[Dart-dev] [4616] DART/trunk/obs_sequence: Now handles multiple input observation types.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Dec 28 15:59:07 MST 2010
Revision: 4616
Author: thoar
Date: 2010-12-28 15:59:07 -0700 (Tue, 28 Dec 2010)
Log Message:
Now handles multiple input observation types.
The netCDF output file also has more information that will
make it easier to create a list of desired stations for subsequent
processing and creation of the forecast-verify-enabled netCDF files.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.f90
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.f90 2010-12-23 22:26:55 UTC (rev 4615)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.f90 2010-12-28 22:59:07 UTC (rev 4616)
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@
integer :: num_output ! total number of desired locations and times found
integer :: num_max ! most number of desired times found at any location
-integer, parameter :: stringlength = 32
+integer, parameter :: STRINGLENGTH = 32
+integer, parameter :: MAX_OBS_INPUT_TYPES = 500 ! lazy, just going big
! variables associated with the observation
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@
character(len = 129) :: netcdf_out = 'obsdef_mask.nc'
character(len = 129) :: obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final'
character(len = 129) :: obs_sequence_list = ''
-character(len = 129) :: obs_of_interest = 'all'
+character(len = STRINGLENGTH) :: obs_of_interest(MAX_OBS_INPUT_TYPES) = ''
real(r8) :: lonlim1= MISSING_R8, lonlim2= MISSING_R8
real(r8) :: latlim1= MISSING_R8, latlim2= MISSING_R8
@@ -149,13 +150,13 @@
integer, parameter :: Ncopies = 1
integer :: allNcopies
-character(len=stringlength), dimension(Ncopies) :: copy_names = &
+character(len=STRINGLENGTH), dimension(Ncopies) :: copy_names = &
(/ 'observation error variance' /)
-character(len=stringlength), allocatable, dimension(:) :: module_obs_copy_names
-character(len=stringlength), allocatable, dimension(:) :: obs_copy_names
-character(len=stringlength), allocatable, dimension(:) :: module_qc_copy_names
-character(len=stringlength), allocatable, dimension(:) :: qc_copy_names
+character(len=STRINGLENGTH), allocatable, dimension(:) :: module_obs_copy_names
+character(len=STRINGLENGTH), allocatable, dimension(:) :: obs_copy_names
+character(len=STRINGLENGTH), allocatable, dimension(:) :: module_qc_copy_names
+character(len=STRINGLENGTH), allocatable, dimension(:) :: qc_copy_names
real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: qc
integer, dimension(max_obs_kinds) :: obs_kinds_inds = 0
@@ -218,16 +219,30 @@
revdate, text2=string2)
-flavor_of_interest = get_obs_kind_index(obs_of_interest)
-obs_kinds_inds(flavor_of_interest) = 1
+! Determine if the desired observation types exist
-if (flavor_of_interest < 0) then
- write(string1,*)trim(obs_of_interest),' is not a known observation type.'
- call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_seq_coverage', string1, source, revision, revdate)
+TypeLoop : do i = 1,MAX_OBS_INPUT_TYPES
-if (verbose) write(*,*)trim(adjustl(obs_of_interest)),' is type ',flavor_of_interest
+ if ( (len(obs_of_interest(i)) == 0) .or. &
+ (obs_of_interest(i) == "") ) exit TypeLoop
+ string2 = adjustl(obs_of_interest(i))
+ flavor_of_interest = get_obs_kind_index(trim(string2))
+ if (flavor_of_interest < 0) then
+ write(string1,*)trim(string2),' is not a known observation type.'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_seq_coverage', string1, source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
+ if (verbose) write(*,*)trim(string2),' is type ',flavor_of_interest
+ obs_kinds_inds(flavor_of_interest) = 1 ! indicate that we want this one
+enddo TypeLoop
@@ -327,14 +342,14 @@
do i=1, num_copies
string1 = trim(get_copy_meta_data(seq,i))//' '
- obs_copy_names(i) = string1(1:stringlength)
+ obs_copy_names(i) = string1(1:STRINGLENGTH)
do i=1, Ncopies
obs_copy_names(num_copies+i) = trim(copy_names(i))
do i=1, num_qc
string1 = trim(get_qc_meta_data(seq,i))//' '
- qc_copy_names(i) = string1(1:stringlength)
+ qc_copy_names(i) = string1(1:STRINGLENGTH)
if ( ifile == 1 ) then ! record the metadata for comparison
@@ -344,14 +359,14 @@
do i=1, num_copies
string1 = trim(get_copy_meta_data(seq,i))//' '
- module_obs_copy_names(i) = string1(1:stringlength)
+ module_obs_copy_names(i) = string1(1:STRINGLENGTH)
do i=1, Ncopies
module_obs_copy_names(num_copies+i) = trim(copy_names(i))
do i=1, num_qc
string1 = trim(get_qc_meta_data(seq,i))//' '
- module_qc_copy_names(i) = string1(1:stringlength)
+ module_qc_copy_names(i) = string1(1:STRINGLENGTH)
else ! Compare all subsequent files' metadata to the first one
@@ -413,10 +428,11 @@
! determine if obs is a new location or time at an existing loc
+ ! first : reject if not in desired region or not a type we want
if ( is_location_in_region(obs_loc,minl,maxl) .and. &
- (flavor == flavor_of_interest) ) then
+ (obs_kinds_inds(flavor) > 0) ) then
ngood = ngood + 1
station_id = find_station_location(flavor, obs_loc, stations)
@@ -446,14 +462,6 @@
enddo ObsFileLoop
-! Output a netCDF file of 'all' observations locations and times.
-! Used to explore what is available.
-ncName = adjustl(netcdf_out)
-ncunit = InitNetCDF(trim(ncName))
-call WriteNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName), stations)
-call CloseNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName))
! Determine which stations match the temporal selection requirements
@@ -473,6 +481,14 @@
enddo TimeLoop
+! Output a netCDF file of 'all' observations locations and times.
+! Used to explore what is available.
+ncName = adjustl(netcdf_out)
+ncunit = InitNetCDF(trim(ncName))
+call WriteNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName), stations)
+call CloseNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName))
! if no stations are selected, do something.
if (num_output < 1) then
@@ -807,7 +823,7 @@
character(len=129), allocatable, dimension(:) :: textblock
-integer :: nmost
+integer :: nmost, ntypes
if(.not. byteSizesOK()) then
call error_handler(E_ERR,'InitNetCDF', &
@@ -823,7 +839,7 @@
call error_handler(E_MSG,'InitNetCDF',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-! Write Global Attributes
+! Write Global Attributes (mostly namelist input, that sort of thing)
call DATE_AND_TIME(crdate,crtime,crzone,values)
@@ -838,13 +854,30 @@
'InitNetCDF', 'put_att obs_seq_coverage_revision '//trim(fname))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'obs_seq_coverage_revdate', revdate ), &
'InitNetCDF', 'put_att obs_seq_coverage_revdate '//trim(fname))
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'obs_of_interest', obs_of_interest ), &
- 'InitNetCDF', 'put_att obs_of_interest '//trim(fname))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'nTmin', nTmin ), &
'InitNetCDF', 'put_att nTmin '//trim(fname))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'nTmax', nTmax ), &
'InitNetCDF', 'put_att nTmax '//trim(fname))
+! Write all desired observation types.
+! As a sanity check - do it from our working array.
+ntypes = 0
+TYPELOOP : do i = 1,size(obs_kinds_inds)
+ if (obs_kinds_inds(i) < 1) cycle TYPELOOP
+ ntypes = ntypes + 1
+ ! create unique netCDF attribute name
+ write(string1,'(''obs_of_interest_'',i3.3)') ntypes
+ ! decode the index into an observation type name
+ string2 = adjustl(get_obs_kind_name(i))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, string1, string2 ), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'put_att obs_of_interest '//trim(fname))
! write all observation sequence files used
FILEloop : do i = 1,SIZE(obs_seq_filenames)
@@ -874,8 +907,10 @@
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name="stations", xtype=nf90_int, &
dimids = (/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'stations:def_var')
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, "long_name", "station index"), &
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, "long_name", "desired station flag"), &
'InitNetCDF', 'stations:long_name')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, "description", "1 == good station"), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'stations:description')
! Find the station with the longest time array and define a dimension.
nmost = 0
@@ -902,7 +937,7 @@
'InitNetCDF', 'def_dim:nlines '//'input.nml')
call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid, &
- name='stringlength', len = stringlength, dimid = StringDimID), &
+ name='stringlength', len = STRINGLENGTH, dimid = StringDimID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'def_dim:stringlength '//trim(fname))
! Define the variable to record the input parameters ... the namelist
@@ -917,6 +952,15 @@
! Define the RECORD variables
+! Define the observation type
+call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='obs_type', xtype=nf90_char, &
+ dimids=(/ StringDimID, StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'obs_type:def_var')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
+ 'observation type string at this station'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'obs_type:put_att long_name')
! let the location module write what it needs to ...
if ( nc_write_location_atts( ncid, fname, StationsDimID ) /= 0 ) then
@@ -924,8 +968,43 @@
call error_handler(E_ERR,'InitNetCDF',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-! Define the observation time
+! Define the number of observation times
+call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='ntimes', xtype=nf90_int, &
+ dimids=(/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'ntimes:def_var')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
+ 'number of observation times at this station'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'ntimes:put_att long_name')
+! Define the first valid observation time
+call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='first_time', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'first_time:def_var')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
+ 'first valid observation time at this station'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'first_time:put_att long_name')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'units', 'days since 1601-1-1'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'first_time:put_att units')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'calendar', 'Gregorian'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'first_time:put_att calendar')
+! Define the last valid observation time
+call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='last_time', xtype=nf90_double, &
+ dimids=(/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'last_time:def_var')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
+ 'last valid observation time at this station'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'last_time:put_att long_name')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'units', 'days since 1601-1-1'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'last_time:put_att units')
+call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'calendar', 'Gregorian'), &
+ 'InitNetCDF', 'last_time:put_att calendar')
+! Define the observation times
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='time', xtype=nf90_double, &
dimids=(/ TimeDimID, StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
'InitNetCDF', 'time:def_var')
@@ -940,13 +1019,6 @@
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, '_FillValue', 0.0_digits12), &
'InitNetCDF', 'time:put_att fill_value')
-call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name='ntimes', xtype=nf90_int, &
- dimids=(/ StationsDimID /), varid=VarID), &
- 'InitNetCDF', 'ntimes:def_var')
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, VarID, 'long_name', &
- 'number of observation times at this location'), &
- 'InitNetCDF', 'ntimes:put_att long_name')
! Leave define mode so we can fill
@@ -989,9 +1061,11 @@
integer, dimension(1) :: istart, icount
integer :: StationVarID, TimeVarID, NTimesVarID, &
+ T1VarID, TNVarID, ObsTypeVarID, &
LocationVarID, WhichVertVarID
real(digits12), allocatable, dimension(:) :: mytimes
+integer, dimension(size(DesiredStations)) :: gooduns
! Find the current length of the unlimited dimension so we can add correctly.
@@ -1001,9 +1075,13 @@
call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'stations', varid=StationVarID), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:stationindex '//trim(fname))
-call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, StationVarID, (/ (i,i=1,num_stations) /)), &
- 'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:stationindex')
+gooduns = 0
+where(DesiredStations) gooduns = 1
+call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, StationVarID, gooduns), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:gooduns '//trim(fname))
call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'time', varid=TimeVarID), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:time '//trim(fname))
@@ -1012,9 +1090,18 @@
call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, DimID, len=ntimes), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'inquire time ntimes '//trim(fname))
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'obs_type', varid=ObsTypeVarID), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:obs_type '//trim(fname))
call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'ntimes', varid=NTimesVarID), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:ntimes '//trim(fname))
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'first_time', varid=T1VarID), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:first_time '//trim(fname))
+call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'last_time', varid=TNVarID), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:last_time '//trim(fname))
call nc_get_location_varids(ncid, fname, LocationVarID, WhichVertVarID)
@@ -1024,7 +1111,25 @@
ntimes = stations(stationindex)%ntimes
istart(1) = stationindex
icount(1) = 1
+ string1 = get_obs_kind_name(stations(stationindex)%obs_type)
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, ObsTypeVarId, string1, &
+ start=(/ 1, stationindex /), count=(/ len_trim(string1), 1 /) ), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:obs_type_string')
+ call get_time(stations(stationindex)%first_time, secs, days)
+ mytimes(1) = days + secs/(60.0_digits12 * 60.0_digits12 * 24.0_digits12)
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, T1VarId, (/ mytimes(1) /), &
+ start=(/ stationindex /), count=(/ 1 /) ), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:first_time')
+ call get_time(stations(stationindex)%last_time, secs, days)
+ mytimes(1) = days + secs/(60.0_digits12 * 60.0_digits12 * 24.0_digits12)
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, TNVarId, (/ mytimes(1) /), &
+ start=(/ stationindex /), count=(/ 1 /) ), &
+ 'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:last_time')
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, NTimesVarId, (/ ntimes /), &
start=istart, count=icount), 'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:ntimes')
@@ -1040,7 +1145,7 @@
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, TimeVarId, mytimes, &
start=(/ 1, stationindex /), count=(/ ntimes, 1 /) ), &
'WriteNetCDF', 'put_var:times')
! Using the location_mod:nc_write_location() routine.
@@ -1134,7 +1239,7 @@
integer :: sec1,secN,day1,dayN
type(obs_def_type) :: obs_def
-integer :: iunit, j
+integer :: iunit, i, j
iunit = get_unit()
open(iunit,file=trim(textfile_out), form='formatted', &
@@ -1149,11 +1254,19 @@
call set_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def, MISSING_R8)
call set_obs_def_kind( obs_def, flavor_of_interest)
-write(*,*)'There are ',num_output,' locs/times for '//trim(obs_of_interest)
-write(*,*)'only interested in locations with between ', nTmin, nTmax,' obs times.'
+write(*,*)'There are ',num_output,' locs/times.'
+write(*,*)'Only interested in locations with between ', nTmin, nTmax,' obs times.'
write(*,*)'minlon/minlat ', lonlim1, latlim1
write(*,*)'maxlon/maxlat ', lonlim2, latlim2
+write(*,*)'between ', nTmin, nTmax,' obs times for observation types:'
+TYPELOOP : do i = 1,size(obs_kinds_inds)
+ if (obs_kinds_inds(i) < 1) cycle TYPELOOP
+ string2 = adjustl(get_obs_kind_name(i))
+ write(*,*)'i,obs_kind_inds(i)',i,obs_kinds_inds(i),trim(string2)
Summary : do i = 1,num_stations
if ( .not. DesiredStations(i) ) cycle Summary
Modified: DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.nml
--- DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.nml 2010-12-23 22:26:55 UTC (rev 4615)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_sequence/obs_seq_coverage.nml 2010-12-28 22:59:07 UTC (rev 4616)
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
obs_sequence_list = 'obs_coverage_list.txt',
obs_sequence_name = '',
- obs_of_interest = 'METAR_U_10_METER_WIND',
- textfile_out = 'METAR_U_10_METER_WIND_obsdef_mask.txt',
- netcdf_out = 'METAR_U_10_METER_WIND_obsdef_mask.nc',
+ obs_of_interest = 'METAR_U_10_METER_WIND','METAR_V_10_METER_WIND',
+ textfile_out = 'obsdef_mask.txt',
+ netcdf_out = 'obsdef_mask.nc',
lonlim1 = 0.0,
lonlim2 = 360.0,
latlim1 = -90.0,
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