[Dart-dev] [4050] DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression: Test case for the CONUS domain, with WRF V3. Includes
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Sep 15 14:55:21 MDT 2009
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Added: DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/README
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/README (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/README 2009-09-15 20:55:21 UTC (rev 4050)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+This is a WRF 3.1 regression test case, which can be used to test
+that code changes do not break existing functions, as well as testing
+a wrf/dart initial setup.
+The domain is CONUS (the continental United States), 120 km resolution.
+The observation files are the standard prepbufr NCEP observations, from 2008/05/22-24.
+The initial condition and boundary files are generated by the accompanying shell
+script using V3 real.exe and wrfvar. Ensemble BC files are generated 'on-the-fly'
+with the current configuration.
+You can select how many ensemble members you want to do, by default this is
+set to 32.
+The smaller files are here in this directory. It is suggested that new users
+build the input files from scratch following guidance in the WRF-DART wiki.
+Send an e-mail to dart at ucar.edu to access the wiki site if you are not currently
+a subscriber. Otherwise, the large data files (observations, WPS processed files
+and run output) are on the DART web server, at this http address:
+Input files you need to run the test:
+obs_seq.out (on web site)
+met_em.d01*.nc (on web site)
+advance_model.csh (copy from this directory)
+icbc_real.ksh (copy from this directory)
+Executables you will need to build from the DART/WRF distribution:
+dart_to_wrf, wrf_to_dart - translates from WRF netcdf files to DART restart, and back
+filter - the main DART assimilation program
+wakeup_filter - only needed if you must run WRF in parallel mode
+Shell scripts that come with the DART/WRF distribution:
+runme_filter - shell script that starts the job
+quickbuild.csh - shell script that builds all the executables. run it with
+ the single argument -nompi if you want to run it as a serial
+ program, use -mpi (the default) to compile it to run as
+ parallel mpi job.
+Files which are there to validate your results:
+Additional stuff to prepare to run:
Added: DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/advance_model.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/advance_model.csh (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/advance_model.csh 2009-09-15 20:55:21 UTC (rev 4050)
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+# Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+# Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+# University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+# Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Id$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# Standard script for use in assimilation applications
+# where the model advance is executed as a separate process.
+# This script copies the necessary files into the temporary directory
+# for a model run. It assumes that there is ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF directory
+# where boundary conditions files reside.
+# If the ensemble mean assim_model_state_ic_mean is present in the CENTRALDIR,
+# it is converted to a WRF netCDF format.
+# It is then used in update_wrf_bc the calculate the deviation from the mean.
+# This deviation from the mean is then added at the end of the interval to
+# calculate new boundary tendencies. The magnitude of the perturbation added
+# at the end of the interval is controlled by infl. The purpose is to increase
+# time correlation at the lateral boundaries.
+# Arguments are the process number of caller, the number of state copies
+# belonging to that process, and the name of the filter_control_file for
+# that process
+set process = $1
+set num_states = $2
+set control_file = $3
+# Setting to 1 saves output files from the ensemble mean only, while setting to
+# larger numbers will save all member output files <= to this value
+set save_elements = 1
+set myname = $0
+set CENTRALDIR = /ptmp/romine/work/cv3work
+set WRFOUTDIR = /ptmp/romine/work/cv3work/wrfout
+# Get unique name for temporary working directory for this process's stuff
+set temp_dir = 'advance_temp'${process}
+set days_in_month = ( 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 )
+set REMOVE = '/bin/rm -rf'
+set COPY = 'cp -p'
+set MOVE = 'mv -f'
+# give the filesystem time to collect itself
+sleep 5
+# Create a clean temporary directory and go there
+\rm -rf $temp_dir
+mkdir -p $temp_dir
+cd $temp_dir
+# Each parallel task may need to advance more than one ensemble member.
+# This control file has the actual ensemble number, the input filename,
+# and the output filename for each advance. Be prepared to loop and
+# do the rest of the script more than once.
+set state_copy = 1
+set ensemble_member_line = 1
+set input_file_line = 2
+set output_file_line = 3
+while($state_copy <= $num_states)
+ set ensemble_member = `head -$ensemble_member_line ../$control_file | tail -1`
+ set input_file = `head -$input_file_line ../$control_file | tail -1`
+ set output_file = `head -$output_file_line ../$control_file | tail -1`
+ set element = $ensemble_member
+ set infl = 0.0
+ # Shell script to run the WRF model from DART input.
+ # where the model advance is executed as a separate process.
+ # echo "starting ${myname} for ens member $element at "`date`
+ # echo "temp_dir is ${temp_dir}"
+ # Copy or link the required files to the temp directory
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/input.nml .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/wrf.exe .
+ # These are all WRF aux files; one by one, link them into the
+ # temp running directory. It is currently NOT an error if the
+ # file does not exist -- this makes the list compatible with different
+ # versions of WRF (e.g. v2 vs v3) but be aware that wrf may fail to run
+ # if the required files are not found.
+# set wrf_aux_file_list = ' \
+# grib2map.tbl \
+# gribmap.txt \
+# ozone.formatted \
+# ozone_lat.formatted \
+# ozone_plev.formatted \
+# tr49t67 \
+# tr49t85 \
+# tr67t85 \
+# urban_param.tbl \
+# '
+# foreach f ( $wrf_aux_file_list )
+# if ( -e $f ) then
+# ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/$f .
+# echo looking for ${CENTRALDIR}/$f
+# else
+# echo $f not found.
+# endif
+# end
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/grib2map.tbl .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/gribmap.txt .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/ozone.formatted .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/ozone_lat.formatted .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/ozone_plev.formatted .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/tr49t67 .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/tr49t85 .
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/tr67t85 .
+ # nfile is required when using mpi to run wrf.exe
+ # nfile is machine specific.
+ hostname >! nfile
+ hostname >>! nfile
+ ###ln -s ${CENTRALDIR}/nfile$element nfile
+ # Provides auxilliary info not available from DART state vector
+ ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/wrfinput_d0? .
+ # if a mean state ic file exists convert it to a wrfinput_mean netcdf file
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/assim_model_state_ic_mean ) then
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/assim_model_state_ic_mean dart_wrf_vector
+ ${CENTRALDIR}/dart_to_wrf >&! out.dart_to_wrf_mean
+ ${COPY} wrfinput_d01 wrfinput_mean
+ ${REMOVE} wrf.info dart_wrf_vector
+ endif
+ # ICs for this wrf run; Convert DART file to wrfinput netcdf file
+ ${MOVE} ${CENTRALDIR}/$input_file dart_wrf_vector
+ ${CENTRALDIR}/dart_to_wrf >&! out.dart_to_wrf
+ ${REMOVE} dart_wrf_vector
+ # if append_lsm_data exists, run it.
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/append_lsm_data ) then
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/LSM/lsm_data_${element}.nc lsm_data.nc
+ ${CENTRALDIR}/append_lsm_data
+ endif
+ # The program dart_tf_wrf has created the file wrf.info.
+ # Time information is extracted from wrf.info.
+ set secday = `head -1 wrf.info`
+ set targsecs = $secday[1]
+ set targdays = $secday[2]
+ set targkey = `echo "$targdays * 86400 + $targsecs" | bc`
+ set secday = `head -2 wrf.info | tail -1`
+ set wrfsecs = $secday[1]
+ set wrfdays = $secday[2]
+ set wrfkey = `echo "$wrfdays * 86400 + $wrfsecs" | bc`
+ # If model blew up in the previous cycle, the member is now likely an outlier.
+ # Set infl = 0. to avoid further deterioration of the ensemble member.
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/blown_${wrfdays}_${wrfsecs}.out ) then
+ set MBLOWN = `cat ${CENTRALDIR}/blown_${wrfdays}_${wrfsecs}.out`
+ set NBLOWN = `cat ${CENTRALDIR}/blown_${wrfdays}_${wrfsecs}.out | wc -l`
+ set BLOWN = 0
+ set imem = 1
+ while ( $imem <= $NBLOWN )
+ if ( $MBLOWN[$imem] == $element ) then
+ set BLOWN = `expr $BLOWN \+ 1`
+ endif
+ set imem = `expr $imem \+ 1`
+ end
+ if ( $BLOWN > 0 ) then
+ set infl = 0.0
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Find all BC's file available and sort them with "keys".
+ # NOTE: this needs a fix for the idealized wrf case in which there are no
+ # boundary files (also same for global wrf). right now some of the
+ # commands below give errors, which are ok to ignore in the idealized case
+ # but it is not good form to generate spurious error messages.
+ #--1st, check if LBCs are "specified" (in which case wrfbdy files are req'd)
+ set SPEC_BC = `grep specified ${CENTRALDIR}/namelist.wrf.tmp | grep true | cat | wc -l`
+ if ($SPEC_BC > 0) then
+# echo 'Specified BC in ADVANCE MODEL STATE'
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe ) then
+# echo 'Found da_wrfvar.exe'
+ ls ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfbdy_*_mean* >! bdy.list
+ else
+ ls ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfbdy_*_$element >! bdy.list
+ endif
+ echo ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfbdy_d01_mean_ >! str.name
+ sed 's/\//\\\//g' < str.name >! str.name2
+ set STRNAME = `cat str.name2`
+ set COMMAND = s/`echo ${STRNAME}`//
+ sed $COMMAND < bdy.list >! bdy.list2
+ sed 's/_/ /g' < bdy.list2 >! bdy.list
+ set num_files = `cat bdy.list | wc -l`
+ set items = `cat bdy.list`
+ set ifile = 1
+ set iday = 1
+ set isec = 2
+ if ( -e keys ) ${REMOVE} keys
+ while ( $ifile <= $num_files )
+ set key = `echo "$items[$iday] * 86400 + $items[$isec]" | bc`
+ echo $key >>! keys
+ set ifile = `expr $ifile \+ 1`
+ set iday = `expr $iday \+ 2`
+ set isec = `expr $isec \+ 2`
+ end
+ set keys = `sort keys`
+ else
+ echo ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfbdy_${targdays}_${targsecs}_$element >! bdy.list
+ echo ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfbdy_ >! str.name
+ sed 's/\//\\\//g' < str.name >! str.name2
+ set STRNAME = `cat str.name2`
+ set COMMAND = s/`echo ${STRNAME}`//
+ sed $COMMAND < bdy.list >! bdy.list2
+ sed 's/_/ /g' < bdy.list2 >! bdy.list
+ set num_files = `cat bdy.list | wc -l`
+ set items = `cat bdy.list`
+ set ifile = 1
+ set iday = 1
+ set isec = 2
+ if ( -e keys ) ${REMOVE} keys
+ while ( $ifile <= $num_files )
+ set key = `echo "$items[$iday] * 86400 + $items[$isec]" | bc`
+ echo $key >>! keys
+ set ifile = `expr $ifile \+ 1`
+ set iday = `expr $iday \+ 3`
+ set isec = `expr $isec \+ 3`
+ end
+ set keys = `sort keys`
+ endif
+ set keys = `sort keys`
+ set cal_date = `head -3 wrf.info | tail -1`
+ set START_YEAR = $cal_date[1]
+ set START_MONTH = $cal_date[2]
+ set START_DAY = $cal_date[3]
+ set START_HOUR = $cal_date[4]
+ set START_MIN = $cal_date[5]
+ set START_SEC = $cal_date[6]
+ set END_YEAR = $cal_date[1]
+ set END_MONTH = $cal_date[2]
+ set END_DAY = $cal_date[3]
+ set END_HOUR = $cal_date[4]
+ set END_MIN = $cal_date[5]
+ set END_SEC = $cal_date[6]
+ set MY_NUM_DOMAINS = `head -4 wrf.info | tail -1`
+ set ADV_MOD_COMMAND = `head -5 wrf.info | tail -1`
+ if ( `expr $END_YEAR \% 4` == 0 ) then
+ set days_in_month[2] = 29
+ endif
+ if ( `expr $END_YEAR \% 100` == 0 ) then
+ if ( `expr $END_YEAR \% 400` == 0 ) then
+ set days_in_month[2] = 29
+ else
+ set days_in_month[2] = 28
+ endif
+ endif
+ set ifile = 1
+ # Find the next BC's file available.
+ while ( $keys[${ifile}] <= $wrfkey )
+ if ($ifile < $num_files ) then
+ set ifile = `expr $ifile \+ 1`
+ else
+ echo No boundary file available to move beyond
+ exit
+ endif
+ end
+ ###############################################################
+ # Advance the model with new BC until target time is reached. #
+ ###############################################################
+ while ( $wrfkey < $targkey )
+ set iday = `echo "$keys[$ifile] / 86400" | bc`
+ set isec = `echo "$keys[$ifile] % 86400" | bc`
+ # Copy the boundary condition file to the temp directory.
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe ) then
+ ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfbdy_d01_mean_${iday}_${isec} wrfbdy_d01
+ else
+ ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfbdy_${iday}_${isec}_$element wrfbdy_d01
+ endif
+ if ( $targkey > $keys[$ifile] ) then
+ set INTERVAL_SS = `echo "$keys[$ifile] - $wrfkey" | bc`
+ else
+ set INTERVAL_SS = `echo "$targkey - $wrfkey" | bc`
+ endif
+ set RUN_HOURS = `expr $INTERVAL_SS \/ 3600`
+ set REMAIN = `expr $INTERVAL_SS \% 3600`
+ set RUN_MINUTES = `expr $REMAIN \/ 60`
+ set RUN_SECONDS = `expr $REMAIN \% 60`
+ set INTERVAL_MIN = `expr $INTERVAL_SS \/ 60`
+ set END_SEC = `expr $END_SEC \+ $INTERVAL_SS`
+ while ( `expr $END_SEC - 60` >= 0 )
+ set END_SEC = `expr $END_SEC \- 60`
+ set END_MIN = `expr $END_MIN \+ 1`
+ if ( `expr $END_MIN - 60` >= 0 ) then
+ set END_MIN = `expr $END_MIN \- 60`
+ set END_HOUR = `expr $END_HOUR \+ 1`
+ endif
+ if ( `expr $END_HOUR - 24` >= 0 ) then
+ set END_HOUR = `expr $END_HOUR \- 24`
+ set END_DAY = `expr $END_DAY \+ 1`
+ endif
+ if ( `expr $END_DAY - $days_in_month[$END_MONTH]` > 0 ) then
+ set END_DAY = 1
+ set END_MONTH = `expr $END_MONTH \+ 1`
+ endif
+ if ( `expr $END_MONTH - 12` > 0 ) then
+ set END_MONTH = 1
+ set END_YEAR = `expr $END_YEAR \+ 1`
+ if ( `expr $END_YEAR \% 4` == 0 ) then
+ set days_in_month[2] = 29
+ endif
+ if ( `expr $END_YEAR \% 100` == 0 ) then
+ if ( `expr $END_YEAR \% 400` == 0 ) then
+ set days_in_month[2] = 29
+ else
+ set days_in_month[2] = 28
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ end
+ set END_SEC = `expr $END_SEC \+ 100`
+ set END_SEC = `echo $END_SEC | cut -c2-3`
+ set END_MIN = `expr $END_MIN \+ 100`
+ set END_MIN = `echo $END_MIN | cut -c2-3`
+ set END_HOUR = `expr $END_HOUR \+ 100`
+ set END_HOUR = `echo $END_HOUR | cut -c2-3`
+ set END_DAY = `expr $END_DAY \+ 100`
+ set END_DAY = `echo $END_DAY | cut -c2-3`
+ set END_MONTH = `expr $END_MONTH \+ 100`
+ set END_MONTH = `echo $END_MONTH | cut -c2-3`
+ # nreps should be the same as the number of domains you have, but
+ # needs to be <= max_dom. set max_dom up if you get an error.
+ set nreps = ${MY_NUM_DOMAINS}
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Update time control entries in the WRF namelist.input:
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/namelist.wrf.tmp namelist.input.hold
+ ${REMOVE} script1.sed
+ cat >! script1.sed << EOF
+ /run_hours/c\
+ run_hours = ${RUN_HOURS}
+ /run_minutes/c\
+ run_minutes = ${RUN_MINUTES}
+ /run_seconds/c\
+ run_seconds = ${RUN_SECONDS}
+ /start_year/c\
+ start_year = ${nreps}*${START_YEAR},
+ /start_month/c\
+ start_month = ${nreps}*${START_MONTH},
+ /start_day/c\
+ start_day = ${nreps}*${START_DAY},
+ /start_hour/c\
+ start_hour = ${nreps}*${START_HOUR},
+ /start_minute/c\
+ start_minute = ${nreps}*${START_MIN},
+ /start_second/c\
+ start_second = ${nreps}*${START_SEC},
+ /end_year/c\
+ end_year = ${nreps}*${END_YEAR},
+ /end_month/c\
+ end_month = ${nreps}*${END_MONTH},
+ /end_day/c\
+ end_day = ${nreps}*${END_DAY},
+ /end_hour/c\
+ end_hour = ${nreps}*${END_HOUR},
+ /end_minute/c\
+ end_minute = ${nreps}*${END_MIN},
+ /end_second/c\
+ end_second = ${nreps}*${END_SEC},
+# set history interval equal to run interval to make sure you have
+# a wrfoutput file at the end of the run interval
+ /history_interval/c\
+ history_interval = ${nreps}*${INTERVAL_MIN},
+# dart_to_wrf is expecting only a single time per file
+ /frames_per_outfile/c\
+ frames_per_outfile = ${nreps}*1,
+ /max_dom/c\
+ max_dom = ${nreps},
+ ${MOVE} namelist.input.hold namelist.input.tmp
+ sed -f script1.sed namelist.input.tmp >! namelist.input.hold
+ ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/namelist.3dvar.input namelist.input
+ # Update boundary conditions.
+ # WARNING: da_wrfvar.exe will only work correctly if running WRF V3.1 or later!
+ # If it is found in the central dir, use it to regnerate perturbed boundary files
+ # Otherwise, do the original call to update_wrf_bc
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe ) then
+# echo 'da_wrfvar.exe found, using it to regenerate boundary conditions'
+ ln -sf ${CENTRALDIR}/be.dat .
+ set pscale = `head -1 ${CENTRALDIR}/bc_pert_scale | tail -1`
+ set autoc = `head -2 ${CENTRALDIR}/bc_pert_scale | tail -1`
+ @ iseed2 = $element * 10000
+ echo this date is ${this_date}
+ set da_window_min = `${CENTRALDIR}/da_advance_time.exe $this_date -3 -w`
+ set da_window_max = `${CENTRALDIR}/da_advance_time.exe $this_date 3 -w`
+ echo da_windows ${da_window_min} ${da_window_max}
+ ${REMOVE} script.sed
+ cat >! script.sed << EOF
+ /analysis_date/c\
+ analysis_date = \'${START_YEAR}-${START_MONTH}-${START_DAY}_${START_HOUR}:${START_MIN}:${START_SEC}.0000\',
+ /as1/c\
+ as1 = ${pscale}, 2.0, 1.5,
+ /as2/c\
+ as2 = ${pscale}, 2.0, 1.5,
+ /as3/c\
+ as3 = ${pscale}, 2.0, 1.5,
+ /as4/c\
+ as4 = ${pscale}, 2.0, 1.5,
+ /as5/c\
+ as5 = ${pscale}, 2.0, 1.5,
+ /var_scaling1/c\
+ var_scaling1 = ${pscale},
+ /var_scaling2/c\
+ var_scaling2 = ${pscale},
+ /var_scaling3/c\
+ var_scaling3 = ${pscale},
+ /var_scaling4/c\
+ var_scaling4 = ${pscale},
+ /var_scaling5/c\
+ var_scaling5 = ${pscale},
+ /seed_array1/c\
+ seed_array1 = ${END_YEAR}${END_MONTH}${END_DAY}${END_HOUR},
+ /seed_array2/c\
+ seed_array2 = $iseed2,
+ /time_window_min/c\
+ time_window_min = "${da_window_min}.0000",
+ /time_window_max/c\
+ time_window_max = "${da_window_max}.0000",
+ /start_year/c\
+ start_year = ${START_YEAR},
+ /start_month/c\
+ start_month = ${START_MONTH},
+ /start_day/c\
+ start_day = ${START_DAY},
+ /start_hour/c\
+ start_hour = ${START_HOUR},
+ /end_year/c\
+ end_year = ${END_YEAR},
+ /end_month/c\
+ end_month = ${END_MONTH},
+ /end_day/c\
+ end_day = ${END_DAY},
+ /end_hour/c\
+ end_hour = ${END_HOUR},
+ ${MOVE} namelist.input namelist.input.tmp
+ sed -f script.sed namelist.input.tmp >! namelist.input
+# echo here is the first guess file name: ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfinput_d01_mean_${targdays}_${targsecs}
+ ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfinput_d01_mean_${targdays}_${targsecs} ./fg
+ ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe >>&! out.wrfvar
+ if ( -e rsl.out.0000 ) cat rsl.out.0000 >> out.wrfvar
+ ${MOVE} wrfvar_output wrfinput_next
+ ln -sf wrfinput_d01 wrfinput_this
+ ln -sf wrfbdy_d01 wrfbdy_this
+ # if wrfinput_mean file found, rename it
+ if ( -e wrfinput_mean ) then
+ ${MOVE} wrfinput_mean wrfinput_this_mean
+ ${MOVE} fg wrfinput_next_mean
+ endif
+ echo $autoc | ${CENTRALDIR}/pert_wrf_bc >&! out.pert_wrf_bc
+ ${REMOVE} wrfinput_this wrfinput_next wrfbdy_this
+ if ( -e wrfinput_this_mean ) ${REMOVE} wrfinput_this_mean wrfinput_next_mean
+ else # Update boundary conditions
+ echo 'Using update_wrf_bc to update boundary conditions'
+ echo $infl | ${CENTRALDIR}/update_wrf_bc >&! out.update_wrf_bc
+ endif
+ # if you are running with nests, here is one way to get the info
+ # into the wrf namelist.
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/tc_domain_info ) then
+ set ndomains = `head -1 ${CENTRALDIR}/tc_domain_info | tail -1`
+ set i_start_str = `head -2 ${CENTRALDIR}/tc_domain_info | tail -1`
+ set j_start_str = `head -3 ${CENTRALDIR}/tc_domain_info | tail -1`
+ set nx_string = `head -4 ${CENTRALDIR}/tc_domain_info | tail -1`
+ set ny_string = `head -5 ${CENTRALDIR}/tc_domain_info | tail -1`
+ ${REMOVE} script.sed
+ cat >! script.sed << EOF
+ /max_dom/c\
+ max_dom = ${ndomains},
+ /e_we/c\
+ e_we = ${nx_string},
+ /e_sn/c\
+ e_sn = ${ny_string},
+ /i_parent_start/c\
+ i_parent_start = ${i_start_str},
+ /j_parent_start/c\
+ j_parent_start = ${j_start_str},
+ ${MOVE} namelist.input namelist.input.tmp
+ sed -f script.sed namelist.input.tmp >! namelist.input
+ endif
+ if ( -e rsl.out.integration ) then
+ ${REMOVE} rsl.*
+ endif
+ # run WRF here
+ ${MOVE} namelist.input namelist.input.3dvar
+ ${MOVE} namelist.input.hold namelist.input
+ ${ADV_MOD_COMMAND} >>&! rsl.out.integration
+ if ( -e rsl.out.0000 ) cat rsl.out.0000 >> rsl.out.integration
+ ${COPY} rsl.out.integration $WRFOUTDIR/wrf.out_${targdays}_${targsecs}_${element}
+# sleep 1
+ set SUCCESS = `grep "wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF" rsl.* | cat | wc -l`
+ if ($SUCCESS == 0) then
+ echo $element >>! ${CENTRALDIR}/blown_${targdays}_${targsecs}.out
+ echo "Model failure! Check file " ${CENTRALDIR}/blown_${targdays}_${targsecs}.out
+ echo "for a list of failed elements, and check here for the individual output files:"
+ echo " ${CENTRALDIR}/wrf.out_${targdays}_${targsecs}_${element} "
+ exit -1
+ endif
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/extract ) then
+ if ( $element == 1 ) then
+ ls wrfout_d0${MY_NUM_DOMAINS}_* >! wrfout.list
+ if ( -e ${CENTRALDIR}/psfc.nc ) then
+ ${COPY} ${CENTRALDIR}/psfc.nc .
+ endif
+ echo `cat wrfout.list | wc -l` | ${CENTRALDIR}/extract
+ ${MOVE} psfc.nc ${CENTRALDIR}/.
+ endif
+ endif
+ set dn = 1
+ while ( $dn <= $MY_NUM_DOMAINS )
+ if ( $element <= $save_elements ) then
+ ${COPY} wrfout_d0${dn}_${END_YEAR}-${END_MONTH}-${END_DAY}_${END_HOUR}:${END_MIN}:${END_SEC} $WRFOUTDIR/wrfout_d0${dn}_${END_YEAR}-${END_MONTH}-${END_DAY}_${END_HOUR}:${END_MIN}:${END_SEC}_$element
+ endif
+ ${MOVE} wrfout_d0${dn}_${END_YEAR}-${END_MONTH}-${END_DAY}_${END_HOUR}:${END_MIN}:${END_SEC} wrfinput_d0${dn}
+ set dn = `expr $dn \+ 1`
+ end
+ ${REMOVE} wrfout*
+ set wrfkey = $keys[$ifile]
+ set ifile = `expr $ifile \+ 1`
+ end
+ ##############################################
+ # At this point, the target time is reached. #
+ ##############################################
+ # create new input to DART (taken from "wrfinput")
+ ${CENTRALDIR}/wrf_to_dart >&! out.wrf_to_dart
+ ${MOVE} dart_wrf_vector ${CENTRALDIR}/$output_file
+ # and now repeat the entire process for any other ensemble member that
+ # needs to be advanced by this task.
+ set state_copy = `expr $state_copy \+ 1`
+ set ensemble_member_line = `expr $ensemble_member_line \+ 3`
+ set input_file_line = `expr $input_file_line \+ 3`
+ set output_file_line = `expr $output_file_line \+ 3`
+# Change back to working directory and get rid of temporary directory
+echo ${REMOVE} ${temp_dir}
+${REMOVE} ${temp_dir}
+# Remove the filter_control file to signal completeion
+# Is there a need for any sleeps to avoid trouble on completing moves here?
+\rm -rf $control_file
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/advance_model.csh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: svn:keywords
+ Date Revision Author HeadURL Id
Added: DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/icbc_real.ksh
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/icbc_real.ksh (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/icbc_real.ksh 2009-09-15 20:55:21 UTC (rev 4050)
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+# Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+# Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+# University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+# Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL: https://subversion.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/trunk/models/wrf/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh $
+# $Id: advance_model.csh 3814 2009-04-15 20:48:36Z nancy $# $Revision: 3814 $
+# $Date: 2009-04-15 14:48:36 -0600 (Wed, 15 Apr 2009) $
+# Purpose: run real.exe and generate perturbed IC/BC's using WRFVAR
+# and prepares the run directory by linking all of the needed files
+# output from this routine.
+# This script was originally written by Yongsheng Chen and modified
+# by Hui Liu, Glen Romine and Nancy Collins. Please contact
+# dart at ucar.edu with any bugs or suggested revisions.
+# There is a section labeled 'PATHS' below which needs to be set to
+# point to your local directory trees.
+# You should have already built and tested your DART and wrf model
+# builds prior to trying this script.
+# Options that you commonly modify can be placed in the 'OPTIONS'
+# block below, while other options are less frequently tuned in the
+# are accessible under the 'NAMELISTS' block below. The idea here
+# is to reduce the risk of inconsistent namelist options by having
+# only one place where options are defined.
+# Things you are assumed to have for this script to work:
+# 1. real.exe - compiled for serial execution
+# 2. da_wrfvar.exe - compiled for serial execution
+# 3. dart_to_wrf |
+# 4. wrf_to_dart | - these should all be in $DART/models/wrf/work
+# 5. pert_wrf_bc |
+# 6. da_advance_time.exe - tool for converting time formats that
+# - should be in the WRFDA build
+# 7. be.dat - background error stats data, placed or linked into
+# the ICBC directory
+# 8. met_em* files - output from WPS
+# If you have nests, you also need the file below
+# 9. ndown.exe - compiled for mpi execution
+# This script also uses the ncks utility within the NCO distribution
+# Note that the number of processors needs to equal the number of
+# ensemble members for running this script on bluefire.
+# ########
+# CAUTION - this script will remove the OUTPUT and ASSIM_DIR
+# dierctories during execution. Change to different paths to
+# avoid wiping out old directories.
+# ########
+#BSUB -n 32
+#BSUB -a poe
+#BSUB -R "span[ptile=16]"
+#BSUB -x
+#BSUB -J icbc
+#BSUB -o output.icbc
+#BSUB -e err.icbc
+#BSUB -q regular
+#BSUB -P ########
+#BSUB -W 1:00
+set echo
+# For the system you are running on, indicate the number of procs per node
+export PROCS_PER_NODE=32
+# Initial Condition files
+# Set to '1' if you want a single IC file, any other # if you want separate files (the
+# latter is suggested if you have large grids and lots of members)
+export single_file=1
+#Time info - 4 digit year, no leading zeroes for others as this is handled later:
+export YEAR_INIT=2008
+export MONTH_INIT=5
+export DAY_INIT=22
+export HOUR_INIT=12
+export YEAR_END=2008
+export MONTH_END=5
+export DAY_END=24
+export HOUR_END=12
+# the date from which the run will start
+#export INITIAL_DATE=2008052212
+# the time window for the assimilation run, in hours
+export DA_TIME_WINDOW=48
+# the frequency of lateral boundary condition updates, in hours
+export LBC_FREQ=6
+# parent tree where all of the wrf model files reside
+export CODE_DIR=/blhome/user/models
+# where the wrf model executable dir is within this
+# where the wrfvar tree is
+# where the DART home directory is
+# where the da_advance_time executable is located
+export TOOL_DIR=$VAR_DIR/var/da
+# where the namelists will be written for 3dvar, DART filter (input.nml), and wrf,
+# as well as the location for the be.dat file
+export ICBC_DIR=/ptmp/user/work/icbc
+# where the WPS processed files reside to feed to real.exe (met_em*)
+# where the IC and BC files will be written by this script
+export OUTPUT=/ptmp/user/work/input
+# work directory for temporary files
+export RUN_DIR=/ptmp/user/work/icbc_work
+# assimilation directory where you expect to run the assimilation system....
+# where you plan to run filter
+export ASSIM_DIR=/ptmp/user/work/cv3work
+# location of the obs_seq.out file
+export OBS_DIR=/ptmp/user/CONUSV3/ncep_obs/work
+# 1. Common input.nml options (used by wrf_to_dart and dart_to_wrf and a copy is placed
+# in the assimilation directory)
+# how many members in your ensemble
+export ENS_SIZE=32
+#Domain info: only for nested domains, otherwise, = 1.
+export MAX_DOM=1
+# List of WRF state variables to pass to DART - needs to make sense for the model
+# parameter definitions - especially the moist variables related to the microphysics
+# of your choice. Note that any states that you want to update with filter, or
+# monitor, needs to be on this list. Note the lists below are in double quotes.
+ export my_state_variables="'U','KIND_U_WIND_COMPONENT','TYPE_U','UPDATE','999',
+# List of state variables that should be 'positive definite' - where negative values that
+# emerge from filter are reset to the value indicated below (zero). Microphysical variables
+# are logically added here.
+ export my_state_bounds="'QVAPOR','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QCLOUD','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QRAIN','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QICE','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QSNOW','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',"
+ export my_inf_initial_from_restart=.false.
+ export my_inf_sd_initial_from_restart=.false.
+# 2. Common wrf model options (used by real.exe, and placed in assimilation directory)
+# num. grid pts E-W in D01 - definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export WE_D01=45
+# num. grid pts N-S in D01 - definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export SN_D01=45
+# Vertical levels in D01 (make sure you have matching eta entries)- definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export VL_D01=36
+# resolution E-W in D01 in m - definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export DXM_D01=120000.
+# resolution N-S in D01 in m - definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export DYM_D01=120000.
+# explicit microphysics - definition used in both wrfvar and real. Don't forget
+# to match up the state variable list above based on the micro package you selected
+export MP_PHYS=4
+# surface layer physics (drag) - definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export SFC_PHYS=1
+# land-surface layer physics (thermal) - definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export LSF_PHYS=1
+# land-surface layer physics (thermal) - definition used in both wrfvar and real
+export SOIL_LYR=5
+# 3. Common wrfvar options
+# scaling factor for WRFDA
+export DA_VAR_SCALING=0.4
+cat > input.nml.tmp << EOF
+ async = 2,
+ adv_ens_command = "./advance_model.csh",
+ ens_size = $ENS_SIZE,
+ start_from_restart = .true.,
+ output_restart = .true.,
+ obs_sequence_in_name = "obs_seq.out",
+ obs_sequence_out_name = "obs_seq.final",
+ restart_in_file_name = "filter_ics",
+ restart_out_file_name = "filter_restart",
+ init_time_days = -1,
+ init_time_seconds = -1,
+ first_obs_days = -1,
+ first_obs_seconds = -1,
+ last_obs_days = -1,
+ last_obs_seconds = -1,
+ num_output_state_members = 0,
+ num_output_obs_members = 0,
+ output_interval = 1,
+ num_groups = 1,
+ input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
+ outlier_threshold = 3.0,
+ output_forward_op_errors = .false.,
+ output_timestamps = .false.,
+ output_inflation = .true.,
+ trace_execution = .false.,
+ inf_flavor = 2, 0,
+ inf_initial_from_restart = $my_inf_initial_from_restart, .false.,
+ inf_sd_initial_from_restart = $my_inf_sd_initial_from_restart, .false.,
+ inf_output_restart = .true., .true.,
+ inf_deterministic = .true., .true.,
+ inf_in_file_name = 'prior_inf_ic_old', 'post_inf_ic_old',
+ inf_out_file_name = 'prior_inf_ic_new', 'post_inf_ic_new',
+ inf_diag_file_name = 'prior_inf_diag', 'post_inf_diag',
+ inf_initial = 1.00, 1.00,
+ inf_sd_initial = 0.60, 0.50,
+ inf_damping = 0.90, 1.00,
+ inf_lower_bound = 1.0, 1.0,
+ inf_upper_bound = 1000000.0, 1000000.0,
+ inf_sd_lower_bound = 0.60, 0.10
+ single_restart_file_in = .true.,
+ single_restart_file_out = .true.,
+ perturbation_amplitude = 0.2 /
+ num_lags = 0
+ start_from_restart = .false.
+ output_restart = .false.
+ restart_in_file_name = 'smoother_ics'
+ restart_out_file_name = 'smoother_restart' /
+ filter_kind = 1,
+ cutoff = 0.16,
+ sort_obs_inc = .false.,
+ spread_restoration = .false.,
+ sampling_error_correction = .false.,
+ print_every_nth_obs = 1000,
+ adaptive_localization_threshold = -1 /
+ select_localization = 1 /
+ write_binary_restart_files = .true. /
+ horiz_dist_only = .false.,
+ vert_normalization_pressure = 187500.0,
+ vert_normalization_height = 5000000.0,
+ vert_normalization_level = 2666.7,
+ approximate_distance = .false.,
+ nlon = 141,
+ nlat = 72,
+ output_box_info = .false. /
+ output_state_vector = .false.,
+ default_state_variables = .false.,
+ wrf_state_variables = $my_state_variables
+ wrf_state_bounds = $my_state_bounds
+ num_domains = $MAX_DOM,
+ surf_obs = .false.,
+ calendar_type = 3,
+ assimilation_period_seconds = 21600,
+ adv_mod_command = "./wrf.exe",
+ vert_localization_coord = 2,
+ center_search_half_length = 400000.0,
+ center_spline_grid_scale = 10 /
+ logfilename = 'dart_log.out',
+ nmlfilename = 'dart_log.nml',
+ write_nml = 'file',
+ module_details = .false. /
@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@
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