[Dart-dev] [4040] DART/trunk/models/cam/model_mod.f90: Another update from Kevin:
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Sep 4 16:21:55 MDT 2009
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Modified: DART/trunk/models/cam/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/model_mod.f90 2009-09-04 21:22:34 UTC (rev 4039)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/model_mod.f90 2009-09-04 22:21:55 UTC (rev 4040)
@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@
! $Id$
! $Revision$
! $Date$
+! kdr This came from Nancy for doing comparisons with Pincus runs,
+! where we want to limit the impact of cloud liquid water to only cloud liquid water.
+! There are some minor changes in my model_mod.f90 which I'd want to incorporate into
+! this version, but I'm leaving them out for now.
! purpose: interface between CAM and DART
@@ -237,8 +247,7 @@
use utilities_mod, only : open_file, close_file, find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read, &
register_module, error_handler, file_exist, E_ERR, E_WARN, E_MSG, &
- logfileunit, nmlfileunit, do_output, nc_check, &
- do_nml_file, do_nml_term
+ logfileunit, nmlfileunit, do_output, nc_check
use mpi_utilities_mod, only : my_task_id, task_count
@@ -259,11 +268,12 @@
! the idea is that only those actually in use will be defined
! in obs_kind_mod.f90.
-use obs_kind_mod, only : KIND_U_WIND_COMPONENT, KIND_V_WIND_COMPONENT, &
+ KIND_SURFACE_ELEVATION, get_raw_obs_kind_index
@@ -503,7 +513,15 @@
real(r8) ,dimension(MAX_STATE_NAMES) :: pert_sd = (/(-888888.0d0,iii=1,MAX_STATE_NAMES)/)
real(r8) ,dimension(MAX_STATE_NAMES) :: pert_base_vals = (/(-888888.0d0,iii=1,MAX_STATE_NAMES)/)
+! Special for an experiment. Specify one string kind e.g KIND_CLOUD_LIQUID and
+! observations of that kind will only impact other obs and state vars of that
+! same kind. All other kinds of obs and state vars will not be impacted
+! by obs of this kind. A null string means behave as normal. Kind strings
+! are limited by compilers to be 32 chars, since they are declared as params.
+character(len=32) :: impact_only_same_kind = ' '
+integer :: impact_kind_index = -1
! Specify shortest time step that the model will support
! This is limited below by CAMs fixed time step but is also impacted
! by numerical stability concerns for repeated restarting in leapfrog.
@@ -515,7 +533,8 @@
, which_vert_1d ,which_vert_2d ,which_vert_3d &
,pert_names ,pert_sd ,pert_base_vals &
,highest_obs_pressure_mb , highest_state_pressure_mb &
- ,max_obs_lat_degree ,Time_step_seconds ,Time_step_days
+ ,max_obs_lat_degree ,Time_step_seconds ,Time_step_days &
+ ,impact_only_same_kind
!---- end of namelist (found in file input.nml) ----
@@ -665,10 +684,10 @@
do_out = .false.
if (ens_member == 1) do_out = .true.
- write(*,*) 'do_out = ',do_out
+ !write(*,*) 'do_out = ',do_out
do_out = do_output()
- write(*,*) 'do_out = ',do_out
+ !write(*,*) 'do_out = ',do_out
! static_init_model is called once(?) for each task(?).
! There may be more or fewer ensemble members than tasks.
! No problem if there are fewer.
@@ -679,8 +698,7 @@
end if
! Record the namelist values
-if (do_out .and. do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=model_nml)
-if (do_out .and. do_nml_term()) write( * , nml=model_nml)
+if (do_out) write(nmlfileunit, nml=model_nml)
! Set the model minimum time step from the namelist seconds and days input
Time_step_atmos = set_time(Time_step_seconds, Time_step_days)
@@ -806,6 +824,13 @@
! dart_to_cam_kinds and cam_to_dart_kinds
call map_kinds()
+! nsc fri, 13mar09
+! if restricting impact of a particular kind to only obs and state vars
+! of the same kind, look up and set the kind index.
+if (len_trim(impact_only_same_kind) > 0) then
+ impact_kind_index = get_raw_obs_kind_index(impact_only_same_kind)
end subroutine static_init_model
@@ -875,7 +900,7 @@
!debug where will this be written?
-if (do_out) then
+if (do_out .and. .false.) then
if (state_num_1d > 0) then
write(*,*) 's_dim_1d = ',s_dim_1d
write(*,*) (s_dim_max(i,1),i=1,3)
@@ -1135,13 +1160,13 @@
integer :: ncfldid
integer :: n,m, slon_index, slat_index, lat_index, lon_index
-if (do_out) PRINT*,'read_cam_horiz; reading ',cfield
+!if (do_out) PRINT*,'read_cam_horiz; reading ',cfield
call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncfileid, trim(cfield), ncfldid), &
'read_cam_horiz', 'inq_varid '//trim(cfield))
call nc_check(nf90_get_var(ncfileid, ncfldid, var, start=(/1,1,1/), &
count=(/dim1, dim2, 1/)), 'read_cam_horiz', trim(cfield))
-if (do_out) PRINT*,'read_cam_horiz; reading ',cfield,' using id ',ncfldid, dim1, dim2
+!if (do_out) PRINT*,'read_cam_horiz; reading ',cfield,' using id ',ncfldid, dim1, dim2
! assign values to phis grids for use by the rest of the module.
if (cfield == 'PHIS ') then
@@ -1714,15 +1739,15 @@
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID, name=c_name, xtype=nf90_double, dimids=dim_id, &
varid=c_id), 'write_cam_coord_def', 'def_var '//trim(c_name))
-if (do_out) write(*,'(/A,A)') 'write_cam_coord_def; ', trim(c_name)
+!if (do_out) write(*,'(/A,A)') 'write_cam_coord_def; ', trim(c_name)
do i=1,coord%num_atts
- if (do_out) then
-! nch = len_trim(coord%atts_vals(i))
-! i,trim(coord%atts_names(i)),' ', coord%atts_vals(i)(1:nch)
- write(*,*) ' i, att_name, att_val', &
- i,trim(coord%atts_names(i)),' ', trim(coord%atts_vals(i))
- endif
+! if (do_out) then
+!! nch = len_trim(coord%atts_vals(i))
+!! i,trim(coord%atts_names(i)),' ', coord%atts_vals(i)(1:nch)
+! write(*,*) ' i, att_name, att_val', &
+! i,trim(coord%atts_names(i)),' ', trim(coord%atts_vals(i))
+! endif
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, c_id, coord%atts_names(i), coord%atts_vals(i)), &
'write_cam_coord_def', 'put_att '//trim(coord%atts_names(i)))
end do
@@ -2561,12 +2586,12 @@
! Flush the buffer and leave netCDF file open
-write (*,*)'Finished filling variables ...'
+!write (*,*)'Finished filling variables ...'
call nc_check(nf90_sync(ncFileID),'nc_write_model_vars ','sync ')
-write (*,*)'netCDF file is synched ...'
+!write (*,*)'netCDF file is synched ...'
! temporary output
-print*,'num_calced, num_searched = ',num_calced, num_searched
+!print*,'num_calced, num_searched = ',num_calced, num_searched
call end_model_instance(Var) ! should avoid any memory leaking
@@ -3301,11 +3326,11 @@
! in memory than in the previous/Bgrid structure.
do nf= 1, state_num_3d
- if (do_out) then
- write(errstring, '(A,4I5)') 'fld, nlons, nlats, nlevs ',nf &
- ,s_dim_3d(2,nf),s_dim_3d(3,nf),s_dim_3d(1,nf)
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'prog_var_to_vector', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
- endif
+! if (do_out) then
+! write(errstring, '(A,4I5)') 'fld, nlons, nlats, nlevs ',nf &
+! ,s_dim_3d(2,nf),s_dim_3d(3,nf),s_dim_3d(1,nf)
+! call error_handler(E_MSG, 'prog_var_to_vector', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+! endif
do i=1,s_dim_3d(3,nf) !lats
do j=1,s_dim_3d(2,nf) !lons
@@ -3368,11 +3393,11 @@
! 3D fields; see comments in prog_var_to_vect
do nf = 1, state_num_3d
- if (do_out) then
- write(errstring, '(A,4I5)') 'fld, nlons, nlats, nlevs ',nf &
- ,s_dim_3d(2,nf),s_dim_3d(3,nf),s_dim_3d(1,nf)
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'vector_to_prog_var', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
- end if
+! if (do_out) then
+! write(errstring, '(A,4I5)') 'fld, nlons, nlats, nlevs ',nf &
+! ,s_dim_3d(2,nf),s_dim_3d(3,nf),s_dim_3d(1,nf)
+! call error_handler(E_MSG, 'vector_to_prog_var', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+! end if
do i = 1, s_dim_3d(3,nf)
do j = 1, s_dim_3d(2,nf)
do k = 1, s_dim_3d(1,nf)
@@ -3455,6 +3480,11 @@
end if
+!! DEBUG: comment this in if you want to bypass the top level damping code below.
+!call loc_get_close_obs(gc, base_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs_loc, obs_kind, &
+! num_close, close_ind, dist)
! Get all the potentially close obs but no dist (optional argument dist(:) is not present)
call loc_get_close_obs(gc, local_base_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs_loc, obs_kind, &
num_close, close_ind)
@@ -3488,25 +3518,42 @@
local_obs_loc = set_location(obs_array(1), obs_array(2), local_obs_array(3), &
- dist(k) = get_dist(local_base_obs_loc, local_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs_kind(t_ind))
+! nsc fri, 13mar09
+! allow a namelist specified kind string to restrict the impact of those
+! obs kinds to only other obs and state vars of the same kind.
+ if ((impact_kind_index >= 0) .and. &
+ (impact_kind_index == base_obs_kind) .and. &
+ (impact_kind_index /= obs_kind(t_ind))) then
+ dist(k) = 999999._r8 ! arbitrary very large distance
+ else if (local_base_which == VERTISUNDEF) then
+ ! The last argument, no_vert = .true., makes get_dist calculate horzontal distance only.
+ dist(k) = get_dist(local_base_obs_loc, local_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs_kind(t_ind),.true.)
+ ! Then no damping can be done since vertical distance is undefined.
+ ! ? Is this routine called *both* to get model points close to a real obs,
+ ! AND ob close to a model point? I want damping in the latter case,
+ ! even if ob has which_vert = VERTISUNDEF.
+ ! I think that testing on local_base_which will do that.
+ else
+ dist(k) = get_dist(local_base_obs_loc, local_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs_kind(t_ind))
- ! Damp the influence of obs (below the namelist variable highest_obs_pressure_mb)
- ! on variables above highest_state_pressure_mb.
- ! This section could also change the distance based on the KIND_s of the base_obs and obs.
+ ! Damp the influence of obs (below the namelist variable highest_obs_pressure_mb)
+ ! on variables above highest_state_pressure_mb.
+ ! This section could also change the distance based on the KIND_s of the base_obs and obs.
+ ! dist = 0 for some for synthetic obs.
+ ! Additive increase, based on height above threshold, works better than multiplicative
+ ! See model_mod circa 1/1/2007 for other damping algorithms.
+ increment = threshold - local_obs_array(3)
+ ! This if-test handles the case where no damping is performed, i.e.
+ ! highest_state_pressure_mb = 0 and threshold = 0.
+ if (increment > 0) then
+ dist(k) = dist(k) + increment * increment * thresh_wght
+ ! too sharp dist(k) = dist(k) + increment / threshold
+ end if
+ endif
- ! dist = 0 for some for synthetic obs.
- ! Additive increase, based on height above threshold, works better than multiplicative
- ! See model_mod circa 1/1/2007 for other damping algorithms.
- increment = threshold - local_obs_array(3)
- ! This if-test handles the case where no damping is performed, i.e.
- ! highest_state_pressure_mb = 0 and threshold = 0.
- if (increment > 0) then
- dist(k) = dist(k) + increment * increment * thresh_wght
-! too sharp dist(k) = dist(k) + increment / threshold
- end if
end do
end subroutine get_close_obs
@@ -4752,7 +4799,7 @@
galt = g - 2.0*ge*alt/ae*(1.0 + f + xm + (-3.0*f + 5.0/2.0*xm)* &
(dsin(xlat))**2) + 3.0*ge*alt**2/ae**2
-!liu galt = galt*1.0d5 ! convert from km/s2 to cm/s2
+!liu galt = galt*1.0d5 ! convert from km/s2 to cm/s2
end subroutine gravity
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