[Dart-dev] [4415] DART/trunk/models/POP: The MakeInitialEnsemble. csh script reflects the use of 'ex' which
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Jul 6 17:44:11 MDT 2010
Revision: 4415
Author: thoar
Date: 2010-07-06 17:44:11 -0600 (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
Log Message:
The MakeInitialEnsemble.csh script reflects the use of 'ex' which
can remove a gory block trying to decide between vi and vim syntax.
The model_mod.html is a long way towards being done. The interface
descriptions remain, but the use and intro are complete.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.html
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.html 2010-07-06 21:49:13 UTC (rev 4414)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.html 2010-07-06 23:44:11 UTC (rev 4415)
@@ -8,7 +8,20 @@
<A NAME="TOP"></A>
+<table border=0 summary="" cellpadding=5>
+ <td valign=middle>
+ <img src="../../doc/html/Dartboard9.png" alt="DART project logo" height=70 >
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <P><a href="../../index.html">DART Documentation Main Index</a><br />
+ <small>version information for this file: <br />
+ <!-- version tag follows, do not edit -->
+ $Id$</small>
+ </P></td>
<A HREF="#Interface">INTERFACES</A> /
<A HREF="#Namelist">NAMELIST</A> /
<A HREF="#FilesUsed">FILES</A> /
@@ -17,250 +30,267 @@
<A HREF="#FuturePlans">PLANS</A> /
<A HREF="#PrivateComponents">PRIVATE COMPONENTS</A> /
<A HREF="#Legalese">TERMS OF USE</A>
<H1>MODULE model_mod (POP)</H1>
-<!-- version tag follows, do not edit --><P>$Id$</P>
- <a name="observation"></a>
- <BR>
- <h4 class="indent1">Observations</h4>
- The observations for the ocean model were the first observations
- of oceanic quantities, so there is an
- <em class="file">obs_def/obs_def_ocean_mod.f90</em>
- file containing the novel observation definitions like
- <em>salinity, sea surface height, current components ...</em>.
- In keeping with the DART philosophy, there is a concept of
- inheritance between platform-specific observations like
- <em>DRIFTER_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT</em> and the general
- Using the specific types when possible will allow flexibility
- specifying what kinds of observations to assimilate.
- <A href="create_ocean_obs.html">create_ocean_obs</a> is the program
- to create a DART observation sequence from a very particular ASCII file.
- </p>
+<P>The <strong>Parallel Ocean Program (POP)</strong> may now be used with the
+ <strong>Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART)</strong>.
+ Both main variants - <a href="http://climate.lanl.gov/Models/POP/">LANL POP</a> and
+ <a href="http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/pop2/">CESM1.0 POP2</a> have been
+ tested. At present (July 2010), we are assimilating salinity and temperature
+ observations from the World Ocean Database (2005) with the intention of switching
+ to the World Ocean Database (2010) as needed.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ The following POP variables are extracted from the POP netCDF restart files and
+ are conveyed to DART:
+ <em class=code>SALT_CUR</em>,
+ <em class=code>TEMP_CUR</em>,
+ <em class=code>UVEL_CUR</em>,
+ <em class=code>VVEL_CUR</em>, and
+ <em class=code>PSURF_CUR</em>. These variables are then adjusted to be consistent
+ with real observations and stuffed back into the same netCDF restart files.
+ Since DART is an ensemble algorithm, there are multiple restart files for a
+ single restart time: one for each ensemble member. Creating the initial ensemble
+ of ocean states is an area of active research. At present, it may be sufficient
+ to use a climatological ensemble; e.g., using the restarts for '1 January 00Z'
+ from 50 consecutive years. Experience has shown that having a paired (unique)
+ atmospheric forcing maintains the ensemble spread better than simply forcing
+ all the ocean ensemble members with one single atmospheric state.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ DART reads the grid information for POP from the files specified in
+ POP's <em class=code>&grid_nml</em>.
+ When DART is responsible for starting/stopping POP, the information is
+ conveyed through POP's <em class=code>&time_manager_nml</em>.
- <a name="conversions"></a>
- <BR>
- <h4 class="indent1">Converting between DART and the model</h4>
- <p>
- There are a set of support programs:
- </p>
+<div class=indent1>
+ <h2><a href="http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/pop2/">CESM1.0 POP2</a></h2>
+ <P>
+ was tested and run in production on NCAR's bluefire computer from IBM.
+ This implementation is a significant departure from the DART 'business as usual'
+ model in that DART is not responsible for advancing the model - in this case,
+ ALL of CESM! Instead, the CESM Interactive Ensemble facility is used to manage
+ the ensemble and the Flux Coupler is responsible for stopping POP at the times
+ required to perform an assimilation. DART simply runs 'end-to-end' at every
+ assimilation time, while CESM runs continuously. This is a complete role-reversal
+ from the normal DART operation but was relatively simple to implement because
+ CESM had infrastructure to exploit.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ Several modifications to CESM CASEROOT scripts will be required and will be
+ documented more later in this document. The
+ <em class=file>DART/models/POP/shell_scripts/</em><em class=program>assimilate.csh</em>
+ script is inserted into the CESM run script. The Flux Coupler stops POP every
+ midnight and all the observations within +/- 12 hours are assimilated.
+ The observation sequence files have been parsed into 'daylong' chunks and
+ have names derived from the date to facilitate manipulation in the UNIX shell.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ The DART components were built with the following settings:
+ </P>
+ <pre>
+ MPIFC = mpxlf95_r
+ MPILD = mpxlf95_r
+ FC = xlf90_r
+ LD = xlf90_r
+ INCS = -I/usr/local/lib64/r4i4 -I/usr/local/include
+ LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib64/r4i4 -lnetcdf
+ FFLAGS = -qsuffix=f=f90:cpp=F90 -q64 -b64 -qarch=auto -qmaxmem=-1 -O2 $(INCS)
+ </pre>
+<div class=indent1>
+ <h2><a href="http://climate.lanl.gov/Models/POP/">LANL POP</a></h2>
+ <P>
+ is invoked the same way as any other high-order model.
+ <b>Important</b>: This interface was tested with the LANL/POP 2_0_1 version
+ of POP ... but STILL CANNOT BE USED for assimilation until the POP code is
+ modified to do a forward euler timestep for an 'assimilation' restart.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ DART is invoked and POP is started/stopped multiple times.
+ It was checked in the gx3v5 geometry and POP was built in the 'default'
+ configuration: one which requires no forcing files, no boundary conditions,
+ etc., so I have no idea what to expect when confronting this with real
+ observations ...
+ </P>
+ <pre>
+ setenv ARCHDIR linux
+ gmake OPTIMIZE=no COUPLED=no
+ </pre>
+ <P>
+ Given the wide range of input files and modes for running POP -
+ the DART scripts will surely have to be modified to accomodate moving
+ the boundary/forcing files required for different usage patterns.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ There are several scripts in the <em class=file>DART/models/POP/shell_scripts</em>
+ directory that are employed when using DART to assimilate with a LANL/POP
+ model: <em class=program>advance_model.csh</em>,
+ <em class=program>run_perfect_model_obs.batch</em>, and
+ <em class=program>run_filter.batch</em> .
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ The DART components compile and run on our Intel-based cluster running SLES10
+ with the ifort 10.1 20090203 compiler with the following flags
+ (the value of NETCDF was appropriate for our system):
+ </P>
+ <pre>
+ MPIFC = mpif90
+ MPILD = mpif90
+ FC = ifort
+ LD = ifort
+ INCS = -I$(NETCDF)/include
+ LIBS = -L$(NETCDF)/lib -lnetcdf -lmkl -lmkl_lapack -lguide -lpthread
+ FFLAGS = -O0 -fpe0 -vec-report0 -assume byterecl $(INCS)
+ </pre>
+ <P>
+ Intel-based machines are natively little-endian, so I like to append
+ a ".le" suffix on all binary files.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ On our machine, with the openmpi framework, it is necessary to specify
+ <em class=file>input.nml</em><em class=code>:&mpi_utilities_nml:reverse_task_layout = .true.,</em >
+ to be able to simultaneously run (2) MPI programs on the same set of nodes.
+ </P>
+<div class=indent1>
+ <h3>Observations.</h3>
+ <P>
+ The observations come from the
+ <a href="http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/WOD05/pr_wod05.html">World Ocean Database 2005</a>
+ and are processed by DART routines in the
+ <a href="../../observations/WOD/WOD.html">DART/observations/WOD</a> directory.
+ </P>
+<a name="conversions"></a>
+<div class=indent1>
+ <h3>Converting between DART files and POP restart files.</h3>
+ <P>Only POP netCDF format restart files are supported. Yes, really.
+ It gets better.
+ Since the POP restart files do not have the actual grid information
+ in them, that information must be read from binary files (for the horizontal)
+ and an ascii file (for the vertical). Since I'm always working on both
+ big- and little-endian machines, I have a devil of a time keeping my
+ binary files straight.
+ All of DART/POP is predicated on using pointer files to contain the
+ names of the POP restart netCDF files. It turns out to be really
+ useful to dereference the pointer file and link the result to a presumed
+ name for use by the program unit. Otherwise, we were endlessly mucking about
+ with trying to dynamically change namelists, etc. in our scripts. Ugly.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ There are two programs and one module:
+ </P>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10">
- <tr><td valign="top"><a href="trans_pv_sv.html">trans_pv_sv.f90</a></td>
- <td>converts the ocean model snapshot files into a DART-compatible format
+ <tr><td valign="top"><a href="pop_to_dart.html">pop_to_dart.f90</a></td>
+ <td>converts the POP restart file <em class=file>pop.r.nc</em> into a
+ DART-compatible file normally called <em class=file>dart.ud</em> .
+ There must also be a <em class=file>pop_in</em> namelist for POP
+ (since this specifies the names of the grid files).
+ We usually wind up linking the dereferenced
+ pointer file name to a static name that is used by DART.
+ To that end, <em class=file>rpointer.ocn.restart</em> points to
+ <em class=file>pop.r.nc</em> for this program.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td valign="top"><a href="dart_to_pop.html">dart_to_pop.f90</a></td>
+ <td>inserts the DART output into an existing POP restart netCDF file by
+ overwriting the
+ <em class=code>SALT_CUR</em>,
+ <em class=code>TEMP_CUR</em>,
+ <em class=code>UVEL_CUR</em>,
+ <em class=code>VVEL_CUR</em>, and
+ <em class=code>PSURF_CUR</em> variables in the POP restart netCDF file.
+ There are two different types of DART output files, so there is a namelist
+ option to specify if the DART file has two time records or just one
+ (if there are two, the first one is the 'advance_to' time, followed
+ by the 'valid_time' of the ensuing state). <em class=program>dart_to_pop</em>
+ requires the POP restart file have a name of <em class=file>pop.r.nc</em>,
+ the POP input namelist <em class=file>pop_in</em> must exist, as do the
+ geometry files specified by <em class=file>pop_in</em>.
+ If the DART file contains an 'advance_to' time,
+ <em class=program>dart_to_pop</em> creates a new
+ <em class=code>&time_manager_nml</em> for POP in a file called
+ <em class=file>pop_in.DART</em> which can be used to control the
+ length of the POP integration.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td valign="top"><A href="dart_pop_mod.html">dart_pop_mod.f90</a></td>
+ <td>is the module containing many support routines that are used by
+ both <em class=program>pop_to_dart</em>, <em class=program>dart_to_pop</em>,
+ and the POP <em class=program>model_mod</em>.
- <tr><td valign="top"><a href="trans_sv_pv.html">trans_sv_pv.f90</a></td>
- <td>converts the DART output into snapshot files to be used as
- ocean model input datasets (specified in
- <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM05</em>); creates
- a new <em class="file">data</em> namelist file
- (<em class="file">data.DART</em>) containing the correct
- <em class="code">&PARM03;startTime,endTime</em> values to advance
- the ocean model the expected amount; and creates
- a new <em class="file">data.cal</em> namelist file
- (<em class="file">data.cal.DART</em>) containing the calendar information.
- </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign="top"><A href="create_ocean_obs.html">create_ocean_obs.f90</a></td>
- <td>create observation sequence files
- </td></tr>
- <p>
- The data assimilation period is controlled in the
- <em class="file">input.nml</em><em class="code">&model_nml</em>
- namelist. In combination with the ocean model dynamics timestep
- <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM03:deltaTClock</em>
- this determines the amount of time the model will advance for each
- assimilation cycle.
- </p>
+<a name="InitialEnsemble"></a>
+<div class=indent1>
+ <h3>Generating the initial ensemble.</h3>
+ <P>
+ Creating the initial ensemble of ocean states is an area of active research.
+ The POP model cannot take one single model state and generate its own
+ ensemble (typically done with <a href="#pert_model_state">pert_model_state</a>).
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ The ensemble has to come from 'somewhere else'.
+ At present, it may be sufficient to use a climatological ensemble; e.g.,
+ using the POP restarts for '1 January 00Z' from 50 consecutive years
+ from a hindcast experiment.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ There is a <em class="program">shell_scripts/MakeInitialEnsemble.csh</em>
+ script that is intended to demonstrate how to convert a set of POP netCDF
+ restart files into a set of DART files that have a consistent timestamp.
+ If you simply convert each POP file to a DART file using
+ <em class=program>dart_to_pop</em>, each DART file will have a 'valid time'
+ that reflects the POP time of that state - instead of an ensemble of states
+ reflecting one single time. The
+ <a href="../../../utilities/restart_file_utility.f90">restart_file_utility</a>
+ can be used to overwrite the timestep in the header of each DART initial
+ conditions file. The namelist for this program must look something like:
+ </P>
+ <pre>
+ &restart_file_tool_nml
+ input_file_name = "<em class=changed>dart.ics</em>",
+ output_file_name = "filter_updated_restart",
+ ens_size = 1,
+ single_restart_file_in = .true.,
+ single_restart_file_out = .true.,
+ write_binary_restart_files = .true.,
+ overwrite_data_time = <em class=changed>.true.</em>,
+ new_data_days = <em class=changed>145731</em>,
+ new_data_secs = <em class=changed>0</em>,
+ input_is_model_advance_file = .false.,
+ output_is_model_advance_file = .false.,
+ overwrite_advance_time = .false.,
+ new_advance_days = -1,
+ new_advance_secs = -1,
+ gregorian_cal = .true. /</pre>
+ <P>
+ The time of days = <em class=changed>145731</em>
+ seconds = <em class=changed>0</em> relates to 00Z 1 Jan 2000 in the DART world.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ BTW - Experience has shown that having a paired (unique) atmospheric forcing
+ maintains the ensemble spread better than simply forcing all the ocean
+ ensemble members with one single atmospheric state.
+ </P>
- <a name="InitialEnsemble"></a>
- <BR>
- <h4 class="indent1">Generating the initial ensemble</h4>
- The POP model cannot (as of Oct 2008) take one single model state
- and generate its own ensemble (typically done with
- <a href="#pert_model_state">pert_model_state</a>). This means I don't really
- know how to perform a 'perfect model' experiment until I find a way to
- correctly perturb a single state to create an ensemble.
- <BR>
- <BR>
- The ensemble has to come from 'somewhere else'. I ran the model forward
- (outside the DART framework) for 14 days and output snapshot files ever 12 hours.
- One state vector can be generated from a set of snapshot files using
- <em class="program">trans_pv_sv</em>.
- I called this my 'initial ensemble' - it's better than nothing, but it is ENTIRELY
- unknown if this creates an intial ensemble with sufficient spread. Just for
- comparison, the initial ensemble for the atmospheric models is derived from
- 'climatological' values. If they need an 80-member ensemble for July 14, 2008;
- they use the July 1 estimates of the atmosphere from 1900 to 1979. By the time
- they assimilate (every 6 hours) for several days, things are on-track.
- <BR>
- <BR>
- There is a <em class="program">shell_scripts/MakeInitialEnsemble.csh</em> script
- that was intended to automate this process - with modest success. It does
- illustrate the steps needed to convert each snapshot file to a DART initial
- conditions file and then run the
- <a href="../../../utilities/restart_file_utility.f90">restart_file_utility</a>
- to overwrite the timestep in the header of the initial conditions file. After
- you have created all the initial conditions files, you can simply 'cat' them
- all together. Even if the script doesn't work <em>out-of-the-box</em>, it
- should be readable enough to be some help.
- <a name="BigEndian"></a>
- <BR>
- <h4 class="indent1">Fortran direct-access big-endian data files</h4>
- The POP model uses Fortran direct-access big-endian data files.
- It is up to you to determine the proper compiler flags to compile DART
- such that DART can read and write these files. Every compiler/architecture
- is different, but we have put notes in each <em class="file">mkmf.template</em>
- if we know how to achieve this.
- <a name="ModelTimestepping"></a>
- <BR>
- <h4 class="indent1">Controlling the model advances</h4>
- The assimilation period is specified by two namelist parameters
- in the <em class="file">input.nml</em><em class="code">&model_nml</em> namelist:
- <em class="code">assimilation_period_days</em> and
- <em class="code">assimilation_period_seconds</em>.
- Normally, all observations within (+/-) HALF of the total assimilation
- period are used in the assimilation.
- <BR>
- <BR>
- The time of the initial conditions is specified by two namelist parameters
- in the <em class="file">input.nml</em><em class="code">&model_nml</em> namelist:
- <em class="code">init_time_days</em> and
- <em class="code">init_time_seconds</em>; depending on the settings of these
- parameters, the times may or may not come directly from the DART initial
- conditions files.
- <BR>
- <BR>
- The ocean model <b>MUST always</b> start from the input datasets defined
- in the <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM05</em> namelist.
- Apparently, this requires
- <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM03:startTime</em> to be <b>0.0</b>.
- One of the DART support routines (<a href="trans_sv_pv.html">trans_sv_pv</a>)
- converts the DART state vector to the files used in
- <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM05</em> and creates new
- <em class="file">data.cal</em><em class="code">&CAL_NML</em> and
- <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM03</em> namelists with
- values appropriate to advance the model to the desired time.
- <BR>
- <BR>
- The ocean model then
- advances till <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM03:endTime</em>
- and writes out snapshot files. <a href="trans_pv_sv.html">trans_pv_sv</a> converts the
- snapshot files to a DART-compatible file which is ingested by
- <em class="program">filter</em>. <em class="program">filter</em> also reads
- the observation sequence file to determine which observations are
- within the assimilation window, assimilates them, and writes out a
- set of restart files, one for each ensemble member.
- <em class="program">filter</em> then waits for each instance of the
- ocean model (one instance for each ensemble member) to advance to
- <em class="file">data</em><em class="code">&PARM03:endTime</em>.
- The whole process repeats
- until 1) there are no more observations to assimilate (i.e. the
- observation sequence file is exhausted) or 2) the time specified by
- <em class="file">input.nml</em><em class="code">&filter_nml:last_obs_days,last_obs_seconds</em>
- has been reached.
- <a name="GettingStarted"></a>
- <BR>
- <h4 class="indent1">Getting Started</h4>
- I always like running something akin to a 'perfect model' experiment to start.
- Since I have not come up with a good way to perturb a single model state to
- generate an ensemble, here's the next best thing. Please keep in mind that the
- details for running each program are covered in their own documentation.
+<a name="POP_OSSE"></a>
+<div class=indent1>
+ <h3>Generating a set of observations for a 'perfect model' experiment using the LANL/POP executable and scripts.</h3>
+ <P>
+ A perfectly sensible approach to get to know the system would be to try to
+ </P>
- <li>create a set of initial conditions for DART as described in
- <a href="#InitialEnsemble">Generating the intial ensemble</a> and keep a copy
- of the 'middle' snapshot - then use it as the initial condition
- for <em class="program">perfect_model_obs</em>.</li>
- <li>create a TINY set of 'perfect' observations in the normal fashion:
- <a href="../../../obs_sequence/create_obs_sequence.html">create_obs_sequence</a>
- and then
- <a href="../../../obs_sequence/create_fixed_network_seq.html">create_fixed_network_seq</a>
- to create an empty observation sequence file (usually called
- <em class="file">obs_seq.in</em>)
- </li>
- <li>modify <em class="file">data</em>,
- <em class="file">data.cal</em>, and
- <em class="file">input.nml</em> to control
- the experiment and populate the observation sequence file by
- running <a href="../../../perfect_model_obs/perfect_model_obs.html">perfect_model_obs</a>
- </li>
- <li>Now use the full ensemble of initial conditions from Step 1 and run
- <a href="../../../filter/filter.html">filter</a></li>
- </ol>
- A perfectly sensible approach to get to know the system would be to try to
- <ol>
<li>assimilate data for the first assimilation period and stop. Do not advance
the model at all. The filter namelist can control all of this and you do
not need to have a working <em class="program">advance_model.csh</em>
@@ -269,22 +299,91 @@
period and stop.</li>
<li>advance, assimilate and advance again. This tests the whole DART facility.</li>
+ <P>
+ I always like running something akin to a 'perfect model' experiment to start.
+ Since I have not come up with a good way to perturb a single model state to
+ generate an ensemble, here's the next best thing. The details for running
+ each program are covered in their own documentation.
+ </P>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Create a set of initial conditions for DART by running one instance of POP
+ for a very long time and saving restart files 'every so often'.
+ Use one of these as the initial condition
+ for <em class="program">perfect_model_obs</em> and the rest as the
+ ensemble for the assimilation experiment. Since no one in their right
+ mind would use a high-resolution model for a proof-of-concept case
+ (hint, hint), running a low-resolution model for a 'very long time' should
+ not be a problem.
+ </li>
- <a name="ExploringOutput"></a>
- <h4 class="indent1">Exploring the Output</h4>
- Is pretty much like any other model. The netCDF files have the model
- prognostic variables before and after the assimilation. There are Matlab®
- scripts for perusing the netCDF files in the <em class="file">DART/matlab</em>
- directory. There are Matlab® scripts for exploring the performance of the
- assimilation in observation-space (after running
- <a href="../../../diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.html">obs_diag</a> to
- explore the <em class="file">obs_seq.final</em> file) - use the scripts starting
- with 'plot_', i.e. <em class="file">DART/diagnostics/matlab/plot_*.m</em>.
- As always, there are some model-specific item you should know about in
- <em class="file">DART/models/POP/matlab</em>, and
- <em class="file">DART/models/POP/shell_scripts</em>.
+ <li>create a TINY (i.e. 1) set of 'perfect' observations in the normal fashion:
+ <a href="../../../obs_sequence/create_obs_sequence.html">create_obs_sequence</a>
+ and then
+ <a href="../../../obs_sequence/create_fixed_network_seq.html">create_fixed_network_seq</a>
+ to create an empty observation sequence file
+ (usually called <em class="file">obs_seq.in</em>).
+ The programs will prompt you for all the information they require.
+ Read their documentation if necessary.
+ </li>
+ <li>break the <em class="file">pop_in</em> namelist that comes with POP into
+ two pieces - one called <em class="file">pop_in.part1</em>,
+ that contains the <em class=code>&time_manager_nml</em> and
+ put the rest in <em class="file">pop_in.part2</em>. The
+ <em class=code>&time_manager_nml</em> will be repeatedly updated
+ as the POP model is repeatedly called by
+ <em class=program>advance_model.csh</em>.
+ </li>
+ <li>modify <em class="file">POP/work/input.nml</em> as needed.
+ </li>
+ <li>modify
+ <em class=file>DART/models/POP/shell_scripts</em><em class=program>run_perfect_model_obs.batch</em>
+ to reflect the location of your DART directory, the POP directory,
+ and which POPFILE to use as the initial condition.
+ </li>
+ <li>Run the experiment and populate the observation sequence file by
+ executing/submitting the script
+ <em class=file>DART/models/POP/shell_scripts/</em><em class=program>run_perfect_model_obs.batch</em>.
+ The script may require some modification, but not much.
+ Please let me know if I can improve the readability or comments.
+ <em class=program>run_perfect_model_obs.batch</em> runs
+ <a href="../../perfect_model_obs/perfect_model_obs.html">perfect_model_obs</a>
+ </li>
+ <li><em class=program>run_filter.batch</em> runs
+ <a href="../../filter/filter.html">filter</a> in a similar fashion.
+ I have not finished the documentation for this yet.
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+<a name="ExploringOutput"></a>
+<div class=indent1>
+ <h3>Exploring the Output.</h3>
+ <P>
+ Is pretty much like any other model. The netCDF files have the model
+ prognostic variables before and after the assimilation.
+ There are Matlab® scripts for perusing the netCDF files in the
+ <em class="file">DART/matlab</em> directory.
+ There are Matlab® scripts for exploring the performance of the
+ assimilation in observation-space (after running
+ <a href="../../diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.html">obs_diag</a>
+ to explore the <em class="file">obs_seq.final</em> file) - use the
+ scripts starting with 'plot_', i.e.
+ <em class="file">DART/diagnostics/matlab/plot_*.m</em>.
+ As always, there are some model-specific item you should know about in
+ <em class="file">DART/models/POP/matlab</em>, and
+ <em class="file">DART/models/POP/shell_scripts</em>.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ It is also worthwhile to convert your obs_seq.final file to a netCDF format
+ obs_sequence file with <a href="../../obs_sequence/obs_seq_to_netcdf.html">obs_seq_to_netcdf</a>
@@ -1803,7 +1902,7 @@
<TR><!--contents--><TD valign=top>output_state_vector</TD>
<!-- type --><TD valign=top>logical <em class="unit">[default: .true.]</em></TD>
<!--descript--><TD>The switch to determine the form of the state vector in the
- output netcdf files. If <em class="code">.true.</em>
+ output netCDF files. If <em class="code">.true.</em>
the state vector will be output exactly as DART uses it
... one long array. If <em class="code">.false.</em>,
the state vector is parsed into prognostic variables and
Modified: DART/trunk/models/POP/shell_scripts/MakeInitialEnsemble.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/shell_scripts/MakeInitialEnsemble.csh 2010-07-06 21:49:13 UTC (rev 4414)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/shell_scripts/MakeInitialEnsemble.csh 2010-07-06 23:44:11 UTC (rev 4415)
@@ -106,30 +106,6 @@
# Ensure the namelists have the right values.
-# We need to run the editor in batch mode. If you have 'vim' it needs
-# one flag; if you have only the older vanilla 'vi' you need another.
-# On several systems 'vi' is a link to 'vim' and uses the newer syntax
-# so you cannot distinguish which flag will be needed based only on name.
-# First try to run 'vim' by full name and then back off to plain 'vi'
-# if it is not found. Punt if neither is found.
-set VI_EXE = `which vim`
-if ( -x "${VI_EXE}" ) then
- setenv VI 'vim -e'
- set VI_EXE = `which vi`
- if ( -x "${VI_EXE}" ) then
- setenv VI 'vi -s'
- else
- echo ""
- echo "Neither the vim nor the vi editor were found. This script"
- echo "cannot continue unless it can use one of them to update"
- echo "the test input namelist files."
- echo ""
- exit 2
- endif
# Need to modify rest of input.nml for test run
# Essentially, we want the namelist block to look like:
@@ -148,24 +124,23 @@
# new_advance_days = -1,
# new_advance_secs = -1 /
-echo ':0' >! vi_script
-echo '/restart_file_tool_nml' >> vi_script
-echo '/input_file_name' >> vi_script
-echo ':s/filter_restart/dart.ics/' >> vi_script
-echo '/write_binary_restart_files' >> vi_script
-echo ':s/.false./.true./' >> vi_script
-echo '/overwrite_data_time' >> vi_script
-echo ':s/.false./.true./' >> vi_script
-echo '/new_data_days' >> vi_script
-echo ':s/-1/145731/' >> vi_script
-echo '/new_data_secs' >> vi_script
-echo ':s/-1/0/' >> vi_script
-echo ':wq' >> vi_script
+echo ':0' >! ex_commands
+echo '/restart_file_tool_nml' >> ex_commands
+echo '/input_file_name' >> ex_commands
+echo ':s/filter_restart/dart.ics/' >> ex_commands
+echo '/write_binary_restart_files' >> ex_commands
+echo ':s/.false./.true./' >> ex_commands
+echo '/overwrite_data_time' >> ex_commands
+echo ':s/.false./.true./' >> ex_commands
+echo '/new_data_days' >> ex_commands
+echo ':s/-1/145731/' >> ex_commands
+echo '/new_data_secs' >> ex_commands
+echo ':s/-1/0/' >> ex_commands
+echo ':wq' >> ex_commands
-( ${VI} input.nml < vi_script)
+( ex input.nml < ex_commands) >& /dev/null
+\rm -f ex_commands
-\rm -f vi_script
# Loop over all the restart files.
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