[Dart-dev] [4380] DART/trunk/mpi_utilities/mpi_utilities_mod.f90: Add a namelist which allows for openmpi to work with async 4
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 1 14:13:55 MDT 2010
Revision: 4380
Author: nancy
Date: 2010-06-01 14:13:55 -0600 (Tue, 01 Jun 2010)
Log Message:
Add a namelist which allows for openmpi to work with async 4
(the last task has to handshake with the script, instead of task 0).
By default the namelist is DISABLED; you have to edit the file and
turn 'use_namelist' to true to enable it. This ensures 100%
backwards compatibility. Also removed some subroutine-local
variables that duplicated a module global for controlling output;
by default the handshake messages for async 4 will print, like
before, but a separate module global flag controls it now.
Also updated the comments at the head of the file, and removed
an unused global variable. And finally, make the exit routine
not use the local communicator if we haven't been through the
initialization routine (which is where it is created).
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/mpi_utilities/mpi_utilities_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/mpi_utilities/mpi_utilities_mod.f90 2010-05-28 18:24:38 UTC (rev 4379)
+++ DART/trunk/mpi_utilities/mpi_utilities_mod.f90 2010-06-01 20:13:55 UTC (rev 4380)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
! # array_broadcast() Subroutine that sends a copy of the entire data
! array to all other tasks.
-! *** exit_all() Subroutine that substitutes for the intrinsic exit.
+! # exit_all() Subroutine that substitutes for the intrinsic exit.
! It calls MPI_Abort() to force other MPI tasks to
! exit as well in case of error.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
! the local task ID, an error is returned. All other
! tasks must call recv before this routine returns.
-! * sum_across_tasks() Subroutine which takes a single integer argument
+! # sum_across_tasks() Subroutine which takes a single integer argument
! from each task, and returns the sum of all integers
! across all tasks back to all tasks. All tasks must
! call this routine before it can compute and return
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
! # finished_task() Called from finalize_mpi_utilities, if async=4
! writes out a string to the model pipe to tell it
-! filter is exiting.
+! the main executable is exiting.
! *** make_pipe() Function that creates a named pipe (fifo), opens it,
! and returns the unit number. Ok to call if the pipe
@@ -158,7 +158,10 @@
use types_mod, only : r8, digits12
use utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, &
E_ERR, E_WARN, E_MSG, E_DBG, get_unit, close_file, &
- set_output, set_tasknum, initialize_utilities
+ set_output, set_tasknum, initialize_utilities, &
+ nmlfileunit, do_output, do_nml_file, do_nml_term, &
+ find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read
use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, get_time, set_time
@@ -203,7 +206,6 @@
integer :: myrank ! my mpi number
integer :: total_tasks ! total mpi tasks/procs
integer :: my_local_comm ! duplicate communicator private to this file
-integer :: comm_size ! if ens count < tasks, only the first N participate
integer :: datasize ! which MPI type corresponds to our r8 definition
@@ -219,14 +221,34 @@
revision = "$Revision$", &
revdate = "$Date$"
-logical, save :: module_initialized = .false.
-logical, save :: verbose = .false.
+logical :: module_initialized = .false.
+integer :: head_task ! default 0, but N-1 if reverse_task_layout true
+logical :: print4status = .true. ! minimal messages for async4 handshake
character(len = 129) :: errstring
-! Namelist input - placeholder for now. mpi_utilities has no options.
-!namelist /mpi_utilities_nml/ x
+! this turns on trace messages for most MPI communications
+logical :: verbose = .false. ! very very verbose, use with care
+! if your batch system does the task layout backwards, set this to true
+! so the last task will communicate with the script in async 4 mode.
+! as of now, mpich and mvapich do it forward, openmpi does it backwards.
+logical :: reverse_task_layout = .false. ! task 0 on head node; task N-1 if .true.
+! for large numbers of MPI tasks, you will get replicated messages, one
+! per task, if this is set to true. however, for debugging if you need
+! messages from tasks which aren't 0, this will elicit them. error messages
+! from any task will print regardless of this setting.
+logical :: all_tasks_print = .false. ! by default only messages from 0 print
+! NAMELIST: change the following from .false. to .true. to enable
+! the reading of this namelist. This is the only place you need
+! to make this change.
+logical :: use_namelist = .false.
+namelist /mpi_utilities_nml/ reverse_task_layout, verbose, all_tasks_print
@@ -245,7 +267,7 @@
! this file, and it should not be called more than once (but it does have
! defensive code in case that happens.)
-integer :: errcode
+integer :: errcode, iunit
logical :: already
if ( module_initialized ) then
@@ -293,7 +315,23 @@
module_initialized = .true.
+! this must come AFTER the standard utils are initialized.
+! Read the DART namelist for the mpi_utilities.
+if (use_namelist) then
+ call find_namelist_in_file('input.nml', 'mpi_utilities_nml', iunit)
+ read(iunit, nml = mpi_utilities_nml, iostat = errcode)
+ call check_namelist_read(iunit, errcode, "mpi_utilities_nml")
+ errstring = ' !must edit mpi_utilities/mpi_utilities_mod.f90 to enable this namelist'
+ if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, '(A)') trim(errstring)
+ if (do_nml_term()) write( * , '(A)') trim(errstring)
+! Record the namelist values used for the run ...
+if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=mpi_utilities_nml)
+if (do_nml_term()) write( * , nml=mpi_utilities_nml)
! duplicate the world communicator to isolate us from any other user
! calls to MPI. All subsequent mpi calls here will use the local communicator
! and not the global world comm.
@@ -321,15 +359,17 @@
call error_handler(E_ERR,'initialize_mpi_utilities', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
-! TODO: if there are fewer ensembles than tasks, all the collective routines
-! need to take that into account and not participate if they are > comm_size.
-comm_size = total_tasks
+! tell the utilities module what task number we are.
+call set_tasknum(myrank)
! Turn off non-critical log messages from all but task 0, for performance
-! TODO: this should be controlled by a namelist option, to enable selected
-! mpi tasks to default to printing for debugging.
-if (myrank /= 0) call set_output(.FALSE.)
-call set_tasknum(myrank)
+! and for sanity (e.g. only one copy of informational messages). can be
+! overridden by namelist if desired.
+if (all_tasks_print) then
+ call set_output(.true.) ! everyone gets to talk
+ if (myrank /= 0) call set_output(.false.) ! process 0 speaks for all
! Users have the option of redefining the DART r8 kind to be the same size
! as r4. But when we call the MPI routines we have to know what MPI type
@@ -349,6 +389,22 @@
+! in async 4 mode, where the controlling job (usually filter) and the
+! model are both mpi tasks and they handshake via named pipes, the tasks
+! writing and reading the named pipes must be on the same node as the
+! one running the start script. many MPI implementations (mpich, mvapich)
+! put task 0 on the first node, with the script. some (openmpi)
+! lay them out in reverse order, and task N-1 is on the same node
+! as the script. if this is wrong, things will hang when the
+! filter task tries to advance the model - it won't be able to
+! write the 'go ahead' message to the pipe. set this via namelist
+! to match what works on your system.
+if (reverse_task_layout) then
+ head_task = total_tasks - 1
+ head_task = 0 ! normal case
! MPI successfully initialized. Log for the record how many tasks.
if (verbose) write(*,*) "PE", myrank, ": MPI successfully initialized"
@@ -1012,16 +1068,14 @@
character(len = 32) :: fifo_name, filter_to_model, model_to_filter
integer :: rc
-logical :: verbose
-verbose = .true.
if ( .not. module_initialized ) then
write(errstring, *) 'initialize_mpi_utilities() must be called first'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'block_task', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+! FIXME: this should be mpi or a string other than filter (this is generic
+! mpi wrapper code, callable from programs other than filter.)
filter_to_model = 'filter_to_model.lock'
model_to_filter = 'model_to_filter.lock'
@@ -1033,30 +1087,31 @@
if (verbose) write(*,*) 'putting to sleep task id ', myrank
-if (myrank == 0) then
- if (verbose) write(*,*) 'PE0 telling script to advance model'
+if (myrank == head_task) then
+ if (print4status .or. verbose) write(*,*) 'MPI job telling script to advance model'
rc = system('echo advance > '//trim(filter_to_model)//' '//char(0))
- if (verbose) write(*,*) 'PE0 waiting to read from lock file'
+ if (verbose) write(*,*) 'MPI job now waiting to read from lock file'
rc = system('cat < '//trim(model_to_filter)//' '//char(0))
! if you change this in any way, change the corresponding string in
! restart_task() below.
+ ! FIXME: this should be 'task_lock', since it's generic code beyond filter.
write(fifo_name, '(a, i5.5)') "filter_lock", myrank
if (verbose) write(*,*) 'removing any previous lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
rc = system('rm -f '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
-if (verbose) write(*,*) 'made fifo, named: '//trim(fifo_name)
-rc = system('mkfifo '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
+ if (verbose) write(*,*) 'made fifo, named: '//trim(fifo_name)
+ rc = system('mkfifo '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
-if (verbose) write(*,*) 'ready to read from lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
-rc = system('cat < '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
+ if (verbose) write(*,*) 'ready to read from lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
+ rc = system('cat < '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
-if (verbose) write(*,*) 'got response, removing lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
-rc = system('rm -f '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
+ if (verbose) write(*,*) 'got response, removing lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
+ rc = system('rm -f '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
@@ -1068,15 +1123,13 @@
character(len = 32) :: fifo_name, filter_to_model, model_to_filter
integer :: rc
-logical :: verbose
-verbose = .true.
if ( .not. module_initialized ) then
write(errstring, *) 'initialize_mpi_utilities() must be called first'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'restart_task', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+! FIXME: ditto previous comment about using the string 'filter' here.
filter_to_model = 'filter_to_model.lock'
model_to_filter = 'model_to_filter.lock'
@@ -1086,23 +1139,24 @@
call error_handler(E_ERR,'block_task', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
-! process 0 is handled differently in the code.
-if (myrank == 0) then
+! process 0 (or N-1) is handled differently in the code.
+if (myrank == head_task) then
- if (verbose) write(*,*) 'PE0 script telling filter ok to restart'
+ if (print4status .or. verbose) write(*,*) 'script telling MPI job ok to restart'
rc = system('echo restart > '//trim(model_to_filter)//' '//char(0))
-if (verbose) write(*,*) 'waking up task id ', myrank
+ if (verbose) write(*,*) 'waking up task id ', myrank
+ ! FIXME: this should be 'task_lock', since it's generic code beyond filter.
write(fifo_name,"(a,i5.5)") "filter_lock", myrank
-if (verbose) write(*,*) 'ready to write to lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
-rc = system('echo restart > '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
+ if (verbose) write(*,*) 'ready to write to lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
+ rc = system('echo restart > '//trim(fifo_name)//' '//char(0))
-if (verbose) write(*,*) 'response was read from lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
+ if (verbose) write(*,*) 'response was read from lock file: '//trim(fifo_name)
end subroutine restart_task
@@ -1113,10 +1167,7 @@
character(len = 32) :: fifo_name, filter_to_model, model_to_filter
integer :: rc
-logical :: verbose
-verbose = .true.
if ( .not. module_initialized ) then
write(errstring, *) 'initialize_mpi_utilities() must be called first'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'restart_task', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
@@ -1125,14 +1176,15 @@
! only in the async=4 case does this matter.
if (async /= 4) return
+! FIXME: ditto previous comment about using the string 'filter' here.
filter_to_model = 'filter_to_model.lock'
model_to_filter = 'model_to_filter.lock'
-! only process 0 needs to do anything.
-if (myrank == 0) then
+! only process 0 (or N-1) needs to do anything.
+if (myrank == head_task) then
- if (verbose) write(*,*) 'PE0 telling script we are done'
+ if (print4status .or. verbose) write(*,*) 'MPI task telling script we are done'
rc = system('echo finished > '//trim(filter_to_model)//' '//char(0))
@@ -1437,10 +1489,15 @@
integer :: ierror
-! do not bother testing here if the init code was called; we are trying
-! to exit in case of error and we want to take the other tasks down with us.
+! if we seem to have gone through the init code, call abort on our
+! private communicator. otherwise call abort on the world comm.
+if (module_initialized) then
+ call MPI_Abort(my_local_comm, exit_code, ierror)
+ call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, exit_code, ierror)
- call MPI_Abort(my_local_comm, exit_code, ierror)
+! execution should never get here
end subroutine exit_all
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