[Dart-dev] [4170] DART/trunk/models/wrf: Updates from Ryan, Glen, and Josh. the icbc
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Mon Nov 30 13:56:39 MST 2009
Revision: 4170
Author: nancy
Date: 2009-11-30 13:56:39 -0700 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009)
Log Message:
Updates from Ryan, Glen, and Josh. the icbc script will now
copy over the advance_model script from the shell scripts dir.
advance script assumes all wrf related components are in the same
directory. full paths added to some executables. use the default
values for the boundary condition scaling. make sure max_dom is
only 1 to work with the 3dvar scripts.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/icbc_real.ksh
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/icbc_real.ksh 2009-11-30 16:08:30 UTC (rev 4169)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/regression/CONUS-V3/icbc_real.ksh 2009-11-30 20:56:39 UTC (rev 4170)
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@
#BSUB -o output.icbc
#BSUB -e err.icbc
#BSUB -q regular
-#BSUB -P ########
-#BSUB -W 1:00
+# EDIT for a valid project number if applicable
+#BSUB -P 111111111
+#BSUB -W 0:30
set echo
@@ -88,40 +89,42 @@
export MONTH_END=5
export DAY_END=24
export HOUR_END=12
-# the date from which the run will start
-#export INITIAL_DATE=2008052212
# the time window for the assimilation run, in hours
export DA_TIME_WINDOW=48
# the frequency of lateral boundary condition updates, in hours
export LBC_FREQ=6
+# for the assimilation run, pre-generated BC files(0), or on-the-fly(1)
+export OTF=1
-# parent tree where all of the wrf model files reside
-export CODE_DIR=/blhome/user/models
+# parent tree where all of the wrf and wrfda files reside
+#EDIT lower case paths - do not edit upper case path parts
+export CODE_DIR=/path/to/wrf
# where the wrf model executable dir is within this
# where the wrfvar tree is
# where the DART home directory is
+export DART_DIR=/path/to/dart/DART
# where the da_advance_time executable is located
export TOOL_DIR=$VAR_DIR/var/da
# where the namelists will be written for 3dvar, DART filter (input.nml), and wrf,
# as well as the location for the be.dat file
-export ICBC_DIR=/ptmp/user/work/icbc
+export ICBC_DIR=/path/to/here
# where the WPS processed files reside to feed to real.exe (met_em*)
-# where the IC and BC files will be written by this script
-export OUTPUT=/ptmp/user/work/input
+# temporary home where the IC and BC files will be written by this script
+export OUTPUT=/path/to/output
# work directory for temporary files
-export RUN_DIR=/ptmp/user/work/icbc_work
+export RUN_DIR=/path/to/work/dir
# assimilation directory where you expect to run the assimilation system....
# where you plan to run filter
-export ASSIM_DIR=/ptmp/user/work/cv3work
+export ASSIM_DIR=/path/to/assim/run/dir
# location of the obs_seq.out file
-export OBS_DIR=/ptmp/user/CONUSV3/ncep_obs/work
+export OBS_DIR=$DART_DIR/ncep_obs/work
+# location of background error covariance file for da_wrfvar
+export BE_file=$VAR_DIR/var/run/be.dat.cv3
@@ -130,76 +133,82 @@
# in the assimilation directory)
# how many members in your ensemble
-export ENS_SIZE=32
+ export ENS_SIZE=32
#Domain info: only for nested domains, otherwise, = 1.
-export MAX_DOM=1
+ export MAX_DOM=1
# List of WRF state variables to pass to DART - needs to make sense for the model
# parameter definitions - especially the moist variables related to the microphysics
# of your choice. Note that any states that you want to update with filter, or
# monitor, needs to be on this list. Note the lists below are in double quotes.
- export my_state_variables="'U','KIND_U_WIND_COMPONENT','TYPE_U','UPDATE','999',
+ export my_state_variables="'U','KIND_U_WIND_COMPONENT','TYPE_U','UPDATE','999',
# List of state variables that should be 'positive definite' - where negative values that
# emerge from filter are reset to the value indicated below (zero). Microphysical variables
# are logically added here.
- export my_state_bounds="'QVAPOR','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
- 'QCLOUD','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
- 'QRAIN','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
- 'QICE','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
- 'QSNOW','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',"
- export my_inf_initial_from_restart=.false.
- export my_inf_sd_initial_from_restart=.false.
+ export my_state_bounds="'QVAPOR','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QCLOUD','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QRAIN','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QICE','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',
+ 'QSNOW','0.0','NULL','CLAMP',"
+ export my_inf_initial_from_restart=.false.
+ export my_inf_sd_initial_from_restart=.false.
# 2. Common wrf model options (used by real.exe, and placed in assimilation directory)
# num. grid pts E-W in D01 - definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export WE_D01=45
+ export WE_D01=45
# num. grid pts N-S in D01 - definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export SN_D01=45
+ export SN_D01=45
# Vertical levels in D01 (make sure you have matching eta entries)- definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export VL_D01=36
+ export VL_D01=36
# resolution E-W in D01 in m - definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export DXM_D01=120000.
+ export DXM_D01=120000.
# resolution N-S in D01 in m - definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export DYM_D01=120000.
+ export DYM_D01=120000.
# explicit microphysics - definition used in both wrfvar and real. Don't forget
# to match up the state variable list above based on the micro package you selected
-export MP_PHYS=4
+ export MP_PHYS=4
# surface layer physics (drag) - definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export SFC_PHYS=1
+ export SFC_PHYS=1
# land-surface layer physics (thermal) - definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export LSF_PHYS=1
+ export LSF_PHYS=1
# land-surface layer physics (thermal) - definition used in both wrfvar and real
-export SOIL_LYR=5
+ export SOIL_LYR=5
# 3. Common wrfvar options
-# scaling factor for WRFDA
-export DA_VAR_SCALING=0.4
+# scaling factors for WRFDA NCEP covariances. If you increase the horizontal scale, you
+# should also increase the perturbation scale
+ export DA_VAR_SCALING=0.25
+# export PSCALE=0.25
+ export HSCALE=1.0
+ export VSCALE=1.5
+ export AUTOC=0.0
cat > input.nml.tmp << EOF
+ &filter_nml
async = 2,
adv_ens_command = "./advance_model.csh",
ens_size = $ENS_SIZE,
start_from_restart = .true.,
- output_restart = .true.,
+ output_restart = .false.,
obs_sequence_in_name = "obs_seq.out",
obs_sequence_out_name = "obs_seq.final",
restart_in_file_name = "filter_ics",
@@ -235,19 +244,19 @@
inf_upper_bound = 1000000.0, 1000000.0,
inf_sd_lower_bound = 0.60, 0.10
+ &ensemble_manager_nml
single_restart_file_in = .true.,
single_restart_file_out = .true.,
perturbation_amplitude = 0.2 /
+ &smoother_nml
num_lags = 0
start_from_restart = .false.
output_restart = .false.
restart_in_file_name = 'smoother_ics'
restart_out_file_name = 'smoother_restart' /
+ &assim_tools_nml
filter_kind = 1,
cutoff = 0.16,
sort_obs_inc = .false.,
@@ -256,13 +265,13 @@
print_every_nth_obs = 1000,
adaptive_localization_threshold = -1 /
+ &cov_cutoff_nml
select_localization = 1 /
+ &assim_model_nml
write_binary_restart_files = .true. /
+ &location_nml
horiz_dist_only = .false.,
vert_normalization_pressure = 187500.0,
vert_normalization_height = 5000000.0,
@@ -272,7 +281,7 @@
nlat = 72,
output_box_info = .false. /
+ &model_nml
output_state_vector = .false.,
default_state_variables = .false.,
wrf_state_variables = $my_state_variables
@@ -286,23 +295,23 @@
center_search_half_length = 400000.0,
center_spline_grid_scale = 10 /
+ &utilities_nml
logfilename = 'dart_log.out',
nmlfilename = 'dart_log.nml',
write_nml = 'file',
module_details = .false. /
+ ®_factor_nml
select_regression = 1,
input_reg_file = "time_mean_reg",
save_reg_diagnostics = .false.,
reg_diagnostics_file = 'reg_diagnostics' /
+ &obs_sequence_nml
write_binary_obs_sequence = .false. /
+ &preprocess_nml
input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90',
output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90',
input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90',
@@ -317,7 +326,7 @@
'../../../obs_def/obs_def_vortex_mod.f90' /
+ &obs_kind_nml
assimilate_these_obs_types = 'RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE',
@@ -326,10 +335,9 @@
evaluate_these_obs_types = 'RADIOSONDE_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY' /
+ &obs_diag_nml
obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
first_bin_center = $YEAR_INIT, $MONTH_INIT, $DAY_INIT, $HOUR_INIT, 0, 0 ,
last_bin_center = $YEAR_END , $MONTH_END , $DAY_END , $HOUR_END , 0, 0 ,
@@ -349,7 +357,7 @@
print_obs_locations = .false.,
verbose = .false. /
+ &restart_file_utility_nml
input_file_name = "restart_file_input",
output_file_name = "restart_file_output",
ens_size = 1,
@@ -364,15 +372,18 @@
overwrite_advance_time = .true.,
new_advance_days = -1,
new_advance_secs = -1 /
+ &dart_to_wrf_nml
+ restart_file = .FALSE. /
# Need a template version for advance_model.csh as well
-cat > namelist.wrf.tmp << EOF
+cat > namelist.wrf << EOF
run_days = 0,
- run_hours = _FCST_,
+ run_hours = 0,
run_minutes = 0,
run_seconds = 0,
start_year = _MAX_DOM_*_START_YEAR_,
@@ -497,7 +508,7 @@
# Note the file below is a template - which is updated for individual calls to
-cat > namelist.input.3dvar << EOF
+cat > namelist.3dvar << EOF
check_max_iv_print = .false.,
write_increments = .false.,
@@ -543,17 +554,17 @@
cv_options = 3,
- as1 = _VAR_SCALING1_, 2.0, 1.5,
- as2 = _VAR_SCALING1_, 2.0, 1.5,
- as3 = _VAR_SCALING1_, 2.0, 1.5,
- as4 = _VAR_SCALING1_, 2.0, 1.5,
- as5 = _VAR_SCALING1_, 2.0, 1.5,
rf_passes = 6,
- var_scaling1 = _VAR_SCALING1_,
- var_scaling2 = _VAR_SCALING2_,
- var_scaling3 = _VAR_SCALING3_,
- var_scaling4 = _VAR_SCALING4_,
- var_scaling5 = _VAR_SCALING5_,
+ var_scaling1 = $DA_VAR_SCALING,
+ var_scaling2 = $DA_VAR_SCALING,
+ var_scaling3 = $DA_VAR_SCALING,
+ var_scaling4 = $DA_VAR_SCALING,
+ var_scaling5 = $DA_VAR_SCALING,
je_factor = 1.0,
@@ -614,46 +625,45 @@
- time_window_min="_DA_WINDOW_MIN_.0000",
-debug_level = 0
+ &time_control
+ start_year=_START_YEAR_,
+ start_month=_START_MONTH_,
+ start_day=_START_DAY_,
+ start_hour=_START_HOUR_,
+ end_year=_END_YEAR_,
+ end_month=_END_MONTH_,
+ end_day=_END_DAY_,
+ end_hour=_END_HOUR_,
+ debug_level = 0
+ /
+ &domains
+ e_we=$WE_D01,
+ e_sn=$SN_D01,
+ e_vert=$VL_D01,
+ dx=$DXM_D01,
+ dy=$DYM_D01,
+ /
+ &physics
+ mp_physics=$MP_PHYS,
+ sf_sfclay_physics=$SFC_PHYS,
+ sf_surface_physics=$LSF_PHYS,
+ num_soil_layers=$SOIL_LYR,/
# You hopefully will not need to modify options below this line
+ln -sf $BE_file be.dat
#Date string needs to be a fixed format
typeset -Z2 DAY_INIT2=$DAY_INIT
@@ -697,7 +707,7 @@
m4 -D_FCST_=$fcst_hour -D_MAX_DOM_=$MAX_DOM \
-D_END_YEAR_=$yyyy_end -D_END_MONTH_=$mm_end -D_END_DAY_=$dd_end -D_END_HOUR_=$hh_end \
- $ICBC_DIR/namelist.wrf.tmp > namelist.input
+ $ICBC_DIR/namelist.wrf > namelist.input
ln -sf $WPS_DATA_DIR/met_em.d0* .
@@ -707,54 +717,56 @@
# rename files
# ----------------
-export NANALYSIS=`expr $fcst_hour \/ $LBC_FREQ \+ 1`
+ export NANALYSIS=`expr $fcst_hour \/ $LBC_FREQ \+ 1`
## mv wrflowinp_d01 $OUTPUT/.
-while [[ $it -le $NANALYSIS ]] ; do
- set -A g_date `$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe $this_date 0 -g`
- set -A w_date `$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe $this_date 0 -w`
+ it=1
+ this_date=$start_date
+ echo !!!! $this_date and $g_date[0] $g_date[1] and ${wdate}
+ while [[ $it -le $NANALYSIS ]] ; do
+ set -A g_date `$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe $this_date 0 -g`
+ set -A w_date `$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe $this_date 0 -w`
- if [[ $it -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $it -eq 1 ]] ; then
while [[ $id -le $MAX_DOM ]] ; do
- mv wrfinput_d0$id $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d0${id}_mean_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}
+ echo move named mean file
+ mv wrfinput_d0$id $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d0${id}_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_mean
(( id = id + 1 ))
- else
+ else
(( itp1 = it - 1 ))
- mv wrfinput_d01.${w_date} $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_mean_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}
- ncks -F -O -d Time,${itp1} wrfbdy_d01 $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_d01_mean_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}
- fi
- (( it = it + 1 ))
- this_date=`$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe $this_date $LBC_FREQ`
-mv wrfbdy_d01 $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_d01
+ echo move dated mean file
+ mv wrfinput_d01.${w_date} $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_mean
+# Extract the individual bdy conditions for each time. The file time is the target time,
+# and so should be coupled with a wrfinput file one analysis time earlier
+ ncks -F -O -d Time,${itp1} wrfbdy_d01 $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_d01_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_mean
+ fi
+ (( it = it + 1 ))
+ this_date=`$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe $this_date $LBC_FREQ`
+ done
+# File with all of the bdy times
+ mv wrfbdy_d01 $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_d01
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# prepare data/scripts to run wrfvar (v3) to perturb icbc
# ----------------------------------------------------------
-while [[ $ie -le $ENS_SIZE ]]; do
- if [[ ! -d $ie ]]; then mkdir $ie ; fi
- cd $ie
- ln -sf $VAR_DIR/run/LANDUSE.TBL .
- ln -sf $VAR_DIR/run/gribmap.txt .
+ mpmd_cmdfile=$RUN_DIR/run_wrfvar_mpmd_cmdfile
+ ie=1
+ while [[ $ie -le $ENS_SIZE ]]; do
+ if [[ ! -d $ie ]]; then mkdir $ie ; fi
+ cd $ie
+ ln -sf $VAR_DIR/run/LANDUSE.TBL .
+ ln -sf $VAR_DIR/run/gribmap.txt .
# compile wrfvar v3 in single thread
- ln -sf $VAR_DIR/var/build/da_wrfvar.exe da_wrfvar.exe
- ln -sf $ICBC_DIR/be.dat .
- ln -sf $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/pert_wrf_bc .
+ ln -sf $VAR_DIR/var/build/da_wrfvar.exe da_wrfvar.exe
+ ln -sf $ICBC_DIR/be.dat .
+ ln -sf $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/pert_wrf_bc .
-# $ICBC_DIR/input.nml.tmp > input.nml
- cp $ICBC_DIR/input.nml.tmp input.nml
+ cp $ICBC_DIR/input.nml.tmp input.nml
- cat > run_wrfvar_script.ksh << EOF
+ cat > run_wrfvar_script.ksh << EOF
#!/bin/ksh -v
# ksh run_wrfvar_script.ksh element start_date
@@ -765,20 +777,10 @@
while [[ \$it -le \$NANALYSIS ]] ; do
set -A g_date \`\$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe \$this_date 0 -g\`
this_date_wrf=\`\$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe \$this_date 0 -w\`
- da_window_min=\`\$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe \$this_date -3 -w\`
- da_window_max=\`\$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe \$this_date 3 -w\`
(( seed_array2 = ie * 10000 ))
- var_scaling0=$DA_VAR_SCALING
- var_scaling1=\$var_scaling0
- var_scaling2=\$var_scaling0
- var_scaling3=\$var_scaling0
- var_scaling4=\$var_scaling0
- var_scaling5=\$var_scaling0
yyyy=\`echo \$this_date | cut -c 1-4\`
mm=\`echo \$this_date | cut -c 5-6\`
dd=\`echo \$this_date | cut -c 7-8\`
@@ -786,15 +788,14 @@
m4 -D_ANALYSIS_DATE_=\$this_date_wrf \
-D_SEED_ARRAY1_=\$seed_array1 -D_SEED_ARRAY2_=\$seed_array2 \
- -D_DA_WINDOW_MIN_=\$da_window_min -D_DA_WINDOW_MAX_=\$da_window_max \
-D_START_YEAR_=\$yyyy -D_START_MONTH_=\$mm -D_START_DAY_=\$dd -D_START_HOUR_=\$hh \
-D_END_YEAR_=\$yyyy -D_END_MONTH_=\$mm -D_END_DAY_=\$dd -D_END_HOUR_=\$hh \
-D_VAR_SCALING1_=\$var_scaling1 -D_VAR_SCALING2_=\$var_scaling2 \
-D_VAR_SCALING3_=\$var_scaling3 -D_VAR_SCALING4_=\$var_scaling4 \
-D_VAR_SCALING5_=\$var_scaling5 \
- $ICBC_DIR/namelist.input.3dvar > namelist.input
+ $ICBC_DIR/namelist.3dvar > namelist.input
- ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_mean_\${g_date[0]}_\${g_date[1]} fg
+ ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_\${g_date[0]}_\${g_date[1]}_mean fg
# If using an mpi version of da_wrfvar, swap the commented lines below
# and swap the mpi call on the script below - see MPIDA
# mpirun.lsf da_wrfvar.exe >> output.wrfvar 2>&1
@@ -810,7 +811,7 @@
ln -sf \$OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_\${g_date[0]}_\${g_date[1]}_\$ie wrfinput_this
ln -sf \$OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_\${g_date[0]}_\${g_date[1]}_\$ie wrfinput_next
- cp \$OUTPUT/wrfbdy_d01_mean_\${g_date[0]}_\${g_date[1]} wrfbdy_this
+ cp \$OUTPUT/wrfbdy_d01_\${g_date[0]}_\${g_date[1]}_mean wrfbdy_this
# ------- perturb the wrfbdy files --------
pert_wrf_bc > output.pert_wrf_bc.\${g_date[0]}_\${g_date[1]} 2>&1
@@ -834,7 +835,6 @@
if [[ -f $mpmd_cmdfile && $ie -eq 1 ]]; then \rm $mpmd_cmdfile ; fi
echo $RUN_DIR/$ie/run_wrfvar_script.ksh $ie $start_date \& >> $mpmd_cmdfile
-# if [[ $ie -eq $ENS_SIZE ]]; then echo wait >> $mpmd_cmdfile ; fi
(( ie = ie + 1 ))
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@
# --------------------------------
# for use as template of WRF/DART filter only
- cp $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_mean_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]} $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01
+ cp $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_mean $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01
# -------------------------
# create filter_ics if desired
@@ -901,13 +901,8 @@
m4 -D_FCST_=0 -D_MAX_DOM_=$MAX_DOM \
-D_END_YEAR_=$yyyy -D_END_MONTH_=$mm -D_END_DAY_=$dd -D_END_HOUR_=$hh \
- $ICBC_DIR/namelist.wrf.tmp > namelist.input
+ $ICBC_DIR/namelist.wrf > namelist.input
-# $ICBC_DIR/input.nml.cv3 > input.nml
cp $ICBC_DIR/input.nml.tmp input.nml
ln -sf $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/dart_to_wrf .
@@ -925,7 +920,7 @@
ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_$ie wrfinput_d01
if [[ MAX_DOM -eq 2 ]]; then
ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_$ie wrfout_d01_${start_date_wrf}
- ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d02_mean_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]} wrfndi_d02
+ ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d02_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_mean wrfinput_d02
mpirun.lsf ndown.exe
@@ -939,9 +934,6 @@
(( ie = ie + 1 ))
\mv filter_ic* $OUTPUT/.
-# FIX should d02 also be deleted here if present?
-# remove all member wrfinput_d01 files
- \rm -f $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_1*
# Prepare for running filter by creating an assimilation directory and the
@@ -949,34 +941,20 @@
if [[ -d $ASSIM_DIR ]]; then \rm -rf $ASSIM_DIR; fi
-mkdir -p $ASSIM_DIR
+ mkdir -p $ASSIM_DIR
# Copy in the input.nml file for DART
- cp $ICBC_DIR/input.nml.tmp $ASSIM_DIR/input.nml
+ cp $ICBC_DIR/input.nml.tmp $ASSIM_DIR/input.nml
# WRFDA and WRF namelists
- cp $ICBC_DIR/namelist.input.3dvar $ASSIM_DIR/namelist.3dvar.input
- cp $ICBC_DIR/namelist.wrf.tmp $ASSIM_DIR/namelist.wrf.tmp
+ head -123 $ICBC_DIR/namelist.3dvar > $ICBC_DIR/namelist.tmp
+ cat $ICBC_DIR/namelist.tmp $ICBC_DIR/namelist.wrf > $ASSIM_DIR/namelist.input
-# start_date=$INITIAL_DATE
-# end_date=`$TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe $INITIAL_DATE $DA_TIME_WINDOW`
-# fcst_hour=$DA_TIME_WINDOW
-#yyyy=`echo $start_date | cut -c 1-4`
-# mm=`echo $start_date | cut -c 5-6`
-# dd=`echo $start_date | cut -c 7-8`
-# hh=`echo $start_date | cut -c 9-10`
-#yyyy_end=`echo $end_date | cut -c 1-4`
-# mm_end=`echo $end_date | cut -c 5-6`
-# dd_end=`echo $end_date | cut -c 7-8`
-# hh_end=`echo $end_date | cut -c 9-10`
-#m4 -D_FCST_=$fcst_hour -D_MAX_DOM_=$MAX_DOM \
-# -D_START_YEAR_=$yyyy -D_START_MONTH_=$mm -D_START_DAY_=$dd -D_START_HOUR_=$hh \
-# -D_END_YEAR_=$yyyy_end -D_END_MONTH_=$mm_end -D_END_DAY_=$dd_end -D_END_HOUR_=$hh_end \
-# $ICBC_DIR/namelist.wrf.tmp > $ASSIM_DIR/namelist.wrf.input
# File with the value of variance for 3dvar
cat > bc_pert_scale << EOF
# Link all of the executables to the run directory
# DART first
@@ -986,27 +964,42 @@
ln -sf $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/wakeup_filter .
ln -sf $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/obs_diag .
ln -sf $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/filter .
- cp $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/advance_model.csh .
+ cp $DART_DIR/models/wrf/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh .
cp $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/runme_filter .
+ cp $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/advance_time .
# WRF and WRFDA executables
- ln -sf $WRF_DIR/run/* .
- ln -sf $TOOL_DIR/da_wrfvar.exe .
- ln -sf $TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe .
+ mkdir -p $ASSIM_DIR/WRF_RUN
+ ln -sf $WRF_DIR/run/* ./WRF_RUN/
+ rm ./WRF_RUN/namelist.input
+ ln -sf $TOOL_DIR/da_wrfvar.exe ./WRF_RUN/
+ ln -sf $TOOL_DIR/da_advance_time.exe ./WRF_RUN/
# Background covariance
- ln -sf $ICBC_DIR/be.dat .
+ ln -sf $ICBC_DIR/be.dat ./WRF_RUN/
# Initial condition files for filter
ln -sf $OUTPUT/filter_ic* .
ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01 .
# Link the observation sequence file
ln -sf $OBS_DIR/obs_seq.out .
# Create directory where wrfout files are written
-mkdir -p $ASSIM_DIR/wrfout
+ mkdir -p $ASSIM_DIR/WRFOUT
# Making WRF directory and linking the IC and BC files to there
-mkdir -p $ASSIM_DIR/WRF
+ mkdir -p $ASSIM_DIR/WRF
ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_d01 .
ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01 .
- ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_*mean* .
- ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_*mean* .
+ if [[ OTF -eq 1 ]]; then
+ ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_*mean .
+ ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_*mean .
+ else
+ ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfbdy_* .
+ fi
+ ie=1
+ while [[ $ie -le $ENS_SIZE ]]; do
+ ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d01_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_$ie wrfinput_d01_$ie
+ if [[ MAX_DOM -eq 2 ]]; then
+ ln -sf $OUTPUT/wrfinput_d02_${g_date[0]}_${g_date[1]}_$ie wrfinput_d02_$ie
+ fi
+ (( ie = ie + 1 ))
+ done
exit 0
Modified: DART/trunk/models/wrf/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh 2009-11-30 16:08:30 UTC (rev 4169)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh 2009-11-30 20:56:39 UTC (rev 4170)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
# 1. advance_time (from DART), located in your $CENTRALDIR
# 2. one of either (da_wrfvar.exe and pert_wrf_bc) or update_wrf_bc if you
# want to run real-data cases with specified LBCs. Elaborated below.
-# 3. directory $CENTRALDIR/WRF_RUN_DATA containing all the WRF run-time files
+# 3. directory $CENTRALDIR/WRF_RUN containing all the WRF run-time files
# (typically files with data for the physics: LANDUSE.TBL, RRTM_DATA, etc
# but also anything else you want to link into the wrf-run directory. If
# using WRF-Var then be.dat should be in there too.
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
# ####EITHER 1 or 2 is required for specified LBC runs
-# 1. da_wrfvar.exe (version 3.1 or later) and pert_wrf_bc in your $CENTRALDIR.
+# 1. da_wrfvar.exe (version 3.1 or later) and pert_wrf_bc in your $CENTRALDIR/WRF_RUN.
# In this case you also need be.dat (the be.dat.cv3 file from the WRF-Var
-# distribution) in your $CENTRALDIR/WRF_RUN_DATA, and WRF-Var namelists in
+# distribution) in your $CENTRALDIR/WRF_RUN, and WRF-Var namelists in
# your $CENTRALDIR/namelist.input
# 2. update_wrf_bc in your $CENTRALDIR for using pre-existing LBC files. Pre-existing LBC files should live in $CENTRALDIR/WRF
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@
set num_states = $2
set control_file = $3
-# Setting to 1 saves output files from the ensemble mean only, while setting to
-# larger numbers will save all member output files <= to this value
+# Setting to vals > 0 saves wrfout files,
+# will save all member output files <= to this value
set save_ensemble_member = 0
-set delete_temp_dir = true
+set delete_temp_dir = false
# set this to true if you want to maintain complete individual wrfinput/output
# for each member (to carry through non-updated fields)
-set individual_members = false
+set individual_members = true
# next line ensures that the last cycle leaves everything in the temp dirs
if ( $individual_members == true ) set delete_temp_dir = false
@@ -112,14 +112,14 @@
exit 1
- if ( ! -d WRF_RUN_DATA ) then
- echo ABORT\: advance_model.csh could not find required data directory ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN_DATA, which contains all the WRF run-time input files
+ if ( ! -d WRF_RUN ) then
+ echo ABORT\: advance_model.csh could not find required data directory ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN, which contains all the WRF run-time input files
exit 1
- if ( ! -x ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe ) then
+ if ( ! -x ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN/da_wrfvar.exe ) then
- echo WARNING\: advance_model.csh could not find optional executable dependency ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe
+ echo WARNING\: advance_model.csh could not find optional executable dependency ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN/da_wrfvar.exe
if ( ! -x update_wrf_bc ) then
echo ABORT\: advance_model.csh could not find required executable dependency ${CENTRALDIR}/update_wrf_bc
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@
echo WARNING\: da_wrfvar.exe found, using it to update LBCs on the fly
- if ( ! -x pert_wrf_bc ) then
+ if ( ! -x ${CENTRALDIR}/pert_wrf_bc ) then
echo ABORT\: advance_model.csh could not find required executable dependency ${CENTRALDIR}/pert_wrf_bc
exit 1
- if ( ! -r ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN_DATA/be.dat ) then
- echo ABORT\: advance_model.csh could not find required readable dependency ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN_DATA/be.dat
+ if ( ! -r ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN/be.dat ) then
+ echo ABORT\: advance_model.csh could not find required readable dependency ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN/be.dat
exit 1
if ( ! -e ${CENTRALDIR}/bc_pert_scale ) then
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
endif # process 0 dependency checking
# set this flag here for all processes so we don't have to keep checking
-if ( -x ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe ) then
+if ( -x ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN/da_wrfvar.exe ) then
set USE_WRFVAR = 1
set USE_WRFVAR = 0
@@ -194,13 +194,13 @@
# link WRF-runtime files (required) and be.dat (if using WRF-Var)
# link DART namelist
${LN} ${CENTRALDIR}/input.nml .
# link WRF executable
- ${LN} ${CENTRALDIR}/wrf.exe .
+# ${LN} ${CENTRALDIR}/wrf.exe .
# nfile is required when using MPICH to run wrf.exe
# nfile is machine specific. Not needed on all platforms
@@ -394,12 +394,14 @@
end_minute = ${END_MIN},
end_second = ${END_SEC},
+ /max_dom/c\
+ max_dom = 1,
# The EOF on the line above MUST REMAIN in column 1.
sed -f script.sed ${CENTRALDIR}/namelist.input >! namelist.input
${LN} ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF/wrfinput_d01_${targdays}_${targsecs}_mean ./fg
- ${CENTRALDIR}/da_wrfvar.exe >>&! out.wrfvar
+ ${CENTRALDIR}/WRF_RUN/da_wrfvar.exe >>&! out.wrfvar
if ( -e rsl.out.0000 ) cat rsl.out.0000 >> out.wrfvar
${MOVE} wrfvar_output wrfinput_next
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