[Dart-dev] [4436] DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean: Made several changes to the processing of the HFR radial velocities.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Jul 28 15:13:28 MDT 2010
Revision: 4436
Author: thoar
Date: 2010-07-28 15:13:28 -0600 (Wed, 28 Jul 2010)
Log Message:
Made several changes to the processing of the HFR radial velocities.
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan of Scripps made some changes to accomodate
the checkpoint62a version of the MITgcm_ocean model on his platform,
so I included some of those changes.
The create_ocean_obs program now uses the temporal namelist settings
to subset the incoming observation sequences. The example filenames
for the HFRADAR data are more consistent with the other example filenames,
and the obs_sequence_tool namelist now demonstrates how to consolidate
multiple heterogeneous observation sequences into one.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/create_ocean_obs.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/create_ocean_obs.f90 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/create_ocean_obs.f90 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -15,14 +15,17 @@
! an assimilation interval of 1 day - so all observations will be
! redefined to occur at NOON on the day they were observed.
-use types_mod, only : r8, deg2rad, PI
-use obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_sequence_type, write_obs_seq, &
- static_init_obs_sequence, destroy_obs_sequence
+use types_mod, only : r8, deg2rad, PI
+use obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_sequence_type, write_obs_seq, &
+ static_init_obs_sequence, destroy_obs_sequence
use dart_MITocean_mod, only : real_obs_sequence
-use utilities_mod, only : initialize_utilities, register_module, &
- do_output, logfileunit, &
- error_handler, timestamp, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
- find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read
+use utilities_mod, only : initialize_utilities, register_module, &
+ do_output, logfileunit, &
+ error_handler, timestamp, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
+ find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read
+use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_date, set_time, print_date, &
+ operator(+), set_calendar_type, GREGORIAN
implicit none
@@ -34,13 +37,14 @@
type(obs_sequence_type) :: seq
-integer :: iunit, io, day1
+integer :: iunit, io
+type(time_type) :: time1, timeN
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Declare namelist parameters
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-integer :: year = 1996, month =1, day =1, tot_days = 31
+integer :: year = 1996, month = 1, day = 1, tot_days = 31
integer :: max_num = 800000
character(len = 129) :: fname = 'raw_ocean_obs.txt'
character(len = 129) :: output_name = 'raw_ocean_obs_seq.out'
@@ -75,8 +79,15 @@
if (do_output()) write(logfileunit, nml=create_ocean_obs_nml)
if (do_output()) write( * , nml=create_ocean_obs_nml)
+! Real observations are required to use the Gregorian calendar.
+call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
+time1 = set_date(year, month, day)
+timeN = time1 + set_time(0,tot_days)
+call print_date(time1,str='First date of interest')
+call print_date(timeN,str='Last date of interest')
! The file is read and parsed into a DART observation sequence linked list
-seq = real_obs_sequence(fname, year, month, day1, max_num, &
+seq = real_obs_sequence(fname, time1, timeN, max_num, &
lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, hfradar)
call write_obs_seq(seq, output_name)
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/dart_MITocean_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/dart_MITocean_mod.f90 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/dart_MITocean_mod.f90 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, get_date, set_time, GREGORIAN, &
set_date, set_calendar_type, get_time, &
- print_date, print_time, operator(>=)
+ print_date, print_time, operator(>=), &
+ operator(<), operator(>), operator(+)
use utilities_mod, only : get_unit, open_file, close_file, file_exist, &
register_module, error_handler, &
E_ERR, E_MSG, timestamp, is_longitude_between
@@ -52,13 +53,14 @@
-function real_obs_sequence (obsfile, year, month, day, max_num, &
+function real_obs_sequence (obsfile, time1, timeN, max_num, &
lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, hfradar)
! this function is to prepare data to DART sequence format
character(len=129), intent(in) :: obsfile
-integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, max_num
+type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, timeN
+integer, intent(in) :: max_num
real(r8), intent(in) :: lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2
logical, intent(in) :: hfradar
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
integer :: which_vert, obstype
real (r8) :: lon, lat, vloc, obs_value
-real (r8) :: aqc, var2, lonc, angle
+real (r8) :: aqc, var2, angle
type(time_type) :: time, pre_time
character(len = 32) :: obs_kind_name
@@ -155,6 +157,13 @@
time = set_date(yy,mn,dd,hh,mm,ss)
call get_time(time,seconds,days)
+ ! reject observations outside the time window
+ if ( (time < time1) .or. (time > timeN) ) then
+ call print_date(time, ' skipping time outside desired window ... ')
+ iskip = iskip + 1
+ cycle obsloop
+ endif
! verify the latitude is not outside valid limits
if ((lat > 90.0_r8) .or. (lat < -90.0_r8)) then
write(*,*) 'invalid location. lon,lat = ', lon, lat
@@ -165,8 +174,8 @@
! reject observations outside the bounding box
if(lat < lat1 .or. lat > lat2 .or. &
.not. is_longitude_between(lon, lon1, lon2)) then
- iskip = iskip + 1
- cycle obsloop
+ iskip = iskip + 1
+ cycle obsloop
! and now make sure lon is between 0 and 360, so the
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -11,40 +11,45 @@
sRef = 40*34.5,
viscAz = 1.E-4,
- viscA4 = 1.e10,
- viscAh = 1.e2,
+ viscA4 = 2.e9,
+ viscAh = 2e1,
cosPower = 3.,
- no_slip_sides = .true.,
+ no_slip_sides = .True.,
no_slip_bottom = .TRUE.,
bottomDragQuadratic = 0.002,
- diffKhT = 1.e2,
- diffk4T = 1.E10,
+ rhonil = 1035.,
+ rhoConstFresh = 1000.,
+ diffKhT = 1.e1,
+ diffk4T = 1.E9,
diffKzT = 1.E-6,
- diffKhS = 1.e2,
- diffk4S = 1.E10,
+ diffKhS = 1.e1,
+ diffk4S = 1.E9
diffKzS = 1.E-6,
tAlpha = 2.E-4,
sBeta = 7.4E-4,
gravity = 9.81,
rigidLid = .FALSE.,
- implicitFreeSurface = .TRUE.,
eosType = 'JMD95Z',
readBinaryPrec = 32,
writeBinaryPrec = 32,
globalFiles = .false.,
useSingleCpuIO = .true.,
- tempAdvScheme = 4,
- saltAdvScheme = 4,
+ tempAdvScheme = 30,
+ saltAdvScheme = 30,
hFacMin = 0.3,
hFacMinDz = 50.,
multiDimAdvection = .FALSE.,
staggerTimeStep = .TRUE.,
implicitDiffusion = .true.,
implicitViscosity = .true.,
+ implicitFreeSurface = .TRUE.,
+ useCDscheme = .FALSE.,
+ vectorInvariantMomentum = .TRUE.,
allowFreezing = .false.,
+ convertFW2Salt = -1.,
debugMode = .false.,
debugLevel = 0,
- exactConserv = .true.,
+ exactConserv = .false.,
# Elliptic solver parameters
@@ -65,73 +70,41 @@
# dumpFreq = 43200., (12-hourly assimilation cycle)
# taveFreq = 43200., (12-hourly assimilation cycle)
- startTime = 0.,
- endTime = 86400.,
- deltaTmom = 900.,
- deltaTtracer = 900.,
- deltaTClock = 900.,
- abEps = 0.1,
- chkptFreq = 0.,
- pChkptFreq = 1209600.,
- dumpFreq = 86400.,
- taveFreq = 86400.,
- tauThetaClimRelax = 0.,
- tauSaltClimRelax = 2592000.,
- monitorFreq=259200000.0,
- forcing_In_AB=.false.
+ startTime = 0.,
+ endTime = 86400.,
+ deltaTmom = 150.,
+ deltaTtracer = 150.,
+ deltaTClock = 150.,
+ abEps = 0.1,
+ chkptFreq = 0.,
+ pChkptFreq = 0.,
+ dumpFreq = 86400.,
+ taveFreq = 86400.,
+ tauThetaClimRelax = 0.,
+ tauSaltClimRelax = 0.,
+ monitorFreq = 0.,
+ forcing_In_AB =.false.
# Gridding parameters
- usingCartesianGrid=.FALSE.,
- usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
- phiMin=8.4,
- thetaMin=262.0,
- delY = 225*0.1,
- delX = 256*0.1,
- delZ = 5.0037,
- 5.5860,
- 6.2725,
- 7.0817,
- 8.0350,
- 9.1575,
- 10.4786,
- 12.0322,
- 13.8579,
- 16.0012,
- 18.5147,
- 21.4583,
- 24.9006,
- 28.9188,
- 33.5994,
- 39.0386,
- 45.3416,
- 52.6217,
- 60.9989,
- 70.5969,
- 81.5393,
- 93.9440,
- 107.9170,
- 123.5436,
- 140.8794,
- 159.9405,
- 180.6944,
- 203.0513,
- 226.8604,
- 251.9079,
- 277.9217,
- 304.5812,
- 331.5313,
- 358.4013,
- 384.8251,
- 410.4601,
- 435.0053,
- 458.2124,
- 479.8950,
- 499.3929,
+ usingCartesianGrid = .FALSE.,
+ usingSphericalPolarGrid = .TRUE.,
+ ygOrigin = 25.0,
+ xgOrigin = 269.5,
+ delY = 144*0.0208,
+ delX = 240*0.0208,
+ delZ = 4.0006, 4.0650, 4.1477, 4.2538,
+ 4.3899, 4.5645, 4.7885, 5.0756, 5.4434,
+ 5.9145, 6.5174, 7.2881, 8.2723, 9.5270,
+ 11.1235, 13.1497, 15.7131, 18.9431, 22.9922,
+ 28.0359, 34.2688, 41.8962, 51.1191, 62.1111,
+ 74.9885, 89.7745, 106.3658, 124.5091, 143.7993,
+ 163.7053, 183.6236, 202.9492, 221.1473, 237.8065,
+ 252.6677, 265.6217, 276.6874, 285.9780, 293.6654,
+ 299.1094,
# Input datasets
-#mdsiolocaldir= '/home/koehl/work/Gulf_Mexico/run/',
bathyFile = 'bathymetry.bin',
hydrogThetaFile = 'gom_T_199601.bin',
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.cal
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.cal 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.cal 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
# *******************
# Calendar Parameters
# *******************
- TheCalendar='gregorian',
- startDate_1=19960101,
- startDate_2=60000,
+ TheCalendar = 'gregorian',
+ startDate_1 = 20080601,
+ startDate_2 = 00000,
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
usingSphericalPolarGrid, usingCurvilinearGrid, &
real(r8) :: dxSpacing, dySpacing, delX(max_nx), delY(max_ny), &
- phiMin, thetaMin, rSphere, &
+ ygOrigin, xgOrigin, rSphere, &
Ro_SeaLevel, delZ(max_nz), delP, delR(max_nr), delRc(max_nr+1), &
rkFac, groundAtK1
character(len=MAX_LEN_FNAM) :: delXFile, delYFile, &
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
usingCartesianGrid, usingCylindricalGrid, &
dxSpacing, dySpacing, delX, delY, delXFile, delYFile, &
- usingSphericalPolarGrid, phiMin, thetaMin, rSphere, &
+ usingSphericalPolarGrid, ygOrigin, xgOrigin, rSphere, &
usingCurvilinearGrid, horizGridFile, deepAtmosphere, &
Ro_SeaLevel, delZ, delP, delR, delRc, delRFile, delRcFile, &
rkFac, groundAtK1
@@ -464,8 +464,8 @@
! XG (the grid edges) and XC (the grid centroids) must be computed.
-XG(1) = thetaMin
-XC(1) = thetaMin + 0.5_r8 * delX(1)
+XG(1) = xgOrigin
+XC(1) = xgOrigin + 0.5_r8 * delX(1)
do i=2, Nx
XG(i) = XG(i-1) + delX(i-1)
XC(i) = XC(i-1) + 0.5_r8 * delX(i-1) + 0.5_r8 * delX(i)
@@ -473,8 +473,8 @@
! YG (the grid edges) and YC (the grid centroids) must be computed.
-YG(1) = phiMin
-YC(1) = phiMin + 0.5_r8 * delY(1)
+YG(1) = ygOrigin
+YC(1) = ygOrigin + 0.5_r8 * delY(1)
do i=2, Ny
YG(i) = YG(i-1) + delY(i-1)
YC(i) = YC(i-1) + 0.5_r8 * delY(i-1) + 0.5_r8 * delY(i)
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -66,22 +66,22 @@
foreach FILE ( lev05_monthly_sss_relax.bin \
lev05_monthly_sst_relax.bin \
run-off.bin_1x1 \
- ncep_air_19960101.bin \
- ncep_dlwrf_19960101.bin \
- ncep_dswrf_19960101.bin \
- ncep_nswrs_19960101.bin \
- ncep_prate_19960101.bin \
- ncep_shum_19960101.bin \
- ncep_uwnd_19960101.bin \
- ncep_vwnd_19960101.bin )
+ ncep_air_2008.bin \
+ ncep_dlwrf_2008.bin \
+ ncep_dswrf_2008.bin \
+ ncep_nswrs_2008.bin \
+ ncep_prate_2008.bin \
+ ncep_shum_2008.bin \
+ ncep_uwnd_2008.bin \
+ ncep_vwnd_2008.bin )
ln -sf ../inputs/$FILE . || exit 1
# link the files used by data.obcs&OBCS_PARM01 - open boundaries
-foreach FILE ( Rs_SobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin Rs_SobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin \
- Rs_TobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin Rs_TobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin \
- Rs_UobcsE_52_01_nPx1_c1.bin Rs_UobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin \
- Rs_VobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin Rs_VobcsN_52_01_nPy1_c1.bin)
+foreach FILE ( Rs_SobcsE_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPx1.bin Rs_SobcsN_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPy1.bin \
+ Rs_TobcsE_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPx1.bin Rs_TobcsN_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPy1.bin \
+ Rs_UobcsE_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPx1_c1.bin Rs_UobcsN_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPy1.bin \
+ Rs_VobcsE_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPx1.bin Rs_VobcsN_2008_7DAY_GOM_Jan01_nPy1_c1.bin)
ln -sf ../inputs/$FILE . || exit 1
@@ -193,16 +193,16 @@
# At some point in the future, the MPIRUN variable should not be hardwired
# to an architecture-specific value.
- if ( -e ../nodelist-pgi ) then
+ if ( -e ../nodelist ) then
- setenv NUM_PROCS `cat ../nodelist-pgi | wc -l`
+ setenv NUM_PROCS `cat ../nodelist | wc -l`
# compas
# set MPIRUN = /opt/mpich/myrinet/pgi/bin/mpirun
# atlas
set MPIRUN = /share/apps/mpich1/pgi/bin/mpirun
- $MPIRUN -np $NUM_PROCS -nolocal -machinefile ../nodelist-pgi ../mitgcmuv || exit 3
+ $MPIRUN -np $NUM_PROCS -nolocal -machinefile ../nodelist ../mitgcmuv || exit 3
echo "ERROR - there is no CENTRALDIR/nodelist for this execution."
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/shell_scripts/runme_filter
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/shell_scripts/runme_filter 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/shell_scripts/runme_filter 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
# this starts filter but also returns control back to
# this script immediately.
- (setenv HOME $filterhome; mpirun.lsf ./filter) &
+ (setenv HOME $filterhome; mpirun.lsf ./filter || mpirun.lsf ./filter_done ) &
while ( -e filter_to_model.lock )
@@ -244,18 +244,23 @@
#echo "node1:2" >> $MYNODEFILE
# for compas
- setenv NUM_PROCS `cat nodelist-pgi | wc -l`
- set MPIRUN = /opt/mpich/myrinet/pgi/bin/mpirun
- set MPICMD = $MPIRUN -np $NUM_PROCS -nolocal -machinefile nodelist-pgi
+# setenv NUM_PROCS `cat nodelist-pgi | wc -l`
+# set MPIRUN = /opt/mpich/myrinet/pgi/bin/mpirun
+# set MPICMD = $MPIRUN -np $NUM_PROCS -nolocal -machinefile nodelist-pgi
# for atlas-pgi
- setenv NUM_PROCS `cat nodelist-pgi | wc -l`
- set MPIRUN = /share/apps/mpich1/pgi/bin/mpirun
- set MPICMD = $MPIRUN -np $NUM_PROCS -nolocal -machinefile nodelist-pgi
+# setenv NUM_PROCS `cat nodelist-pgi | wc -l`
+# set MPIRUN = /share/apps/mpich1/pgi/bin/mpirun
+# set MPICMD = $MPIRUN -np $NUM_PROCS -nolocal -machinefile nodelist-pgi
+# for atlas-mpi32
+ setenv NUM_PROCS `cat nodelist | wc -l`
+ set MPIRUN = /share/apps/mpich-32/pgi/bin/mpirun
+ set MPICMD = "$MPIRUN -np $NUM_PROCS -nolocal -machinefile nodelist"
# for atlas-gfortran
- set MPIRUN = /share/apps/openmpi/gfortran/bin/mpirun
- set MPICMD = $MPIRUN --hostfile nodelist-gfortran --mca mtl mx --mca pml cm -np 72
+# set MPIRUN = /share/apps/openmpi/gfortran/bin/mpirun
+# set MPICMD = $MPIRUN --hostfile nodelist-gfortran --mca mtl mx --mca pml cm -np 72
echo "MPICMD = ${MPICMD}"
Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/work/input.nml 2010-07-28 20:32:52 UTC (rev 4435)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/work/input.nml 2010-07-28 21:13:28 UTC (rev 4436)
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
obs_sequence_out_name = "obs_seq.final",
restart_in_file_name = "filter_ics",
restart_out_file_name = "filter_restart",
- init_time_days = 144270,
- init_time_seconds = 43200,
- first_obs_days = 144270,
+ init_time_days = 148805,
+ init_time_seconds = 0,
+ first_obs_days = 148805,
first_obs_seconds = 0,
- last_obs_days = 144270,
- last_obs_seconds = 43200,
+ last_obs_days = 148865,
+ last_obs_seconds = 0,
num_output_state_members = 20,
num_output_obs_members = 20,
output_interval = 1,
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
single_restart_file_in = .true.,
- single_restart_file_out = .true.,
+ single_restart_file_out = .false.,
perturbation_amplitude = 0.2 /
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
# model specific namelist info
- assimilation_period_days = 7,
+ assimilation_period_days = 1,
assimilation_period_seconds = 0,
model_perturbation_amplitude = 0.2,
output_state_vector = .false. /
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
gregorian_cal = .true. /
- num_input_files = 7,
+ num_input_files = 8,
filename_seq = '../observations/ssh_pseudo.obs_seq.out',
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@
+ '../observations/hfr_pseudo.obs_seq.out',
filename_out = 'obs_seq.out',
gregorian_cal = .true. /
@@ -251,8 +252,8 @@
obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
obs_sequence_list = '',
- first_bin_center = 1996, 1, 1,12, 0, 0 ,
- last_bin_center = 1996, 1,14,12, 0, 0 ,
+ first_bin_center = 2008, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0 ,
+ last_bin_center = 2008, 6,30,24, 0, 0 ,
bin_separation = 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ,
bin_width = 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ,
time_to_skip = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,
@@ -288,23 +289,23 @@
# fname = '../observations/tmi_pseudo.txt',
- year = 1996,
- month = 1,
+ year = 2008,
+ month = 06,
day = 1,
- tot_days = 14,
- max_num = 800000,
- fname = '../observations/adcp_v_pseudo.txt',
- output_name = '../observations/adcp_v_pseudo.obs_seq.out',
- lon1 = 0.0,
+ tot_days = 30,
+ max_num = 80000,
+ fname = '../inputs/pseudo_hfr.txt',
+ output_name = '../observations/hfr_pseudo.obs_seq.out',
+ lon1 = 0.0,
lon2 = 360.0,
lat1 = -90.0,
lat2 = 90.0,
- hfradar = .false.
+ hfradar = .true.
# Maximum number of HFRADAR observations in one observation sequence.
- max_radial_vel_obs = 1000000
+ max_radial_vel_obs = 80000,
# The obs_seq_to_netcdf_nml and schedule_nml are used to convert
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