[Dart-dev] [4384] DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment: Updates from Kevin Raeder:
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Jun 3 11:16:03 MDT 2010
Revision: 4384
Author: nancy
Date: 2010-06-03 11:16:03 -0600 (Thu, 03 Jun 2010)
Log Message:
Updates from Kevin Raeder:
Check the CLM files for the existence/use of the FillValue attribute.
If missing, add it to the appropriate variables of the whole ensemble.
This allows ncea to correctly average fields which have a spval, but which is
not identified as such. The list of fields having spvals,
${CENTRALDIR}/clm_FillValue_fields, comes from clm_FillValue_vars.csh.
Accomodate both CLM 3.5 and 3.6+ by testing for the existence of the
additional fields in 3.6+.
Archive the ensemble average of the iceinput_#.nc files as the "analysis" for the CICE model.
Archive member 1 of the CICE and CLM restart files for comparison with ens. avg.
A new script to search a CLM restart(/initial) NetCDF file for variables
which have the FillValue attribute. This list is needed by analyses2initial.csh
in order to correctly generate the ensemble average of the CLM files.
I can handle any number of spvals and fields which use them. The spvals are
specified in the script.
Smoother handling of nlevs for cam3.5 vs. cam3.6.
Adapted to CICE restart files being available as NetCDF instead of binary.
Augmented code which defines the obs_seq name to handle multiple years, leap years included.
New variation of auto_diag2ms_LSF.csh to handle archiving of coupler history files
needed to force POP assimilations.
tcsh needed instead of csh to use :r, :e, etc. for handling cplr filenames.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/analyses2initial.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/analyses2initial.csh 2010-06-03 17:07:54 UTC (rev 4383)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/analyses2initial.csh 2010-06-03 17:16:03 UTC (rev 4384)
@@ -10,15 +10,13 @@
# on a file (Posterior usually) and put each timeslot into CAM initial file format.
# The non-state fields are ensemble averages of all the caminput_#.nc from the same
# timeslot.
-# The CLM ensemble clminput_#.nc (all non-state fields) is ensemble averaged,
-# and then the snow fields are overwritten using the algorithm from
-# cam#.#.#/models/lnd/clm2/src/main/snowdp2lev.F90
-# packaged as an NCO script, which is used by ncap2.
-# ncap2 may need to be updated to NCO 3.9.4 or later.
+# The CLM ensemble clminput_#.nc (all are non-state fields) is ensemble averaged by NCO,
+# and then the snow and water fields are overwritten using the fortran program clm_ens_avg.
# set echo verbose
# Called from auto_diag2ms_LSF.csh with
# ../../analyses2initial.csh no_MS '.' Posterior copy 1 ${obs_seq}H >>& $saved
@@ -115,15 +113,57 @@
rm time_copy_slab.nc avgd_copy_out.nc re-order*
- # CLM; ensemble average of the clminput files. ncra can't be used because files
- # have no record dimension. This will have incorrect snow and water fields.
+ # CLM;
+ # Check that clminput_##.nc files have the _FillValue set, so that averaging will ignore
+ # those members with spvals.
+ set num_Fills = 0
+ set num_Fills = `ncdump -h clminput_1.nc | grep FillValue | wc -l`
+ # Add the _FillValue attribute to the fields which might need it
+ if ($num_Fills[1] == 0) then
+ if (-e ../../../clm_FillValue_fields) then
+ set num_ens = `ls -l clminput_*.nc | wc -l`
+ set ens = 1
+ while ($ens <= $num_ens[1])
+ # clm_FillValue_fields needs to have at least 1 line consisting of
+ # spval [space] associated_fields (separated by |) (with optional wildcard characters)
+ # Then the quoting must proceed as shown.
+ # ncatted -O -h -a _FillValue,"$include_Fills",c,d,1.0e36 clminput_${ens}.nc
+ # ncatted -O -h -a _FillValue,'T_REF2M_MAX_INST(_R|_U)?',m,d,-1.0e36 clminput_${ens}.nc
+ # If a field in Fills is not on the files, NO ERROR will result.
+ # -h prevents the addition of the FillValue attr from being added to the history global attr.
+ # ,c means create this attr for vars which don't have it.
+ # ,d means this attr will be type 'double', which is the type of most variables.
+ # Will it be converted to integer for those variables? Only SNLSNO is in this category
+ # and it will be handled manually in clm_ens_avg.f90
+ set num_spvals = `wc -l ../../../clm_FillValue_fields`
+ set spv = 1
+ while ($spv <= $num_spvals[1])
+ set Fills = `head -$spv ../../../clm_FillValue_fields | tail -1`
+ ncatted -O -h -a _FillValue,"$Fills[2]",c,d,$Fills[1] clminput_${ens}.nc
+ @ spv++
+ end
+ @ ens++
+ end
+ else
+ echo "Need a clm_FillValue_fields in the CENTRAL directory"
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Ensemble average of the clminput files.
+ # ncra can't be used because files have no record dimension.
+ # This will have incorrect snow and water fields.
+ # Anything excluded from averaging (with -x -v vars) will not appear on output file,
+ # even if output file pre-exists with those vars on it.
ncea -O -o clm_ens_avg.nc clminput_[1-9]*.nc
# Create a file of the ensemble of the snow and water fields which need to be fixed.
- set cat_flds = "${cat_flds},snw_rds,qflx_snofrz_lyr,mss_bcpho,mss_bcphi,mss_ocpho,mss_ocphi"
- set cat_flds = "${cat_flds},mss_dst1,mss_dst2,mss_dst3,mss_dst4"
- set cat_flds = "${cat_flds},flx_absdv,flx_absdn,flx_absiv,flx_absin"
+ ncdump -h clminput_1.nc | grep snw_rds > /dev/null
+ if ($status == 0) then
+ set cat_flds = "${cat_flds},snw_rds,qflx_snofrz_lyr,mss_bcpho,mss_bcphi,mss_ocpho,mss_ocphi"
+ set cat_flds = "${cat_flds},mss_dst1,mss_dst2,mss_dst3,mss_dst4"
+ set cat_flds = "${cat_flds},flx_absdv,flx_absdn,flx_absiv,flx_absin"
+ endif
ncecat -u ensemble -v ${cat_flds} -o snow_water_ens.nc clminput_[1-9]*.nc
# Fix the snow fields with fortran program clm_ens_avg.f90 (different versions for
@@ -137,13 +177,23 @@
cp clminput_1.nc clm_${out_name}
ncks -A -x -v '^timemgr' -o clm_${out_name} clm_ens_avg.nc
-# Remove files which won't be removed after archiving in auto_diag2ms_LSF.csh
+ # Added for comparison of forecasts with member 1 vs the ens avg.
+ cp clminput_1.nc clm_init_memb1_${yrmoday}$hours[$time].nc
+ # Remove files which won't be removed after archiving in auto_diag2ms_LSF.csh
rm snow_water_ens.nc input.nml dart*
- # ICE; no averaging available yet; use the first ensemble member as the "analysis"
- cp iceinput_1.tar ice_init_memb1_${yrmoday}$hours[$time].tar
+ # ICE;
+ # The ensemble average is simple, even though (because?) the ICE files have no variable attributes,
+ # there are no coordinate variables corresponding to the dimensions, and 3.6.71 has *global*
+ # missing_ and Fill_ Value attributes set to 0 (instead of the spval used in CICE; 1e+30).
+ # ncea pruning unused dimensions doesn't seem to be a problem (yet).
+ ncea -O -o ice_${out_name} iceinput_[1-9]*.nc
+ # Also save the first ensemble member as the "analysis"
+ if (-e iceinput_1.nc) cp iceinput_1.nc ice_init_memb1_${yrmoday}$hours[$time].nc
cd ..
@ time++
Added: DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/auto_diagPOP2ms_LSF.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/auto_diagPOP2ms_LSF.csh (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/auto_diagPOP2ms_LSF.csh 2010-06-03 17:16:03 UTC (rev 4384)
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+# csh doesn't let :r, :e, etc work in the coupler history files archiving section.
+# DART software - Copyright \xA9 2004 - 2010 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# $Id$
+# script for copying diagnostics files to mass store.
+#### LSF options for BSUB
+### -J job name (master script job.csh presumes filter.xxxx.log)
+### -o output listing filename
+### -P account number
+### -q # Queue name regular economy standby long
+# proclim 32 16 8 2
+# timelim 6 hrs 18 48 5 days
+# # jobs/person 2 - - 2
+### -n number of tasks (processors)
+### -x exclusive use of node
+### -R "span[ptile=(num procs you want on each node)]"
+#BSUB -J auto_diag2ms
+#BSUB -o auto_diag2ms.%J.log
+#BSUB -e auto_diag2ms.%J.err
+#BSUB -P 93300315
+#BSUB -q share
+#BSUB -W 2:00
+#BSUB -n 1
+#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"
+#xxxx -x
+# Caused job to not run #BSUB -xn
+# test for new NCO
+# set echo verbose
+# set path = ( /usr/local/bin \
+# /usr/local/lsf/7.0/aix5-64/etc \
+# /usr/local/lsf/7.0/aix5-64/bin \
+# /usr/bin \
+# /etc \
+# /usr/sbin \
+# /usr/ucb \
+# /usr/bin/X11 \
+# /sbin \
+# /usr/java14/jre/bin \
+# /usr/java14/bin \
+# /bin \
+# /blhome/raeder/bin \
+# . \
+# /contrib/tunnel \
+# /usr/local/apps/nco-3.9.6/bin \
+# /blhome/raeder/scripts \ )
+# which ncap2
+# unset echo
+# end NCO test
+setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/dcs/lib
+set compress = true
+set proj_num = 93300315
+set diag_name = diagnostics.tar
+set saved = saved_diagnostics
+set write_pass = $$
+if ($?LS_SUBCWD) then
+touch $saved
+echo '------------------------------------------------------------' >> $saved
+echo 'auto_diag2ms_LSF starts in' >> $saved
+pwd >> $saved
+date >> $saved
+set direct = `pwd`
+set obs_seq = $direct:t
+cd ..
+set direct = `pwd`
+set case = $direct:t
+cd ..
+set direct = `pwd`
+set exp_dir = $direct:t
+cd $case/${obs_seq}
+set ms_dir = /RAEDER/DAI/${exp_dir}/$case/${obs_seq}
+# IBM tar requires 1 entry/line in list of things to exclude from tar
+echo DART >! tar_excl_list
+echo CAM >> tar_excl_list
+echo CLM >> tar_excl_list
+echo ICE >> tar_excl_list
+# batch* are the files into which DART,CAM,CLM are archived by auto_re2ms_LSF.csh,
+# which is run at the same time as this script.
+echo 'batch*' >> tar_excl_list
+echo $saved >> tar_excl_list
+## Added to make mean easily accessible in the form of a CAM initial file
+echo 'cam_analyses.tar' >> tar_excl_list
+echo 'H[0-9]*' >> tar_excl_list
+echo 'H_*' >> tar_excl_list
+# Stuff the Posterior mean fields into CAM initial files.
+# Tar together with a CLM initial file.
+# Arguments to analyses2initial.csh are
+# set ms_file = $1 script searches for local Posterior_Diag.nc first, so give a dummy MS name.
+# set local_dir = $2
+# set kind = $3
+# set dim = $4
+# set element1 = $5
+# set yrmoday = $6 set to $obs_seq instead of yyyymmdd, since obs_seq is easily available
+# Save out history files from H* directories before calculating CAM/CLM analyses and deleting H*
+# compressing saves a factor of 12.
+# Can't do with first CAM 3.6.71; empty_htapes conflicted with ENDOFRUN
+ ls H[012]*/*.h0.* >& /dev/null
+if ($status == 0) then
+ gzip H[012]*/*.h0.*
+ tar -c -f H_all.h0.gz.tar H[012]*/*.h0.*
+ set ar_status = $status
+ if ($ar_status == 0 && -e H_all.h0.gz.tar) then
+ msrcp -pe 1000 -pr $proj_num -wpwd $write_pass -comment "write password $write_pass" \
+ H_all.h0.gz.tar mss:${ms_dir}/H_all.h0.gz.tar >>& $saved &
+ set ar_status = $status
+ if ($ar_status == 0) rm H[012]*/*.h0.*
+ endif
+ if ($ar_status != 0) echo 'ARCHIVING of H[012]*.h0.gz.tar FAILED' >> & $saved
+ echo 'ARCHIVING of H[012]*.h0.gz.tar FAILED; no files available' >> & $saved
+# Save out coupler history files from H* directories before calculating CAM/CLM analyses and deleting H*
+# Compressing saves a factor of ??.
+# File names have the form H##/FV_2deg_greg-O2-POP1-1.cpl.ha2x6h[r].2006-12-03.nc ## = 06,12,18,24
+# These fields were identified from the sample input file provided by Yeager and/or Lindsey.
+# ? Keep time_bnds too
+set flds = 'time,doma_lat,doma_lon,doma_area,doma_mask'
+set flds = "${flds},a2x6h_Faxa_swndr,a2x6h_Faxa_swvdr,a2x6h_Faxa_swndf,a2x6h_Faxa_swvdf"
+set flds = "${flds},a2x6h_Faxa_rainc,a2x6h_Faxa_rainl,a2x6h_Faxa_snowc,a2x6h_Faxa_snowl"
+set flds = "${flds},a2x6h_Sa_z,a2x6h_Sa_u,a2x6h_Sa_v,a2x6h_Sa_tbot,a2x6h_Sa_ptem,a2x6h_Sa_shum"
+set flds = "${flds},a2x6h_Sa_pbot,a2x6h_Sa_dens,a2x6h_Sa_pslv,a2x6h_Faxa_lwdn"
+set memb = 1
+set more = true
+while ($more == true )
+ ls H[012]*/*-${memb}.cpl.ha2x6h*.* >& /dev/null
+ if ($status != 0) then
+ set more = false
+ if ($memb == 1) then
+ echo 'ARCHIVING of H[012]/*cpl.ha2x6h.* FAILED; no files available' >> & $saved
+ endif
+ else
+ # Extract filenames' pieces
+ set hists = `ls H[012]*/*-${memb}\.cpl\.ha2x6h*`
+ set date = $hists[1]:r:e
+ set case = $hists[1]:t:r:r:r:r
+ # Ensemble average of the 4 6-hour averages for each ensemble member.
+ ncra -O -v ${flds} -o ${case}.cpl.ha2x1davg.${date}.nc $hists
+ echo 'ncra created average file:' >> & $saved
+ ls ${case}.cpl.ha2x1davg.${date}.nc >> & $saved
+ echo 'from' >> & $saved
+ ls -l $hists >> & $saved
+ # ncea prunes unused dimensions (here; time) from the output file.
+ # That's OK because lots of these averaged
+ # files will be concatenated into the single file which datm/cplr wants to see.
+ # The time dimension can be reinstated then.
+ # So don't remove the averaged files after they've been archived;
+ # concatenate them together into months while bundling the obs_seq.final files.
+ ncap2 -O -s 'time[$time]={.5}' ${case}.cpl.ha2x1davg.${date}.nc ${case}.cpl.ha2x1davg.${date}.nc
+ # Concatenate the times for each day into a single file using record (time) concatenator.
+ ncrcat -v ${flds} -o ${case}.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.${date}.nc $hists
+ echo 'ncrcat created daily time series file:' >> & $saved
+ ls ${case}.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.${date}.nc >> & $saved
+ echo 'from' >> & $saved
+ ls -l $hists >> & $saved
+ # The times on the concatenated cplr history file are time = 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ;
+ # as measured from time:units = "days since 2006-12-02 00:00:00" ;
+ # ? Fix that when generating, or
+ # Fix for each day here, then add day information during final concatenation into monthly files.
+ ncap2 -O -s 'time[$time]={0.25,.5,.75,1.0}' ${case}.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.${date}.nc \
+ ${case}.cpl.ha2x1dx6h.${date}.nc
+ # Compress the daily avg and time series files for this ens member while working on the next
+ gzip ${case}.cpl.ha2x1d* &
+ endif
+ @ memb++
+tar -c -f H_cplr.ha2x1dx6h.gz.tar *.ha2x1dx6h*gz &
+tar -c -f H_cplr.ha2x1davg.gz.tar *.ha2x1davg*gz &
+tar -c -f H_cplr.ha2x1d.gz.tar *.ha2x1d[ax]*tar
+set ar_status = $status
+if ($ar_status == 0 && -e H_cplr.ha2x1d.gz.tar) then
+ msrcp -pe 1000 -pr $proj_num -wpwd $write_pass -comment "write password $write_pass" \
+ H_cplr.ha2x1d.gz.tar mss:${ms_dir}/H_cplr.ha2x1d.gz.tar >>& $saved
+ set ar_status = $status
+ # Leave ha2x2davg.gz.tar here for monthly archiving, like obs_seq.final
+ if ($ar_status == 0) then
+ rm H[012]*/*.ha2x6h* *.ha2x1dx6h*.gz *.ha2x1davg*.gz &
+ echo "SUCCEEDED archiving H_cplr.ha2x1d.gz.tar" >>& $saved
+ endif
+if ($ar_status != 0) echo 'ARCHIVING of *.ha2x1d.gz.tar FAILED' >> & $saved
+# Archive the analyses.
+if (-e ../../analyses2initial.csh) then
+ # analyses2initial.csh needs CAM initial files to average and receive the analyses
+ # from Posterior_Diag.nc.
+ # They should have been saved during the assimilation and be living in the
+ # exp/obs_####/H## directories.
+ ls H*/caminput_1.nc > /dev/null
+ set stat = $status
+ if ($stat == 0) then
+ ls H*/clminput_1.nc > /dev/null
+ set stat = $status
+ endif
+ if ($stat != 0) then
+ echo "H*/c[al]minput_* not available" >>& $saved
+ echo "H*/c[al]minput_* not available" >& ANALYSES_NOT_SAVED
+ else
+# if ($status == 0) ls H*/clminput_1.nc > /dev/null
+# if ($status != 0) then
+# echo "H*/c[al]minput_* not available; exiting" >>& $saved
+# echo "H*/c[al]minput_* not available; exiting" >& ANALYSES_NOT_SAVED
+# exit
+# endif
+ set num_anal = `ls H[0-2]*/cam_init_*`
+ set tar_stat = 0
+ if (! -e cam_analyses.tar) then
+ if ($#num_anal < 4) then
+ echo " " >>& $saved
+ ../../analyses2initial.csh no_MS '.' Posterior copy 1 ${obs_seq} >>& $saved
+ set num_anal = `ls H[0-2]*/cam_init_*`
+ endif
+ tar -c -f cam_analyses.tar H[0-2]*/{c,ice}*_init_*
+ set tar_stat = $status
+ endif
+ # This section requires that old/failed save_diagnostic files be left in place.
+ # cam_init_analysis is part of a filename constructed in analyses2initial.csh
+ # and printed for each H# directory.
+# Sometimes H06 doesn't get written to saved_diagnostics by analyses2initial.csh
+# grep cam_init_analysis saved_diagnostics >&! cam_init
+# set num_anal = `wc -l cam_init`
+# This assumes 4 analysis times/obs_seq file
+# if ($tar_stat == 0 && $num_anal[1] > 3) \
+ if ($tar_stat == 0 ) \
+ msrcp -pe 1000 -pr $proj_num -wpwd $write_pass -comment "write password $write_pass" \
+ cam_analyses.tar mss:${ms_dir}/cam_analyses.tar >>& $saved
+ set list = `ls -l cam_analyses.tar`
+ set local_size = $list[5]
+ set list = `msls -l ${ms_dir}/cam_analyses.tar`
+ set ms_size = $list[5]
+ echo " cam_analyses.tar local_size = $local_size, ms_size = $ms_size" >> $saved
+ if ($local_size == $ms_size) then
+ echo "Archived $ms_dir/cam_analyses.tar with write password $write_pass" >> $saved
+ echo ' REMOVING H[0-9]* and cam_analyses.tar ' >> $saved
+ rm -rf H[0-9]*/[ci]* cam_analyses.tar cam_init
+ else
+ echo "msrcp of ${ms_dir}/cam_analyses.tar failed; " >> $saved
+ echo 'NOT removing H[0-9]* and cam_analyses.tar ' >> $saved
+ endif
+ endif
+ echo "NO analyses2initial.csh, so no CAM initial file format analyses created"
+if (! -e $diag_name && ! -e ${diag_name}.gz) tar -c -v -f $diag_name -X tar_excl_list * >>& $saved
+rm tar_excl_list
+if ($compress == true) then
+ if (-e $diag_name) then
+ gzip $diag_name >>& $saved
+ set diag_name = ${diag_name}.gz
+ else if (-e ${diag_name}.gz) then
+ set diag_name = ${diag_name}.gz
+ else
+ echo "$diag_name does not exist at gzip" >> $saved
+ exit
+ endif
+echo "files will be written to ${ms_dir}/${diag_name}" >> $saved
+echo "with write password $write_pass" >> $saved
+msrcp -pe 1000 -pr $proj_num -wpwd $write_pass -comment "write password $write_pass" \
+ ${diag_name} mss:${ms_dir}/${diag_name} >>& $saved
+set list = `ls -l $diag_name`
+set local_size = $list[5]
+set list = `msls -l ${ms_dir}/${diag_name}`
+set ms_size = $list[5]
+echo " ${diag_name} local_size = $local_size, ms_size = $ms_size" >> $saved
+if ($local_size == $ms_size) then
+ echo "Archived files with write password $write_pass" >> $saved
+ echo "msrcp of $ms_dir/$diag_name succeeded; REMOVING $diag_name and P*Diag.nc " >> $saved
+ rm $diag_name P*Diag.nc
+ echo "msrcp of ${ms_dir}/$obs_seq failed; " >> $saved
+ echo "NOT removing $diag_name and P*.nc" >> $saved
+chmod 444 $saved
+if ($ar_status == 0) rm H_all.h0.gz.tar *.ha2x1dx6h*.gz.tar
+exit 0
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/auto_diagPOP2ms_LSF.csh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/clm_FillValue_vars.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/clm_FillValue_vars.csh (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/clm_FillValue_vars.csh 2010-06-03 17:16:03 UTC (rev 4384)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# The special values(!) which may be found on the CLM initial/restart files.
+# CLM 3.6.71 set spvals = ('1e+36' '-1e+36')
+# ICE 4.0
+# -1.836 is the value of Tsfcn (and eicen? no; embedded in larger numbers)
+# over land for member 1, but NOT 2 or 3 (or ....?)
+set spvals = ('\-1\.836' '1e+30' )
+if ($#argv == 0) then
+ echo "Usage: edit find_FillValue_vars.csh to provide spvalS"
+ echo " find_FillValue_vars.csh file.nc"
+ exit
+ set file = $1
+ if (-e $file:r.FillValue_list) then
+ echo $file:r.FillValue_list exists: move and retry
+ exit
+ endif
+# Generate a list of variables from the input file.
+set head = $file:r.head
+ncdump -h $file | grep double >! $head
+ncdump -h $file | grep ' int ' >> $head
+touch $file:r.FillValue_list
+set num_vars = `wc -l $head`
+echo num_vars = $num_vars
+foreach spv ($spvals)
+ # Make a list of vars which have it.
+ set spvars = ()
+ set n = 1
+ # Check each variable for this spval.
+ while ($n <= $num_vars[1])
+ head -$n $head | tail -1 >! varstring
+ # Replace the ( with a ' ' so that the variable name becomes a separate word.
+ set string = `sed -e "s#(# #g" varstring`
+ set var = $string[2]
+ ncks -v $var $file | grep "$spv" >! spvals
+ set num_spvals = `wc -l spvals`
+ if ($num_spvals[1] > 0) then
+ set spvars = ($spvars $var)
+ endif
+ @ n++
+ end
+ echo spval = $spv
+ echo spvars = $spvars
+ # convert the word list into the string which will be written out
+ # and read in by analyses2initial.csh and used to add _FillValue
+ # to the necessary variables in CLM initial files.
+ echo "#spvars = $#spvars"
+ set n = 0
+ set l = 1
+ @ num_lines = ($#spvars / 10) + 1
+ while ($l <= $num_lines)
+ @ nend = $l * 10
+ if ($l == $num_lines) @ nend = $#spvars
+ @ n++
+ set var_list = $spvars[$n]
+ while ($n < $nend)
+ @ n++
+ set var_list = "$var_list|$spvars[$n]"
+ end
+ echo $spv $var_list >> $file:r.FillValue_list
+ @ l++
+ end
+rm varstring spvals
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/clm_FillValue_vars.csh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/job_mpi.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/job_mpi.csh 2010-06-03 17:07:54 UTC (rev 4383)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/full_experiment/job_mpi.csh 2010-06-03 17:16:03 UTC (rev 4384)
@@ -346,8 +346,6 @@
set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
set num_lons = 64
set num_lats = 32
- # < CAM 3.6.0:
- set num_levs = 26
else if ($resol == T42) then
# T42
set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T42/03-01-01/DART_MPI
@@ -360,8 +358,6 @@
set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
set num_lons = 128
set num_lats = 64
- # < CAM 3.6.0:
- set num_levs = 26
else if ($resol == T85) then
# T85
set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T85_cam3.5/Jul_1/DART
@@ -373,8 +369,6 @@
# set CAM_src = /ptmp/dart/CAM/CAM_src/Cam3/cam3.1/models/atm/cam/bld/T85_3.1-O3
set num_lons = 256
set num_lats = 128
- # < CAM 3.6.0:
- set num_levs = 26
else if ($resol == FV4x5) then
set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV4x5/03-01-01/DART_MPI
set CAM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV4x5/03-01-01/CAM/caminput_
@@ -385,8 +379,6 @@
set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
set num_lons = 72
set num_lats = 46
- # < CAM 3.6.0:
- set num_levs = 26
else if ($resol == FV1.9x2.5) then
set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV1.9x2.5_cam3.6.26/Aug_1/DART
set CAM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV1.9x2.5_cam3.6.26/Aug_1/CAM/caminput_
@@ -399,11 +391,12 @@
# Running CAM parallel (async=4) may require grid info for domain decomposition.
set num_lons = 144
set num_lats = 96
- # < CAM 3.6.0: set num_levs = 26
- set num_levs = 30
# To use real SSTs it's necessary to pass matching stream info to the ice model by a special namelist
# which is done through casemodel.
# This must be done (now) even for CAM < 3.6; enter 'none' and 0s in that case.
+ # Newer CAMs need specific namelist choices.
+ # Define a wordlist to test for appropriate namelist entries.
+ set cam_version = ( 3 6 71 )
set sst = '/ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV1.9x2.5_cam3.5/Namelistin_files/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1.9x2.5_1949_2007.nc'
set str_yr_first = 1949
set str_yr_last = 2007
@@ -416,6 +409,9 @@
# This is only used if obs_seq_1_depend = false
set namelist = 'cwd'
+set num_levs = 26
+if ($cam_version[1] > 3 || ($cam_version[1] == 3 && $cam_version[2] > 5)) set num_levs = 30
if (${parallel_cam} == true) then
set CAM_src = ${CAM_src}-mpi
@@ -588,7 +584,7 @@
if (-e caminput_1.nc) then
${REMOVE} clminput_[1-9]*.nc
${REMOVE} caminput_[1-9]*.nc
- ${REMOVE} iceinput_[1-9]*.tar
+ ${REMOVE} iceinput_[1-9]*.nc
# Remove any possibly stale CAM surface files
@@ -704,29 +700,29 @@
echo "##==================================================================" >> ${job_i}
- if ($parallel_cam == 'false' && $?LS_SUBCWD) then
- # This environment variable tells how many processors on each node to use
- # which will depend on the per-processor memory, the model memory high-water mark
- # the ensemble size and other things.
- # The following numbers are for bluefire (IBM Power6 chip) with ~2 Gb memory /processor
- # and 32 processors/node.
- if ($num_procs == 96) then
- # want 80 members = 1*28 + 2*26
- echo "setenv LSB_PJL_TASK_GEOMETRY \" >> ${job_i}
- echo ' "{(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27)\' >> ${job_i}
- echo " (28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53)\" >> ${job_i}
- echo ' (54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79)}" ' >> ${job_i}
- else if ($num_procs == 32) then
- # I want 20 = 1*20
- echo "setenv LSB_PJL_TASK_GEOMETRY \" >> ${job_i}
- echo ' "{(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)}"' >> ${job_i}
- else
- echo "parallel_cam is false, but num_procs is not 96 or 48 or 32" >> $MASTERLOG
- exit
- endif
+# if ($parallel_cam == 'false' && $?LS_SUBCWD) then
+# # This environment variable tells how many processors on each node to use
+# # which will depend on the per-processor memory, the model memory high-water mark
+# # the ensemble size and other things.
+# # The following numbers are for bluefire (IBM Power6 chip) with ~2 Gb memory /processor
+# # and 32 processors/node.
+# if ($num_procs == 96) then
+# # want 80 members = 1*28 + 2*26
+# echo "setenv LSB_PJL_TASK_GEOMETRY \" >> ${job_i}
+# echo ' "{(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26)\' >> ${job_i}
+# echo " (27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53)\" >> ${job_i}
+# echo ' (54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79)}" ' >> ${job_i}
+# else if ($num_procs == 32) then
+# # I want 20 = 1*20
+# echo "setenv LSB_PJL_TASK_GEOMETRY \" >> ${job_i}
+# echo ' "{(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)}"' >> ${job_i}
+# else
+# echo "parallel_cam is false, but num_procs is not 96 or 48 or 32" >> $MASTERLOG
+# exit
+# endif
+# endif
- endif
echo "set myname = "'$0'" # this is the name of this script" >> ${job_i}
echo "set CENTRALDIR = ${CENTRALDIR} " >> ${job_i}
echo "cd ${CENTRALDIR}" >> ${job_i}
@@ -803,14 +799,28 @@
else if ($obs_seq_freq > 0) then
# Subtract off the days in months before the current month
# one month at a time
- @ month = $mo - 1
- if ($month == 0) @ month = 12
- @ seq_in_month = $days_in_mo[$month] * $obs_seq_freq
- while ($seq > $seq_in_month)
- @ seq = $seq - $seq_in_month
+# @ month = $mo - 1
+# if ($month == 0) @ month = 12
+# @ seq_in_month = $days_in_mo[$month] * $obs_seq_freq
+# while ($seq > $seq_in_month)
+# @ seq = $seq - $seq_in_month
+# @ month = $month - 1
+# if ($month == 0) @ month = 12
+# @ seq_in_month = $days_in_mo[$month] * $obs_seq_freq
+# end
+ @ month = $mo
+ @ yr = $year
+ @ seq_in_mo = $days_in_mo[$month] * $obs_seq_freq
+ if ($month == 2 && ($yr % 4) == 0) @ seq_in_mo = $seq_in_mo + $obs_seq_freq
+ while ($seq > $seq_in_mo)
@ month = $month - 1
- if ($month == 0) @ month = 12
+ if ($month == 0) then
+ @ month = 12
+ @ yr--
+ endif
@ seq_in_month = $days_in_mo[$month] * $obs_seq_freq
+ if ($month == 2 && ($yr % 4) == 0) @ seq_in_month = $seq_in_month + $obs_seq_freq
+ @ seq = $seq - $seq_in_month
@ month = $mo
if ($month < 10) set month = 0$month
@@ -1024,6 +1034,8 @@
echo 'if (! -d ${NHOME}) mkdir ${NHOME} ' >> ${job_i}
echo 'setenv HOME ${NHOME} ' >> ${job_i}
echo "${run_command} ./filter &" >> ${job_i}
+# kdr add in bkill code from async = 2, below, to prevent job_i from finishing 'OK'
+# after filter dies from , e.g., wrong date.
echo 'setenv HOME ${OHOME} ' >> ${job_i}
echo " " >> ${job_i}
echo 'while ( -e filter_to_model.lock ) ' >> ${job_i}
@@ -1076,6 +1088,10 @@
# Run the filter in async=2 mode.
# runs filter, which tells the model to model advance and assimilates obs
echo "${run_command} ./filter " >> ${job_i}
+ echo 'if ($status != 0) then ' >> ${job_i}
+ echo ' touch FILTER_DIED ' >> ${job_i}
+ echo ' bkill $LSB_JOBID ' >> ${job_i}
+ echo 'endif ' >> ${job_i}
@@ -1196,7 +1212,7 @@
echo 'while ($n <= '"${num_ens}) ;# loop over all ensemble members " >> ${job_i}
echo ' set CAMINPUT = caminput_${n}.nc ' >> ${job_i}
echo ' set CLMINPUT = clminput_${n}.nc ' >> ${job_i}
- echo ' set ICEINPUT = iceinput_${n}.tar ' >> ${job_i}
+ echo ' set ICEINPUT = iceinput_${n}.nc ' >> ${job_i}
echo " " >> ${job_i}
echo ' if ( -e $CAMINPUT && ! -z $CAMINPUT) then ' >> ${job_i}
@@ -1253,7 +1269,7 @@
echo ' while ($ens <= '$num_ens" ) " >> ${job_i}
echo " cp ${CAM_ics_1}"'${ens}'".nc ${out_full}/CAM " >> ${job_i}
echo " cp ${CLM_ics_1}"'${ens}'".nc ${out_full}/CLM " >> ${job_i}
- echo " cp ${ICE_ics_1}"'${ens}'".tar ${out_full}/ICE " >> ${job_i}
+ echo " cp ${ICE_ics_1}"'${ens}'".nc ${out_full}/ICE " >> ${job_i}
# echo " cp $ICE_ics_1:h/"'*-${ens}\.cice\.r\.volpn\.[0-9]*'" ${out_full}/ICE " >> ${job_i}
echo " @ ens++ " >> ${job_i}
echo " end " >> ${job_i}
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