[Dart-dev] [4340] DART/trunk: The two_experiments_profile. m script is ready for friendly testing.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Apr 2 16:43:12 MDT 2010
Revision: 4340
Author: thoar
Date: 2010-04-02 16:43:12 -0600 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010)
Log Message:
The two_experiments_profile.m script is ready for friendly testing.
The script will plot up to 4 regions on one 'figure' for a particular
variable and quantity (i.e. 'rmse' or 'bias') for either the prior
or posterior or both. The number of observations for each experiment
are overlain. The captions and labelling are 'optimized' for each
subplot configuration.
The GetNCindices functions had to be extended to return indices for
any desired region.
Future work ... when plotting 4 regions, the legend takes up too
much space. the current workaround is to only plot the priors -
that way we don't have to create legend items for the posteriors.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/two_experiments_profile.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/two_experiments_profile.m 2010-04-02 21:31:59 UTC (rev 4339)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/two_experiments_profile.m 2010-04-02 22:43:12 UTC (rev 4340)
@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
% Each region gets its own axis.
% Multiple quantities (rmse, bias) can be plotted on same axis.
+% files = {'/ptmp/nancy/CSL/Base5/032-061s0_def_reg/obs_diag_output.nc',
+% '/ptmp/thoar/GPS+AIRS/Sep_032-061/obs_diag_output.nc'};
+% titles = {'Base5', 'GPS+AIRS'};
% files = {'/fs/image/home/hliu/DART/models/wrf/work/ernesto/gpsonly/obs_diag_output.nc',
% '/fs/image/home/hliu/DART/models/wrf/work/ernesto/ctl/obs_diag_output.nc'};
% titles = {'GPS only', 'Control'};
-% qtty = {'rmse','bias'}; % rmse, spread, totalspread, bias, etc.
+% qtty = 'rmse'; % rmse, spread, totalspread, bias, etc.
% prpo = 'analysis'; % [analy, analysis, posterior ] == posterior
% prpo = 'forecast'; % [guess, forecast, prior ] == prior
% prpo = 'both'; % prior & posterior
@@ -38,55 +41,59 @@
-commondata = check_compatibility(files, varnames);
+% set up all the stuff that is common.
+commondata = check_compatibility(files, varnames, qtty);
+figuredata = setfigure(commondata);
% Set some static data
nvars = length(varnames);
-nqtty = length(qtty);
for ivar = 1:nvars
fprintf('Working on %s ...\n',varnames{ivar})
+ clf;
- % FIXME might want to set up a loop over regions here ...
+ for ireg = 1:commondata.nregions
- % set up all the stuff that is common.
+ %---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Getting the data for each experiment
+ %---------------------------------------------------------------------
- %---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Getting the data for each experiment
- %---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Nlimits = zeros(NumExp,2); % range of observation count - min, then max
+ Dlimits = zeros(NumExp,2); % range of the data
+ Ylimits = zeros(NumExp,2); % range of the vertical coords
+ plotobj = cell(1,NumExp);
- Nlimits = zeros(NumExp,2); % range of observation count - min, then max
- Dlimits = zeros(NumExp,2); % range of the data
- Ylimits = zeros(NumExp,2); % range of the vertical coords
+ for iexp = 1:NumExp
- for iexp = 1:NumExp
+ plotobj{iexp} = getvals(files{iexp}, varnames{ivar}, qtty, prpo, ireg);
+ plotobj{iexp}.title = titles{iexp};
- plotobj{iexp} = getvals(files{iexp}, varnames{ivar}, qtty{1}, prpo);
- plotobj{iexp}.title = titles{iexp};
+ Nlimits(iexp,:) = plotobj{iexp}.Nrange;
+ Dlimits(iexp,:) = plotobj{iexp}.Drange;
+ Ylimits(iexp,:) = plotobj{iexp}.Yrange;
- Nlimits(iexp,:) = plotobj{iexp}.Nrange;
- Dlimits(iexp,:) = plotobj{iexp}.Drange;
- Ylimits(iexp,:) = plotobj{iexp}.Yrange;
+ end
- end
+ %---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Find nice limits that encompass all experiments
+ %---------------------------------------------------------------------
- %---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Find nice limits that encompass all experiments
- %---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Nrange = [min(Nlimits(:,1)) max(Nlimits(:,2))];
+ Drange = [min(Dlimits(:,1)) max(Dlimits(:,2))];
+ Yrange = [min(Ylimits(:,1)) max(Ylimits(:,2))];
- Nrange = [min(Nlimits(:,1)) max(Nlimits(:,2))];
- Drange = [min(Dlimits(:,1)) max(Dlimits(:,2))];
- Yrange = [min(Ylimits(:,1)) max(Ylimits(:,2))];
+ %---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Plot all regions - one month to a page
+ %---------------------------------------------------------------------
- %---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Plot all regions - one month to a page
- %---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ myplot( plotobj, Nrange, Drange, Yrange, figuredata);
- myplot( plotobj, Nrange, Drange, Yrange);
+ end % of loop around regions
if ( ivar ~= nvars )
disp('Pausing, hit any key to continue ...')
@@ -101,54 +108,86 @@
-function commondata = check_compatibility(filenames, varnames)
+function common = check_compatibility(filenames, varnames, copystring)
% Trying to prevent the comparison of apples and oranges.
% make sure the diagnostics were generated the same way.
-% need to check that the variables exist in all files
-% need to check that the copies exist in all files
% need to check that the timeframe is the same for all files
% need to check that the region definitions are the same for all files
-% nice to check that the number of possible observations is the same
+mystat = 0;
+nexp = length(filenames);
+commondata = cell(1,nexp);
+priornames = struct([]);
+postenames = struct([]);
-nexp = length(filenames);
-commondata = struct('ncopies', zeros(1,nexp), ...
- 'nobstypes', zeros(1,nexp), ...
- 'nregions', zeros(1,nexp), ...
- 'times', zeros(1,nexp));
+for i = 1:length(varnames)
+ priornames{i} = sprintf('%s_VPguess',varnames{i});
+ postenames{i} = sprintf('%s_VPanaly',varnames{i});
-for i = 1,length(filenames)
- diminfo = nc_getdiminfo(filenames{i}, 'copy'); ncopies = diminfo.Length;
- diminfo = nc_getdiminfo(filenames{i},'obstypes'); nobstypes = diminfo.Length;
- diminfo = nc_getdiminfo(filenames{i}, 'region'); nregions = diminfo.Length;
- times = nc_varget(filenames{i},'time');
- time_bnds = nc_varget(filenames{i},'time_bounds');
+for i = 1:nexp
- commondata.ncopies(i) = ncopies;
- commondata.nobstypes(i) = nobstypes;
- commondata.nregions(i) = nregions;
+ varexist(filenames{i}, {priornames{:}, postenames{:}, 'time', 'time_bounds'})
- % FIXME check to make sure variables exist in the files
+ diminfo = nc_getdiminfo(filenames{i}, 'copy'); ncopies = diminfo.Length;
+ diminfo = nc_getdiminfo(filenames{i},'obstypes'); nobstypes = diminfo.Length;
+ diminfo = nc_getdiminfo(filenames{i}, 'region'); nregions = diminfo.Length;
+ commondata{i}.ncopies = ncopies;
+ commondata{i}.nobstypes = nobstypes;
+ commondata{i}.nregions = nregions;
+ commondata{i}.times = nc_varget(filenames{i},'time');
+ commondata{i}.time_bnds = nc_varget(filenames{i},'time_bounds');
+ commondata{i}.copyindex = get_copy_index(filenames{i},copystring);
+ commondata{i}.lonlim1 = nc_attget(filenames{i},nc_global,'lonlim1');
+ commondata{i}.lonlim2 = nc_attget(filenames{i},nc_global,'lonlim2');
+ commondata{i}.latlim1 = nc_attget(filenames{i},nc_global,'latlim1');
+ commondata{i}.latlim2 = nc_attget(filenames{i},nc_global,'latlim2');
-mystat = 0;
+% error checking - compare everything to the first experiment
+for i = 2:nexp
-% FIXME ... more realistic error checking, please
-if ( 1 == 2 )
- fprintf('There are different numbers of copies in the experiments.\n')
-% fprintf('one experiment had %d, the other had %d\n',copyA,copyB)
- mystat = 1;
+ if (any(commondata{i}.lonlim1 ~= commondata{1}.lonlim1))
+ fprintf('The left longitudes of the regions (i.e. lonlim1) are not compatible.\n')
+ mystat = 1;
+ end
+ if (any(commondata{i}.lonlim2 ~= commondata{1}.lonlim2))
+ fprintf('The right longitudes of the regions (i.e. lonlim2) are not compatible.\n')
+ mystat = 1;
+ end
+ if (any(commondata{i}.latlim1 ~= commondata{1}.latlim1))
+ fprintf('The bottom latitudes of the regions (i.e. latlim1) are not compatible.\n')
+ mystat = 1;
+ end
+ if (any(commondata{i}.latlim2 ~= commondata{1}.latlim2))
+ fprintf('The top latitudes of the regions (i.e. latlim2) are not compatible.\n')
+ mystat = 1;
+ end
+ if (any(commondata{i}.time_bnds ~= commondata{1}.time_bnds))
+ fprintf('The time boundaries of the experiments (i.e. time_bnds) are not compatible.\n')
+ mystat = 1;
+ end
+if mystat > 0
+ error('The experiments are not compatible ... stopping.')
+common = commondata{1};
-function plotdat = getvals(fname, varname, copystring, prpo )
+function plotdat = getvals(fname, varname, copystring, prpo, regionindex )
if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2)
error('%s does not exist',fname)
@@ -157,6 +196,7 @@
plotdat.fname = fname;
plotdat.varname = varname;
plotdat.copystring = copystring;
+plotdat.region = regionindex;
plotdat.bincenters = nc_varget(fname,'time');
plotdat.binedges = nc_varget(fname,'time_bounds');
plotdat.region_names = nc_varget(fname,'region_names');
@@ -194,12 +234,13 @@
plotdat.priorvar = sprintf('%s_VPguess',plotdat.varname);
plotdat.postevar = sprintf('%s_VPanaly',plotdat.varname);
-myinfo.diagn_file = fname;
-myinfo.copyindex = plotdat.copyindex;
-[start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.priorvar);
-count(count < 1) = -1;
-plotdat.prior = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.priorvar, start, count);
-plotdat.poste = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.postevar, start, count);
+myinfo.diagn_file = fname;
+myinfo.copyindex = plotdat.copyindex;
+myinfo.regionindex = plotdat.region;
+[start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.priorvar);
+plotdat.prior = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.priorvar, start, count);
+[start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.postevar);
+plotdat.poste = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.postevar, start, count);
% Now that we know the variable ... get the appropriate vertical information
@@ -249,19 +290,16 @@
myinfo.diagn_file = fname;
myinfo.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname, 'Nposs');
[start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.priorvar);
-count(count < 1) = -1;
plotdat.nposs = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.priorvar, start, count);
if ( plotdat.useprior )
- myinfo.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname, 'Nused');
- [start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.priorvar);
- count(count < 1) = -1;
- plotdat.nused = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.priorvar, start, count);
+ myinfo.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname, 'Nused');
+ [start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.priorvar);
+ plotdat.nused = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.priorvar, start, count);
- myinfo.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname, 'Nused');
- [start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.postevar);
- count(count < 1) = -1;
- plotdat.nused = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.postevar, start, count);
+ myinfo.copyindex = get_copy_index(fname, 'Nused');
+ [start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.postevar);
+ plotdat.nused = nc_varget(fname, plotdat.postevar, start, count);
%% Set the last of the ranges
@@ -300,122 +338,179 @@
-function kids = myplot( plotobj, Nrange, Drange, Yrange)
+function myplot( plotobj, Nrange, Drange, Yrange, figdata)
+%% Create graphic for one region
-orientation = 'tall';
-fontsize = 16;
-expcolors = {'k','r'};
-prpolines = {'-',':'};
-expsymbols = {'+','o'};
+Nexp = size(Nrange,2);
+iregion = plotobj{1}.region;
+%% Create the background stripes, etc.
-clf; orient(gcf, orientation)
+ax1 = subplot('position',figdata.plotlims(iregion,:));
-dx = 0.8;
-plotlims = [0.10 0.15 dx 0.7;
- 0.38 0.15 dx 0.7;
- 0.66 0.15 dx 0.7];
-Nexp = size(Nrange,2);
-iplot = 0;
-%for iregion = plotobj.regions
-for iregion = 1
- %% Create the background stripes, etc.
- iplot = iplot + 1;
- ax1 = subplot('position',plotlims(iplot,:));
- hd = zeros(1,2*Nexp); % handle to the data lines
- Stripes(Drange, plotobj{1}.level_edges);
- set(ax1,'YDir',plotobj{1}.YDir,'YTick',sort(plotobj{1}.levels))
- set(ax1,'YAxisLocation','left')
- hold on
+Stripes(Drange, plotobj{1}.level_edges);
+hold on
- %% draw the results of the experiments, priors and posteriors
- % each with their own line type.
- iexp = 0;
- legstr = {[]};
- for i = 1:Nexp
+%% draw the results of the experiments, priors and posteriors
+% each with their own line type.
+iexp = 0;
+hd = []; % handle to an unknown number of data lines
+legstr = {[]}; % strings for the legend
- if ( plotobj{i}.useprior )
- iexp = iexp + 1;
- lty = sprintf('%s%s%s',expcolors{i},prpolines{1},expsymbols{i});
- hd(iexp) = plot(plotobj{i}.prior, plotobj{i}.levels, lty,'LineWidth', 2.0);
- legstr{iexp} = sprintf('%s forecast',plotobj{i}.title);
- end
- if ( plotobj{i}.useposterior )
- iexp = iexp + 1;
- lty = sprintf('%s%s%s',expcolors{i},prpolines{2},expsymbols{i});
- hd(iexp) = plot(plotobj{i}.poste, plotobj{i}.levels, lty,'LineWidth', 2.0);
- legstr{iexp} = sprintf('%s analysis',plotobj{i}.title);
- end
- end
+for i = 1:Nexp
- switch plotobj{1}.copystring
- case {'bias'}
- biasline = line([0 0],Yrange,'Color','k','Parent',ax1);
- set(biasline,'LineWidth',2.0,'LineStyle','-.')
- otherwise % draw the results of the experiments, priors and posteriors
+ if ( plotobj{i}.useprior )
+ iexp = iexp + 1;
+ lty = sprintf('%s%s%s',figdata.expcolors{i},figdata.prpolines{1}, ...
+ figdata.expsymbols{i});
+ hd(iexp) = plot(plotobj{i}.prior, plotobj{i}.levels, lty,'LineWidth', 2.0);
+ legstr{iexp} = sprintf('%s forecast',plotobj{i}.title);
+ if ( plotobj{i}.useposterior )
+ iexp = iexp + 1;
+ lty = sprintf('%s%s%s',figdata.expcolors{i},figdata.prpolines{2}, ...
+ figdata.expsymbols{i});
+ hd(iexp) = plot(plotobj{i}.poste, plotobj{i}.levels, lty,'LineWidth', 2.0);
+ legstr{iexp} = sprintf('%s analysis',plotobj{i}.title);
+ end
- hold off;
+switch plotobj{1}.copystring
+case {'bias'}
+ biasline = line([0 0],Yrange,'Color','k','Parent',ax1);
+ set(biasline,'LineWidth',2.0,'LineStyle','-.')
- %% Create another axes to use for plotting the observation counts
+hold off;
- ax2 = axes('position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
- 'XAxisLocation','top', ...
- 'YAxisLocation','right',...
- 'Color','none',...
- 'XColor','b','YColor','b',...
- 'YLim',get(ax1,'YLim'), ...
- 'YDir',get(ax1,'YDir'));
+%% Create another axes to use for plotting the observation counts
- % Plot the data, which sets the range of the axis
- for i = 1:Nexp
- h2 = line(plotobj{i}.nposs, plotobj{i}.levels,'Color','b','Parent',ax2);
- h3 = line(plotobj{i}.nused, plotobj{i}.levels,'Color',expcolors{i},'Parent',ax2);
- set(h2,'LineStyle','none','Marker','o');
- set(h3,'LineStyle','none','Marker','+');
- hn(i) = h3;
- end
- % use same Y ticks
- set(ax2,'YTick', get(ax1,'YTick'), ...
- 'YTicklabel',get(ax1,'YTicklabel'));
- set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj{i}.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
- set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj{i}.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ax2 = axes('position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
+ 'XAxisLocation','top', ...
+ 'YAxisLocation','right',...
+ 'Color','none',...
+ 'XColor','b','YColor','b',...
+ 'YLim',get(ax1,'YLim'), ...
+ 'YDir',get(ax1,'YDir'));
- % use the same X ticks, but find the right label values
- [xticks, newticklabels] = matchingXticks(ax1,ax2);
- set(ax2,'XTick', xticks, 'XTicklabel', newticklabels)
+% Plot the data, which sets the range of the axis
+for i = 1:Nexp
+ h2 = line(plotobj{i}.nposs, plotobj{i}.levels,'Color',figdata.expcolors{i},'Parent',ax2);
+ h3 = line(plotobj{i}.nused, plotobj{i}.levels,'Color',figdata.expcolors{i},'Parent',ax2);
+ set(h2,'LineStyle','none','Marker','o');
+ set(h3,'LineStyle','none','Marker','+');
+% use same Y ticks
+set(ax2,'YTick', get(ax1,'YTick'), ...
+ 'YTicklabel',get(ax1,'YTicklabel'));
+% use the same X ticks, but find the right label values
+[xticks, newticklabels] = matchingXticks(ax1,ax2);
+set(ax2,'XTick', xticks, 'XTicklabel', newticklabels)
+% Annotate the whole thing - gets pretty complicated for multiple
+% regions on one page. Trying to maximize content, minimize clutter.
+annotate( ax1, ax2, plotobj{i}, figdata)
+lh = legend(hd,legstr);
+kids = get(lh,'Children');
+if (length(kids) < 8)
+ set(kids([2 5]),'LineWidth',2.0);
+ set(kids([2 5 8 11]),'LineWidth',2.0);
+function annotate(ax1, ax2, plotobj, figdata)
+%% Each configuration of subplots is exploited.
+if ( plotobj.nregions == 1 )
+ %% One figure ... everything gets annotated.
+ set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
set(get(ax2,'Xlabel'),'String','# of obs (o=poss, +=used)')
- set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj{i}.xlabel,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.xlabel,'Interpreter','none')
- set(ax1,'Position',get(ax2,'Position'))
+ th = title({deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:)), plotobj.varname});
+ set(th,'Interpreter','none','FontSize',figdata.fontsize);
- % Annotate the whole thing
+elseif ( plotobj.nregions == 2 )
+ %% Two figures ... region in middle
+ if (plotobj.region == 1)
+ set(ax2,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ else
+ set(ax1,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ end
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.xlabel,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax2,'Xlabel'),'String','# of obs (o=poss, +=used)')
+ th = title({deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:)), plotobj.varname});
+ set(th,'Interpreter','none','FontSize',figdata.fontsize);
- th = title({deblank(plotobj{1}.region_names(iregion,:)), plotobj{1}.varname});
- set(th,'Interpreter','none','FontSize',fontsize);
+elseif ( plotobj.nregions == 3 )
- lh = legend(hd,legstr);
- legend(lh,'boxoff');
- set(lh,'FontSize',16);
- kids = get(lh,'Children');
- if (length(kids) < 8)
- set(kids([2 5]),'LineWidth',2.0);
+ if (plotobj.region == 1)
+ set(ax2,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.copystring,'Interpreter','none')
+ titlestring = {deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:))};
+ elseif (plotobj.region == 2)
+ set(ax1,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(ax2,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.xlabel,'Interpreter','none')
+ titlestring = {deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:)), plotobj.varname};
- set(kids([2 5 8 11]),'LineWidth',2.0);
+ set(ax1,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.copystring,'Interpreter','none')
+ titlestring = {deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:))};
+ set(get(ax2,'Xlabel'),'String','# of obs (o=poss, +=used)')
+ th = title(titlestring);
+ set(th,'Interpreter','none','FontSize',figdata.fontsize);
+elseif ( plotobj.nregions == 4 )
+ if (plotobj.region == 1)
+ set(ax2,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.copystring,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax2,'Xlabel'),'String','# of obs (o=poss, +=used)')
+ titlestring = {deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:)), plotobj.varname};
+ elseif (plotobj.region == 2)
+ set(ax1,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.copystring,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax2,'Xlabel'),'String','# of obs (o=poss, +=used)')
+ titlestring = {deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:)), plotobj.varname};
+ elseif (plotobj.region == 3)
+ set(ax2,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.xlabel,'Interpreter','none')
+ titlestring = {deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:))};
+ else
+ set(ax1,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'),'String',plotobj.level_units,'Interpreter','none')
+ set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.copystring,'Interpreter','none')
+ titlestring = {deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:))};
+ end
+ th = title(titlestring);
+ set(th,'Interpreter','none','FontSize',figdata.fontsize);
function [xticks newticklabels] = matchingXticks(ax1, ax2)
%% This takes the existing X ticks from ax1 (presumed nice)
% and determines the matching labels for ax2 so we can keep
@@ -432,3 +527,68 @@
xticks = slope*DXticks + xtrcpt;
newticklabels = num2str(round(10*xticks')/10);
+function varexist(filename, varnames)
+%% We already know the file exists by this point.
+% Lets check to make sure that file contains all needed variables.
+nvars = length(varnames);
+gotone = ones(1,nvars);
+for i = 1:nvars
+ gotone(i) = nc_isvar(filename,varnames{i});
+ if ( ~ gotone(i) )
+ fprintf('\n%s is not a variable in %s\n',varnames{i},filename)
+ end
+if ~ all(gotone)
+ error('missing required variable ... exiting')
+function figdata = setfigure(commondata)
+% the hardest part is figuring out the gaps, etc.
+% gapwidth = (1 - (nregions*axiswidth + 0.14))/(nregions - 1)
+% 0.14 is actually left margin + right margin ... 0.07 + 0.07
+plotlims = zeros(commondata.nregions,4);
+if (commondata.nregions > 4)
+ error('Cannot handle %d regions - 4 is the max.',commondata.nregions)
+elseif (commondata.nregions == 4)
+ orientation = 'tall';
+ fontsize = 10;
+ plotlims(1,:) = [0.100 0.525 0.375 0.375];
+ plotlims(2,:) = [0.525 0.525 0.375 0.375];
+ plotlims(3,:) = [0.100 0.070 0.375 0.375];
+ plotlims(4,:) = [0.525 0.070 0.375 0.375];
+elseif (commondata.nregions == 3)
+ orientation = 'landscape';
+ fontsize = 12;
+ plotlims(1,:) = [0.0700 0.12 0.265 0.75];
+ plotlims(2,:) = [0.3675 0.12 0.265 0.75];
+ plotlims(3,:) = [0.6650 0.12 0.265 0.75];
+elseif (commondata.nregions == 2)
+ orientation = 'landscape';
+ fontsize = 12;
+ plotlims(1,:) = [0.07 0.12 0.41 0.75];
+ plotlims(2,:) = [0.52 0.12 0.41 0.75];
+elseif (commondata.nregions == 1)
+ orientation = 'tall';
+ fontsize = 16;
+ plotlims(1,:) = [0.10 0.12 0.8 0.75];
+figdata = struct('expcolors', {{'k','r','m','g','b','c','y'}}, ...
+ 'expsymbols', {{'+','o','<','^','p','s','d'}}, ...
+ 'prpolines', {{'-',':'}}, 'plotlims', plotlims, ...
+ 'fontsize',fontsize, 'orientation',orientation);
+clf; orient(gcf, orientation)
Modified: DART/trunk/matlab/GetNCindices.m
--- DART/trunk/matlab/GetNCindices.m 2010-04-02 21:31:59 UTC (rev 4339)
+++ DART/trunk/matlab/GetNCindices.m 2010-04-02 22:43:12 UTC (rev 4340)
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
% pinfo.latindex
% pinfo.lonindex
% pinfo.stateindex
+% pinfo.regionindex
% whichfile is a character string specifying which
% filename component of 'pinfo' will be used.
@@ -60,12 +61,13 @@
% If the structure has subsetting information, use it.
% Otherwise, use the whole extent.
-lat1 = 0; latN = -1;
-lon1 = 0; lonN = -1;
-time1 = 0; timeN = -1;
-copy1 = 0; copyN = -1;
-level1 = 0; levelN = -1;
-state1 = 0; stateN = -1;
+lat1 = 0; latN = -1;
+lon1 = 0; lonN = -1;
+time1 = 0; timeN = -1;
+copy1 = 0; copyN = -1;
+level1 = 0; levelN = -1;
+state1 = 0; stateN = -1;
+region1 = 0; regionN = -1;
if (isfield(pinfo,'timeindex'))
time1 = pinfo.timeindex - 1;
@@ -91,6 +93,10 @@
copy1 = pinfo.copyindex - 1;
copyN = 1;
+if (isfield(pinfo,'regionindex'))
+ region1 = pinfo.regionindex - 1;
+ regionN = 1;
% Determine shape of variable in question.
@@ -149,12 +155,17 @@
% 'Xdim' and 'YDim' for their state variable names.
start(i) = state1;
count(i) = stateN;
+ case 'region'
+ start(i) = region1;
+ count(i) = regionN;
+count(count < 1) = -1;
function [len, status, value] = is_dimension_cartesian(fname,dimname)
status = 0;
Modified: DART/trunk/matlab/get_copy_index.m
--- DART/trunk/matlab/get_copy_index.m 2010-04-02 21:31:59 UTC (rev 4339)
+++ DART/trunk/matlab/get_copy_index.m 2010-04-02 22:43:12 UTC (rev 4340)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
nowhitemd = dewhite(copy_meta_data(i,:));
if strcmp(nowhitemd , nowhitecs) == 1
- fprintf('%s is copy %3i\n', copystring,i);
+% fprintf('%s is copy %3i\n', copystring,i);
copy_index = i;
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