[Dart-dev] [4165] DART/trunk/location/annulus/location_mod.f90: Update the annulus locations mod to match the current code.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Nov 25 13:58:27 MST 2009
Revision: 4165
Author: nancy
Date: 2009-11-25 13:58:27 -0700 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009)
Log Message:
Update the annulus locations mod to match the current code.
Only used by MITgcm_annulus model at this point.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/location/annulus/location_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/location/annulus/location_mod.f90 2009-11-25 20:57:44 UTC (rev 4164)
+++ DART/trunk/location/annulus/location_mod.f90 2009-11-25 20:58:27 UTC (rev 4165)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
! might want to use real names for the values for clarity.)
use types_mod, only : r8, PI, RAD2DEG, DEG2RAD, MISSING_R8, MISSING_I
-use utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, E_ERR
+use utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, ascii_file_format
use random_seq_mod, only : random_seq_type, init_random_seq, random_uniform
implicit none
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
write_location, read_location, interactive_location, &
vert_is_pressure, vert_is_level, vert_is_height, query_location, &
LocationDims, LocationName, LocationLName, &
- get_close_obs, alloc_get_close_obs, &
+ get_close_obs, alloc_get_close_obs, get_close_type, &
+ get_close_maxdist_init, get_close_obs_init, get_close_obs_destroy, &
operator(==), operator(/=)
! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
type location_type
- real(r8) :: lon, lat, vloc
+ real(r8) :: azm, rad, vloc
integer :: which_vert
! which_vert determines if the location is by level or by height/pressure
! 1 ===> obs is by level
@@ -55,10 +56,17 @@
! 3 ===> obs is by height
end type location_type
+type get_close_type
+ private
+ integer :: maxdist
+end type get_close_type
type(random_seq_type) :: ran_seq
logical :: ran_seq_init = .false.
logical,save :: module_initialized = .false.
+character(len=129) :: errstring
integer, parameter :: LocationDims = 3
character(len = 129), parameter :: LocationName = "loc_annulus"
character(len = 129), parameter :: LocationLName = &
@@ -85,13 +93,9 @@
function get_dist(loc1, loc2)
-implicit none
! To comply with current (Guam) configuration, distance depends only on
! horizontal distance.
-! Note that for compatibility with other location modules, lat represents
-! the radial direction, and lon represents the azimuthal angle.
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc1, loc2
real(r8) :: get_dist
@@ -101,10 +105,10 @@
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
! convert from cylindrical to cartesian coordinates
-x1 = loc1%lat*cos(loc1%lon)
-y1 = loc1%lat*sin(loc1%lon)
-x2 = loc2%lat*cos(loc2%lon)
-y2 = loc2%lat*sin(loc2%lon)
+x1 = loc1%rad*cos(loc1%azm)
+y1 = loc1%rad*sin(loc1%azm)
+x2 = loc2%rad*cos(loc2%azm)
+y2 = loc2%rad*sin(loc2%azm)
! Returns distance in m
get_dist = sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
@@ -119,15 +123,13 @@
! Given a location type (where the azimuthal angle is in radians), this
! routine return the azimuthal angle in degrees, the radius, and the level
-implicit none
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc
real(r8), dimension(3) :: get_location
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
- get_location(1) = loc%lon * RAD2DEG
- get_location(2) = loc%lat
+ get_location(1) = loc%azm * RAD2DEG
+ get_location(2) = loc%rad
get_location(3) = loc%vloc
end function get_location
@@ -199,8 +201,6 @@
! Returns true only if all components are 'the same' to within machine
! precision.
-implicit none
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc1, loc2
logical :: loc_eq
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@
loc_eq = .false.
-if ( abs(loc1%lon - loc2%lon ) > epsilon(loc1%lon ) ) return
-if ( abs(loc1%lat - loc2%lat ) > epsilon(loc1%lat ) ) return
+if ( abs(loc1%azm - loc2%azm ) > epsilon(loc1%azm ) ) return
+if ( abs(loc1%rad - loc2%rad ) > epsilon(loc1%rad ) ) return
if ( abs(loc1%vloc - loc2%vloc) > epsilon(loc1%vloc) ) return
loc_eq = .true.
@@ -224,8 +224,6 @@
! interface operator used to compare two locations.
! Returns true if locations are not identical to machine precision.
-implicit none
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc1, loc2
logical :: loc_ne
@@ -242,14 +240,12 @@
! Given a longitude location, return the azimuthal angle in degrees
-implicit none
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc
real(r8) :: get_location_lon
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-get_location_lon = loc%lon * RAD2DEG
+get_location_lon = loc%azm * RAD2DEG
end function get_location_lon
@@ -260,14 +256,12 @@
! Given a latitude location, return the radius
-implicit none
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc
real(r8) :: get_location_lat
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-get_location_lat = loc%lat
+get_location_lat = loc%rad
end function get_location_lat
@@ -279,15 +273,11 @@
! Puts the given azimuthal angle (in degrees), radius, and vertical
! location into a location datatype.
-implicit none
type (location_type) :: set_location
real(r8), intent(in) :: lon, lat
real(r8), intent(in) :: vert_loc
integer, intent(in) :: which_vert
-character(len=129) :: errstring
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
if(lon < 0.0_r8 .or. lon > 360.0_r8) then
@@ -295,11 +285,11 @@
call error_handler(E_ERR, 'set_location', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
-set_location%lon = lon * DEG2RAD
-set_location%lat = lat
+set_location%azm = lon * DEG2RAD
+set_location%rad = lat
-if(which_vert < 1 .or. which_vert == 2 .or. which_vert > 3 ) then
- write(errstring,*)'which_vert (',which_vert,') must be either 1 or 3'
+if(which_vert /= -1 .and. which_vert /= 1 .and. which_vert /= 3 ) then
+ write(errstring,*)'which_vert (',which_vert,') must be -1, 1 or 3'
call error_handler(E_ERR,'set_location', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
@@ -315,13 +305,9 @@
! location semi-independent interface routine
! given 4 float numbers, call the underlying set_location routine
-implicit none
type (location_type) :: set_location2
real(r8), intent(in) :: list(:)
-character(len=129) :: errstring
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
if (size(list) /= 4) then
@@ -341,8 +327,8 @@
type (location_type) :: set_location_missing
-set_location_missing%lon = missing_r8
-set_location_missing%lat = missing_r8
+set_location_missing%azm = missing_r8
+set_location_missing%rad = missing_r8
set_location_missing%vloc = missing_r8
set_location_missing%which_vert = missing_i
@@ -356,8 +342,6 @@
! Returns the value of the attribute
-implicit none
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: attr
real(r8) :: fval
@@ -373,9 +357,9 @@
case ('which_vert','WHICH_VERT')
fval = loc%which_vert
case ('lat','LAT')
- fval = loc%lat
+ fval = loc%rad
case ('lon','LON')
- fval = loc%lon
+ fval = loc%azm
case ('vloc','VLOC')
fval = loc%vloc
case default
@@ -386,35 +370,53 @@
end function query_location
-subroutine write_location(ifile, loc, fform)
+subroutine write_location(ifile, loc, fform, charstring)
! Writes location to the file. Implemented as a subroutine but could
! rewrite as a function with error control info returned. For initial
! implementation, file is just an integer file unit number.
-implicit none
+integer, intent(in) :: ifile
+type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: charstring
-integer, intent(in) :: ifile
-type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc
-character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+logical :: writebuf
+integer :: charlength
-character(len=32) :: fileformat
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-fileformat = "ascii" ! supply default
-if(present(fform)) fileformat = trim(adjustl(fform))
+! incoming char string must be long enough for format
+writebuf = present(charstring)
+if (writebuf) then
+ charlength = 82
+ if (len(charstring) < charlength) then
+ write(errstring, *) 'charstring buffer must be at least ', charlength, ' chars long'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'write_location', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
-SELECT CASE (fileformat)
- CASE("unf", "UNF", "unformatted", "UNFORMATTED")
- write(ifile)loc%lon, loc%lat, loc%vloc, loc%which_vert
+if (ascii_file_format(fform)) then
+ if (writebuf) then
+ write(charstring,'(3(f22.14,1x),i4)') &
+ loc%azm, loc%rad, loc%vloc, loc%which_vert
+ else
+ ! Write out pressure or level along with integer tag
write(ifile, '(''loc3d'')' )
-! Write out pressure or level along with integer tag
- write(ifile, *)loc%lon, loc%lat, loc%vloc, loc%which_vert
+ write(ifile, '(1x,3(f22.14,1x),i4)')loc%azm, loc%rad, loc%vloc, loc%which_vert
+ endif
+ if (writebuf) then
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'write_location', &
+ 'Cannot use string buffer with binary format', &
+ source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
+ write(ifile)loc%azm, loc%rad, loc%vloc, loc%which_vert
end subroutine write_location
@@ -425,37 +427,29 @@
! Reads location from file that was written by write_location.
! See write_location for additional discussion.
-implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ifile
type(location_type) :: read_location
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
character(len=5) :: header
-character(len=129) :: errstring
-character(len=32) :: fileformat
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-fileformat = "ascii" ! supply default
-if(present(fform)) fileformat = trim(adjustl(fform))
+if (ascii_file_format(fform)) then
+ read(ifile, '(a5)' ) header
-SELECT CASE (fileformat)
- CASE("unf", "UNF", "unformatted", "UNFORMATTED")
- read(ifile)read_location%lon, read_location%lat, &
- read_location%vloc, read_location%which_vert
- read(ifile, '(a5)' ) header
+ if(header /= 'loc3d') then
+ write(errstring,*)'Expected location header "loc3d" in input file, got ', header
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'read_location', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
+ ! Now read the location data value
+ read(ifile, *)read_location%azm, read_location%rad, &
+ read_location%vloc, read_location%which_vert
+ read(ifile)read_location%azm, read_location%rad, &
+ read_location%vloc, read_location%which_vert
- if(header /= 'loc3d') then
- write(errstring,*)'Expected location header "loc3d" in input file, got ', header
- call error_handler(E_ERR, 'read_location', errstring, source, revision, revdate)
- endif
-! Now read the location data value
- read(ifile, *)read_location%lon, read_location%lat, &
- read_location%vloc, read_location%which_vert
end function read_location
@@ -466,20 +460,18 @@
! Allows for interactive input of a location. Also gives option of selecting
! a uniformly distributed random location (what the heck).
-implicit none
type(location_type), intent(out) :: location
logical, intent(in), optional :: set_to_default
-real(r8) :: lon, lat, minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat
+real(r8) :: azm, rad, minazm, maxazm, minrad, maxrad
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
! If set_to_default is true, then just zero out and return
if(present(set_to_default)) then
if(set_to_default) then
- location%lon = 0.0_r8
- location%lat = 0.0_r8
+ location%azm = 0.0_r8
+ location%rad = 0.0_r8
location%vloc = 0.0_r8
location%which_vert = 0
@@ -511,14 +503,14 @@
write(*, *) 'Input azimuthal angle: value 0 to 360.0 or a negative number '
write(*, *) 'for uniformly distributed random location in the horizontal.'
-read(*, *) lon
+read(*, *) azm
-do while(lon > 360.0_r8)
+do while(azm > 360.0_r8)
write(*, *) 'Input value greater than 360.0 is illegal, please try again'
- read(*, *) lon
+ read(*, *) azm
end do
-if(lon < 0.0_r8) then
+if(azm < 0.0_r8) then
! Need to make sure random sequence is initialized
@@ -528,40 +520,40 @@
write(*, *) 'Input minimum azimuthal angle (0 to 360.0)'
- read(*, *) minlon
- minlon = minlon * DEG2RAD
+ read(*, *) minazm
+ minazm = minazm * DEG2RAD
write(*, *) 'Input maximum azimuthal angle(0 to 360.0)'
- read(*, *) maxlon
- maxlon = maxlon * DEG2RAD
+ read(*, *) maxazm
+ maxazm = maxazm * DEG2RAD
! Longitude is random from minlon to maxlon
- location%lon = random_uniform(ran_seq) * (maxlon-minlon) + minlon
+ location%azm = random_uniform(ran_seq) * (maxazm-minazm) + minazm
write(*, *) 'Input minimum radius '
- read(*, *) minlat
+ read(*, *) minrad
write(*, *) 'Input maximum radius '
- read(*, *) maxlat
+ read(*, *) maxrad
! Latitude must be area weighted to obtain proper random realizations
- location%lat = sqrt(random_uniform(ran_seq) * (maxlat-minlat) + minlat)
+ location%rad = sqrt(random_uniform(ran_seq) * (maxrad-minrad) + minrad)
- write(*, *) 'random location is ', location%lon / DEG2RAD, &
- location%lat
+ write(*, *) 'random location is ', location%azm / DEG2RAD, &
+ location%rad
write(*, *) 'Input radius '
- read(*, *) lat
+ read(*, *) rad
- do while(lat < 0)
+ do while(rad < 0)
write(*, *) 'Input value is illegal, please try again'
- read(*, *) lat
+ read(*, *) rad
end do
- location%lat = lat
- location%lon = lon*DEG2RAD
+ location%rad = rad
+ location%azm = azm*DEG2RAD
end if
@@ -578,16 +570,14 @@
use typeSizes
use netcdf
-implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ncFileID, LocationVarID
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc
integer, intent(in) :: start
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-call check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, LocationVarID, loc%lon, (/ start, 1 /) ))
-call check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, LocationVarID, loc%lat, (/ start, 2 /) ))
+call check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, LocationVarID, loc%azm, (/ start, 1 /) ))
+call check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, LocationVarID, loc%rad, (/ start, 2 /) ))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, LocationVarID, loc%vloc, (/ start, 3 /) ))
@@ -605,13 +595,44 @@
end subroutine nc_write_location
+subroutine get_close_obs_destroy(gc)
+type(get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+end subroutine get_close_obs_destroy
+subroutine get_close_maxdist_init(gc, maxdist)
+type(get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+real(r8), intent(in) :: maxdist
+gc%maxdist = maxdist
+end subroutine get_close_maxdist_init
+subroutine get_close_obs_init(gc, num, obs)
+! Initializes part of get_close accelerator that depends on the particular obs
+type(get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
+integer, intent(in) :: num
+type(location_type), intent(in) :: obs(num)
+end subroutine get_close_obs_init
subroutine alloc_get_close_obs(num, obs, cutoff, obs_box)
-implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: num
type(location_type), intent(in) :: obs(num)
real(r8), intent(in) :: cutoff
@@ -629,33 +650,31 @@
-subroutine get_close_obs(base_ob, num, obs, cutoff, obs_box, num_close, close_ind, dist)
+subroutine get_close_obs(gc, base_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs, obs_kind, &
+ num_close, close_ind, dist)
-! This is the wrong code for this location module; it seems to be lifted
-! from the 1d case, which is incorrect. It does allow code to be compiled
-! but it will not compute correct values for distance.
+! Return how many locations are closer than cutoff distance, along with a
+! count, and the actual distances if requested. The kinds are available if
+! more sophisticated distance computations are wanted.
-implicit none
+type(get_close_type), intent(in) :: gc
+type(location_type), intent(in) :: base_obs_loc, obs(:)
+integer, intent(in) :: base_obs_kind, obs_kind(:)
+integer, intent(out) :: num_close, close_ind(:)
+real(r8), optional, intent(out) :: dist(:)
-integer, intent(in) :: base_ob, num
-type(location_type), intent(in) :: obs(num)
-real(r8), intent(in) :: cutoff
-integer, intent(in) :: obs_box(num)
-integer, intent(out) :: num_close, close_ind(num)
-real(r8), intent(out) :: dist(num)
integer :: i
real(r8) :: this_dist
! Return list of obs that are within cutoff and their distances
num_close = 0
-do i = 1, num
- this_dist = get_dist(obs(base_ob), obs(i))
- if(this_dist <= cutoff) then
+do i = 1, size(obs)
+ this_dist = get_dist(base_obs_loc, obs(i))
+ if(this_dist < gc%maxdist) then
! Add this ob to the list
num_close = num_close + 1
close_ind(num_close) = i
- dist(num_close) = this_dist
+ if (present(dist)) dist(num_close) = this_dist
end do
@@ -668,14 +687,10 @@
! Returns true if the given location is between the other two.
-implicit none
logical :: is_location_in_region
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc, minl, maxl
-character(len=129) :: errstring
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
if ((minl%which_vert /= maxl%which_vert) .or. &
@@ -688,8 +703,8 @@
! set to success only at the bottom after all tests have passed.
is_location_in_region = .false.
-if ((loc%lon < minl%lon) .or. (loc%lon > maxl%lon)) return
-if ((loc%lat < minl%lat) .or. (loc%lat > maxl%lat)) return
+if ((loc%azm < minl%azm) .or. (loc%azm > maxl%azm)) return
+if ((loc%rad < minl%rad) .or. (loc%rad > maxl%rad)) return
if ((loc%vloc < minl%vloc) .or. (loc%vloc > maxl%vloc)) return
is_location_in_region = .true.
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