
+axis off
+string1 = sprintf('data file: %s',which(main));
+h = text(0.0, 0.5, string1);
+set(h,'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+ 'VerticalAlignment','middle',...
+ 'Interpreter','none',...
+ 'FontSize',10)
+function [y,ydims] = FindTemporalVars(x)
+% Returns UNIQUE (i.e. base) temporal variable names
+if ( ~(isfield(x,'allvarnames') && isfield(x,'allvardims')))
+ error('Doh! no ''allvarnames'' and ''allvardims'' components')
+j = 0;
+for i = 1:length(x.allvarnames)
+ indx = findstr('time',x.allvardims{i});
+ if (indx > 0)
+ j = j + 1;
+ basenames{j} = ReturnBase(x.allvarnames{i});
+ basedims{j} = x.allvardims{i};
+ end
+[b,i,j] = unique(basenames);
+y = cell(length(i),1);
+ydims = cell(length(i),1);
+for j = 1:length(i)
+ disp(sprintf('%2d is %s',j,basenames{j}))
+ y{j} = basenames{j};
+ydims{j} = basedims{j};
+function s = ReturnBase(string1)
+inds = findstr('_guess',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_analy',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_VPguess',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_VPanaly',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+function x = FindRange(y)
+% Trying to pick 'nice' limits for plotting.
+% Completely ad hoc ... and not well posed.
+% In this scope, y is bounded from below by 0.0
+% If the numbers are very small ...
+bob = [y.ges_copy(:) ; ...
+ y.anl_copy(:)];
+inds = find(isfinite(bob));
+if ( isempty(inds) )
+ x = [0 1];
+ glommed = bob(inds);
+ ymin = min(glommed);
+ ymax = max(glommed);
+ if ( ymax > 1.0 )
+ ymin = floor(min(glommed));
+ ymax = ceil(max(glommed));
+ end
+ Yrange = [ymin ymax];
+ x = [min([Yrange(1) 0.0]) Yrange(2)];
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_evolution.m
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_evolution.m
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_evolution.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_evolution.m 2010-03-18 15:50:22 UTC (rev 4321)
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+function plotdat = plot_rmse_xxx_evolution(fname, copystring, varargin)
+%% plot_rmse_xxx_evolution plots the temporal evolution of the observation-space quantity RMSE and any other for all possible levels, all possible variables.
+% Part of the observation-space diagnostics routines.
+% 'obs_diag' produces a netcdf file containing the diagnostics.
+% USAGE: plotdat = plot_rmse_xxx_evolution(fname,copystring);
+% fname : netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% copystring : 'copy' string == quantity of interest. These
+% can be any of the ones available in the netcdf
+% file 'CopyMetaData' variable.
+% (ncdump -v CopyMetaData obs_diag_output.nc)
+% EXAMPLE: plot the RMSE and totalspread on the same axis.
+% fname = 'obs_diag_output.nc'; % netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% copystring = 'totalspread'; % 'copy' string == quantity of interest
+% plotdat = plot_rmse_xxx_evolution(fname,copystring);
+%% DART software - Copyright \xA9 2004 - 2010 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+if nargin == 2
+ nvars = 0;
+elseif nargin == 3
+ varname = varargin{1};
+ nvars = 1;
+ error('wrong number of arguments ... ')
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
+ error('file/fname <%s> does not exist',fname)
+% Harvest plotting info/metadata from netcdf file.
+plotdat.fname = fname;
+plotdat.copystring = copystring;
+plotdat.bincenters = nc_varget(fname,'time');
+plotdat.binedges = nc_varget(fname,'time_bounds');
+plotdat.mlevel = nc_varget(fname,'mlevel');
+plotdat.plevel = nc_varget(fname,'plevel');
+plotdat.plevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'plevel_edges');
+plotdat.hlevel = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel');
+plotdat.hlevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel_edges');
+plotdat.ncopies = length(nc_varget(fname,'copy'));
+plotdat.nregions = length(nc_varget(fname,'region'));
+plotdat.region_names = nc_varget(fname,'region_names');
+if (plotdat.nregions == 1)
+ plotdat.region_names = deblank(plotdat.region_names');
+plotdat.binseparation = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_separation');
+plotdat.binwidth = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_width');
+time_to_skip = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'time_to_skip');
+plotdat.rat_cri = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'rat_cri');
+plotdat.input_qc_threshold = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'input_qc_threshold');
+plotdat.lonlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim1');
+plotdat.lonlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim2');
+plotdat.latlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim1');
+plotdat.latlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim2');
+plotdat.biasconv = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bias_convention');
+% Coordinate between time types and dates
+calendar = nc_attget(fname,'time','calendar');
+timeunits = nc_attget(fname,'time','units');
+timebase = sscanf(timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
+timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
+skip_seconds = time_to_skip(4)*3600 + time_to_skip(5)*60 + time_to_skip(6);
+iskip = time_to_skip(3) + skip_seconds/86400;
+plotdat.bincenters = plotdat.bincenters + timeorigin;
+plotdat.binedges = plotdat.binedges + timeorigin;
+plotdat.Nbins = length(plotdat.bincenters);
+plotdat.toff = plotdat.bincenters(1) + iskip;
+% set up a structure with all static plotting components
+plotdat.linewidth = 2.0;
+if (nvars == 0)
+ [plotdat.allvarnames, plotdat.allvardims] = get_varsNdims(fname);
+ [plotdat.varnames, plotdat.vardims] = FindTemporalVars(plotdat);
+ plotdat.nvars = length(plotdat.varnames);
+ plotdat.varnames{1} = varname;
+ plotdat.nvars = nvars;
+plotdat.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname,copystring);
+plotdat.rmseindex = get_copy_index(fname,'rmse');
+plotdat.Npossindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nposs');
+plotdat.Nusedindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nused');
+plotdat.NQC4index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_4');
+plotdat.NQC5index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_5');
+plotdat.NQC6index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_6');
+plotdat.NQC7index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_7');
+% Loop around (time-copy-level-region) observation types
+for ivar = 1:plotdat.nvars
+ % create the variable names of interest.
+ plotdat.myvarname = plotdat.varnames{ivar};
+ plotdat.guessvar = sprintf('%s_guess',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ plotdat.analyvar = sprintf('%s_analy',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ % remove any existing postscript file - will simply append each
+ % level as another 'page' in the .ps file.
+ psfname = sprintf('%s_rmse_%s_evolution.ps',plotdat.varnames{ivar},plotdat.copystring);
+ disp(sprintf('Removing %s from the current directory.',psfname))
+ system(sprintf('rm %s',psfname));
+ % remove any existing log file -
+ lgfname = sprintf('%s_rmse_%s_obscount.txt',plotdat.varnames{ivar},plotdat.copystring);
+ disp(sprintf('Removing %s from the current directory.',lgfname))
+ system(sprintf('rm %s',lgfname));
+ logfid = fopen(lgfname,'wt');
+ fprintf(logfid,'%s\n',lgfname);
+ % get appropriate vertical coordinate variable
+ guessdims = nc_var_dims(fname, plotdat.guessvar);
+ analydims = nc_var_dims(fname, plotdat.analyvar);
+ if ( findstr('surface',guessdims{3}) > 0 )
+ plotdat.level = 1;
+ plotdat.level_units = 'surface';
+ elseif ( findstr('undef',guessdims{3}) > 0 )
+ plotdat.level = 1;
+ plotdat.level_units = 'undefined';
+ else
+ plotdat.level = nc_varget(fname, guessdims{3});
+ plotdat.level_units = nc_attget(fname, guessdims{3}, 'units');
+ end
+ plotdat.nlevels = length(plotdat.level);
+ % Here is the tricky part. Singleton dimensions are auto-squeezed ...
+ % single levels, single regions ...
+ guess_raw = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.guessvar);
+ guess = reshape(guess_raw, plotdat.Nbins, plotdat.ncopies, ...
+ plotdat.nlevels, plotdat.nregions);
+ analy_raw = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.analyvar);
+ analy = reshape(analy_raw, plotdat.Nbins, plotdat.ncopies, ...
+ plotdat.nlevels, plotdat.nregions);
+ % check to see if there is anything to plot
+ nextrap = sum(guess(:,plotdat.NQC4index ,:,:)) + ...
+ sum(guess(:,plotdat.NQC6index ,:,:));
+ nposs = sum(guess(:,plotdat.Npossindex, :,:)) - nextrap;
+ if ( sum(nposs(:)) < 1 )
+ disp(sprintf('%s no obs for %s... skipping', plotdat.varnames{ivar}))
+ continue
+ end
+ for ilevel = 1:plotdat.nlevels
+ fprintf(logfid,'\nlevel %d %f %s\n',ilevel,plotdat.level(ilevel),plotdat.level_units);
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc4 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC4index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc4 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC4index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 4, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc4(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc4(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc5 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC5index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc5 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC5index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 5, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc5(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc5(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc6 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC6index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc6 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC6index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 6, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc6(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc6(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nqc7 = guess(:,plotdat.NQC7index ,ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nqc7 = analy(:,plotdat.NQC7index ,ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'DART QC == 7, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nqc7(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nqc7(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nposs = guess(:,plotdat.Npossindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nposs = analy(:,plotdat.Npossindex, ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs , prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nposs(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nposs(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nposs = plotdat.ges_Nposs - plotdat.ges_Nqc4 - plotdat.ges_Nqc6;
+ plotdat.anl_Nposs = plotdat.anl_Nposs - plotdat.anl_Nqc4 - plotdat.anl_Nqc6;
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs poss, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nposs(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nposs(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_Nused = guess(:,plotdat.Nusedindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_Nused = analy(:,plotdat.Nusedindex, ilevel,:);
+ fprintf(logfid,'# obs used, prior/post %d %d\n',sum(plotdat.ges_Nused(:)), ...
+ sum(plotdat.anl_Nused(:)));
+ plotdat.ges_copy = guess(:,plotdat.copyindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_copy = analy(:,plotdat.copyindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.ges_rmse = guess(:,plotdat.rmseindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.anl_rmse = analy(:,plotdat.rmseindex, ilevel,:);
+ plotdat.Yrange = FindRange(plotdat);
+ % plot by region
+ if (plotdat.nregions > 2)
+ clf; orient tall
+ else
+ clf; orient landscape
+ end
+ for iregion = 1:plotdat.nregions
+ plotdat.region = iregion;
+ plotdat.myregion = deblank(plotdat.region_names(iregion,:));
+ plotdat.title = sprintf('%s @ %d %s', ...
+ plotdat.myvarname, ...
+ plotdat.level(ilevel), ...
+ plotdat.level_units);
+ myplot(plotdat);
+ end
+ % create a postscript file
+ print(gcf,'-dpsc','-append',psfname);
+ % block to go slow and look at each one ...
+ % disp('Pausing, hit any key to continue ...')
+ % pause
+ end
+% 'Helper' functions
+function myplot(plotdat)
+ % Interlace the [ges,anl] to make a sawtooth plot.
+ % By this point, the middle two dimensions are singletons.
+ cg = plotdat.ges_copy(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ ca = plotdat.anl_copy(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ other = reshape([cg ca]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ mg = plotdat.ges_rmse(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ ma = plotdat.anl_rmse(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ rmse = reshape([mg ma]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ g = plotdat.ges_Nposs(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ a = plotdat.anl_Nposs(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ nobs_poss = reshape([g a]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ g = plotdat.ges_Nused(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ a = plotdat.anl_Nused(:,:,:,plotdat.region);
+ nobs_used = reshape([g a]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ tg = plotdat.bincenters;
+ ta = plotdat.bincenters;
+ t = reshape([tg ta]',2*plotdat.Nbins,1);
+ % Determine some quantities for the legend
+ nobs = sum(nobs_used);
+ if ( nobs > 1 )
+ mean_pr_rmse = mean(mg(isfinite(mg)));
+ mean_po_rmse = mean(ma(isfinite(ma)));
+ mean_pr_other = mean(cg(isfinite(cg)));
+ mean_po_other = mean(ca(isfinite(ca)));
+ else
+ mean_pr_rmse = NaN;
+ mean_po_rmse = NaN;
+ mean_pr_other = NaN;
+ mean_po_other = NaN;
+ end
+ string_rmse = sprintf('%s pr=%.5g, po=%.5g','rmse', mean_pr_rmse, mean_po_rmse);
+ string_other = sprintf('%s pr=%.5g, po=%.5g', plotdat.copystring, ...
+ mean_pr_other, mean_po_other);
+ plotdat.subtitle = sprintf('%s %s %s',plotdat.myregion,string_rmse, string_other);
+ % Plot the rmse and 'xxx' on the same (left) axis.
+ % The observation count will use the axis on the right.
+ % We want to suppress the 'auto' feature of the axis labelling,
+ % so we manually set some values that normally
+ % don't need to be set.
+ ax1 = subplot(plotdat.nregions,1,plotdat.region);
+ h1 = plot(t,rmse,'k+-',t,other,'ro-','LineWidth',plotdat.linewidth);
+ h = legend(h1,'rmse', plotdat.copystring);
+ legend(h,'boxoff')
+ axlims = axis;
+ axlims = [axlims(1:2) plotdat.Yrange];
+ axis(axlims)
+ plotdat.ylabel{1} = plotdat.myregion;
+ switch lower(plotdat.copystring)
+ case 'bias'
+ % plot a zero-bias line
+ h4 = line(axlims(1:2),[0 0], 'Color','r','Parent',ax1);
+ set(h4,'LineWidth',1.5,'LineSTyle',':')
+ plotdat.ylabel{2} = sprintf('rmse and %s (%s)',plotdat.copystring,plotdat.biasconv);
+ otherwise
+ plotdat.ylabel{2} = sprintf('rmse and %s',plotdat.copystring);
+ end
+ % hokey effort to decide to plot months/days vs. daynum vs.
+ ttot = plotdat.bincenters(plotdat.Nbins) - plotdat.bincenters(1) + 1;
+ if ((plotdat.bincenters(1) > 1000) && (ttot > 5))
+ datetick('x',6,'keeplimits','keepticks');
+ monstr = datestr(plotdat.bincenters(1),21);
+ xlabelstring = sprintf('month/day - %s start',monstr);
+ elseif (plotdat.bincenters(1) > 1000)
+ datetick('x',15,'keeplimits','keepticks')
+ monstr = datestr(plotdat.bincenters(1),21);
+ xlabelstring = sprintf('%s start',monstr);
+ else
+ xlabelstring = 'days';
+ end
+ % only put x axis on last/bottom plot
+ if (plotdat.region == plotdat.nregions)
+ xlabel(xlabelstring)
+ end
+ % more annotation ...
+ if (plotdat.region == 1)
+ title({plotdat.title, plotdat.subtitle}, ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'none', 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
+ BottomAnnotation(plotdat.fname)
+ else
+ title(plotdat.subtitle, 'Interpreter', 'none', ...
+ 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
+ end
+ % use same X,Y limits for all plots in this region
+ nYticks = length(get(ax1,'YTick'));
+ ylimits = plotdat.Yrange;
+ yinc = (ylimits(2)-ylimits(1))/(nYticks-1);
+ yticks = ylimits(1):yinc:ylimits(2);
+ set(ax1,'YTick',yticks,'Ylim',ylimits)
+ % create a separate scale for the number of observations
+ ax2 = axes('position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
+ 'XAxisLocation','top', ...
+ 'YAxisLocation','right',...
+ 'Color','none',...
+ 'XColor','b','YColor','b');
+ h2 = line(t,nobs_poss,'Color','b','Parent',ax2);
+ h3 = line(t,nobs_used,'Color','b','Parent',ax2);
+ set(h2,'LineStyle','none','Marker','o');
+ set(h3,'LineStyle','none','Marker','+');
+ % use same number of Y ticks and the same X ticks
+ ylimits = get(ax2,'YLim');
+ yinc = (ylimits(2)-ylimits(1))/(nYticks-1);
+ yticks = ylimits(1):yinc:ylimits(2);
+ niceyticks = round(10*yticks')/10;
+ set(ax2,'XTick',get(ax1,'XTick'),'XTicklabel',[], ...
+ 'YTick', yticks,'YTicklabel',num2str(niceyticks))
+ set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String','# of obs : o=poss, +=used')
+ set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotdat.ylabel)
+ set(ax1,'Position',get(ax2,'Position'))
+ grid
+function BottomAnnotation(main)
+% annotates the directory containing the data being plotted
+subplot('position',[0.48 0.01 0.04 0.04])
+axis off
+string1 = sprintf('data file: %s',which(main));
+h = text(0.0, 0.5, string1);
+set(h,'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+ 'VerticalAlignment','middle',...
+ 'Interpreter','none',...
+ 'FontSize',10)
+function [y,ydims] = FindTemporalVars(x)
+% Returns UNIQUE (i.e. base) temporal variable names
+if ( ~(isfield(x,'allvarnames') && isfield(x,'allvardims')))
+ error('Doh! no ''allvarnames'' and ''allvardims'' components')
+j = 0;
+for i = 1:length(x.allvarnames)
+ indx = findstr('time',x.allvardims{i});
+ if (indx > 0)
+ j = j + 1;
+ basenames{j} = ReturnBase(x.allvarnames{i});
+ basedims{j} = x.allvardims{i};
+ end
+[b,i,j] = unique(basenames);
+y = cell(length(i),1);
+ydims = cell(length(i),1);
+for j = 1:length(i)
+ disp(sprintf('%2d is %s',j,basenames{j}))
+ y{j} = basenames{j};
+ydims{j} = basedims{j};
+function s = ReturnBase(string1)
+inds = findstr('_guess',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_analy',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_VPguess',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+inds = findstr('_VPanaly',string1);
+if (inds > 0 )
+ s = string1(1:inds-1);
+function x = FindRange(y)
+% Trying to pick 'nice' limits for plotting.
+% Completely ad hoc ... and not well posed.
+% In this scope, y is bounded from below by 0.0
+% If the numbers are very small ...
+bob = [y.ges_copy(:) ; y.ges_rmse(:) ; ...
+ y.anl_copy(:) ; y.anl_rmse(:) ];
+inds = find(isfinite(bob));
+if ( isempty(inds) )
+ x = [0 1];
+ glommed = bob(inds);
+ ymin = min(glommed);
+ ymax = max(glommed);
+ if ( ymax > 1.0 )
+ ymin = floor(min(glommed));
+ ymax = ceil(max(glommed));
+ end
+ Yrange = [ymin ymax];
+ x = [min([Yrange(1) 0.0]) Yrange(2)];
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_rmse_xxx_evolution.m
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_spread_xxx_evolution.m
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_spread_xxx_evolution.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_spread_xxx_evolution.m 2010-03-18 15:50:22 UTC (rev 4321)
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+function plotdat = plot_spread_xxx_evolution(fname, copystring, varargin)
+%% plot_spread_xxx_evolution plots the temporal evolution of the observation-space quantity spread and any other for all possible levels, all possible variables.
+% Part of the observation-space diagnostics routines.
+% 'obs_diag' produces a netcdf file containing the diagnostics.
+% USAGE: plotdat = plot_spread_xxx_evolution(fname,copystring);
+% fname : netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% copystring : 'copy' string == quantity of interest. These
+% can be any of the ones available in the netcdf
+% file 'CopyMetaData' variable.
+% (ncdump -v CopyMetaData obs_diag_output.nc)
+% EXAMPLE: plot the spread and totalspread on the same axis.
+% fname = 'obs_diag_output.nc'; % netcdf file produced by 'obs_diag'
+% copystring = 'totalspread'; % 'copy' string == quantity of interest
+% plotdat = plot_spread_xxx_evolution(fname,copystring);
+%% DART software - Copyright \xA9 2004 - 2010 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+if nargin == 2
+ nvars = 0;
+elseif nargin == 3
+ varname = varargin{1};
+ nvars = 1;
+ error('wrong number of arguments ... ')
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
+ error('file/fname <%s> does not exist',fname)
+% Harvest plotting info/metadata from netcdf file.
+plotdat.fname = fname;
+plotdat.copystring = copystring;
+plotdat.bincenters = nc_varget(fname,'time');
+plotdat.binedges = nc_varget(fname,'time_bounds');
+plotdat.mlevel = nc_varget(fname,'mlevel');
+plotdat.plevel = nc_varget(fname,'plevel');
+plotdat.plevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'plevel_edges');
+plotdat.hlevel = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel');
+plotdat.hlevel_edges = nc_varget(fname,'hlevel_edges');
+plotdat.ncopies = length(nc_varget(fname,'copy'));
+plotdat.nregions = length(nc_varget(fname,'region'));
+plotdat.region_names = nc_varget(fname,'region_names');
+if (plotdat.nregions == 1)
+ plotdat.region_names = deblank(plotdat.region_names');
+plotdat.binseparation = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_separation');
+plotdat.binwidth = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bin_width');
+time_to_skip = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'time_to_skip');
+plotdat.rat_cri = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'rat_cri');
+plotdat.input_qc_threshold = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'input_qc_threshold');
+plotdat.lonlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim1');
+plotdat.lonlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'lonlim2');
+plotdat.latlim1 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim1');
+plotdat.latlim2 = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'latlim2');
+plotdat.biasconv = nc_attget(fname, nc_global, 'bias_convention');
+% Coordinate between time types and dates
+calendar = nc_attget(fname,'time','calendar');
+timeunits = nc_attget(fname,'time','units');
+timebase = sscanf(timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
+timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
+skip_seconds = time_to_skip(4)*3600 + time_to_skip(5)*60 + time_to_skip(6);
+iskip = time_to_skip(3) + skip_seconds/86400;
+plotdat.bincenters = plotdat.bincenters + timeorigin;
+plotdat.binedges = plotdat.binedges + timeorigin;
+plotdat.Nbins = length(plotdat.bincenters);
+plotdat.toff = plotdat.bincenters(1) + iskip;
+% set up a structure with all static plotting components
+plotdat.linewidth = 2.0;
+if (nvars == 0)
+ [plotdat.allvarnames, plotdat.allvardims] = get_varsNdims(fname);
+ [plotdat.varnames, plotdat.vardims] = FindTemporalVars(plotdat);
+ plotdat.nvars = length(plotdat.varnames);
+ plotdat.varnames{1} = varname;
+ plotdat.nvars = nvars;
+plotdat.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname,copystring);
+plotdat.sprdindex = get_copy_index(fname,'spread');
+plotdat.Npossindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nposs');
+plotdat.Nusedindex = get_copy_index(fname,'Nused');
+plotdat.NQC4index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_4');
+plotdat.NQC5index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_5');
+plotdat.NQC6index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_6');
+plotdat.NQC7index = get_copy_index(fname,'N_DARTqc_7');
+% Loop around (time-copy-level-region) observation types
+for ivar = 1:plotdat.nvars
+ % create the variable names of interest.
+ plotdat.myvarname = plotdat.varnames{ivar};
+ plotdat.guessvar = sprintf('%s_guess',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ plotdat.analyvar = sprintf('%s_analy',plotdat.varnames{ivar});
+ % remove any existing postscript file - will simply append each
+ % level as another 'page' in the .ps file.
+ psfname = sprintf('%s_spread_%s_evolution.ps',plotdat.varnames{ivar},plotdat.copystring);
@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@
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