[Dart-dev] [4357] DART/trunk: The link_obs. m Matlab function is not specific to any one model.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Apr 21 17:05:18 MDT 2010
Revision: 4357
Author: thoar
Date: 2010-04-21 17:05:18 -0600 (Wed, 21 Apr 2010)
Log Message:
The link_obs.m Matlab function is not specific to any one model.
So - I am moving it from my test location to the production location.
Simply a move - no other change.
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Copied: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/link_obs.m (from rev 4356, DART/trunk/models/wrf/matlab/link_obs.m)
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/link_obs.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/link_obs.m 2010-04-21 23:05:18 UTC (rev 4357)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+function link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
+%% link_obs generates the 'brushable' observation plots.
+% Three figures will be generated. In order to make any sense of this
+% Figure 1 will have a 3D geographic scatterplot.
+% Figure 2 has multiple axes.
+% The bottom axes has a plot of the observation
+% value vs. the QC value.
+% The next axes provides information about the original
+% observation index in the observation sequence file.
+% The next axes provides the ability to select observations
+% by time - useful if multiple observation sequence files are
+% contained in the single input netCDF file.
+% The final (top) axes plots the QC value as a function of time.
+% Figure 3 has a 2D scatterplot of (typically) the prior mean
+% observation vs. the original observation. Both of
+% these can be changed however - the allowable set is defined
+% by the CopyMetaData variable in the netCDF file.
+% link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
+% fname - name of netcdf file that results from obs_seq_to_netcdf
+% ObsTypeString - the TYPE of observation (ncdump -v ObsTypesMetaData *.nc)
+% ObsCopyString - the COPY specifying the raw observation ( -v CopyMetaData )
+% CopyString - the COPY specifying the copy to compare to the raw obs
+% QCString - character string - one of (ncdump -v QCMetaData *.nc)
+% fname = '/ptmp/thoar/POP/CAM/POP8/obs_epoch_001.nc';
+% ObsTypeString = 'APB_TEMPERATURE';
+% ObsCopyString = 'WOD observation';
+% CopyString = 'prior ensemble mean';
+% QCString = 'DART quality control';
+% region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf];
+% global obsmat;
+% link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
+% fname = 'obs_epoch_001.nc';
+% ObsCopyString = 'NCEP BUFR observation';
+% CopyString = 'prior ensemble mean';
+% QCString = 'DART quality control';
+% region = [220 300 20 60 -Inf Inf];
+% global obsmat;
+% link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
+% global obsmat;
+% region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf];
+% link_obs('obs_epoch_002.nc','RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE', 'observation', ...
+% 'prior ensemble member 3', 'DART quality control', region)
+%% DART software - Copyright � 2004 - 2010 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
+ error('%s does not exist.',fname)
+verbose = 1;
+obs = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ObsCopyString, QCString, verbose);
+copy = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString, QCString, 0);
+if ( length(obs.lons) == 0 )
+ error('There are no %s observations in the region specified in %s', ObsTypeString, fname)
+l1 = length(copy.obs);
+l2 = length(obs.obs);
+if (l1 ~= l2 )
+ error('there are %d %s and only %d %s',l1, CopyString, l2, ObsCopyString)
+obs.ObsCopyString = obs.CopyString;
+obs.CopyString = copy.CopyString;
+%% Now pack the data in the same fashion as the cell array of column labels.
+obs.lonindex = 1;
+obs.latindex = 2;
+obs.zindex = 3;
+obs.obsindex = 4;
+obs.copyindex = 5;
+obs.qcindex = 6;
+obs.keyindex = 7;
+obs.timeindex = 8;
+obs.indindex = 9;
+global obsmat
+obsmat = zeros(length(obs.lons),9);
+obsmat(:,obs.lonindex ) = obs.lons; obs.colnames{obs.lonindex} = 'longitude';
+obsmat(:,obs.latindex ) = obs.lats; obs.colnames{obs.latindex} = 'latitude';
+obsmat(:,obs.zindex ) = obs.z ; obs.colnames{obs.zindex} = obs.Zunits;;
+obsmat(:,obs.obsindex ) = obs.obs ; obs.colnames{obs.obsindex} = ObsCopyString;
+obsmat(:,obs.copyindex) = copy.obs; obs.colnames{obs.copyindex} = CopyString;
+obsmat(:,obs.qcindex ) = obs.qc ; obs.colnames{obs.qcindex} = QCString;
+obsmat(:,obs.keyindex ) = obs.keys; obs.colnames{obs.keyindex} = 'obskey';
+obsmat(:,obs.timeindex) = obs.time; obs.colnames{obs.timeindex} = 'time';
+obsmat(:,obs.indindex ) = 1:length(obs.time); obs.colnames{obs.indindex} = 'index';
+%% Replace all ill-posed copies with
+% This should really check to see if the copy is a 'mean' or 'spread' ...
+iscalculated = ~isempty(findstr(lower(obs.colnames{obs.copyindex}),'mean')) | ...
+ ~isempty(findstr(lower(obs.colnames{obs.copyindex}),'spread'));
+if iscalculated
+ disp('replacing copies with [1 < QC flag < 5] with NaN')
+ allindices = obsmat(:,obs.qcindex);
+ badinds = ((allindices > 1) & (allindices < 5));
+ obsmat(badinds,obs.copyindex) = NaN;
+%% create the linked plots
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/wrf/matlab/link_obs.m
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/matlab/link_obs.m 2010-04-21 23:00:04 UTC (rev 4356)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/matlab/link_obs.m 2010-04-21 23:05:18 UTC (rev 4357)
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-function link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
-%% link_obs generates the 'brushable' observation plots.
-% Three figures will be generated. In order to make any sense of this
-% Figure 1 will have a 3D geographic scatterplot.
-% Figure 2 has multiple axes.
-% The bottom axes has a plot of the observation
-% value vs. the QC value.
-% The next axes provides information about the original
-% observation index in the observation sequence file.
-% The next axes provides the ability to select observations
-% by time - useful if multiple observation sequence files are
-% contained in the single input netCDF file.
-% The final (top) axes plots the QC value as a function of time.
-% Figure 3 has a 2D scatterplot of (typically) the prior mean
-% observation vs. the original observation. Both of
-% these can be changed however - the allowable set is defined
-% by the CopyMetaData variable in the netCDF file.
-% link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
-% fname - name of netcdf file that results from obs_seq_to_netcdf
-% ObsTypeString - the TYPE of observation (ncdump -v ObsTypesMetaData *.nc)
-% ObsCopyString - the COPY specifying the raw observation ( -v CopyMetaData )
-% CopyString - the COPY specifying the copy to compare to the raw obs
-% QCString - character string - one of (ncdump -v QCMetaData *.nc)
-% fname = '/ptmp/thoar/POP/CAM/POP8/obs_epoch_001.nc';
-% ObsTypeString = 'APB_TEMPERATURE';
-% ObsCopyString = 'WOD observation';
-% CopyString = 'prior ensemble mean';
-% QCString = 'DART quality control';
-% region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf];
-% global obsmat;
-% link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
-% fname = 'obs_epoch_001.nc';
-% ObsCopyString = 'NCEP BUFR observation';
-% CopyString = 'prior ensemble mean';
-% QCString = 'DART quality control';
-% region = [220 300 20 60 -Inf Inf];
-% global obsmat;
-% link_obs(fname, ObsTypeString, ObsCopyString, CopyString, QCString, region)
-% global obsmat;
-% region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf];
-% link_obs('obs_epoch_002.nc','RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE', 'observation', ...
-% 'prior ensemble member 3', 'DART quality control', region)
-%% DART software - Copyright � 2004 - 2010 UCAR. This open source software is
-% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-% $URL$
-% $Id$
-% $Revision$
-% $Date$
-if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
- error('%s does not exist.',fname)
-verbose = 1;
-obs = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ObsCopyString, QCString, verbose);
-copy = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString, QCString, 0);
-if ( length(obs.lons) == 0 )
- error('There are no %s observations in the region specified in %s', ObsTypeString, fname)
-l1 = length(copy.obs);
-l2 = length(obs.obs);
-if (l1 ~= l2 )
- error('there are %d %s and only %d %s',l1, CopyString, l2, ObsCopyString)
-obs.ObsCopyString = obs.CopyString;
-obs.CopyString = copy.CopyString;
-%% Now pack the data in the same fashion as the cell array of column labels.
-obs.lonindex = 1;
-obs.latindex = 2;
-obs.zindex = 3;
-obs.obsindex = 4;
-obs.copyindex = 5;
-obs.qcindex = 6;
-obs.keyindex = 7;
-obs.timeindex = 8;
-obs.indindex = 9;
-global obsmat
-obsmat = zeros(length(obs.lons),9);
-obsmat(:,obs.lonindex ) = obs.lons; obs.colnames{obs.lonindex} = 'longitude';
-obsmat(:,obs.latindex ) = obs.lats; obs.colnames{obs.latindex} = 'latitude';
-obsmat(:,obs.zindex ) = obs.z ; obs.colnames{obs.zindex} = obs.Zunits;;
-obsmat(:,obs.obsindex ) = obs.obs ; obs.colnames{obs.obsindex} = ObsCopyString;
-obsmat(:,obs.copyindex) = copy.obs; obs.colnames{obs.copyindex} = CopyString;
-obsmat(:,obs.qcindex ) = obs.qc ; obs.colnames{obs.qcindex} = QCString;
-obsmat(:,obs.keyindex ) = obs.keys; obs.colnames{obs.keyindex} = 'obskey';
-obsmat(:,obs.timeindex) = obs.time; obs.colnames{obs.timeindex} = 'time';
-obsmat(:,obs.indindex ) = 1:length(obs.time); obs.colnames{obs.indindex} = 'index';
-%% Replace all ill-posed copies with
-% This should really check to see if the copy is a 'mean' or 'spread' ...
-iscalculated = ~isempty(findstr(lower(obs.colnames{obs.copyindex}),'mean')) | ...
- ~isempty(findstr(lower(obs.colnames{obs.copyindex}),'spread'));
-if iscalculated
- disp('replacing copies with [1 < QC flag < 5] with NaN')
- allindices = obsmat(:,obs.qcindex);
- badinds = ((allindices > 1) & (allindices < 5));
- obsmat(badinds,obs.copyindex) = NaN;
-%% create the linked plots
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